Saturday, December 5, 2015


 This Is A List of Rife / Frequencies / Tones And Medical Information .



Come learn about the most hidden medical cover up in the medical industries @ 



My Blog is a Blog I made to teach people the truth about sound / frequency healing and how to make healing tones for them and the ones they love . I do my best to teach people about sound healing and frequency therapy and how to do it your self and for free .



This is a small part of my research I am making public . The healing links and tone generators are after the Royal Rife Story  . Recently I went to the Museum of medical science located in on Ewing St. in the medical center and museum district . My lest name is Ewing and they also have the children's museum located on Ewing St . I went into the Museum of medical science and went to the part dealing with micro bio and cell type things . I found nothing on Royal Rife . I found it really strange there was nothing about the man who created the first micro bio-tic telescope . The first telescope to look into cells . The man that sold my family our Rife is in jail for 50 years for being a Rife distributer . This is the hugest cover up in medical history but people fail to see it that way . Here is my research and unfolding stories on what people really need to know and and how to stay healthy . This is a small part of my research I am making public . The healing links and tone generators are after the Royal Rife Story  . This is Free and I have been doing research on the Rife for many many years ever since my sister became sick over 20 years ago . She was misdiagnosed at the age of 19 I was 14 . I lost my sister a few years ago and my studies have not stopped and will not ever stop searching for free cures . I am one of those very un wealthy people like me who truly care because . I have seen so much suffering and lived in boxes and slept in the bushes while being homeless . A good action or even a shared post can change or save a life . You never know who might see this and who needs helps and can not afford it  . Ladies please stop wearing wired Bras . They give you breast cancer and lung cancer ext . The industry knows it and that you are a valuable commodity . We need good people being better more than ever now . Please share and thank you for your support . After the article is a lot of healing frequencies and my video with free down load links that has mostly all frequencies to kill and cure all forms of sicknesses and illness . Stay Healthy and heal you so you can heal others .
( this is my free rife / tone healing blog and information on how to protect your self and your future ) 

Zakaos + Type O Blood & The Quick Grow Cancer Medical Cult Lie .

         This is my go fund me campaign link .

          I Am A Targeted Individual Artist



The is the story of  the U.S. Government started to learn how to quick grow cancer and use it as a bio weapon on innocent Americans . This is going on today even more with the U.S. Governments so called Cancer epidemic they induced and started with vaccines and G.M.O.


                   Dr. Mary's Monkey





This is my health and alternative news page I run and made to help people stay informed of health truth . 

The Rife Frequency and Vibrational Healing ( This is my Health Rife Page for alternative health news and tones )        




Doctors are Being Killed from Saving Your Children ~ Most Urgent!!!




Posted by Mary Carmel News on November 23, 2015


G. Edward Griffin - A World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B17


Dead Doctors Don't Lie" by Dr. Joel Wallach


Protection and healing from Directed Energy Weapons HAARP Targeted Individual Microwave Weapons and much much more



Here are Free Tone Generators links on line to get started on your free healing . The Rife cost $1200 at least . This is my free Rife / Binural alternative . You can mix the oil tones in the photo with healing tones also .

Frequency Sound Generator ( For Android )

Tone Generator ( iOS)

Soundscape Generator 1.3

Chaos soundscape generator

Healing Generator 1.0

Here is a list of some free ones and cheap computer tone makers .


           More Information on Royal Rife

According to Dr. Royal R. Rife, every disease has a frequency . He found that certain frequencies can prevent the development of disease and that others would destroy disease. Substances with higher frequency will destroy diseases of a lower frequency. The study of frequencies raises an important question , concerning the frequencies of substances we eat, breathe and absorb. Many pollutants lower healthy frequency. Processed/canned food has a frequency of zero. Fresh produce has up to 15 Hz , dried herbs from 12 to 22 Hz and fresh herbs from 20 to 27 Hz.

Essential oils start at 52 Hz and go as high as 320 Hz, which is the frequency of rose oil. Clinical research shows that therapeutic grade essential oils have the highest frequency of any natural substance known to man, creating an environment in which disease, bacteria, virus, fungus, etc., cannot live.American inventor Nikola Tesla ( 1856 – 1943 ), a pioneer of electrical technology, said that if you could eliminate certain outside frequencies that interfered in our bodies, we would have greater resistance toward disease.Every essential oil has a frequency and each of our organs and body parts have a frequency. The frequency of an oil will attract a like frequency in the body. Lower frequencies become a sponge for negative energy. The frequency is what stays in the body to maintain the longer lasting effects of the oil. Low frequencies make physical changes in the body. Middle frequencies make emotional changes in the body. High frequencies make spiritual changes in the body. Spiritual frequencies range from 92 to 360 Hz. ( Bone frequency is 38-43; neck and down frequency is 62 - 68 )

                The Kings Chamber Frequencies

 There appears to be a correlation between a specific frequency and the atomic weight of the elements. For instance , if the note of  " C " is low in a person's voice , chances are the element of the zinc is also low in the body . The frequency of the note of "C" at the second octave is 65.40 cycles per second ( hertz ) , and the atomic weight of the element of zinc is 65.37 . So by listening to the frequency of the zinc the cells of the body will receive the vibration ; and when the person eats foods that contain zinc , the body will resonate with this vibration and absorb the zinc. Not only will the body become more balanced , but the voice will improve ; for it will produce all the notes in a more harmonious way .

"Measurement of standing wave forms from electrical storms confirmed what he had suspected, that the earth had a resonant frequency and could therefore be used as a wave carrier to transmit signals . He established that lightning storms as they swooped down the Rockies and then rumbled across the plains into Kansas were resonating at a frequency of 7.68-7.82 cycles per second , or “ Hertz ” ( Hz ) This natural phenomenon was rediscovered in the 1960s by researcher W.O. Schumann while working for the Navy on ways to broadcast nuclear war orders to submerged submarines."

360Hz = The Balance Frequency ( add the numbers ! What do you get ? ) is derived from the Golden Section and is a harmonic that naturally brings sensations of joy and healing. Vibrational Medicine science assert that the Golden section tones as well as Fibonacci sequence music brings balance to health . Even more amazing , NASA astronauts have long proven that the earth creates a tone in space of 360Hz !!

The ancient Chinese knowledge of 172 Hz as the fundament harmonic frequency of nature .

172.06 - Resonates with the Platonic year { about 26,000 years } ( Note = F ) The great tone of nature in China known as the Kung is the musical note F , while in Tibet , the notes A , F , and G are the sounds of power . The Emperor of China kept the peace by traveling once a year with his entourage to each province to tune the notes of the scale. This procedure maintained peace for thousands of years . ( Color = purple - violet ) ( Effects = joyful , cheerful , spiritual effect ) [ PSI ] ; The Frequency Of The Platonic Year ( Color = red - violet { purple } ) ( Tempo = 80.6 BPM ) ( Chakra = Sahasrar / Crown chakra ) ( Effects = cheerfulness , clarity of spirit , cosmic unity on highest levels ) ( Medicinal=anti depressive ) (Other=F is considered the tone of the spirit , and had a lot of significance to the Chinese ) * Other sources [ PM ] disagree about the tone F being associated with the Crown chakra, which is how HC/Planetware connects this frequency to the crown chakra . [ PM ] considers the crown chakra to be associated with the B note , and not F .

For a photograph of a 65 bell ensemble of ancient Chinese bells using a norm tone ( 2 millenia before such a concept was instituted in Europe ) of 345 Hz (344 Hz would be a harmonic of 172 Hz ) , see:

441Hz = The King's Chamber Frequency. Like the Balance Frequency, the King's Chamber acts towards preservation and equilibrium . Play a 441Hz tone in a chaotic room and people will find themselves mellowing down .

Ed Skilling designed a unit to output 728 Hz which is the Rife frequency considered to be the most healing . This frequency is carried on a radio frequency wave to transport it to the body. This works in the same way a radio transmitter carries the signal for a particular radio station so it can be received by a radio in any given area . As with Lakhovsky's work , the cells can then pick up their resonant healthy frequency . The immune system can then gradually strengthen .

     This Is A Huge Compiled List Of Rife / Frequencies / Tones . 


All women need to know this  . 

 Estrogen is 1.351 Hz .

126.22 Hz, the same frequency as the Sun, HD

Vitamin D Deficiency RELIEF ( women that go threw menopause ) ( 57.5 hz + 426.9hz )

Chem trail detox 1067 hz

Chest infection 333 hz

Chest infection 333 hz

Orgonite is 7.8 and it turns harmful radiation into healing energy for the body and mind , mix it with 528 for great results .

480 hz Magnesium Frequency . Magnetism is a core component in water . We are 80 percent Water .

10.5 hz - Healing , healing mind , healing of body , beneficial , alertness , blood pressure lowering , chakra  heart / anharta ,circulation system , contemplation , convalescence , emotion , feelings emotions , fire walking ,heart ,heart / Anahata ,chakra , illness post , illness , immune , system , stimulation of , love of self , mind over matter , mind / body healing , mind and body unity , Relaxed alertness , thymus , unity mind / body , walking on fire .

15 hz - Attentiveness , autism mild , blood pressure , brain upper , capillary formation , chakra crown / sahasrara , disc herniated , emotional states , emotional trauma , energy blocks emotional , eye sight , fibroblast proliferation , focused relaxed , hypertension , joint , necrosis skin , pain chronic , personality integration of , Pineal gland ,Plants , reflexes conditional , sciatica , sensorimotor , spirituality , subliminal sound , tissue , blood pressure high , brain alpha stimulation , pancreas .



126.22 Hz  the same frequency as the Sun

360 hZ + liberating GUILT

417 hZ + connecting/relationships

528 Hz + DNA Repair + Scale Of God + Love tone

852 Hz + Returning To Spiritual Order .

 1st tone is 228 Hz 23 6Hz Root

2 nd tone is 303 Hz 311 Hz Sacral

3 rd tone is 182 Hz 190 Hz Solar Plexus

4 th tone is 256 Hz 264 Hz Heart

5th tone is 192 Hz 200 Hz Throat

6th tone is 144 Hz 152 Hz Third Eye

7th tone is 432 Hz 440 Hz Crown

741 Hz Awakening Intuition . This is the fixed tone of the music world and the tone for dissidence / negative polarity of love and known as the devil tone .  The British use this is many standard home and operating mechanisms .

418 hz Temporomandibular joint disorder . 

144.72 hz Activity , energy ( mars frequency )

7.0 hz - bone growth , mental & astral projection , bending objects , psychic surgery , increased reaction time , treatment of sleep disturbances .               

Brainwave frequency used in Silva Mind Control uses to get you in the zone 10.53    

According to Dr. Royal R. Rife, every disease has a frequency. He found that certain frequencies can prevent the development of disease and that others would destroy disease. Substances with higher frequency will destroy diseases of a lower frequency. The study of frequencies raises an important question, concerning the frequencies of substances we eat, breathe and absorb. Many pollutants lower healthy frequency. Processed/canned food has a frequency of zero. Fresh produce has up to 15 Hz, dried herbs from 12 to 22 Hz and fresh herbs from 20 to 27 Hz.

Essential oils start at 52 Hz and go as high as 320 Hz, which is the frequency of rose oil. Clinical research shows that therapeutic grade essential oils have the highest frequency of any natural substance known to man, creating an environment in which disease, bacteria, virus, fungus, etc., cannot live.

Circulation , Sex C 586 Hz

0.13 hz Relief from Metabolic Disorders . 0.13 hz Relief from Metabolic diseases, Campylobacter Infections, Cardiovascular diseases , Colic , Fecal Incontinence , Fistula , Fractures (bone) , Gait Disorders ( Neurologic ), Giant Cell Arteritis, IgA Disease , Jaundice , Klebsiella Infections, Kidney failure (chronic, acute), Lactose intolerance , Muscle Spasticity , Muscle dystrophies, muscle cramp, mumps , Nephrotic syndrome, Photo sensitivity Disorders, Pleural diseases , polyneuropathies, prostatic diseases , Rheumatic disease, rheumatic fever , Rickettsia Infections, Seasonal affective disorders , Sleep disorders , typhoid disorders , urination disorders .

Metabolic Disorders, Repair , see also freq. : 0.13 hz, 0.52 hz, 2.61 hz, 110.39 hz, 130hz, 211.11 hz, 351.02 hz, 405.85 hz, 520 hz, 622.28 hz , 753.08 hz, 832.63 hz, 2610 hz.
Metabolic Disorders/Disease Relief (1): 110.39 hz + 405.85 hz

Metabolic Stress Relief: 0.14, 0.68, 2.50, 62.42, 122.53, 300.00, 496.01, 655.20, 755.00, 805.12
2.5 h , 300 hz 

Measurement of standing wave forms from electrical storms confirmed what he had suspected, that the earth had a resonant frequency and could therefore be used as a wave carrier to transmit signals. He established that lightning storms as they swooped down the Rockies and then rumbled across the plains into Kansas were resonating at a frequency of 7.68-7.82 cycles per second , or “ Hertz ” ( Hz ) This natural phenomenon was rediscovered in the 1960s by researcher W.O. Schumann while working for the Navy on ways to broadcast nuclear war orders to submerged submarines."

360 Hz = The Balance Frequency ( add the numbers ! What do you get?) is derived from the Golden Section and is a harmonic that naturally brings sensations of joy and healing. Vibrational Medicine science assert that the Golden section tones as well as Fibonacci sequence music brings balance to health. Even more amazing, NASA astronauts have long proven that the earth creates a tone in space of 360Hz !!

The ancient Chinese knowledge of 172 Hz as the fundament harmonic frequency of nature

172.06 - Resonates with the Platonic year { about 26 , 000 years } ( Note = F ) The great tone of nature in China known as the Kung is the musical note F, while in Tibet, the notes A, F, and G are the sounds of power . The Emporer of China kept the peace by traveling once a year with his entourage to each province to tune the notes of the scale. This procedure maintained peace for thousands of years. ( Color = purple-violet) ( Effects=joyful, cheerful, spiritual effect) [PSI]; The Frequency Of The Platonic Year ( Color = red - violet { purple}) ( Tempo = 80.6 BPM ) ( Chakra = Sahasrar / Crown chakra ) ( Effects = cheerfulness , clarity of spirit , cosmic unity on highest levels ) ( Medicinal = anti depressive ) ( Other = F is considered the tone of the spirit , and had a lot of significance to the Chinese) * Other sources [ PM ] disagree about the tone F being associated with the Crown chakra , which is how HC / Planetware connects this frequency to the crown chakra . [PM] considers the crown chakra to be associated with the B note, and not F.

For a photograph of a 65 bell ensemble of ancient Chinese bells using a norm tone (2 millennia before such a concept was instituted in Europe) of 345 Hz ( 344 Hz would be a harmonic of 172 Hz )


441 Hz = The King's Chamber Frequency . Like the Balance Frequency , the King's Chamber acts towards preservation and equilibrium. Play a 441Hz tone in a chaotic room and people will find themselves mellowing down.

664 hz General Prophylaxis , Relief Fatigue ,

Chemtrail Detox 0.52 hz + 0.55 hz Detox ( Toxin extraction )

Vitamin D Deficiency RELIEF ( women that go threw menopause ) ( 57.5 hz + 426.9hz )

7.5 hz Relief from Kidney and Intestinal problems

Standard concert A tuning = 440 Hz

Chakra Healing A tuning = 432 Hz

 0.9 euphoria

0.1-1 organ and muscle

0.1-1 Delta range - deep sleep ,lucid dreaming , increased immune system , high level of inspiration , decrease awareness of physical world .

0.5 Very relaxing against head ache ,lower back pain ,thyroid ,reproduction ,excretory stinulat ,whole brain toner

0.5 - 1.5 pain relief

0.5 - 4 low delta range ,deep dreamless sleep ,trance ,suspended animation ,anti aging ,reduce amount of cortisol , a hormone associated with stress and aging ,increase levels of DHEA .

1.0 Feeling of well being ,pituitary stimulation to release growth hormones .

1.5 Abrihams Universal healing rate

1.8 Sinus Congestion seems to clear centering around .

2.0 Nerve regeneration

2.06 Associated with coccyx ( small triangular bone at end of the spinal column )

2.30 Associated with genitals

2.57 Associated with bladder

 399  decongestants for the body

400  also congestion the body

 612 used mostly for tumor or fatty tissue

Thymus Gland is 65 - 68 MHz

Heart is 67 - 70 MHz

Lungs are 58 - 65 MHz

Liver is 55 - 60 MHz

Pancreas is 60 - 80 MHz

Colds and Flu start at: 57 - 60 MHz

Disease starts at: 58 MHz

Candida overgrowth starts at: 55 MHz

Receptive to Epstein Barr at: 52 MHz

Receptive to Cancer at: 42 MHz

Death begins at : 25 MHz

 CancerHealing - 568 , 1829 , 2736 Hz

 Cancer-healing -1538 , 3445 , 6149 Hz

 Healing -1026 , 1537 , 2029 Hz

 Healing - 1549 , 3642 , 7055 Hz

 Infinite - healing - 1638 , 2444 , 3127  Hz

 Joy - 1126 , 1927 , 3127 Hz

 Recovery From Illness - 858 , 2284 Hz

 Rheumatoid Arthritis and inflammation

733 , 1123 , 1622 Hz your area/s.

Stiff - joints - muscles - 45 , 69 , 102 Hz

Well - being - 2474 , 3758 , 4450 Hz

           Tv , Radio , GPS and More Frequencies ( These tones can be used as blockers combined with the radiation blocker / healing tone / tones mixed with 7.8 ( Orgonite ) and  21 hz. The fact is you are exposed to these frequencies and radiation from the products we use to communicate . This is a way to take that energy and make it healing instead of harmful energy / radiation . 


  Please study Orgonite and the natural tone of Earth and the Fibonacci sequence / Fractal based world that is a Positive natural Loving part of Earth and the universe . 

The fact is, each chakra has its own unique frequencies. In fact, pretty much every material thing in this whole world does. Whether it be a rock, tree, human being, or dog. This Earth we live on has it's own natural frequency. And just like the earth's, a person in a meditative state has a natural frequency of approximately 7.8 hertz. This is called the Schumann Resonating Frequency.

The best description of crystal healing is to say it is a form of healing using crystals or gemstones. Over the centuries, people have used crystals and gemstones to attract the solar rays and indeed modern communication systems and computer technology make the use of the crystal in the form of the silicon chip.

Today we are learning to use crystals (precious or semi precious stones) as a preventative and curative form of treatment, which generate healing vibrations acting on the body’s energy field.

In the chakra system, our chakra frequencies need to be balanced and properly resonating throughout the body. This is key to our overall physical, mental,emotional, and spiritual health. If they are balanced, we feel at peace and everything is working together in harmony. If a frequency is off balance, it throws our whole chakra system off. 



Earth Resonate frequency is 21 Hz . It is great for neutralizing harmful effects of stray radiation from electro - magnetic fields in house hold wiring , appliances  , TV , computers and microwave ovens .

  Protection from Chem Trailing and RDIF Beast Technology  they are using to quick grow / soft kill disease sickness / mind control / gang stalking / satellite terrorism ext : 

 These are some frequencies / tones I put together to directly address what the Government is doing when they spray military spoofer spray / Chem trails with nano particles in it . This also inter acts with G.M.O. poison and nano technology and TV , Radio  Music , Film , Lap Tops , PC , Cell Phones ext .


RDIF chip frequencies are 13.56 hz, Common contactless smart card frequency (ISO/IEC 14443)

RDIF : 27.12


Detox immune system , 3176 hz


Detox ( Toxin extraction ) , 0.52 hz + 0.55 hz


Sinusitis sinus , 456 hz


Chem trail detox , 1067

Chem trail detox  , 783.6 hz


Chest infection ,  333 hz


Eye Healing , 1376 hz


Chest infection , 333 hz


Magnesium Frequency  , 480 hz  .


Temporomandibular joint disorder , 418 hz 


Relief from Kidney and Intestinal problems , 7.5 hz



GPS 16.3676 , 16.367667 , 16.3680 . FM radio 14.25 used as sampling frequency for ADCs for digitizing the 10.7 MHz intermediate frequency in software defined radio implementations of AM/FM radio receivers. Pixel clock of some PAL CCD cameras. Used in PAL version in some early Apple computers , e.g. Apple II Europlus .


Commonly used for down-conversion and sampling in GPS-receivers. Generates intermediate frequency signal at 4.092 MHz. 16.3676 or 16.367667 MHz are sometimes used instead of 16.368 MHz to avoid perfect lineup between sampling frequency and GPS spreading code. 16.368 MHz is a reference clock of some consumer GPS receivers.[13] 16.368 MHz is 16 times the 1.023 MHz C/A GPS signal chipping rate; multiplied by 96.25 to get the 1575.42 MHz L1 frequency and multiplied by 75 to get the 1227.60 MHz L2 frequency.


GPS 16.369 hz , Reference clock for some GPS systems. Available as TCXO.


 DSL : 17.664 hz . UART clock; allows integer division to common baud rates. ( 32×552000 baud, 128×138000 baud, 460×38400 baud or 460×32×1,200 baud); DSL clock: 17.664 MHz (VDSL) ... 8×2.208 MHz ( ADSL ADC sampling rate )


Audio : 22.5792 , Used in CD-DA systems and CD-ROM drives; allows binary division to 44.1 kHz (512×44.1 kHz), 22.05 kHz, and 11.025 kHz. Frequencies also used are 11.2896 MHz, 16.9344 MHz, 33.8688 MHz and 45.1584 MHz.


Digital signal generator : 26.8436 hz : Exact frequency is 2^28/10 Hz. Used to drive a DDS synthesizer with 28-bit accumulator; gives output from 0 to about 3 MHz in 0.1 Hz steps. Instek SFG-1000 series is one example.

RDIF : 27.12

Twice 13.56 MHz, common contactless smartcard frequency ( ISO/IEC 14443 )

Modems 28.224 hz : used in some faxes and modems ; UART clock, allows integer division to common baud rates (245×115200, 512×38400, 1024×19200, etc.) and to modem and fax rates (504×56000, 580×48000, 840×33600, 980×28800, 1960×14400, 2352×12000, etc.); also divides to common audio frequencies (147×192000, 588×48000, 640×44100, 1280×22050, 2560×11025)

Modems 52.416 : UART clock; allows integer division to common baud rates. ( 455×115200 baud or 455×96×1,200 baud ) and to modem and fax rates (936×56000, 1092×48000, 1560×33600, 1820×28800, 3640×14400, 4368×12000, etc. ); also divides to some common audio frequencies ( 273×192000, 1092×48000 )

DSl 70.656 ( 2x 35.328 ) UART clock; allows integer division to common baud rates. ( 128×552000 baud, 512×138000 baud, 920×38400 baud or 920×32×1,200 baud );DSL clock: 4×17.664 MHz (VDSL) ... 32×2.208 MHz ( ADSL ADC sampling rate )


Tv / Mac 20.25 hz : Common sampling rate of luma+chroma video components in the Multiplexed Analogue Components standard. 




              Bio-Energetic Frequency Chart

( Please note that although most of the frequencies in this list are derived from homeopathic nosodes [vaccines], allergens, sarcodes [organ therapy preparations],or cell salts, some are directly from the specified ailment or substance.

However, this distinction appears inconsequential since bio-energetic
frequencies should be effective in either case.)

Actinobacillus (a potentially pathogenic bacteria normally found in mammals) --- 773

Actinomyces israelii (a bacterium normally found in the bowel and throat that
causes deep, pus-filled holes in tissue) --- 222, 262, 2154

Adnexitis (swelling of the ovaries or Fallopian tubes) --- 440, 441, 522, 572,
3343, 3833, 5312

Adenoma, cervical (epithelial tumor of the cervix that can be either benign or
malignant) --- 433

Adenovirus (a virus that causes infections in the lungs, stomach, and intestines) --- 333, 523, 786

Aflatoxin (a liver-damaging toxin produced by certain food molds) --- 344,510,

AIDS: Karposi's sarcoma --- 249, 418

Alternaria tenuis (a fungus associated with lung ailments) --- 853

Amoeba (a single-celled, sometimes-infectious microorganism) --- 310, 333, 532, 732, 827, 1522

Amoeba hepar abcess (liver abcess caused by amoebic infection) --- 344

Anthracinum (homeopathic anthrax nosode) --- 633

Aremes tennus --- 667

Arnica (a healing herb) --- 1042

Arsenic alb. (homeopathic cell salt) --- 562

Aspergillus flavus (mold found on corn, peanuts, and grain that produces
aflatoxin) --- 1823

Aspergillus glaucus (blue mold occurring in some human infectious processes) --- 524

Aspergillus niger (common mold that may produce severe and persistent infection) --- 374

Aspergillus terreus (mold occasionally associated with infection of the bronchi and lungs) --- 743

Asthma --- 1233, 1283

Astrocytoma (common tumor of brain and central nervous system) --- 857

Bacillus subtilis (homeopathic nosode from a bacterium that can cause
conjunctivitis --- 432, 722, 822, 124

Bacillinum (homeopathic nosode) --- 132, 423, 432, 785, 853, 854, 921, 1027,
1042, 1932

Bacterium lactis nosode (homeopathic) --- 512, 526, 798, 951, 5412

Bacterium coli (a type of E. coli normally found in the intestines, water, milk, and soil that is the most frequent cause of urinary-tract infections and a common cause of wound infection) --- 642
Bacterium coli commune (E. coli) combination --- 282, 333, 413, 957, 1320, 1722

Bakers' yeast (homeopathic preparation for an allergen) --- 775

Banti's syndrome (Blood vessels between the intestines-liver blocked, congestion of veins, enlarged spleen, bleeding stomach and intestines, cirrhosis , blood

cell destruction.) --- 1778

Barley smut (homeopathic preparation for an allergen) --- 377

Bermuda smut (homeopathic preparation for an allergen) --- 971
Biliary cirrhosis (an inflammatory condition in which bile flow through the

liver is obstructed) --- 381, 514, 677, 2271

Bilirubin (a bile pigment that may result in jaundice in high concentrations) --- 717, 726, 731, 863

Bladder TBC --- 642, 771

Blastocystis hominus --- 365, 595, 844, 848, 1201, 1243

Blue cohosh (a healing herb) --- 364

Borreliosis (Lyme disease, relapsing fever in humans and animals caused by

parasitic spirochetes from ticks) --- 254, 345, 525, 605, 644, 673, 797, 884,

Botrytis cinereas (a homeopathic preparation from a fungal allergen) --- 1132

Botulinum (a bacillus that causes an often fatal form of food poisoning) --- 518, 533

Astrocytoma (common tumor of brain and central nervous system) --- 857

Gliomas (largest group of brain cancers) --- 543, 641

Branhamella (Moraxella) catarrhalis --- 2013

Bronchiectasis (chronic dilatation of the bronchi) --- 342

Bronchopneumonia borinum (a form of bronchial pneumonia) --- 452, 1474

Brucella abortus (undulent fever or Bang's bacillus, found in cattle) --- 1423

Brucella melitensis (form of Brucella found in goats and sheep) --- 748
Campylobacter (bacteria causing sudden infectious diarrhea in newborns) --- 732, 1633, 1834, 2222


C., Adenoma, cervical --- 433

C., Astrocytoma (common tumor of brain and central nervous system) --- 857

C., Bronchial --- 462, 852, 1582

C., Colon --- 656

C., Fibrosarcoma (develops rapidly from small bumps on the skin) --- 1744

C., Gliomas (largest group of brain cancers) --- 543, 641

C., Hodgkin's disease (a cancer of the lymphatic system that is both chronic and
progressive) --- 552, 1522

C., Kaposi's sarcoma --- 249, 418

C. Leukemia (starts with the bone marrow but eventually involves all body organs):

C., Feline (cat) --- 424, 830, 901, 918

C., "Hairy cell" (typified by abnormal blood cells & shortage of others) --- 122, 622, 932, 5122 (could be 1522)

C., Lymphatic --- 478, 833

C., Mycloid (characterized by rapid growth of incompletely-formed white blood
cells) --- 422, 822

C., T-cell --- 222, 262, 822, 3042, 3734

C., Mycosis fungoides (a form of skin cancer resembling eczema) --- 852

C., Plasmacytoma (plasma-cell tumor) --- 475

C., Liver, fermentative --- 214

C., Uterine, fermentative --- 127

Candida (a genus of yeastlike fungi normal to the human body but capable of
harmful overgrowth) --- 866

C. Tropicalis --- 1403

Canine parvovirus --- 185, 323, 562, 613, 622, 1000, 4027

C. Mutant strain --- 323, 514

C. Type B --- 323, 535, 613, 755

Carbo animalis (homeopathic remedy from animal-bone charcoal) --- 444
Carcinoma (any cancerous tumor starting with cells covering body and organ
surfaces that then invade both local and distant areas)

C., Bronchial --- 462, 852, 1582

C., Colon --- 656

C., Liver, fermentative --- 214

C., Uterine, fermentative --- 127

Carvularia spirafera --- 879


C., Brunescent (brown opacity in later life) --- 2010, 1335, 1830

C., Complicated (secondary type caused by disease, degeneration, or surgery) --- 496

Causticum (a homeopathic remedy) --- 540, 1013

Celia carroll --- 576, 973

Cephaloshorium (fungi that are the source of some broad-spectrum antibiotics) --- 481, 3966

Cerumen (ear wax) --- 311, 320, 750, 984

Cervix adenoma (epithelial tumor of the cervix) --- 433

Chaetomiumglobosum --- 221, 867


C., Methotrexate --- 584

C., Green dye --- 563, 2333

Chicken pox --- 787, 3343

Chlamydia (a sexually-transmitted bacterial infection) --- 430, 620, 624, 840,

Cholera (an extremely contagious and serious bacterial infection of the small
intestines) --- 330, 843, 844, 1035


C., Acute (excruciating gallstone attack) --- 481, 743, 865, 928

C., Chronic (long-term inflammation of the gallbladder) --- 432

Cholesteatoma (benign tumor usually found in middle ear & mastoid region) ---
453, 618, 793

Cimicifuga (plant family including black snakeroot and black cohosh) --- 594

Cirrhosis, biliary (an inflammatory condition in which bile flow through the

liver is obstructed) --- 381, 514, 677, 2271

Cladosporium fulvum (a pathogenic fungus) --- 438

Coelicia --- 154, 594, 656

Condylomata (venereal warts caused by infectious papilloma virus) --- 466

Corn smut (homeopathic preparation for an allergen) --- 546, 1642

Coxsackie virus (produces disease resembling non-paralytic polio) --- 136, 144, 232, 380, 422, 424, 435, 921, 923

C., Type B1 --- 834

C., Type B2: --- 705, 534

C., Type B4 --- 421

C., Type B5 --- 462, 1043, 1083

C., Type B6 --- 736, 814

CMV (cytomegalovirus known as salivary gland virus or human herpes type 5) ---
126, 597, 1045, 2145

Crinis humansis --- 646

Critter 1 --- 1033

Critter 2 --- 421, 1035, 1111

Crocus sotillus --- 710

Cryptosporidium (parasitic protozoa infrequently causing diarrhea in humans) --- 482, 575, 4122

Cyst, ovarian --- 982

Cystic fibrosis (Also called mucoviscidosis, this is an inherited disorder of
the exocrine glands that causes them to release very thick mucus) --- 523

Cystitis, chronic (long-term inflammation of the urinary bladder and ureters) --- 246

Cystopyelo nephritis (inflammation from bladder to kidney) --- 1385

Dematium nigrum (soil fungi found in human lesions) --- 243

Dental --- 635, 640, 1036, 1043, 1094

Diphtherinum (homeopathic nosode for diphtheria) --- 624

Distemper --- 242, 254, 312, 442, 551, 573, 624, 671, 712, 940, 1269, 1950

Diverticulosis (characterized by tiny hernias of intestinal tissue protruding
through the muscular wall of the colon) --- 154, 934

Droglioma (a brain tumor) --- 853
E. coli (Escherichia coli; a major cause of infections in wounds and the urinary
tract) --- 282, 333, 413, 957, 1320, 1722

Ear wax --- 311, 320, 750, 984
Echinococcinum (homeopathic remedy for tapeworms found in dogs, wolves, cats, & rodents that can infect man) --- 164, 453, 542, 623

Echo virus (causes a type of meningitis) --- 620

Encephalitis (inflammation of the tissues of the brain and spinal cord) --- 841

Endometriosis, chronic (growth of uterine tissue outside the uterus that may
cause pain, infertility, & abnormal uterine bleeding) --- 246

Entamoeba histolytica (highly damaging protozoa causing dysentary and liver
infection) --- 148, 166, 308

Enterohepatitis (inflammation of bowel & liver) --- 552, 932, 953

Enterobiasis (intestinal worms frequently found in children) --- 773, 827, 835, 4152

Enterococcinum (homeopathic nosode for Strep-family organisms found in the
digestive and urinary tracts) --- 686

Epicoccum --- 734

Epidermophyton floccinum (homeopathic remedy for fungus that attacks skin &
nails, includes athlete's foot) --- 644, 766

Epstein-Barr virus (the herpes virus causing mononucleosis) --- 105, 172, 253,
660, 663, 669, 744, 825, 1032, 1920

Erysipelas (a human bacterial infection manifesting in the skin and possibly
related to the swine form of the disease) --- 616, 845
Escherichia coli (E. coli; a major cause of infections in wounds and the urinary tract) --- 282, 333, 413, 957, 1320, 1722

Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke of herbivorous animals occasionally found in
humans) --- 143, 275

Febris wolhynia (a Rickettsia illness, transmitted by lice, that is debilitating and conducive to relapse) --- 547

Feline (cat) leukemia --- 424, 830, 901, 918

Fell --- 435

Felis --- 430, 834, 2232, 3233

Fel tauri (homeopathic preparation of ox bile) --- 672

Fibrosarcoma (malignancy containing connective tissue and developing rapidly
from small bumps on the skin) --- 1744

Fibroadenoma mamanae (non-cancerous, fibrous nodules in the breasts) --- 1384

Filariose: (thread-like worms that invade body tissues and cavities) --- 112,

Fischpyrogen --- 832

Fistula Dentalis --- 550, 727, 844, 1122

FIV --- 262, 323, 372, 404, 567, 712, 742, 760, 773, 916, 1103, 1132, 3701


F., '78 --- 844

F., '79 --- 123

F., '83 --- 730, 734

F., '89 --- 216, 322

F., '93 --- 254, 522, 615, 850

F., Triple nosode --- 421, 632, 1242, 1422, 1922, 3122

F., Virus "A" --- 332

F., Virus "A, Port Chalmers" --- 332

F., Virus "B" --- 530, 532, 536, 537

F., Virus "B, Hong Kong" --- 555

F., Virus "British" --- 932

F., "Spanish" --- 462

F., "Swine" --- 413, 432, 663, 839, 995

Flukeworm (parasitic flatworms, including tapeworms, that invade many body areas)--- 524, 854

Fluor Alb (homeopathic cell salt) --- 110, 420, 423, 424, 502, 2222

Follicular mange (contagious dermatitis found in many animals that is caused by mites and in which the principle activity is at the hair follicles) --- 253, 693

Foot & mouth syndrome (a mild viral infection found in young children) --- 232, 237, 1214, 1243, 1244, 1271, 5411

Fungus flora --- 632

Fusarium oxysporum (a fungus causing inflammation of the cornea of the eye) --- 102, 705

Gallbladder inflammation (chronic) --- 432

Gallstone attack --- 481, 743, 865, 928

Ganglionitis, acute posterior (commonly known as shingles or herpes zoster) --- 574, 1557

Gardnerella (bacteria that often infect and inflame the vaginal mucosa) --- 320, 782

Geotrichum candidum (fungus found in feces and dairy products whose
manifestations resemble those of candida) --- 412, 543

German measles (rubella or 3-day measles) --- 510, 517

Giardia (an intestinal parasite, also known as lamblia, spread by contaminated
food and water and by human-to-human contact) --- 334

Gliocladium (brain fungus) --- 855

Gliomas (largest group of brain cancers) --- 543, 641

Grippe (influenza) --- 343, 500, 512, 541, 862, 1000, 1192, 3012, 3423, 10223

G., '86 tri --- 532

G., '87 --- 332, 953

G., '88 --- 2050

G., '89 --- 353

G., '90 --- 65

Haemophilia (hereditary bleeding disorders in which the blood does not readily
clot): 845

Haemophilus influenzae --- 542

H., Type B --- 652, 94

Hair, human --- 646

Hand, foot, & mouth syndrome (a mild viral infection found in young children) --- 232, 237, 1214, 1243, 1244, 1271, 5411

Heartworm --- 543, 2322

Helminthosporium (the reproductive element of parasitic worms) --- 793, 969

Hemobartinella felis --- 603, 957

Hemorrhoid --- 447

Hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) --- 224, 317, 1351

H. Type A --- 321, 3220

H. Type B --- 433

H., New numbers --- 477, 922

H. Type C (also known as "non-A, non-B") --- 166


H. Simplex (primarily non-genital) --- 322, 343, 476, 822, 843, 1043, 1614, 2062

H. Simplex II (primarily genital) --- 556, 832

H. Simplex IU.2 --- 808

H. Type 2A --- 532

H. Type C --- 395, 424, 460, 533, 554, 701, 745, 2450

H. Type 5 --- 126, 597, 1045, 2145

H. Zoster (shingles) --- 574, 1557

Hirudo medicinalis (a homeopathic remedy prepared from a leech used for
therapeutic purposes) --- 128

HIV --- 683, 714, 3554

Hodgkin's disease (malignancy characterized by enlargement of lymph nodes,
spleen, and lymph tissue, often includes weight loss, fever, night sweats,
anemia) --- 552, 1522

Hormodendrum (a genus of fungi that includes human pathogens) --- 695

Household insect mix --- 723

Icterus, haemolytic (a chronic form of jaundice involving anemia) --- 243

Influencinum Berlin '55 --- 430, 720, 733

Influencinum Vesic --- 203, 292, 612, 975

Influencinum Vesic NW --- 364, 519, 590

Influencinum Vesic SW --- 433

Influenzum, Bach poly flu (homeopathic) --- 122, 350, 487, 634, 823

Influenzum toxicum (homeopathic) --- 854


I., Triple nosode --- 421, 632, 1242, 1422, 1922, 3122

I., Virus "A" --- 332

I., Virus "A, Port Chalmers" --- 332

I., Virus "B" --- 530, 532, 536, 537

I., Virus "B, Hong Kong" --- 55

I., Virus "British" --- 932

I., "Spanish" --- 462

I., "Swine" --- 413, 432, 663, 839, 995

Intestinal inflammation --- 105, 791

JGE --- 322, 1000

Kaposi's sarcoma --- 249, 418

Kidney papilloma (small, supposedly-benign growth on a kidney) --- 110, 767, 917

Kieferosteitis (a type of bone inflammation marked by enlargement and pain) --- 432, 516

Klebsiella pneumoniae (the bacterium causing acute, bacterial pneumonia) --- 412, 766

Lac Deflorat --- 230, 371

Lamblia (an intestinal parasite, also known as Giardia, spread by contaminated
food and water and by human-to-human contact) --- 334
Lateral sclerose (degeneration of spinal cord leading to spastic paraplegia) --- 254

Legionella ( homeopathic remedy for Legionnaires' disease) --- 723
Leishman Donovan bodies (a type of pathogenic, human parasite found worldwide) --- 525

Leptospirosis P. C. (a disease that is spread to humans through animal urine or things contaminated by it and that can cause meningitis, jaundice, anemia,
miscarriage, and death) --- 612
Leukoencephalitis (a serious, progressive brain disease) --- 324, 572, 932, 1035, 1079, 1111, 1160, 1333, 1630

Leukemia (cancer involving the blood-forming tissues in bone marrow) ---

L., Feline (cat) --- 424, 830, 901, 918

L., "Hairy cell" (characterized by abnormal blood cells & shortage of others) --- 122, 622, 932, 5122

L., Lymphatic --- 478, 833

L., Mycloid --- 422, 822

L., T-cell --- 222, 262, 822, 3042, 3734

Leukoencephalitis (inflammation of brain , usually in infants and children, also horses as a result of forage poisoning) --- 324, 572, 932, 1035, 1079, 1111, 1160, 1333, 1630

Leukose (proliferation of tissues that form white blood cells; considered to be foundational stage of leukemia) --- 612, 633, 653, 3722, 41224

Lipoma (benign, soft tumor of fatty tissue) --- 47
Listeriose (Causes miscarriage, meningitis, endocarditis in humans; known as "circling
disease" in ruminants, causes liver necrosis in animals with single stomachs) --- 471, 774, 2162

Living sinus bacteriaa serious disease --- 548

Luesinum/Syphilinum (a homeopathic remedy for syphilis) --- 177
Lupus (localized degeneration of skin by various diseases; vulgaris, a rare form of tuberculosis, disfigurement and destruction of the skin and cartilage of the face) --- 205, 243, 244, 352, 386, 633, 921, 942, 993, 1333, 1464

Lyme disease (also known as borreliosis; relapsing fever in humans and animals
caused by parasitic spirochetes from ticks) --- 254, 345, 525, 605, 644, 673,
797, 884, 1455

Lymphangitis (lymphatic vessel inflammation of humans and horses most commonly
caused by strep but also by other bacteria, yeast fungus, and cancer) --- 574,

Lymphogranuloma (Hodgkin's disease; a form of malignant lymphoma) --- 552, 1522

Lyssinum (a homeopathic nosode for rabies) --- 547, 793
Malaria (Infectious tropical disease transmitted by mosquito bite, characterized
by fever, anemia, spleen enlargement) --- 222, 550, 713, 930, 1032, 1433

Mallei --- 1273
Mamma fibromatosis (formation of fibroid tumors of the breasts) --- 267

Mannan --- 961
Mange, follicular (contagious dermatitis found in many animals that is caused by mites and in which the principle activity is at the hair follicles) --- 253, 693

Marsh elder --- 474

Mastitis (an inflamed breast usually caused by bacterial infection) --- 654

Mastoiditis (inflammation of the bony structure of the head in the region of the ears below the eyes) --- 287

Measles :

M. Rubella (German or 3-day measles) --- 431, 510

M. Rubella vaccine --- 459

M. Rubeola (9-day measles) --- 342, 467, 520, 1489

M. Rubeola vaccine --- 962

Medorrhinum (homeopathic nosode for urethral discharge) --- 230, 442, 554, 843, 854, 1700, 1880, 2222

Melanoma metastasis --- 979

Meningococcus virus (a virus infecting the membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cord) --- 720

Meningioma (a benign, slow-growing tumor of the membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cord) --- 535

Meningitis (inflammation of the membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cord) --- 322, 733, 822, 1044, 1422

Meningococcinum (homeopathic nosode for meningitis) --- 130, 517, 676, 677

Microsporum :

M. Audouinii (a fungus commonly causing ringworm of the scalp) --- 422, 831,

M. Canis (a fungus causing ringworm in cats, dogs, and children) --- 1644

M. Mold --- 222, 242, 523, 565, 592, 623, 745, 933, 1130, 1155, 1333, 1833, 4442

M. A&C --- 331, 732, 923, 982

M. Mix A --- 594

M. Mix B --- 158, 512, 623, 774, 1016, 1463

M. Mix C --- 391, 1627

M. Vac II --- 185, 257

M. Monilia (the former name for Candida) --- 866, 886

Monotospora languinosa (homeopathic remedy for fungal allergen) --- 788

Morbus Parkinson (Parkinson's disease; A slowly progressive, degenerative,

neurologic disorder) --- 813

Morgan (bact) --- 778

Mucocutan Perniciosis --- 833
Mucoviscidosis (Also called cystic fibrosis, this is an inherited disorder of
the exocrine glands that causes them to release very thick mucus) --- 523

Mucedo (fungus causes rot in fruit and baked goods & sometimes found on feet and skin) --- 612, 1000

M. Plumbeus --- 361

Racemosis simus ( Fungus grows on decaying vegetation and bread and causes ear
infection) --- 310, 474

Mucormycosis (also called zygomycosis; a serious, fungal infection usually
associated with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus or immunosuppressive drugs) ---

Mumps (acute viral inflammation of the saliva glands) --- 152, 190, 235, 242,
516, 642, 674, 922, 1243, 1660, 2630, 3142

Mumps vaccine --- 273, 551, 711, 730, 1419

Muscular dystrophy (inherited disorders characterized by weakness and
progressive wasting of skeletal muscles despite no concommitant wasting of nerve tissue) --- 153

Mycloid leukemia (characterized by rapid growth of incompletely-formed white
blood cells) --- 422, 822

Mycogone spp (homeopathic allergenic preparation based on fungus) --- 371, 446, 1123

Mycosis fungoides (a form of skin cancer resembling eczema) --- 532, 662, 678,
852, 1444

Myocard-Nekrose (homeopathic remedy from heart cells that died as a result of
inadequate blood flow to them) --- 706, 789

Myoma (a benign tumor on the uterus) --- 253, 420, 453, 832

Myositis (involves progressive muscle weakness) --- 120, 122, 125, 129, 1124,

Mycoplasma pneumonia (a contagious, bacterial pneumonia of children and young
adults) --- 688

Nagel Mykose (a disaccharide from which glucose can be hydrolized) --- 462, 654

Trichophytie (from a fungus) --- 133, 381, 812, 2422

Nasal polyp (benign growth inside the nasal passage) --- 542, 1436

Nasturtium (a healing herb) --- 143

Nematodes (roundworms) --- 771

Nephritis (kidney inflammation) --- 264

Neuralgia (a painful disorder of the nervous system) --- 833

Neurospora sitophila (homeopathic allergenic preparation) --- 705

Nigrospora spp (homeopathic allergenic preparation) --- 302

Nocardia asteroides (the microorganism causing Nocardiosis, an infectious
pulmonary disease characterized by abscesses in the lungs) --- 237

Oligodenav --- 853

Ornithosis (or Psittacosis or Parrot Fever; an infectious pneumonia transmitted by certain birds) --- 331, 583, 1217

Osteitis (bone inflammation) --- 770

Osteomyelosclerosis (marrow replacement by bone in response to low-grade
infection) --- 79, 330

Osteosinusitis max. --- 243

Otitis Medinum (a homeopathic remedy for otitis media, middle ear swelling and/or infection) --- 316

Ovarian cyst --- 982

Ovum --- 752

Ox bile (the homeopathic remedy derived from it) --- 672

Papilloma virus (causes benign tumors having a branch or stalk) --- 907

Paraceli --- 232

Paradontose --- 424, 1552

Parkinson's disease (a slowly progressive, degenerative, neurologic disorder) --- 813
Parrot Fever (or Ornithosis or Psittacosis; an infectious pneumonia transmitted by certain birds) --- 331, 583, 1217

Parvovirus, canine --- 185, 323, 562, 613, 622, 1000, 4027

P., Mutant strain --- 323, 514

P., Type B --- 323, 535, 613, 755

Pasteurella combination (homeopathic nosode for bacterial diseases spread by
animal bites) --- 913

Pemphigus (rare, autoimmune skin disorders characterized by blisters in the
outer layer of skin and mucous membranes) --- 694, 893

Penicillium :

P. Chyrosogenium --- 344, 868, 1070, 2411

P. Notatum --- 321, 555, 629, 825, 942

P. Rubrum --- 332, 766, 1015

Pennyroyal (herb) --- 772

Penqueculum --- 746, 755, 1375, 6965

Pepto streptococcus --- 201

Perniosis (Disorder of the blood vessels caused by prolonged exposure to cold,
characterized by skin lesions on the lower legs, hands, toes, feet, ears and

face) --- 232, 622, 822, 4211

Pertussis (whooping cough) --- 526, 765

Phoma Destructiva (homeopathic) --- 163

Plague (Yersenia pestis; spread primarily by rats) --- 333

Plasmacytoma (Tumor with plasma cells, occurs in bone marrow -- multiple myeloma -- or outside of bone marrow, in tumors of organs and lining of nose,

mouth, and throat) --- 475

Mixed flora --- 158, 174, 645, 801

Pneumocystis (A fungally-induced pneumonia usually developing in the immuno-suppressed presence of AIDS) --- 204, 340, 742

Pneumonia :

Pneumococcus (the most common cause of bacterial pneumonia) --- 683
P. Klebsiella pneumoniae (the bacterium causing acute, bacterial pneumonia) --- 412, 766

Mycoplasma --- 688

Polio (or poliomyelitis) --- 742, 1500, 2632

Polyp, uterine --- 689

Porphyria (several rare disorders of the nervous system and skin) --- 698

Prostate Adenominum (homeopathic remedy for prostate tumor) --- 442, 1875

Protozoa --- 432, 753

Pseudomonas (bacteria often found in wounds, burns, and infections of the
urinary tract that are not controlled by antibiotics) --- 174, 482, 5311

Psittacosis (or Ornithosis or Parrot Fever; an infectious pneumonia transmitted by certain birds) --- 583, 1217

Psorinum (homeopathic nosode for psoriasis) --- 786

Pullularia pullulans (a homeopathic allergenic remedy) --- 1364

Pyelitis/proteus (bacteria commonly found in hospital-borne conditions) --- 594

Pyocyaneus (homeopathic nosode for Pseudomonas pyocyanea) --- 437

Pyodermia (or Pyoderma Gangrenosum; a rare skin disorder of unknown cause. Small pustules develop into large ulcers at various sites on the body.) --- 123

Pyrogenium (homeopathic remedy for pus) --- 429, 594, 622
Mayo --- 1625

Q Fever (Infectious disease caused by contact with animals with Rickettsia
bacteria, Coxiella burnetii, symptoms include headache, fever, chills, sweats) --- 1357

Rabies (or hydrophobia) --- 547, 793

Reproductive --- 622

Rhesus gravidatum --- 684

Rheuma --- 952

Rheumaticus --- 333, 376

Rhinopneumonitis --- 185, 367, 820

Rhizopus nigricans --- 132

Rhodo Torula --- 833

Rhodococcus --- 124, 835

Rickettsia (bacteria transmitted to man by lice, fleas, ticks, mites) --- 129,
632, 943, 1062

Rocky Mountain spotted fever --- 375, 862, 943

Round worms --- 240, 650, 688

Rubella (German or 3-day measles) --- 431, 510

Rubella vaccine --- 459

Rubeola (9-day measles) --- 342, 467, 520, 1489

Rubeola vaccine --- 962

Salivary gland virus (human herpes type 5) --- 126, 597, 1045, 2145

Salmonella: --- 1522

S., Type B --- 546, 1634

S., Paratyphi B --- 59, 92, 643, 707, 717, 972, 7771

S., Typhi --- 420

Sanguis menst --- 591

Sarcoma, Kaposi's --- 249, 418


S. Haematobium --- 847, 867

S. Mansoni --- 329

Schuman B-cell --- 322, 425, 428, 561, 600, 620, 623, 780, 781, 950, 952, 1023, 1524

Sclerosis, lateral (degeneration of spinal cord resulting in spastic

paraplegia) --- 254

Semperillium --- 1140

Serum Schweinepest --- 503

Shingles (Herpes zoster) --- 574, 1557

Sinusitis --- 456

S. Frontalis --- 952

S. Maxillars --- 160

Smallpox (an extremely contagious viral disease marked by fever, prostration,
and a rash of small blisters) --- 142, 476, 511, 876, 1644, 2132, 2544

Smegma --- 180

Solitary cyst --- 75, 543

Sorghum smut (homeopathic preparation for an allergen) --- 294

Sporobolomyces --- 753

Sporotrichum pruinosum --- 755

Staphylococcus --- 453, 550, 1109

S. Aureus --- 424, 727, 786, 943, 1050

S. Coagulae positive --- 643

Stemphylium --- 461


S. Haemolytic --- 134, 535, 542, 1415, 1522, 1902

S. Viridans --- 425, 433, 445, 1010, 1060

S. Virus --- 563, 611, 727

Streptomyces griseolus --- 887

Strongyloides (genus of roundworms) --- 332, 422, 721, 942, 3212


S. Cystica --- 5311

S. Nodosa --- 105, 122, 321, 517, 532, 651

S. Parenchyme --- 121

Sudor pedis --- 148

Swine flu --- 413, 432, 663, 839, 995

Syphilinum/Luesinum ( a homeopathic remedy for syphilis) --- 177

T-cell leukemia --- 222, 262, 822, 3042, 3734

Taenia --- 187

Tape worms --- 522, 562, 843, 1223, 3032, 5522

Tetanus --- 352, 554, 1142

Tetanus anti-toxin --- 363, 458

Tetragenus --- 393, 2712

Thermi bacteria --- 233, 441

Thread worms --- 422, 423, 732, 4412

Tobacco mosaic (homeopathic preparation for an allergen) --- 233, 274, 543, 782, 1052


T. Nos --- 1656

T. Pfropfe --- 246

Tonsillitis --- 144, 452

Torulopsosis (Yeast causing disease for those in weakened condition or with
suppressed immune function) --- 354, 522, 872, 2121

Toxoplasmosis (a serious, infectious disease that can be either acquired or
present at birth and that is commonly contracted by handling contaminated cat
litter) --- 434, 852

Trichinosis (the very serious parasitism resulting from eating pork or bear meat) --- 101, 541, 822, 1054, 1372

Trichodermia --- 711

Trichomonas (a microorganism causing vaginal irritation with discharge and
itching) --- 610, 692, 980

Trichophytie --- 132, 812, 2422, 9493

T. Mentagrophytes --- 311

T. Rubrum --- 752, 923

T. Tonsuraus --- 765

Trypanosoma gambiense --- 255, 316

Tuberculinum --- 522, 1085, 1099, 1700


T. Aviare --- 303, 332, 342, 532, 3113

T. Bovine --- 523, 3353

T. Klebs' --- 221, 1132, 1644, 2313, 6516

Tularemia (a serious infectious disease also called deerfly fever or rabbit
fever) --- 324, 427, 823

Tumor, brain --- 543, 641, 857

Ulcer, ventric --- 232, 1000

Urea-plasma --- 756

Uremia (Uremic poisoning; excessive nitrogenous waste products in the blood, as seen in kidney failure) --- 911

Uterine polyp --- 689

Vaccininum (a homeopathic nosode) --- 476
Varicella (the herpes virus that causes chickenpox during childhood and shingles [herpes zoster] in adulthood) --- 345, 668, 716, 738
Variola (also known as smallpox, an extremely contagious viral disease marked by fever, prostration, and a rash of small blisters) --- 142, 476, 511, 876, 1644, 2132, 2544

Variolinum (homeopathic smallpox nosode) --- 542, 569, 832, 3222

Verruca (a rough-surfaced, supposedly-harmless, virus-caused skin wart) --- 644, 767, 953

Werlhof --- 690

Wolhynia fever (a Rickettsia illness, transmitted by lice, that is debilitating and conducive to relapse) --- 547

Yeast, "ultimate" --- 72, 254, 422, 582, 787, 1016, 1134, 1153, 2222

Yellow fever (a severe, viral infection causing damage to the liver, kidneys,
heart, and entire gastrointestinal tract) --- 142, 178, 232, 432, 734, 1187

Yersenia pestis (also called Pasteurella pestis: causes plague; spread primarily
by rats) --- 333

Zygomycosis (also called mucormycosis; a serious fungal infection usually
associated with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus or immunosuppressive drugs) --- 942





0.9 hz euphoria

0.1-1 hz organ and muscle

0.1-1 hz Delta range - deep sleep ,lucid dreaming , increased immune system , high

level of inspiration , decrease awareness of physical world .

0.5 hz Very relaxing against head ache ,lower back pain ,thyroid ,reproduction ,excretory stinulat ,whole brain toner

0.5 - 1.5 hz pain relief

0.5 - 4 hz low delta range ,deep dreamless sleep ,trance ,suspended animation ,anti aging ,reduce amount of cortisol ,a hormone associated with stress and aging ,increase levels of DHEA .

1.0 hz Feeling of well being ,pituitary stimulation to release growth hormones .

1.5 hz Abrihams Universal healing rate

1.8 hz Sinus Congestion seems to clear centering around .

2.0 hz Nerve regeneration

2.06 hz Associated with coccyx ( smaLL triangular bone at end of the spinal column .

2.30 hz Associated with genitals

2.57 hz Associated with bladder


( fresh foods and herbs can be higher if grown organically and eaten freshly


Fresh Foods 20-27 Hz

Fresh Herbs 20-27 Hz

Dried Foods 15-22 Hz

Dried Herbs 15-22 Hz

Processed / Canned Food 0 HZ...(the majority of food we eat)

Processed / Canned Food 0 HZ... ( the majority of food we eat )
According to Dr. Royal R. Rife, every disease has a frequency. He found that certain frequencies can prevent the development of disease and that others would destroy disease. Substances with higher frequency will destroy diseases of a lower frequency . The study of frequencies raises an important question, concerning the frequencies of substances we eat, breathe and absorb. Many pollutants lower healthy frequency. Processed/canned food has a frequency of zero. Fresh produce has up to 15 Hz , dried herbs from 12 to 22 Hz and fresh herbs from 20 to 27 Hz .

Human Body:

Genius Brain Frequency 80-82 MHz

Brain Frequency Range 72-90 MHz

Normal Brain Frequency 72 MHz

Human Body 62-78 MHz

Human Body: from Neck up 72-78 MHz

Human Body: from Neck down 60-68 MHz Thyroid and

Parathyroid glands are 62-68 hz

Thymus Gland is 65-68 MHz

Heart is 67-70 MHz

Lungs are 58-65 MHz

Liver is 55-60 MHz

Pancreas is 60-80 MHz

More Doctors Confessing To Intentionally Diagnosing Healthy People With Cancer To Make Money


Cancer Healing Tones / Frequencies And Much More :

Cancer Healing-568, 1829, 2736 Hz

 cancer-healing-1538, 3445, 6149 Hz

Candida Albicans - 20 hz , 60 hz , 95 hz , 125 hz , 225hz , 427 hz , 727 hz - 28 min .

Aspergillus terreus ( mold occasionally associated with infection of the bronchi and lungs) - 743 hz

Asthma - 1233 hz , 1283 hz

Astrocytoma (common tumor of brain and central nervous system) - 857 hz

Healing-1026, 1537, 2029 Hz

 Healing-1549, 3642, 7055 Hz

12.0 is the Centering, doorway to all other frequencies  x

Heartworm - 543, 2322 hz

neurologic disorder)  - 813 hz

Mumps ( acute viral inflammation of the saliva glands ) - 152 hz , 190hz , 235 hz , 242hz ,
516 hz , 642 hz , 674 hz , 922 hz , 1243 hz , 1660 hz , 2630 hz , 3142 hz

Mumps vaccine - 273 hz , 551 hz , 711 hz , 730hz , 1419 hz

Candida Albicans - 414

Candida Tropicalis - 1403



CHROMIUM  384 (3:2) G # ( THROAT )

MOLYBDENUM  336 ( 4:3 ) F

CALCIUM  320 ( 5:4 ) E- ( SOLAR PLEXUS )

MANGANESE  400 ( 4:5 ) G #


POTASSIUM  304hz ( 6:5 ) D #

IODINE  424 ( 5:6 ) Ab

COPPER  464 hz ( 10:11 ) Bb

PHOSPHORUS  480 hz ( 16:15 ) B ( CROWN )

ZINC  480 hz ( 16:15 ) B

SELENIUM  272 hz ( 15:16 ) C# ( TRANSPERSONAL / EARTH )

Lyme Disease - 432, 484, 610, 690, 790, and 864 ---
Also reported: 2001 all the above plus : 652, 1103, 1500, 4200, 450, 465.

Please note the use of these frequencies has produced what is known as a Herxheimer Reaction. As the spirochetes die, they release a protein toxin that can produce joint pains,
weakness, and general malaise for a few days following exposure. It has been
suggested that one start slow with but a minute of exposure and then gradually
increase the exposure time. One should not repeat an exposure until all effects
and symptoms of the previous exposure have cleared .

Blood Cancer : 728 hz : A type of Cancer cell found in blood of people with Multiple Myeloma . Causes the cells to disintegrate according to one researcher.

434 Hz - cancer

464 Hz - candida

465 - Candida , Fatigue , Pancreas

Cancer - 663 hz, 727 hz , 778hz , 787 hz , 802 hz , 880 hz , 1050 hz , 1550 hz , 2008 hz , 2050 hz , 2127 hz - 44 min. minimum .

Cancer: C .

C. Adenoma, cervical - 433 hz

C., Astrocytoma (common tumor of brain and central nervous system) - 857 hz

C. Bronchial - 462, 852, 1582 hz

C. Colon - 656 hz

C. Fibrosarcoma (develops rapidly from small bumps on the skin) - 1744

C., Gliomas (largest group of brain cancers) --- 543, 641 hz

C., Hodgkin's disease (a cancer of the lymphatic system that is both chronic and progressive) - 552, 1522 hz

C. Kaposi's sarcoma - 249, 418 hz

C. Leukemia (starts with the bone marrow but eventually involves all body  organs):

C., Feline (cat) - 424 , 830, 901, 918 hz

Candida (a genus of yeastlike fungi normal to the human body but capable of harmful overgrowth) - 866 hz

Asthma - 1234 hz , 3672 hz , 7344 hz Opens bronchioles makes breathing easier seems
to be helpful for asthmatics. Also is quite sedating.7344 hz seems to work best of
the three.

Menie Cancerres Disease - 9 Hz

Tremors - 463 hz and 466 hz stopped involuntary tremors in a person with brain

                 More Healing Tones A - Z .

Actinobacilia - 773

Actinomyces Israeli - 262, 2154

Adenexitis -  522, 572, 3343, 3833, 5312, 440, 441

Adenovirus --- 333, 786

 Aflatoxin --- 344

Alternaria Tenius --- 853

Amoeba Hepar Abscess --- 344

Anthracinunv --- 633

Arenas Tennus --- 667

Atmenic Aib. --- 562

Aspargillis Flavus --- 1823

Aspergillis Glaucus --- 524

Aspergillis Niger --- 374

Aspergillis Terreus --- 743

Asthma --- 1233, 1283

Astro Cytorma --- 857

BC G Vaccine --- 477.7 (possibly 277)

B. Subtilis --- 432, 722, 822, 1246

Bacillinum --- 132, 854, 921, 1042, 1932

Bacteria Lactis Nosode --- 512, 526, 5412

Bacterum coil commune combo --- 282, 333, 413, 957, 1320, 1722

Baker's Yeast --- 775

Banal --- 1778

Barley Smut --- 377

Beth Sutton's Bar Fungus --- 854

Biliary Cirrhosis --- 381, 514, 677, 2271

Bilirubin --- 717, 726, 731, 863

Bladder TBC --- 771

Blastocystis Hominus --- 848, 365, 844, 595

Blue Cohash --- 364

Borrelia --- 254, 644

Botrytis Cinereas --- 1132

Botulinum --- 518

Branhamella Catarhalis --- 2013

Bronchiekstasi --- 342

Broncho-Pneumonal Borinum --- 452, 1474

Bruceila Abort Bang --- 1423

Brucella Melitense --- 748

Candida Albicans --- 414

Candida Tropicalis --- 1403

Canine Parvo --- 323, 562, 622, 4027

Mutant Canine Parvo --- 323

Canine Parvo B --- 323, 535, 755

Carcinoma Bronchial --- 462, 852, 1582

Carcinoma Colon --- 656

Caccinoma Liver Ferment --- 214

Carcinoma Uter. Ferm --- 127

Carvularia Spiratera --- 879

Cataract Brunescens --- 1335

Celia Carroll --- 576, 973

Cephalisporiurn --- 481, 3966

Cerumen --- 320

Cervix Adenoma --- 433

Chaetomiumglobosum --- 221, 867

Chicken Pox --- 787,3343

Chlamydia --- 430, 620, 624, 840, 2213

Cholera --- 843, 844

Cholecystitis --- 481, 743, 865, 928

Cholesteatom --- 453, 618, 793

Cimifuga --- 594

Cladsporium Fulvum --- 438

Coelicia --- 594, 656

Corn Smut --- 546

Coxsackie --- 136, 232, 422, 424, 435, 921, 923

Coxsackie B1 --- 834

Coxsackie B2 --- 705, 534

Coxsackie B4 --- 421

Coxsackie B5 --- 462, 1043, 1083

Coxsackie B6 --- 736, 814

CMV --- 2145

Crinis Hunansis --- 646

Cryptosporidiun --- 482, 4122

Cysto Pyelo Nephritis --- 1385

Dan's Mold --- 222, 333, 42l, 822, 1233, 1351,1711,1832

Dematiun Nigrum --- 243

Diptherinun --- 624

Distemper --- 242, 254, 312, 551, 573, 671, 712,1269

Diverticulosis --- 154, 934

Droglioma --- 853

EBV --- 660, 663, 669

Echinoccoccinum --- 453, 164, 623, 542

Echo Virus (Endometriosis Tuberylosa) --- 620

Entameba Histolytica --- 148, 166, 308

Enteto Hepatitis --- 552, 932, 953

Enterobias --- 773, 827, 835

Eriterocoucinum --- 686

Epicoccum --- 734

Epidermophyton Flocconum --- 644, 766

Erysipelis --- 845, 616

Fasciola Heptica --- 275

Feli --- 435

Felis --- 430, 834, 2232, 3233

Fel Tauri --- 672

Feloris Wolyhnica --- 547

Fibrosarcoma --- 1744

Fibroadenona Mamanae --- 1384

Filariose --- 112, 120

Fischpyrogen --- 832

FIV --- 262, 323, 372, 567, 916

Flu '78 --- 844 (844 could be 849)

Flu '79 --- 123

Flu '83 --- 730, 734

Flu '89 --- 322

Flu Triple Nosode --- 421, 632, 1242, 1422, 1922, 3122

Flu Virus "A" --- 332

Flu Virus "B" --- 530, 532, 536, 537

Flu Virus "B" Hong Kong --- 555

Flu Virus British --- 932

Flukeworm --- 524, 854

Fluor Alb --- 420, 423, 424, 2222, 502

Follicular Mange --- 693, 253

Foot & Mouth --- 232, 237, 1214, 1244, 1271, 54ll

Fungus Flora --- 632

Fusarium Oxysporum --- 102

Gardinerella --- 782

Geotrichum Candida --- 412

German Measles - see Rubella --- 517

Gliocladium --- 855

Glioma --- 543, 641

Grippe '87 --- 332, 953

Grippe '86 --- 532

Grippe '89 --- 353

Grippe '90 --- 656

Grippe --- 343, 512, 862, 3012, 3423, 10223

Haemophilie --- 845

Haemophilus Inf --- 542

Haemophilus Inf Type B --- 652, 942

Harry Cell --- 122, 622, 932, 5122

Heartworm --- 543, 2322

Helminthosporium --- 969

Hemobartinella Felis --- 603, 957

Hemorrhoid --- 447

Hepatitis --- 224, 317

Hepatitis A --- 321, 3220

Hepatitis New Nos --- 922, 477

Hepatitis Non A Non B- --- 166

Herpes Simplex --- 322, 343, 476, 822, 843, 1043, 16l4, 2062

Herpes Simplex II --- 556, 832

Herpes Simplex IU.2 --- 808

Herpes Zoster --- 1557, 574

Hirudo Med. --- 128

HlV --- 683, 3554, 714

Horomodendrum --- 695

Household Insect Mix --- 723

Ikterus Haem --- 243

Influenza: Bach Poly --- 122, 823

lnfluenza Toxicum --- 854

Influencinun Berlin --- 430, 720, 733

Influencinum Vesic --- 203, 292, 975

Influencinum Vesic NW --- 364

Intestinal Inflammation --- 105, 791

Jim Adams' Fungus --- 943, 2644

Kaposis Sarcoma --- 418, 249

Katy Luce Finger Wart --- 495

Katy Luce Foot Fungus --- 634

Kidney Papilloma --- 110, 767

Klebs Pneumoniae --- 766, 412

Lac Deflorat --- 230, 371

Leaco-Eucephalitis --- 572

Legionella --- 723

Leptospirosis P.C. --- 612

Leuroencephalitis --- 572, 932, 1111

Leukose --- 612, 633, 653, 3722

Lipona Multiple bipomas --- 47

Listeriose --- 471, 774, 2162

Living Sinus Bacteria --- 548

Luesinum/Syphilnum --- 177

Lupus --- 243, 352, 386, 921, 942, 993, 1333, 1464

Lyme 605, 673, 1455, 797

Lymph. Leuk. 833

Lymphangitis 574

Lymphatic Leukemia 478

Lymphogranuloma 1522

Lyssinum --- 547, 793

Malaria --- 222, 550, 713, 930, 1032, 1433

Mallel --- 1273

Mamma Fibrometosis --- 267

Mannan --- 961

Mastitis --- 654

Measles --- 467, 520, 1489

Measles Vaccine --- 962

Medorrhinum --- 442, 843, 2222

Melanoma Metastasis --- 979

Meningcocis Virus --- 720

Meningeoma --- 535

Meningitis --- 322, 822, 1044, 1422

Meningococcinum --- 676, 677, 517

Microsporum Audouini --- 422, 831, 1222

Microsporum Canis --- 1644

Mold --- 222, 242, 523, 592, 745, 933, 1155, 1333, 1833, 4442

Mold A & C --- 331, 732, 923, 982

Mold Mix B --- 158, 512, 1463, 623, 774, 1016,

Mold Mix C --- 1627

Mold Vac II --- 257

Monilia --- 866

Montospora Languinosa --- 788

Morbillinum - see Measles

Morbus Parkinson --- 813

Morgan (Bact) --- 778

Mucor Mucedo --- 612

Mucor Flumbeus --- 361

Mucor Racemosus --- 474

Mumps --- 242, 516, 642, 922, 2630, 3142

Mumps Vac --- 711, 551, 1419

Muscular Dystrophy --- 153

Mycloid Leukemia --- 422, 822

Mycogone Spp --- 371, 446, 1123

Mycosis Fungoides --- 852

Myocard-Nekrose --- 706, 789

Myom --- 453, 832

Myositis --- 122, 1124, 1169

Mycoplasma Pneumonia --- 688

Nagel Mykose --- 462, 654

Nagel Trichophytie --- 133, 812, 2422

Nasal Polyp --- 1436

Nematodes --- 771

Nephritis --- 264

Neuralgia --- 833

Neurospora Sitophila --- 705

Nigrospora Spp --- 302

Nocarcila Asteroldes --- 237

Oligodena --- 853

Ornithosis --- 583

Ostitis --- 770

Ostitis Medinum --- 316

Ovarian Cyst --- 982

Ovum --- 752

Paradontose --- 1552

Pemphigus --- 893

Penicillium Chyrosogenium --- 344, 2411

Penicillium Not. --- 321, 555, 942

Penicillin Rubrum --- 332, 766

Penny Royal --- 772

Penqueculum --- 746, 755, 6965

Pepto Streptococcus --- 201

Pertussis --- 526, 765

Phoma Destructlva --- 163

Plasmocytoma --- 475

Pneumococcus Mixed flora --- 158, 645, 801

Pneumococcus --- 683

Pneumocystis --- 340, 742

Polio --- 742, 1580, 2632

Porphria --- 698

Protozoa --- 432, 753

Pseudomonis --- 5311, 482

Psitticosis --- 1217

Psorinum --- 786

Pullularia Pullulans --- 1364

Pyelitis/Proteus --- 594

Pyocyaneus --- 437

Pyodermia --- 123

Pyrogenuim --- 429

Pyrogenuls mayo --- 1625

Q-Fever --- 1357

Reproductive --- 622

Rhesus Oravldatum --- 684

Rheuma --- 952

Rheumaticus --- 376

Rhinopneumonltis --- 185, 367, 820

Rhizopus Nigricans --- 132

Rocky Flountain Spotted Fever --- 943

Rhodo Torula --- 833

Rhodococcus --- 124, 835

Rickettsia --- 129, 943

Round Worms --- 650

Rubella --- 431

Rubella Vac --- 459

Salmonella --- 1522

Salmonella B --- 546, 1634

Salmonella Paratyphi B --- 7l7, 643, 972, 707, 59, 92, 7771

Sanguis Menstruum --- 591

Schistosoma Haematobium --- 847

Schistosoma Mansoni --- 329

Schunan B-Cell --- 322, 425, 561, 600, 620, 623, 780, 781, 950, 952, 1023, 1524

Serum Schweinepest --- 503

Smegma --- 180

Solitary Cyst --- 75

Sorghum Smut --- 294

Spanish Flu --- 462

Sporobolomyces --- 753

Sporotrichum Pruinosum --- 755

Staph Coagulae positive --- 643

Staph Aureus --- 727, 943

Stemphylium --- 461

Strep, Haemolytic --- 535, 1522

Strep Virus --- 727

Streptomyces Griseolus --- 887

Strongyloids --- 332, 422, 721, 942, 3212

Struma Cystica --- 5311

Struma Nodosa --- 122, 321, 517, 532, 651

Struma Parenchyme --- 121

Sudor Pedis --- 148

Swine Flu --- 432, 839

T-cell Leuk. --- 222, 262, 822, 3042, 3734

TB Avaire --- 532

TB Bovine --- 523, 3353

TB Klebs --- 221, 1132, 1644, 2313, 6516

Taenia --- 187

Tape Worm --- 522, 562, 843, 1223, 3032, 5522

Tetanus --- 554

Tetanus Anti-Toxin --- 363, 458

Tetragenus --- 393, 2712

Thermi Bacteria --- 233, 441

Thread Worm --- 423, 732, 4412

Tobacco Mosaic --- 233, 274, 543, 782, 1052

Tonsillar Nos --- 1656

Tonsular Pfropfe [?]--- 246

Tonsillitis --- 452

Torulopsis --- 522, 2121

Toxoplasmosis --- 434, 852

Trichinosis --- 541, 1372

Trichodermia --- 711

Trichomonas --- 610, 692, 980

Trichophytie --- 132, 812, 2422, 9493

Trichophyton Mentagrophytes --- 311

Trichophyron Rubrum --- 752, 923

Trichophyton Tousuraus --- 765

Tuberculinurn --- 522

Tularamie --- 324, 427, 823

"Ultimate" Yeast --- 72, 422, 582, 787, 1016, 2222

Urea-Plasma --- 756

Uremie --- 911

Uterus Polyp --- 689

V-3 Grippe --- 550, 553

V-4 Grippe --- 232, 352

V-5 Grippe --- 945

V-75 Victoria --- 343

V Grippe --- 861

VA-2 Grippe --- 833

VA 2-L Grippe --- 447

Vaccinnum --- 476

Vapch Grippe --- 153, 343

Variola --- 511, 2132, 2544, 876

Varicillen --- 345, 668, 716

Variola --- 476, 511, 876, 1644, 2132, 2544

Variolinun --- 542, 832, 3222

Yellow Fever --- 432, 734

Yersenia --- 333

Zygomycosis --- 942

(0) 0 (0)

Archetypal Frequencies

Sound Healing Frequencies

 Sound Therapy Frequencies


 200,000 - 500,000   Dolphins highest range

 18,500                Highest frequency heard by average young woman

17,500                Highest frequency heard by average young man

15,700                High frequency that old televisions scream at

15,000                ( Most people over 40 can't hear this high anymore )


5000-20,000         7th Chakra ( Crown )

5000-8000           Treble control on a stereo

4096                   Highest note on a piano

4096                   Quartz crystal ( 786,432 hertz octavized down - 1/ 2, 1 / 2, 1 / 2, etc. )

4000                   The most irritating (or activating) frequency (chainsaw freq)

3000                   Frequency that telephones are centered around ( voice harmonics )

1000                   Test Tone radio and tv put out when they go off the air

1000-5000            6th Chakra ( Third Eye )

852  Solfeggio Frequency LA – Returning to Spiritual Order

741  Solfeggio Frequency SOL – Awakening Intuition

639  Solfeggio Frequency FA – Connecting / Relationships

600 - 1000              5th Chakra (Throat)

528                    Solfeggio Frequency MI – Transformation and Miracles ( DNA Repair ) and Frequency of the Heart 
( Leonard Horowitz )                                


452.459              Venus (based on it’s rotation around the Sun)

432                    Frequency of average baby cry just out of the womb; Relates to the diameter of the Sun ; Many other auspicious relations to sacred sites and ancient tunings in Egypt.

417                    Solfeggio Frequency RE –Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change

396                    Solfeggio Frequency UT – Liberating Guilt and Fear

350 - 600              4th Chakra ( Heart )

297                    A frequency found in the Crop Circles

292                    Nogier cell rejuvenation

268.8                  Ali Akbar Khan’s favorite frequency to tune to

266                     Good for Nervous System

256                     Physical and Scientific mean - Philosopher’s middle C

250                     Main resonant frequency of the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid

250                     Average Voice ( Common to everyone across all cultures )

200-350               3rd Chakra ( Solar Plexus )

194.18                 Based on the Earth day - Spin of the Earth

144.72                 Rotation of Mars around the Sun

144                     Code within the golden spiral of all the atoms

117.1875              The Sarcophagus in the Kings Chamber in the Great Pyramid in Egypt

136.102               The "OM" Frequency - Based on a mathematical calculation of the rotation of the Earth around the Sun . Many tuning forks and gongs are tuned to this "earth" frequency.

111                     Good frequency for Cell rejuvenation (Bob Beck); Many other auspicious relations to sacred sites.

85                       Beethoven’s Fire frequency

73                       Paul Nogier core healing frequency. Multiply by 2 to get the full array of frequencies.

64 ( C )                   Base of spine

60-200                 2nd Chakra

50                       Main harmonic of a kitty purr;  Hummingbird approximate wing speed
45                       Resonant frequency of bones (Proven to regenerate bones)

40                       Thunder’s key fundamental frequency; Gamma brainwave frequency

40-55                   Bass control on a stereo

32                       Lowest C note on a piano (good for the nervous system)

25                       Cat Purr (root frequency)

25                       Lowest frequency that most people can hear; Stimulates mitochondria growth

25                       (Many stereos and headphones don't reproduce this low of a frequency)

20-60                   Root Chakra

16                       Main low freq put out by Whales all the time across the (always right on pitch)

12                       Seemingly negative frequency from the Moon during full moon

12-20                   Beta Brainwaves

11                       Energy between pillars -- Portals in temples

10.666            Average ultrawave healing frequency (when healers are in the zone, they’ve measured it as brainwaves) .    Diameter of hydrogen molecule.

10.53                   Brainwave frequency used in Silva Mind Control uses to get you in the zone

8                         Lowest frequency put out by Whales

7.83      Average Schumann Resonance of the earth’s atmosphere between the earth and ionosphere (electromagnetic, not sound )

7.8125                  Spherics controlling the weather

8-12                     Alpha Brainwaves (Relaxed Attention)

4-8                      Theta Brainwaves (Dream State, Creative Downloads, Subconscious Mind, Portal to Oneness)

3-4                      Lowest frequency put out by Elephants

1.45                     Frequency emitted by many sacred sites

1.2                      Average Heart Rate

1.042                   Very Healing Heart Rate

.5-4                     Delta Brainwaves (Deep Sleep)

.1                        Brainwaves when in Heart Coherence


Thanks to Randy Masters for collecting some of these frequencies

Frequency Ranges in Music

( From a recording engineering perspective )

LOW BASS  -  < 40 Hertz

This range is sometimes called the “ sub-bass. ”  It is commonly found in Rap Booms and the low bass of Kick Drums and Bass Guitars.  It is difficult for many people to discern pitch very well at this range.  This range is often used in movies for earthquakes, rumble, and explosions.

BASS  -  40 - 100 Hertz
40 - 60 hertz is the approximate range that is boosted when you turn up the “bass” tone control on a stereo.

MUDD ( OOOHZONE )  -  100 - 800 Hertz ( particularly around 100-400 )

This range is called the oohzone ( pronounced “ ooh ” as in “ boo ” ) because if you boost this range it makes you say “ewwwwh” with disgust.  This range is also referred to as the “oohzone” because if you put your hand on your chest and say “oooooooooohhhh”, you notice that this frequency resonates your chest cavity.  This means that your chest cavity is boosting the volume of this frequency range.  When frequencies are boosted too much in this range, they sound extremely muddy and unclear, and can even cause extreme fatigue when not evened out.

MIDRANGES  -  800 - 5000 Hertz

We are extremely hypersensitive to this frequency.  Boosting a frequency 1 decibel in this range is like boosting 3 decibel in any other frequency range.  This is where most of our language is centered - particularly the consonants ( vs. the vowels ) , so it is where we live most of the time.  The telephone is centered around 3000 hertz because we can still understand someone when only this range is present.  Since we are so overly sensitive to this range , it is critical to be careful when boosting or cutting any frequencies here.  This is doubly true on vocals because we are also hypersensitive to what vocals are supposed to sound like.

Other notable frequencies in this range include 1000 hertz , which is that tone you hear when you fall asleep at night with the TV on (and the station goes off the air leaving this test tone ).  4000 hertz is the chain saw frequency .  It is the most irritating frequency there is, by far .  It is also the frequency of finger nails on a chalk board.

HIGHS  -  5000 - 8000 Hertz
This range is the range that is boosted when you turn up the “ treble ” tone control on a stereo.  It is commonly boosted in mastering to make things sound brighter and more present.

HI HIGHS  -  > 8000 Hertz
This range is where you find cymbals and higher harmonics of sounds.  Boosting this range a little bit on certain instruments can make the recording sound like a higher quality recording.  Boosting this range too much can make it sound irritating.

Adrenals,Thyroid & Parathyroid
492.8 *
319.88 *
317.83 *
352 *
Small Intestine
281.6 *
220 *
176 *
Gall Bladder
164.3 *
110 *
Fat Cells

Detox Bath and Steam healing after Rife binural tone treatments .

It is best to do this 2 to 3 times week if your using the Tones frequently and want to see rapid results and healing and detoxing . Also is is really good to run hot water on the bottom of your feet before the massage . Also after the detox bath massaging these points really help break up built up bacteria ext in the body .

To achieve best results with these tones you need to take detox baths twice a week if you using them weekly or after a session .This is based on the best detox bath according to Royal Rife after using a Rife . I also aded some of my healing techniques that worked rapidly for me . Two cups of backing soda , two cups of Epson salt ( if you do not have it Ionized salt is a good alternative ) a half of a cup of peroxide . Run a hot bath and stay in it at least 20 min . After the bath take a shower with out soap ( do not use soap !!! ) Run hot water ( as hot as you can stand the heat ) on you shoulders and the places were you are infected ext . Then make sure you run hot water on the bottom of you feet in rotation to stimulate all the nerves in your body and to help break up any infection in the body . Allow your self 30 to a hour to do nothing because you will feel faint and sweat a lot and maybe even feel sick .It is also best to do this naked and sweat out the toxins on a towel because you releasing toxins from the body that has been in you for a long time and you do not want to get those toxins on the close you were . That just defeats the purpose of cleansing the body . This is normal and you know your healing and ridding your body of toxins .


Sound Waves Can Alter Your Brains Frequencies Causing A Shift In Consciousness!

High Technology Recordings are designed to interact directly with your brain frequencies and instantly bring you in to the Altered States of Alpha, Theta, and Delta while you remain conscious! There are three technologies that prove to be effective . Binaural Beats , Monaural Beats, and Isochronic Tones.

Binaurals play two stereo frequencies that are different from each other. The brain balances the two and tunes into the frequency difference. These recordings actually Control the Difference and put you right into an Altered State of our choice. Monaurals and Isochronics use equal intensity tones which pulse. The pulsing interacts and harmonizes with the brain as it lowers your brain's operating frequencies.

The 528 hz frequency is known as, the "528 Miracle," because it has the remarkable capacity to heal and repair DNA within the body and is the exact frequency that has been used by genetic biochemists.

"528 cycles per second is literally the core creative frequency of nature. It is love," proclaims renowned medical researcher Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz. 

These Are My Tones On You Tube . 


You can find the free mp3 down load links on most of the videos . My beats are not binural . I use many types of wave forms and please do note use head phones . Head phone speakers are not capable of the range of some of the tones I use . To get really good results from my tones and some tones in general try sleeping / relaxing with the Tones with the Blockers frequencies but sleeping on the tones can be even more beneficial to your health . When you sleep is when you learn and heal the best .


  I did my best to set them up from newest to oldest tones . I just also started a new you tube page . Some of my older healing tone videos have over 351,900 views .



Zakaos Tones + Super Fungus Killer and Blood Flow forCandida , Cancer , Fungus , Ashtma , Chem trails Detox







Zakaos Tone + Kings Chamber # 2 + V2k ,Radiation,Tv,Radio ,Wifi Neuro Blocker & Healer , Healing Oil




Zakaos Tones + 0 + = S. Blocker V2k , TV Radiation + Healing and more




Zakaos Tone 2 + V2K ,Radiation ,Tv Blocker + Cancer ,Parasites ,Fungus ,Chem Trail, Breathing & More





  Zakaos Tone 3 + V2k ,TV , Smart Meter,Candida, Fungus,Chem Trail Asthma Healer Waves




    Zakaos XF. 5 Tone + V2k SD. Meter Block/Positive Cell Body Sound Healer  (((HoAoP00O0o0o00AoHOoOP)))) 



Zakaos Tone + V2k SD. Meter Blocker 1 + Body , Mind , Healing Oils and more



ZAKAOS Tone + V2K Radiation Microwave Tone BLOCKER 




Radiation Detox + 2 Chem trail ,GMO ,Metal Detox + Accelerated Healing - Binaural Mega Detox Healing 






Zakaos + Manifestation of Love + Rife V2k Blocker ( This is a song I made and I put my tone in the back Ground ) To be played at a load Volume !!! 





Stop Mind control + Chemtrail Detox + GMO , Pestisides Detox Binural Brain Waves 





Zakaos Binural Mix - Mind Enhancement & Mental detox,Chakra Healing ,Remote Viewing,Pineal Gland & 




 Zakaos Bunural Mix - Stop Mind Control+Create Your Reality  Chemtrail,Parasite,Radiation,GMO,Detox & 



Stop Pyramid Brain Hacking+Pyramid Heling+Pineal Gland Healing+Oregon+Chemtrail GMO Detox 




              Radiation Detox - Binural Healing Frequencies 





              This is my go fund me campaign link .

                         I Am A Targeted Individual Artist



This is a free tone generator that helps heal . I make my own tones and I am a Tonotopy ( In physiology , tonotopy (from Greek tono=frequency and topos = place) is the spatial arrangement of where sounds of different frequency are processed in the brain. Tones close to each other in terms of frequency are represented in topologically neighbouring regions in the brain . Tonotopic maps are a particular case of topographic organization, similar to retinotopy in the visual system.) . Down load and please share . A post could save a life or change one for the better .
Numerology healing tones

 ( link )


480 hz is the frequency for Magnesium Frequency . Magnesium is one of the core component in water . We are 80 percent Water . This is about spirit water and the hidden secrets of water . 


 The Sound Frequencies in Water : A= 440 Hz vs. A= 432 Hz

528 aka C Sharp 4.44

High Technology Recordings are designed to interact directly with your brain frequencies and instantly bring you in to the Altered States of Alpha, Theta, and Delta while you remain conscious! There are three technologies that prove to be effective. Binaural Beats, Monaural Beats, and Isochronic Tones.

Binaurals play two stereo frequencies that are different from each other. The brain balances the two and tunes into the frequency difference. These recordings actually Control the Difference and put you right into an Altered State of our choice. Monaurals and Isochronics use equal intensity tones which pulse. The pulsing interacts and harmonizes with the brain as it lowers your brain's operating frequencies.

The 528 hz frequency is known as, the "528 Miracle," because it has the remarkable capacity to heal and repair DNA within the body and is the exact frequency that has been used by genetic biochemists.

"528 cycles per second is literally the core creative frequency of nature. It is love," proclaims renowned medical researcher Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz.

0.4 Hz - Consciousness - ecstatic states of, Consciousness - extraordinary states of, Meditation, Out-of-body experiences

0.5 Hz - Anti-aging, Asthma, Backache 2, Brachial neuralgia, Brain - stimulate and tone, Coughing, DHEA, Excretory stimulant, Headache, Hyperthyroid, Melantonin, Muscular pain and injury, Pain - lower back, Relaxation, Reproductive, Stiff muscles secondary, Tendomyopathy, Thyroid, Toxin elimination, Back pain; Brachial neuralgia; Coughing; Hyperthyroid; Muscles, pain/injury; Stiff muscles, secondary; Tendomyopathy; Toxins, elimination

0.9 Hz - Euphoria

0.26 Hz - Dental pain, Pain - dental

0.30 Hz - Depression

0.512 Hz - Consciousness, Insight, Inspiration, Meditation, Out-of-body experiences

1.0 Hz - Muscles, pain/injury; Pesticide detox; Stiff muscles, secondary; Tendomyopathy; Vitamag, Pesticide detox (see also Liver and Kidney support, Circulatory and Lymph stasis freqs), Tumor benign, Muscle resonance, Organ resonance, Anti-aging, Balance, Defibrillator, DHEA, Growth hormones - stimulation, Harmony, Heart problems, Melantonin, Muscular pain and injury, Pacemaker - heart, Pesticide detox, Pituitary stimulation, Stiff muscles secondary, Tendomyopathy, Vitamag complete set, Well-being - feeling of

1.05 Hz - Growth hormones - stimulation, Hair - color restoration, Hair - growth, Injury - recovery from, Muscles - develop, Pituitary stimulation, Rejuvenation - after injury

1.1 Hz - Depression drugs or toxins, Parkinsons disease, Depression, due to drugs or toxins; Muscles, pain/injury; Parkinson's disease

1.2 Hz - Abdominal inflammation, AIDS 1, Ankylosing spondylitis, Arthritis 1, Arthritis rheumatoid, Bedsores, Bone spurs, Diabetic toe ulcer 1, Dupuytrens contracture, Epicondylitis, Eye inflammation, Facial toning, Headache, Headaches, Heart tonic, Infections general, Knee joint pain, Larynx, Muscular pain and injury, Pain - headaches, Psoriasis ankylosing spondylitis, Stiff muscles secondary, Tachycardia, Tendomyopathy, Tonsillitis, Urethritis, Varicoses, Abdominal inflammation; Aids (program 2); Ankylosing spondylitis; Arthritis; Arthritis, muscles and tendons; Arthritis, rheumatoid; Bedsores; Bone spurs; Diabetic toe ulcer; Dupuytren's contracture; Epicondylitis (tennis elbow); Eye, inflammation; Facial toning; Headaches, general; Heart, tonic; Hepatitis, general; Infection, general; Knee, joint pain; Larynx; Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Spondylitis, acute; Stiff muscles, secondary; Tachycardia; Tendomyopathy; Tonsillitis; Urethritis; Varicoses, Dupuytrens contracture (4th and 5th finger curling into hand, unable to straighten), Eye inflammation (also see General antiseptic), Varicoses

1.5 Hz - # Healing, * Benefical, Anti-aging, Anxiety 1, Arthritis 1, DHEA, Endorphins released, Fatigue - chronic, Hypnosis, Inflammation general, Melantonin, Muscular pain and injury, Pain relief, Stiff muscles secondary, Tendomyopathy, Arthritis; Inflammation, general; Muscles, pain/injury; Stiff muscles, secondary; Tendomyopathy

1.8 Hz - Brain, delta stimulation, Sinus Congestion

1.44 Hz - Aids (program 3), AIDS 2

1.45 Hz - Alzheimer's, Dyslexia

2.0 Hz - Vitamag, Healing - nerves, Hypothyroid, Nerve regeneration, Nerves, Regeneration and healing 1, Vitamag complete set, Anti-aging, DHEA, Melantonin

2.06 Hz - Coccyx

2.3 Hz - Genitals

2.4 Hz - Bells Palsy

2.5 Hz - 5-hydroxytryptamine production of, Anti-aging, Brain - endogenous opiates, Bruises, DHEA, Endogenous opiates - brain, Insomnia, Lymph stasis secondary, Lymphs and detox, Melantonin, Muscular pain and injury, Pain relief, Relaxation, Sedative effect, Sexual stimulation, Sinusitis, Stiff muscles secondary, Tendomyopathy, Lymph glands, stimulate; Lymph stasis, secondary; Muscles, pain/injury; Sedative effect; Stiff muscles, secondary; Tendomyopathy

2.15 Hz - Inflammation - vagina, Tendovaginatis, Addiction - alcohol, Addiction - drugs, Alcohol addiction, Drug addiction

2.27 Hz - Headache - muscle tension, Muscle tension headaches

2.57 Hz - Bladder

2.65 Hz - Gall bladder dystonia with osteitis, Gallstones, Gravel urine, Osteoitis, Gallbladder, dystonia with osteitis; Gallstones; Gravel deposits in urine; Osteoitis

2.67 Hz - Intestines

3.0 Hz - Eyes - vision, Vision, Childhood awareness, Memory - recall, Creativity, Dreaming - lucid (rational), Focus, Hypnagogic hallucinations, Hypnagogic state, Meditation, Memory - increase, Relaxation - deep, ELF, Extremely low frequency, Abdominal pain; Allergy; Alziemer; Angina pectoris; Appendix; Arthritis; Arthritis, muscles and tendons; Back pain; Brain, theta stimulation; Headaches, general; Hyperthyroid; Insomnia; Knee, joint pain; Larynx; Nervousness -- Prozac agitation; Pain relief, abdominal; Stroke, follow up; Sun allergy; Vitamag, Celiac disease 1, Hyperthyroid, Abdominal pain, Allergies, Allergy, Angina pectoris, Arthritis 1, Backache 2, Bells Palsy, Decreased awareness of the physical world, Dreaming - lucid (rational), Feelings - tranquility, Hyperthyroid, Hypnosis, Immune functions - increased, Immune system improvement, Increased Reaction Time, Insomnia, Knee joint pain, Larynx, Nervousness Prozac agitation, Peace, Rehabilitation of body and brain (by delta wave activity), Relaxation, Sleep - deep, Sleep - deep dreamless, Sleep - non-rapid eye movement, Sleep - restorative, Sleep - restorative state, Stroke follow up, Sun allergy, Trance, Tranquility, Vitamag complete set, Anti-aging, DHEA, Melantonin

3.07 Hz - Hara

3.4 Hz - Sleep - sound

3.5 Hz - Anxiety - state of, Daydreaming, Dreaming - day, Drowsiness, Fantasizing, Focus - internal, Inhibition, Learning - promotion, Meditation, Memory - promotion, Prayer, Thoughts - switching, Anti-aging, Anxiety, Biliary headache, Depression, Depression anxiety trembling weakness, DHEA, DNA stimulation, Gallstones, Kidney stones, Language retention - accelerated, Melantonin, Regeneration - whole-being, Whole-being regeneration, Biliary headache; Brain, delta stimulation; Depression, anxiety/trembling/weakness; Gallstones; Kidney stones, Bile duct 1 (spasms and pain), Biliary headache, Depression anxiety trembling weakness, Ulcer parasites

3.6 Hz - Anger, Dog and cat hostility 1, Inflammation general, Irritability, Anger, to keep from; Dog and cat hostility; Inflammation, general

3.9 Hz - Awareness - enhanced inner, Behavior - unsociable, Bells Palsy, Heart tonic, Meditation, Neuralgia, Regeneration and healing 1, Stomach disorders, Unsociable behavior, Heart, tonic; Neuralgia; Stomach disorders

3.59 Hz - Insomnia, Insomnia

3.84 Hz - Ovaries

3.92 Hz - Blood

4 Hz - Attitude, # Healing - emotional, # Healing - physical, Addictions, Awareness, Blood pressure - reduced, Brain - sodium potassium levels, Creativity, Daydreaming, Dreaming, Dreaming - day, Drowsiness, Faith, Fantasy, Fatigue - mental, Hallucinations, Imagery, Imagery - mental, Inner peace - profound, Inner wisdom, Inspiration, Inspirational bursts, Intuitive Augmentation, Learning - accelerate ability in children, Learning - increase ability, Meditation - deep, Meditation - Zen, Memory - recall, Mental fatigue, Mental imagery, Military remote viewers, Mystical truths, Perceptive insight, Planning, Psychic abilities, Purpose of life exploration, Recall, Relaxation, Reverie, Sex drive - increase, Sleep - twilight sleep learning, Sodium potassium, Subconscious images, Switching thoughts, Thought - planning, Thoughts - limiting, Twilight sleep learning, Unconscious beliefs, Unconscious material, Unconscious material - retrieving of, Zen meditation, Creative insight, Creative inspiration, Daydreaming, Dream,, ing - day, Imagery - mental, Insight - creative, Inspiration - creativity, Meditation - deep, Mental imagery, Musing - abstracted, Reverie, Sleep - twilight sleep learning, Spiritual - connection, Subconscious mind, Theta brain state, Twilight sleep learning, Skeletal muscle resonances, Aging - Anti-aging, Anti-aging, Astral Projection, Catecholamines, Chronic fatigue, Coma, Cortisol, Death - near death experience, Delta brain state, DHEA (anti-aging), Empathy, Enkephalins, ESP (extrasensory perception), Extrasensory perception, Fatigue - chronic, Headaches unknown cause, Healing - miracle, Hypophyseal disturbances, Learning responses, Malaria, Melantonin, Memory responses, Memory scanning, Mental state - seduction mindset, Near death experience, Object naming, Personal growth, Regeneration and healing 1, Seduction mindset, Sleep - deep dreamless, Stress, Subconscious problem solving, Telepathy, Trance, Trauma recovery, Vertigo, Vitamag complete set, - Brain, theta stimulation; Headaches, due to unknown cause; Hypophyseal (pituitary) disturbances; Vertigo; Vitamag

4,000 Hz - Human speech

4.5 Hz - Dreaming - wakeful, Imagery - vivid, Chants - Tibetan Buddhist, Consciousness - shamanic state of, Shamanic state of consciousness, Tibetan Buddhist Chants

4.6 Hz - Blood, Emotional impluse, Hyperparathyroidism, Impulse - emotional, Spleen

4.7 Hz - Asthma, Asthma 1

4.9 Hz - Contemplation of self, Cramping and nausea, Dysmenorrhea, Dyspepsia, Head injury followup, Headaches due to toxicity, Induce relaxation, Introspection, Mental disorders, Nausea and cramping, Pain of infection, Relaxation, Self-examination, Stiff neck, Urticaria, Cramping and nausea; Dysmenorrhea (painful mestration); Dyspepsia; Head injury followup; Headaches, due to toxicity; Hives (urticaria); Mental disorders; Nausea; Pain relief, infection; Stiff neck; Urticaria; Brain wave, theta

4.11 Hz - Kidneys

5 Hz - Relaxation, Brain, delta stimulation; Brain, theta stimulation; Vitamag, Motor vehicle - operating, Pain relief, Problem solving - unusual, Sleep - cause, Sleep - reduce amount needed, Thinking - unusual problem solving, Vitamag complete set

5.5 Hz - Arousal, Attention, Extroversion, Imagination - of a scene, Mental arithmetic, Mental interpretation, Tracing a maze, Brain, theta stimulation; Hormonal imbalances; Paresthesia, Growth is needed, Heat generation, Hormonal imbalances, Immaturity, Intuition, Paresthesia

5.8 Hz - Absent-mindedness, Dizziness, Fear - reduce, Head injury followup, Headaches unknown cause, Muscular pain and injury, Stiff muscles secondary, Tendomyopathy, Vertigo, Dizziness; Head injury followup; Headaches, due to unknown cause; Muscles, pain/injury; Stiff muscles, secondary; Tendomyopathy; Vertigo

5.9 Hz - Acupuncture disturbance field

5.14 Hz - Emotional Acceptance, Stomach

5.35 Hz - Heat - create in body, Lungs, Oxygen - use in body

6 Hz - Heat - experienced by body, Pressure on body, Somatic Responses, Tingling, Creative Visualization - stimulation, Visualization - creative stimulation, Creative Visualization - stimulation, Hypertension, Hypertension renin induced, Long term memory stimulation, Memory - long term stimulation, Pesticide detox, Stiff neck, Unwillingness to work, Visualization - creative stimulation, Vitamag complete set, Work - unwillingness to, Hypertension; Hypertension, diastolic high pressure; Pesticide detox; Spastic stiff neck; Stiff neck; Vitamag

6.2 Hz - Cognitive activity, Math - problem solving, Tetris

6.3 Hz - Anger - reduction of, Astral projection, Edema, Headaches unknown cause, Irritability - reduction of, Learning - accelerated stimulation of, Lymph stasis secondary, Lymphs and detox, Memory - increased retention, Mental projection, Mental stimulation, Regeneration and healing 1, Swelling, Anger, to keep from; Edema; Headaches, due to unknown cause; Lymph stasis, secondary; Swelling

6.8 Hz - Anxiety 1, Cancer experimental additional frequencies, Diabetes 1, Muscle spasms, Muscles to relax, Parasites hookworm, Spasms - muscle, Spasms muscle, Telepathy, Wellness, Cancer (general program additional); Diabetes (program 1); Muscles, relax; Parasites, hookworm; Spasms, muscle; Wellness

6.15 Hz - Affection - stimulation of, Emotion, Friendliness - stimulation of, Heart, Kindness - stimulation of, Love, Warmth - stimulation of

6.26 Hz - Anxiety, Brain - hemispheric desynchronization, Confusion, Depression, Insomnia, Reaction time - low

6.88 Hz - Collarbones, Mental balance, Stability, Vitality

9 Hz - Lung (general), Menieres 1, Vitamag complete set

9.1 Hz - Cataract 2, Distortion (twisting of muscles, spine), Luxation (dislocation of organs or joints)

10 Hz - # Healing - ligament, # Healing - self-healing, * Benefical, ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder), Adrenal - stimulation, Adrenal stimulant, Alertness - increase, Ananalgesic for hangover, Ankylosing spondylitis, Anti-convulsant, Appendicitis, Arthritis, Arthritis 1, Attention Deficit Disorder, Blood clots, Cancer melanoma 1, Cervobrachial syndrome, Chakra - Solar Plexus/Manipura, Confusion, Endorphins, Foreign language - learning, Gall Bladder, Hangover, Head injury, Headache, Headaches, Headaches unknown cause, Hyperactivity, Injury - head, Insomnia, Intellectual activity destroyed, Intestinal problems colon, Jetlag, Kidney insufficiency, Kidneys - activate, Larynx, Learning a foreign language, Ligament healing, Liver, Lymph stasis secondary, Lymphs and detox, Medulla is physiologically blocked, Melatonin - decrease, Memory improvement, Migraine, Mood elevator, Muscle pain, Muscular pain and injury, Nephritis, Nervous System, Neuralgia, Neurological interference, Nicotine withdrawal, Norepinephrine, Pa,, in - muscles, Pain relief, Pancreas, Post-traumatic syndrome, Psoriasis ankylosing spondylitis, Reading improvement, Relaxation to produce, Sciaticor schias, Serotonin, Serotonin - release of, Solar Plexus/Manipura chakra, Spasm, Spasm, Spelling improvement, Spiritual wisdom, Stiff muscles secondary, Stomach, Temperature - raise body, Tendomyopathy, Vitamag complete set, Whiplash, Withdrawal - nicotine, - Adrenal; Adrenal stimulant; Ankylosing spondylitis; Appendicitis; Appendix; Arthritis; Headaches, due to unknown cause; Headaches, general; Influenza, grippe; Insomnia; Intestinal problems, colon; Intestines, large; Kidney insufficiency; Larynx; Lymph glands; Lymph stasis, secondary; Migraine; Muscles, pain/injury; Nephritis; Nephrosis; Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Relaxation; Sciaticor schias; Spondylitis, acute; Stiff muscles, secondary; Tendomyopathy; Vitamag

10.2 Hz - Catecholamines

10.3 Hz - Breathing - improve, Nasal Passage, Taste - improve

10.5 Hz - # Healing, # Healing mind/body, # Healing of body, * Benefical, Alertness - relaxed, Blood, Blood Pressure - lowering, Chakra - Heart/Anahata, Circulatory System, Contemplation, Convalescence, Emotion, Feelings - emotional, Fire walking, Heart, Heart/Anahata chakra, Illness - post illness, Immune system - stimulaltion of, Love - of others, Love - of self, Mind over matter, Mind/body - healing, Mind/body - unity, Relaxed alertness, Thymus, Unity - mind/body, Walking - fire walking

10.6 Hz - Alertness - state of, Relaxation - state of

10.7 Hz - Ears, Hearing

10.36 Hz - Lymph glands, support, Lymph support, Lymphs and detox

10.55 Hz - Frequency fatigue, Frequency fatigue

11 Hz - Alertness - focused, Focused alertness, Alertness - relaxed, Brain - calcium ion migration, Calcium ion migration, Relaxation, Stress - reduction of

11.5 Hz - Intelligence - increase

12 Hz - # Healing, # Healing - stimulation of, Chakra - Throat/Vishuddha, Clarity - mental, Earth resonance, Hypothyroid, Lungs, Mental clarity, Mind/body connection, Nausea, Self-expression, Throat/Vishuddha chakra, Thyroid, Time - sense of, Vocal Cords, Hypothyroid

12.3 Hz - Eyes, Visualization

13 Hz - Brain - lower, Chakra - Brow/Ajna, Conceptualization, Ears, Eye - left, Mental efficiency, Nervous System, Nose, Pituitary, Sphincter resonance, Thinking - mental efficiency, Visualization, Vitamag complete set, Brain, alpha stimulation; Vitamag

13.5 Hz - Healing - muscles, Muscles

13.8 Hz - Decision - final, Frontal Lobes

14 Hz - Alert, Alert focusing, Awake, Awareness - detached, Concentration, Daydreaming, Dreaming, Dreaming - day, Intelligence Enhancement, Learning, Learning - passive, Meditation gateway, Musing - abstracted, Relaxation - state of, Reverie - light, Sensory imagery, Sleep - dreaming, Subconscious - conscious mind, Unconscious - conscious mind, Visualization, Vitality, Brain, beta stimulation

14.1 Hz - # Healing - accelerate

15 Hz - Attentiveness, Autism - mild, Blood Pressure, Brain - upper, Capillary formation, Chakra - Crown/Sahasrara, Disc - herneated, Emotional States, Emotional Trauma, Energy Blocks - emotional, Eye - right, Fibroblast proliferation, Focused - relaxed, Hyperactivity, Hypertension, Joints, Necrosis - skin, Pain - chronic, Personality - Integration of, Pineal gland, Plants, Reflexes - conditioned, Sciatica 1, Sensorimotor, Spirituality, Sublimination - sound, Tissues, Blood pressure, high; Brain, alpha stimulation; Pancreas

15.05 Hz - Lymph glands, support, Lymph support, Lymphs and detox

15.2 Hz - Capillaries, Healing - capillaries, Lymph System - circulatioin of, Lymphs and detox

15.4 Hz - Cerebral cortex, Intelligence

16 Hz - Brain - calcium ion migration, Calcium, Calcium ion migration, Oxygen, Sleep - second stage of, Vitamag complete set, Vitamag

16.4 Hz - Head - top of, Liberation - spiritual sense of, Spiritual, Transcendence - sense of

17 Hz - Analytical mind, Blood - circulation of

18 Hz - Feelings, Headache, Jogger's high, Awareness - outward, Brain - sodium/potassium levels, Mental fatigue, Potassium, Sodium, Alertness, Anxiety - state of, Awakeness - full, Memory - improvement, Reading - improvement, Spelling - improvement, Stress - state of, Alertness, Awareness, Euphoria, Focus, Mental ability - increase, Mental focus - increase, Brain, alpha stimulation

18.98 Hz - Eyeballs, Optical illusion

19 Hz - Infrasound

19.5 Hz - Vitamag, Vitamag complete set

20 Hz - * Benefical, Abdominal inflammation, Acidosis, Actinomyces israelii, Adenoids, Adrenal stimulant, Alopecia, ALS 2, Amenorrhea, Anal itching, Aneurysm, Angina pectoris, Anosmia, Apoplexy stroke paralysis, Appendicitis, Appetite lack of, Arteriosclerosis, Arthritis 1, Arthritis general, Asthma, Ataxia, Athletes foot, Autointoxication, Bacterial infections, Bedsores, Bells Palsy, Bladder and prostate complaints, Bronchitis, Bubonic plague secondary infections, Bunion pain, Cancer general 2, Cancer glioblastoma, Cancer melanoma 1, Cancer prostate, Cancer tertiary, Cancrum oris, Candida, Candida 1, Candida 2, Candida tertiary, Catarrh, Cervicitis, Chakra base root, Cold 3, Cold in head chest, Colic, Colon problems general, Common cold, Conjunctivitis, Constipation, Coughing, Cramping and nausea, Crohns disease, Cystitis chronic, Deafness, Diabetes 1, Diabetes associated infection, Diabetes secondary, Diabetic toe ulcer 1, Downs syndrome palliative, Drug addiction, Dyspepsia, Ear conditions various, Eczema,, , Edema, Electrolyte levels, Emphysema, Enterovirus General, Epididymitis, Epilepsy, Erysipelas, Euphoria, Eye disorders, Fainting, Fascia, Fatigue, Fatigue general, Fever, Fever sunstroke, Fibromyalgia, Fissures, Frigidity female, Fungus general, Furunkulosis, Gall bladder dystonia with osteitis, Gallstones, Gangrene general, Gastritis and flatus, General antiseptic, General comprehensive, General demo, General program EMEM, General prophylaxis, Gingivitis, Glandular fever, Glandular fever thyroid, Gout, Gravel urine, Graves disease and goiter, Halitosis, Hallucinations, Hay fever, Head cold, Headache, Headaches due to parasites, Headaches due to toxicity, Heart general, Heart tonic, Heartburn chronic, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis C 1, Herpes zoster secondary, Hiccups, Hip pain, Hyperacidity stomach, Hyperosmia, Hypertension, Hypochondrium upper abdomen, Hypotension, Hypothyroid, Impotence, Infections general, Influenza, Influenza 1997 1998, Intelligence and clarity of thought, Intercostal neuralgia, Irritable bowel syndrome, Itching, Jaundice, Kidney insufficiency, Kidney tonic general, Knee joint pain, Labor - distress, Leprosy secondary infection, Leukocytogenesis stimulation, Locomotor dysfunction incoordination, Malaria, Malaria 1, Malaria 2, Meningitis, Meningitis tertiary, Menstrual problems, Mental disorders, Mental fatigue - energized, Moles, Motion sickness, Multiple sclerosis 1, Multiple sclerosis 2, Multiple sclerosis 3, Multiple sclerosis 4, Multiple sclerosis 6, Multiple sclerosis secondary, Mumps tertiary, Muscle tonic, Muscles to relax, Muscular pain and injury, Nausea and cramping, Nephritis, Nerve disorders and neuropathy, Orchitis, Ovarian disorders general, Ovarian elimination stimulation, Pancreatic insufficiency, Paralysis nonspastic, Paralysis spastic, Parasites enterobiasis, Parasites general comprehensive, Parasites general short set, Parasites roundworms general, Pericarditis, Perniosis, Phaqocyross stimulation, Pharyngitis, Pineal gland stimulation, Pleurisy, Pneumonia general, Polyp general, Prostate problems general, Prostatitis, Rabies, Raynauds disease, Rhinitis, Sexual dysfunction men, Sinus disorders, Sinus infection, Sinusitis 1, Sleeping sickness, Slipped discs, Smallpox secondary, Spleen secondary, Stammering, Staph infection 1, Stiff muscles, Stiff shoulder, Stomach disorders, Streptococcus pyrogenes, Streptothrix, Stroke follow up, Stye, Sunstroke, Swelling, Taste lack of, Tendomyopathy, Tetanus, Thalamus stimulant, Thrombosis infective herpes type, Thymus stimulation, Tinnitus, Tuberculosis, Urinary Tract Infections, Vitiligo, Whiplash, Wound healing, Yellow fever, - Abdominal inflammation; Acidosis; Actinomyces Israelii; Addictions; Adenoids; Adrenal stimulant; Alopecia; Amenorrhea; Anal itch; Aneurism; Angina pectoris; Anosmia; Apoplexy; Appendicitis; Appetite, lack of; Arteriosclerosis; Arthritis; Arthritis, muscles and tendons; Asthma; Ataxia; Athletes Foot; Aura, strengthen; Autointoxication; Bacterial infection; Bedsores; Bladder and prostate complaints; Blood; Blood poisoning; Blood pressure, low; Brain, general; Bronchitis; Bubonic plague; Bubonic plague , secondary infections; Bunion pain; Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, prostate (program 1); Cancer, tertiary; Cancrum oris; Candida, tertiary; Cataract, non-diabetic; Catarrh; Cervicitis; Chicken Pox; Chicken Pox, secondary; Cold, head or chest; Cold & Flu (Program 3, fall '99); Colic; Colon problems, general; Conjunctivitis; Constipation; Contractions (arrests, discharges); Corns (in feet); Coughing; Cramping and nausea; Cuts; Cystitis, chronic; Dandruff, scales;Deafness; Diabetes (program 1); Diabetes, secondary; Diabetes, associated infection; Diphtheria; Dizziness; Down's syndrome palliative; Drug Addiction; Dyspepsia; Ear, general; Eczema, skin; Edema; Electrolyte (improve); Emphysema; Epididymitis; Epilepsy; Epilepsy, fits; Erysipelas (skin inflammation); Eye, disorders; Fainting; Fascia; Fatigue; Fever; Fever, sunstroke; Fibromyalgia; Fissures; Frigidity (female); Fungus, general; Fungus, infection; Furunkulosis; Gallbladder; Gallbladder, dystonia with osteitis; Gallstones; Gangrene, general; Gastritis and flatulence; General prophylaxis; General program, EMEM main frequencies; Gingivitis; Glands, adenoid; Glands, enlarged; Glandular fever; Glandular fever, adrenals; Glandular fever, parathyroid; Glandular fever, pineal; Glandular fever, pituitary; Glandular fever, sex; Glandular fever, thymus; Glandular fever, thyroid; Gout, swelling; Gravel deposits in urine; Graves disease I; Hair loss; Halitosis; Hallucinations; Hay fever; Headaches, due to parasites; Headaches, due to toxicity; Heart, general; Heart, tonic; Heartburn, chronic; Hemorrhoids; Hepatitis C; Herpes, zoster secondary; Hiccoughs; Hip pain; Hyperosmia; Hypertension; Hypochondrium, upper abdomen; Hypotension; Hypothyroid; Impotence; Infection, general; Influenza; Influenza, 1997-1998; Intelligence, clarity of thought; Intercostal neuralgia; Irritable bowel syndrome; Itching, pruritis; Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Kidney tonic, general; Knee, joint pain; Knee, pain; Larynx; Lassitude; Leprosy, secondary infection; Leukocytogenesis, stimulates; Locomotor dysfunction, incoordination; Lung, infection; Malaria; Maleria (alternate #1); Maleria (alternate #2); Measles; Meningitis, tertiary; Mental disorders; Moles; Motion sickness; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1); Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2); Mulitple sclerosis, secondary; Mumps tertiary; Muscles; Muscles, pain/injury; Muscles, relax; Muscles, tonic; Nausea; Nephritis; Nephrosis; Nerve disorders; Nose; Orchitis; Ovarian disorders, general; Ovarian elimination, to stimulate; Pain relief; Pain relief, bunion; Pancreatic insufficiency; Paralysis, nonspastic; Paralysis, spastic; Parasites, enterobiasis; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, general (short set); Paraistes, ringworm; Parasites, roundworms, general; Pericarditis; Perniosis; Phagocyross, stimulates; Pharyngitis; Pineal stimulation; Pleurisy; Pneumonia; Polyp, general; Prophylaxis, general; Prostate, general problems; Prostatitus (set #1); Psoriasis; Rabies; Raynauds disease; Rhinitis; Sciatica; Sexual diseases; Sexual dysfunction; Sinusitis (set #1); Skin trouble, general; Sleeping sickness; Slipped disc; Smallpox, secondary; Spinal meningitis; Spleen; Spleen, enlarged secondary; Stammering; Staphylococcus, infection (set #2); Stiff muscles; Stiff shoulder; Stomach disorders; Streptococcus pyrogenes; Streptothrix; Stroke, follow up; Stye; Sunstroke; Swelling; Syphilis; Taste, none; Tendomyopathy; Tetanus; Thalmus; Thrombosis; Thrombosis, infective I herpes family; Thymus gland stimulant; Thyphoid fever; Tinnitus; Tonsillitis; Tonsils, general; Tooth decay; Trauma; Treponema pallidum; Tuberculosis; Tuberculosis, viral; Typhoid fever; Vitiligo; Whiplash; Wound healing; Yellow fever ; Chakra base rootHz

20.5 Hz - Regeneration and healing 1

21 Hz - Euphoria

21.34 Hz - Liver stores bile cholesterol, Liver stores, bile, cholesterol

22 Hz - Audio-visual stimulation, Herbs (dry), Brain, beta stimulation

22.027 Hz - Serotonin

22.5 Hz - Vitamag, Vitamag complete set

23 Hz - Actinomyces israelii, Blood flow improvement, Negative frequencies (neutralize), Neutralize negative frequencies

23.2 Hz - Alzheimers 1

24 Hz - Euphoria, Vitamag complete set, Vitamag

24.3 Hz - Joints, Tissues

25 Hz - Heart, Arthritis, Arthritis 1

25.4 Hz - Disc - herneated, Sciatica 1

26 Hz - Astral Projection, Meditation, Arthritis 1, Cramps, Cramps menstrual, Dysmenorrhea, Ovarian disorders general, Pancreatic insufficiency, Pesticide detox, Arthritis; Cramps; Cramps, menstrual; Dysmenorrhea (painful mestration); Ovarian disorders, general; Pancreatic insufficiency; Pesticide detox

27 Hz - Body restoration, Bones growth - human, Bones strengthen - human, Purring - house cats, Attention - on external stimuli, Consciousness - normal awake, Herbs (fresh), Mental activity, Thinking - active

27.5 Hz - Adnamia geriatric, Music - lowest piano note, Piano note - music, Pulmonary fibrosis, Trigeminal neuralgia, Adnamia, geriatric; Fibrosis fo Jung (on chest); Trigeminal neuralgia; Music, lowest piano note

27.57 Hz - Bells Palsy

28 Hz - Ankylosing spondylitis, Arthritis 1, Cancer breast secondary, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis C 1, Hepatitis general, Knee joint pain, Larynx, Malaria, Malaria 2, Neurosis, Psoriasis ankylosing spondylitis, Varicoses, Ankylosing spondylitis; Arthritis; Arthritis, muscles and tendons; Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Hepatitis, general; Hepatitis C; Knee, joint pain; Larynx; Malaria; Maleria (alternate #2); Neurosis; Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Spondylitis, acute; Varicoses

30 Hz - Jet stream, Decision making, Fear, Thinking - fear and decisions, Lumbago, Very High Frequency, VHF, Anger, Arousal, Arthritis 1, Autonomic Processes, Awake state, Awareness - outer, Beta brain state, Dendrite - growth of, Drowsiness - combat, Emotions, Fear, Hunger, Imagery - phosphene, Logical analyses, Marijuana, Mental activities - intense, Mental evaluation process, Motivation, Phosphene imagery, Problem solving, Surprise, Survival, Thinking - conscious, Wakefulness, Winds in caverns, Worry, Arthritis; Brain, beta stimulation

30.87 Hz - Spastic paresis, Spastic paresis

31.32 Hz - # Healing, Growth hormone - pituitary stimulation of, Growth hormone - release of, Injury recovery, Muscle - develop, Muscles - rejuvenation after injury, Pituitary gland - stimulation of, Pituitary stimulation of

32 Hz - Alertness - enhance, Desensitize - physical, Vigor - enhance

33 Hz - AIDS secondary, Backache 1, Bells Palsy, Cancer breast 3, Christ consciousness, Facial cramps, General balancing, Hypersensitivity, Menieres disease, Parkinsons disease, Pyramid frequency (inside), Aids, secondary; Backache; Facial Cramps; General balancing; Meniere's disease; Parkinson's disease; Christ consciousness; Pyramid (inside)

33.13 Hz - Liver support, Liver, support

35 Hz - Bone - fractures, Fractures, Arthralgy, Ankylosing spondylitis, Bells Palsy, Chakras - awakening of mid-chakras, Chakras - balance of, Depression general, Diabetes 1, Diabetic loading, Elephant communication, Hypothyroid, Influenza 1997 1998, Mental Function, Psoriasis ankylosing spondylitis, Spleen enlarged, Thought, Ankylosing spondylitis; Depression, due to outside circumstances; Diabetes (program 1); Diabetic loading; Diabetic toe ulcer; Hypothyroid; Influenza, 1997-1998; Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Spleen, enlarged; Chakra balance

36 Hz - Information processing, Learning, Studying - passive, Alertness, Anxiety, Awake state, Information processing, Listening, Thinking - analytical, Thinking - decision making, Thinking - judgment, Pulse stimulation, men

38 Hz - Endorphin release

40 Hz - Anxiety, Anxiolytic effects, Endorphin release, Action - taking, Apoplexy stroke paralysis, Arthritis 1, Bells Palsy, Circulation disturbances, Circulatory stasis, Communication - verbal, Edema, Information processing, Kidney insufficiency, Muscular pain and injury, Nephritis, Problem solving - during fear, Psychic healing, Stiff muscles, Stress Relief, Tendomyopathy, Thinking - analytical, Thinking - intellectual, Thinking - logical, Thinking - problem solving during fear, Vegetative dystonia, Verbal communication, Wound healing, Apoplexy; Arthritis; Circulation disturbances; Circulatory stasis; Edema; Kidney insufficiency; Muscles, pain/injury; Nephritis; Nephrosis; Stiff muscles; Tendomyopathy; Vegetative dystonia

41 Hz - Pulse stimulation, women

41.2 Hz - Backache, Backache 1

43 Hz - Blackout, Equilibrium - loss of, IQ scores - cause lower than normal, Muscular coordination becomes poor, Spatial orientation - distortion of, Speech - slurred, Visual acuity - lack of, Carcinomatosis

45 Hz - Cancer melanoma 1, Intermittent claudication, Papilloma virus, Intermittent claudication; Papilloma, virus

46 Hz - Pertussis, Pertussis

46.5 Hz - Sore throat, Sore throat

47 Hz - # Healing and regeneration, Asthma 2, Cancer adenocarcinoma esophageal, Influenza with respiratory 1, Lipoma, Mercury toxicity v, Parasites general 2, Regeneration and healing, Cancer, adenocarcinoma, esophageal; Healing and regeneration; Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00); Lipoma; Mercury; Parasites, general (set #3); Regeneration and healing

47.5 Hz - Bells Palsy, Bone disease and periodontal disease, Dental foci, Dental infection 1, Periodontal disease, Tooth extraction followup, Toothache, Bone disease, periodontal disease; Dental foci; Periodontal disease; Recovery; Toothache; Tooth extraction

48 Hz - Cancer breast 1, Dental general, Dental infection 1, Diabetes 2, Infections general, Intermittent claudication, Mercury toxicity v, Spastic paresis, Cancer, breast (program 2); Dental; Diabetes (program 2); Infection, general; Intermittent claudication; Mercury; Spastic paresis, Intermittent claudication, Mercury toxicity v, Spastic paresis

49 Hz - Mercury, Mercury toxicity v

50 Hz - Negative effects, Cancer tertiary, Electric wall current - European, Muscle activity, Cancer, tertiary

50.5 Hz - Regeneration and healing 1

52 Hz - Essential plant oils, Oils - essential plant

55 Hz - Kundalini, Yoga, Tantra, kundalini

55.56 Hz - Cancer (general program additional), Cancer experimental additional frequencies

57.5 Hz - Bells Palsy

58 Hz - and above Disease (human body), Candida 1

59 Hz - Heart blockage 1, Stomach gas, Salmonella paratyphi B, Salmonella, paratyphi B; Salmonella, type B

60 Hz - Abdominal pain, Breath inability, Choking, Coughing, Headache, Pain(s), Salivation, Sternal pressure, Swallowing pains, Adnamia geriatric, Ankylosing spondylitis, Arthritis 1, Cancer melanoma 1, Cancer prostate, Candida 2, Candida tertiary, Dental general, Dental infection 1, Electric wall current - United States, Psoriasis, Psoriasis ankylosing spondylitis, Ringworm, Sinusitis 3, Vertigo, Adnamia, geriatric; Ankylosing spondylitis; Arthritis; Cancer, prostate (program 1); Candida, tertiary; Dental; Parasites, general (set #1); Psoriasis; Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Ringworm; Sinusitis (set #3); Vertigo

62 Hz - Body - human (healthy), Human body (healthy), Pyrogenium

64 Hz - Cancer (general program 3); General prophylaxis; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, general (short set); Psoriasis, Cancer general 2, Candida, General prophylaxis, Parasites general comprehensive, Parasites general short set, Psoriasis

73 Hz - Depression drugs or toxins, Nogier frequencies

100 Hz - Ankylosing spondylitis, Anxiety, Cancer melanoma 1, Fatigue, Giddiness, Household Insect Mix, Irritation, Nausea, Pain relief, Prostatitis, Psoriasis, Psoriasis ankylosing spondylitis, Respiratory dysfunction, Roaches, Skin flushing, Throat pressure, Tingling, Vertigo, Zearalenone1, Ankylosing spondylitis; Mange, follicular; Prostatitus (set #1); Psoriasis; Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Household insect mix; Roaches

101 Hz - Parasites trichinosis, Parasites, trichinosis; Trichinosis

102 Hz - Chaetomiuglobosum; Fusarium oxysporum, Chaetomiumglobosum, Fusarium oxysporum, Parasites general alternative v, Parasites scabies

104 Hz - Parasites roundworms general, Parasites turbatrix, Psoriasis, Turbatrix, Parasites, roundworms, general; Parasites, turbatrix; Psoriasis; Turbatrix

105 Hz - Epstein Barr virus, Intestines inflammation, Struma nodosa, Epstein Barr Virus; Intestines, inflammation; Peritonitis; Struma nodosa

106 Hz - Parasites scabies

107 Hz - Sinusitis (set #4), Sinusitis 4

108 Hz - Streptococcus mutant strain secondary, Total knowing - sense of, Streptococcus mutant strain, secondary

110 Hz - Ankylosing spondylitis, Bells Palsy, Bruises, Contusion, Crohns and other bowel problems v, Distortion, Fluor Alb, Kidney papilloma, Luxation, Papilloma kidney, Papilloma virus, Parasites scabies, Psoriasis ankylosing spondylitis, Stomach, Warts general, Ankylosing spondylitis; Bruises; Contusions; Distorsion; Kidney papilloma; Luxation; Papilloma, kidney; Papilloma, virus; Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Flour alb

111 Hz - Endorphins, Human T lymphocyte Virus3, H#3

112 Hz - ALS 4, Multiple sclerosis v, Parasites filariose, Parasites general comprehensive, Parasites general short set, Parasites roundworms general, Psoriasis, Filariose; Parasites, filariose; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, general (short set); Parasites, roundworms, general; Psoriasis

114 Hz - Stemphylium, Streptococcus mutant strain, Stemphylium; Streptococcus mutant strain

116 Hz - Candida 1, Chronic Fatigue v, Furunkulosis, Furunkulosis

117.3 Hz - Pancreas

120 Hz - Anal itch; Arthritis; Backache with spasms; Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, breast (program 1); Candida; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Cold & Flu (Program 3, fall '99); Eczema, skin; Emphysema; Epilepsy, fits; Fatigue; Fibromyalgia; Fibromyalgia, alternate; Filariose; Gallbladder; Gallbladder, dystonia with osteitis; General program, comprehensive; Moles; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2); Muscles; Muscles, relax; Muscles, tonic; Myositis; Pain relief; Parasites, enterobiasis; Parasites, filariose; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, general (set #2); Parasites, general (set #3); Parasites, general (short set); Paraistes, ringworm; Parasites, roundworms, general; Rabies; Rhinitis; Ringworm; Sciatica; Sinusitis (set #1); Sleeping sickness; Syphilis; Tetanus; Throat tickle, chronic, Anal itching, Arthritis 1, Arthritis general, Asthma 2, Backache and spasms 1, Cancer, Cancer breast, Cancer general 1, Cancer maintenance secondary, Candida, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Cold 3, Diverticulitis acute, Eczema, Emphysema, Fatigue, Fatigue general, Fibromyalgia, Fibromyalgia 1, Fibromyalgia 2, General antiseptic, General comprehensive, General demo, General prog Blaster5, Head cold, Moles, Multiple sclerosis 4, Multiple sclerosis 6, Muscle tonic, Muscles to relax, Myositis, Parasites enterobiasis, Parasites filariose, Parasites general 1, Parasites general 2, Parasites general comprehensive, Parasites general short set, Parasites roundworms general, Rabies, Rhinitis, Ringworm, Sinus disorders, Sinus infection, Sinusitis, Sinusitis 1, Sleeping sickness, Tetanus, Throat tickle chronic

121 Hz - Struma parenchyme, Struma parenchyme

122 Hz - Cancer leukemia hairy cell, Influenza Bach Poly, Myositis, Struma nodosa, Cancer, leukemia, hairy cell; Myositis; Struma nodosa; Influenzum, Bach poly

123 Hz - Influenza 1979, Pyoderma, Influenza, 1979; Pyodermia

124 Hz - Rhodococcus, Sexual dysfunction men, Rhodococcus; Sexual dysfunction

125 Hz - Abdominal inflammation, Anal itching, Aneurysm, Angina pectoris, Apoplexy stroke paralysis, Appendicitis, Appetite lack of, Asthma, Ataxia, Bells Palsy, Cancer breast 1, Cancer general 2, Cancer melanoma 1, Cancer prostate, Candida 2, Candida tertiary, Cold 1, Coughing, Diabetes 2, Dyspepsia, Epilepsy, Fatigue general, General prophylaxis, Headaches due to parasites, Heart tonic, Heartburn chronic, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis C 1, Impotence, Infections general, Intercostal neuralgia, Itching, Jaundice, Kidney insufficiency, Locomotor dysfunction incoordination, Lumbago, Meningitis tertiary, Mental disorders, Motion sickness, Muscular pain and injury, Myositis, Nerve disorders and neuropathy, Orchitis, Otitis medinum, Paralysis nonspastic, Paralysis spastic, Parasites general 2, Parasites general comprehensive, Pericarditis, Phaqocyross stimulation, Pleurisy, Prostate problems general, Prostatitis, Sinusitis 2, Slipped discs, Stiff muscles, Stomach disorders, Stroke follow up, Thrombosis infective herpes ,, type, Urethritis, - Abdominal inflammation; Anal itch; Anemia; Aneurism; Angina pectoris; Apoplexy; Appendicitis; Appetite, lack of; Asthma; Ataxia; Cancer (general program 3); Cancer, breast (program 2); Cancer, prostate (program 1); Candida; Candida, tertiary; Cold & Flu (Program 1); Coughing; Diabetes (program 2); Dyspepsia; Epilepsy; Fatigue; General prophylaxis; Headaches, due to parasites; Heart, tonic; Heartburn, chronic; Hepatitis "C"; Impotence; Infection, general; Intercostal neuralgia; Itching, pruritis; Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Locomotor dysfunction, incoordination; Lumbago; Lung, infection; Meningitis, tertiary; Mental disorders; Motion sickness; Muscles, pain/injury; Myositis; Nerve disorders; Orchitis; Otitis media; Paralysis, nonspastic; Paralysis, spastic; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, general (set #3); Pericarditis; Phagocyross, stimulates; Pleurisy; Prophylaxis, general; Prostate, general problems; Prostatitus (set #1); Sinusitis (set #2); Slipped disc; Stiff muscles; Stomach disorders; Stroke, follow up; Thrombosis, infective I herpes family; Urethritis

126 Hz - CMV; Cytomegalovirus; Herpes, type 5; Parasites, general (set #1), Cytomegalovirus, Herpes type 5, Lycogala, Sterigmatocystin

126.22 Hz - Guilt, Shame, Sun

127 Hz - Cancer breast 2, Cancer carcinoma uterine fermentative, Cancer, breast (program 3); Cancer, carcinoma, uterine, fermentative

128 Hz - Asthma v, Cancer general 3, General comprehensive, General demo, Hirudo medicinalis, Lyme and Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever v, Parasites general 1, Parasites general comprehensive, Parasites roundworms general, Parasites roundworms general short set, Ringworm, Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever and Lyme v, Sinusitis 3, Staph and Strep v, Strep and Staph v, Streptococcus hemolytic, Cancer (general program 4); Parasites, general (set #2); Parasites, roundworms, general; Parasites, roundworms, general (short set); Ringworm; Sinusitis (set #3); Streptococcus hemolytic; Hirudo medicinalis

129 Hz - Myositis, Penicillium chyrosogenium, Q Fever, Rickettsia, Myositis; Penicillium chyrosogenium; Q fever; Rickettsia

130 Hz - Meningitis secondary, Parkinson tremor temporary relief, Meningitis, secondary; Parkinson tremor, temporary relief; Meningococcinum

132 Hz - Bacillinum, Coccyx, Fungus and mold v, Kidneys, Mold and fungus general v, Pyoderma, Rhizopus nigricans, Trichophytie general, Fungus, mold, general; Mold and fungus, general; Pyodermia; Rhizopus nigricans; Trichophytie, general; Trichophytie, nagel secondary; Bacillinum

133 Hz - Crohns and other bowel problems v, Sterigmatocystin, Trichophytie nagel secondary

134 Hz - Herpes zoster v, Parkinsons v, Staph and Strep v, Strep and Staph v, Streptococcus hemolytic, Streptococcus hemolytic

135 Hz - Polio, Polio

136 Hz - ALS 2, Coxsackie General, Enterovirus General, Gulf War Syndrome v, Coxsackie

136.1 Hz - Emotional balancing, Harmony with the cosmos - sense of, Mental balancing, Relaxation - mind, Sedative, Soothing - emotions, Sunlight

138 Hz - Dental Infections v

140 Hz - Fibromyalgia 1, Influenza grippe 1987, Fibromyalgia; Fibromyalgia, alternate; Influenza, grippe 1987, Influenza grippe 1987, Multiple sclerosis brain

140.25 Hz - Pluto, Social integration

141 Hz - Crohns and other bowel problems v, Herpes general, Herpes general v, Herpes progenetalis, Herpes, progenetalis

141.27 Hz - Cleverness, Communication, Mercury, Speech center

142 Hz - Dental Infections v, Parasites flukes general, Parasites tapeworms secondary, Smallpox, Trichophytie nagel secondary, Ulcer ventric, Yellow fever, Parasites, tapeworms secondary; Smallpox; Trichophytie, nagel secondary; Ulcers, ventric; Yellow fever

143 Hz - Fasciola hepatica; Mulitple sclerosis, secondary; Parasites, flukes, general; Parasites, flukes, liver; Nasturtium, Multiple sclerosis 1, Multiple sclerosis secondary, Nasturtium, Parasites flukes liver
144 Hz - ALS 2, Coxsackie General, Enterovirus General, Headaches, Tonsillitis, Coxsackie; Headaches, general; Tonsillitis

144.72 Hz - Mars

146 Hz - Abdominal inflammation, Acidosis, Alopecia, Appendicitis, Asthma, Autointoxication, Cerebral palsy, Cold 3, Coughing, Edema, Hangover, Head cold, Headaches due to toxicity, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis C 1, Hyperosmia, Jaundice, Kidney insufficiency, Lymph stasis secondary, Lymphs and detox, Mental disorders, Motion sickness, Muscular dystrophy, Oral lesions, Pharyngitis, Polyp general, Postsurgery detoxification, Prostatitis, Pyorrhea, Rhinitis, Sinus infection, Sinusitis 1, Sneezing, Sunstroke, Surgery anaesthesia detox, Surgery preop postop prevent infections, Swelling, Toxin elimination, Trigeminal neuralgia, Urticaria, Abdominal inflammation; Acidosis; Alopecia; Appendicitis; Asthma; Autointoxication; Cerebral Palsy; Cold & Flu (Program 3, fall '99); Edema; Hangover; Hepatitis "C"; Hives (urticaria); Hyperosmia; Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Lymph stasis, secondary; Mental disorders; Motion sickness; Muscular dystrophy; Oral lesions; Pharyngitis; Polyp, general; Postsurgery detoxification of anaesthesia; Prostatitus (set #1); Pyorrhea; Rhinitis; Sinusitis (set #1); Sneezing; Sunstroke; Surgery, detoxification of anaesthesia; Surgery, pre-op and post-op; Surgery, prevention and control; Swelling; Toxins, elimination; Trigeminal neuralgia; Urticaria

147 Hz - Blood, Genitals, Spleen

147.85 Hz - Concentration, Saturn

148 Hz - Edema, Entamoeba histolytica, Kidney papilloma, Lymph stasis secondary, Lymphs and detox, Papilloma kidney, Regeneration and healing 1, Sudor pedis, Swelling, Edema; Entamoeba histolytica; Kidney papilloma; Lymph stasis, secondary; Papilloma, kidney; Sudor pedis; Swelling

151 Hz - Diphtheria, Pyrogenium 62, Tonsillar pfropfe, Diphtheria; Tonsillar pfropfe; Pyrogenium

152 Hz - Candida tertiary, Colitis and Diarrhea, Mumps, Parasites ascaris, Parasites general comprehensive, Parasites general short set, Parasites roundworms general, Parasites roundworms general short set, Psoriasis, Candida, tertiary; Mumps; Parasites, ascaris; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, general (short set); Parasites, roundworms, general; Parasites, roundworms, general (short set); Psoriasis

153 Hz - Influenza grippe vapch, Influenza virus 1991 1992, Muscular dystrophy, Smegma, Influenza, grippe vapch; Influenza virus, 1991-1992; Muscular dystrophy; Smegma, Influenza grippe vapch, Influenza virus 1991 1992, Sacred numbers, Smegma

154 Hz - Coelicia, Diverticulosis, Coelicia; Diverticulosis

156 Hz - Wheat smut, Wheat smut

157 Hz - Parasites flukes lymph, Parasites, flukes, lymph

158 Hz - Ear conditions various, Fungus and mold v, Mold and fungus general v, Streptococcus pneumoniae mixed flora, Ear, general; Mold, mix B; Streptococcus pneumoniae, mixed flora

160 Hz - 5-hydroxytryptamine production of, Eye disorders, Headaches, Headaches - tension, Heart tonic, Hypothyroid, Muscular pain and injury, Sinusitis, Sinusitis 2, Sinusitis 4, Sinusitis maxillaris, Stiff muscles, Tendomyopathy, Eye, disorders; Headaches, general; Heart, tonic; Hypothyroid; Muscles, pain/injury; Sinusitis (set #2); Sinusitis (set #4); Sinusitis, maxillars; Stiff muscles; Tendomyopathy

162 Hz - Chelidonium, Heart general, Heart tonic, Heart, general; Chelidonium

163 Hz - Phoma Destructiva, Phoma destructiva

164 Hz - Echinococcinum; Parasites, helminthsporium; Parasites, tapeworms; Echinococcinum, Parasites helminthsporium, Parasites tapeworms, Parasites tapeworms echinococcinum

164.3 Hz - Gall bladder

165 Hz - Consciousness collapse, Spiritual fall, Bladder, Emotional acceptance, Herpes general, Herpes general v, Salmonella paratyphi B, Stomach, Salmonella, paratyphi B

166 Hz - Cancer breast, Entamoeba histolytica, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis C 1, Hepatitis general v, Multiple sclerosis 1, Multiple sclerosis 5, Multiple sclerosis 6, Cancer, breast (program 1); Entamoeba histolytica; Hepatitis "C"; Hepatitis "C" alternative; Multiple sclerosis

169 Hz - Parkinson tremor temporary relief, Parkinson tremor, temporary relief

170 Hz - Biliary cirrhosis, Biliary cirrhosis

171 Hz - Herpes progenetalis, Intestines, Lungs, Herpes, progenetalis

172 Hz - Asthma v, Botulinum, Chronic Fatigue v, Epstein Barr virus, Parasites general alternative v, Parkinsons v, Botulinum; Epstein Barr Virus

172.06 Hz - Antidepressive, Cheerfulness, Joyfulness - sense of

173 Hz - Cholesterinum, Crohns and other bowel problems v, Warts verruca, Cholesterinum; Verruca
174 Hz - Folliculitis hot tub, Otitis externa, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus pneumoniae mixed flora, Swimmers ear, Folliculitis, hot tub; Otitis externa; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Streptococcus pneumoniae, mixed flora; Swimmer's ear

176 Hz - Colon

177 Hz - Aflatoxin, Dental Infections v, Moles, Syphilis, Moles; Syphilis; Luesinum/Syphilinum

178 Hz - Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Yellow fever, Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Yellow fever

180 Hz - Smegma, Smegma

183 Hz - Dental Infections v, Human T lymphocyte Virus6, H#6

183.58 Hz - Creativity, Jupiter

184 Hz - Ozaena, Ozaena

185 Hz - Canine parvovirus, Parvovirus canine, Rhino pneumonitis, Sinus infection, Canine parvovirus; Mold, vac II; Parvovirus, canine; Rhino pneumonitis

187 Hz - Crohns and other bowel problems v, Parasites tapeworms, Parasites tapeworms secondary, Parasites, tapeworms; Parasites, tapeworms secondary

188 Hz - Aflatoxin, Canine parvovirus, Canine parvovirus

190 Hz - Abscesses, Adhesions, Appendicitis, Burns, Cramping and nausea, Dental foci, Dental infection 1, Diabetes associated infection, Motion sickness, Mumps secondary, Nausea and cramping, Sunstroke, Toothache, Wound healing, Abscesses; Adhesions; Appendicitis; Burns; Cramping and nausea; Dental foci; Diabetes, associated infection; Mumps; Mumps secondary; Nausea; Recovery; Sunstroke; Toothache

191 Hz - Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas aeruginosa

192 Hz - Trauma, Trauma

194 Hz - Bells Palsy

194.18 Hz - Muscle - toning

194.71 Hz - Body/mind energy, Emotional stability

195.5 Hz - L lysine, L-lysine, stimulates

197 Hz - Hara, Heart, Love - of others, Warmth - stimulation of

200 Hz - Burns, Furunkulosis herpes, Metabolism improvement, Parasites heartworms, Burns; Furunkulosis herpes; Parasites, heartworms, Crohns disease protozoa 1, Nerves healing

201 Hz - Ear conditions various, Pepto streptococcus, Streptococcus pepto, Ear, general; Pepto streptococcus; Streptococcus pepto

202 Hz - Laryngeal polyp, Laryngeal polyp

203 Hz - Influencinum vesica general, Lyme hatchlings eggs, Stroke follow up, Influencinum, vessica general; Lyme hatchlings/eggs; Stroke, follow up

204 Hz - Pneumocystis carnii, Pneumocystis carnii

205 Hz - Lupus general secondary, Lupus, general secondary; Lupus, vulgaris

207 Hz - Influenza 1993 secondary, Influenza, 1993 secondary

207.36 Hz - Eroticism, Renewal - emotional, Uranus

210 Hz - Bubonic plague, Dental Infections v, Epilepsy, Bubonic plague; Epilepsy

210.42 Hz - Glands, Lymph system, Menstruation

211 Hz - Fibropendulum, Fibropendulum, Stemonitis

211.44 Hz - Dream experience, Intuition, Neptune

212 Hz - Backache 1, Backache and spasms 1, Botrytis cinereas, Backache; Backache with spasms; Botrytis cinereas

213 Hz - Hepatitis general v

214 Hz - Cancer carcinoma liver fermentative, Measles vaccine, Measles w vaccine, Cancer, carcinoma, liver, fermentative; Measles, rubeola vaccine

216 Hz - Bubonic plague, Influenza 1989, Tuberculosis, Bubonic plague; Influenza, 1989; Tuberculosis

217 Hz - Tuberculosis klebsiella, Tuberculosis, klebsiella

218 Hz - Multiple sclerosis, Multiple sclerosis 1, Multiple sclerosis 5

220 Hz - Collarbones, Cryptosporidium, Fractures healing, Lungs, Ovaries, Pulmonary fibrosis, Tuberculosis klebsiella, Vitality, Wound healing, Cryptosporidium; Fibrosis fo Jung (on chest); Fractures, bones; Tuberculosis, klebsiella

221 Hz - Chaetomiuglobosum; Tuberculosis, klebsiella, Chaetomiumglobosum, Tuberculosis klebsiella

221.23 Hz - Harmony, Love, Venus

222 Hz - Actinomyces israelii, Bells Palsy, Cancer leukemia T cell, Dental Infections v, Fungus and mold v, Malaria, Malassezia furfur, Mold, Mold and fungus general v, Ozaena, Streptothrix, Actinomyces Israelii; Cancer, leukemia, T-cell; Malaria; Malassezia furfur; Mold; Ozaena; Streptothrix, Dental Infections v, Mold (see also specific types), Ozaena

223 Hz - Duodenitis, Herpes zoster v, Duodenitis; Influenza, grippe

224 Hz - Barley smut, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis general, Hepatitis general v, Multiple sclerosis 1, Multiple sclerosis 5, Multiple sclerosis 6, Hepatitis, general; Hepatitis "C"; Hepatitis "C" alternative; Multiple sclerosis

225 Hz - Candida 2, Candida tertiary, General prophylaxis, Malassezia furfur, Sinusitis 3, Candida, tertiary; General prophylaxis; Malassezia furfur; Sinusitis (set #3), Malassezia furfur (causes tinea versicolor. See also Fungus general), Multiple sclerosis myelin sheath repair

226 Hz - Seizure, Seizure 1

227.3 Hz - Herpes type 6 exp

228 Hz - Herpes, type 6; Nocardia asteroides; Streptothrix, Nocardia asteroides, Streptothrix

229 Hz - Tuberculosis bovine, Tuberculosis, bovine

230 Hz - Angina pectoris, Fractures healing, Hyperacidity stomach, Lac deflorat, Medorrhinum, Fractures, bones; Lac Deflorat; Pain relief, elbow; Stroke, follow up; Medorrhinum

231 Hz - Nocardia asteroides, Pyrogenium ex ovo, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptothrix, Nocardia asteroides; Streptococcus pneumoniae; Streptothrix; Pyrogenium ex ovo

232 Hz - ALS 2, Candida 1, Coxsackie General, Enterovirus General, Foot and mouth syndrome, Hand foot and mouth syndrome, Influenza V4 grippe, Lac deflorat, Paraceli, Pemniciosis, Perniosis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Ulcer ventric, Yellow fever, Coxsackie; Foot & mouth syndrome; Hand & foot & mouth syndrome; Influenza, grippe V-4; Lac Deflorat; Paraceli; Pemniciosis; Perniosis; Streptococcus pneumoniae; Ulcers, ventric; Yellow fever

233 Hz - Cladosporium fulvum, Crohns and other bowel problems v, Dental Infections v, Fibropendulum, Ornithosis, Thermi bacteria, Tobacco mosaic, Cladosporium fulvum; Fibropendulum; Ornithosis; Thermi bacteria; Tobocco mosaic, Fibropendulum, Thermi bacteria

234 Hz - Stomatitis, Stomatitis

235 Hz - H#5; Mumps; Mumps secondary, Human T lymphocyte Virus5, Multiple sclerosis 1, Mumps secondary

237 Hz - Foot & mouth syndrome; Hand & foot & mouth syndrome; Nocardia asteroides; Streptothrix, Foot and mouth syndrome, Hand foot and mouth syndrome, Nocardia asteroides, Streptothrix

238 Hz - Influencinum vesic NW, Parasites flukes liver, Influencinum, vessica NW; Parasites, flukes, liver

239 Hz - Influencinum vesic NW, Lyme and Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever v, Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever and Lyme v, Influencinum, vessica NW

240 Hz - Backache and spasms 1, Cancer general 3, Candida tertiary, Multiple sclerosis 4, Muscle tonic, Muscles to relax, Muscular pain and injury, Parasites general comprehensive, Parasites roundworms general, Parasites roundworms general short set, Stiff muscles, Backache with spasms; Cancer (general program 4); Candida, tertiary; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2); Muscles; Muscles, pain/injury; Muscles, relax; Muscles, tonic; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, roundworms, general; Parasites, roundworms, general (short set); Stiff muscles

241.68 Hz - Multiple sclerosis 1, Multiple sclerosis 2

242 Hz - ALS 4, Distemper, Fungus and mold v, Mold, Mold and fungus general v, Multiple sclerosis 3, Multiple sclerosis 6, Multiple sclerosis v, Mumps, Distemper; Mold; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1); Mumps
243 Hz - Chronic Fatigue v, Dematium nigrum, Human T lymphocyte Virus1, Icterus haemolytic, Lupus general, Osteosinusitis max, Dematium nigrum; H#1; Icterus, haemolytic; Lupus, general; Lupus, vulgaris; Osteosinusitis max., Dematium nigrum (soil fungi found in human lesions), Human T lymphocyte Virus1 (used for MS and autoimmune disease), Icterus haemolytic (a chronic form of jaundice involving anemia), Osteosinusitis max

244 Hz - Lung sinus bacteria, Lupus general secondary, Tetanus, Lung, sinus bacteria; Lupus, general secondary; Lupus, vulgaris; Tetanus

245 Hz - H#2, Human T lymphocyte Virus2

246 Hz - Cystitis chronic, Endometriosis chronic, Serum schweinepest, Stomatitis aphthous v, Tonsillar pfropfe, Cystitis, chronic; Endometriosis, chronic; Serum schweinepest; Tonsillar pfropfe

247 Hz - Aspergellis flavus, Aspergillus flavus

248 Hz - Kidney tonic general, Kidney tonic, general

249 Hz - AIDS 2, Cancer Kaposis sarcoma, Penicillium chyrosogenium, Aids, Kaposi's sarcoma; Cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma; Kaposis Sarcoma; Penicillium chyrosogenium

250 Hz - Arthritis rheumatoid, Bone spurs, Cancer maintenance secondary, Cold and Flu, Dupuytrens contracture, Epicondylitis, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis C 1, Influenza autumn 1998, Jaundice, Kidney insufficiency, Knee joint pain, Larynx, Muscular pain and injury, Pancreatic insufficiency, Revitalize, Stiff muscles secondary, Tendomyopathy, Bone spurs; Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cold & Flu (Program 6, fall '98); Dupuytren's contracture; Epicondylitis (tennis elbow); Hepatitis "C"; Influenza, autumn 1998; Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Knee, joint pain; Larynx; Muscles, pain/injury; Pancreatic insufficiency; Stiff muscles, secondary; Tendomyopathy

253 Hz - ALS 4, Distemper, Epstein Barr virus, Follicular mange, Gulf War Syndrome v, Mange follicular, Multiple sclerosis 1, Multiple sclerosis v, Myoma, Parasites follicular mange, Parasites scabies, Distemper; Epstein Barr Virus; Follicular mange; Mange, follicular; Myoma; Parasites, folicular mange

254 Hz - ALS 1, Distemper, Fungus and mold v, Fungus general, Influenza 1993 secondary, Lateral sclerose, Lyme disease, Lyme secondary, Mold and fungus general v, Mycoplasma fermentans, Mycoplasma General, Sciatica 1, Sclerosis lateral, Yeast general, Yeast general v, ALS; Distemper; Fungus, general; Fungus, mold, general; Influenza, 1993; Influenza, 1993 secondary; Lateral sclerose; Lyme disease; Lyme disease, secondary; Mold and fungus, general; Sclerosis, lateral; Yeast, general

254.2 Hz - Candida, Candida

255 Hz - Distemper, Gulf War Syndrome v, Trypanosoma gambiense, Distemper; Trypanosoma gambiense

256 Hz - Chakra - root, Chakra - root chakra, Musical note middle C

257 Hz - Mold, vac II

258 Hz - Cancer leukemia feline, Feline (cat) leukemia

262 Hz - Actinomyces israelii, Arthritis rheumatoid, Cancer leukemia T cell, FIV, Rheumatism, Streptothrix, Actinomyces Israelii; Cancer, leukemia, T-cell; FIV; Rheumatism; Streptothrix

263 Hz - Asthma v, Creativity - verbal, Kidneys, Mouth, Speech

263.3 Hz - Herpes type 8 exp

264 Hz - Kidney papilloma, Papilloma kidney, Kidney papilloma; Nephritis; Papilloma, kidney

265 Hz - Papilloma virus

266 Hz - # Healing and regeneration

267 Hz - Breast fibroid cysts, Influenza grippe 1988, Breast, fibroid cysts; Influenza, grippe 1988

268 Hz - Cyclospora, Cyclospora

271 Hz - Deer tick, Deer tick 1

272 Hz - Influenza virus 1992 1993 secondary, Selenium, Influenza virus, 1992-1993 secondary

273 Hz - Chakra - transpersonal, Chakra - transpersonal Chakra, Mumps vaccine, Mumps vaccine

274 Hz - Epstein Barr virus, Nephritis, Tobacco mosaic, Epstein Barr Virus; Nephritis; Tobocco mosaic

275 Hz - Fasciola hepatica; Mulitple sclerosis, secondary; Parasites, flukes, general; Parasites, flukes, liver, Multiple sclerosis 1, Multiple sclerosis secondary, Parasites flukes general, Parasites flukes liver

277 Hz - BC G Vaccine, Cervical polyp, Sorghum syrup, BC G Vaccine; Cervical polyp

278 Hz - Respiratory syncitial virus, Stomatitis, Respiratory syncitial virus; Stomatitis

279 Hz - Myocarditis narbe, Myocarditis narbe

281 Hz - Intestines

281.6 Hz - Small intestine

282 Hz - Bacterium coli commune combination, E coli, Bacterium coli commune; E-coli

283 Hz - ALS 2, Enterovirus General, Polio, Polio

284 Hz - Hepatitis general secondary, Pertussis, Hepatitis, general secondary; Pertussis

285 Hz - Microsporum audouini, Ruko tick, Microsporum audouinii; Ruko tick

287 Hz - Hastoiditis, Mastoiditis, Pyrogenium fish, Hastoiditis; Mastoiditis; Pyrogenium fish

288 Hz - Cervical polyp, Cervical polyp, Chakra - polarity, Chakra - sacral, Griseovulvin

289 Hz - Corn smut, Deer tick 1, E coli, E-coli; Deer tick

291 Hz - Cirrhosis hepatitis, Cirrhosis, hepatitis

292 Hz - Influencinum vesica general, Influencinum, vessica general

294 Hz - Blood, Conflict resolution, Sorghum smut, Spleen, Upper lip, Sorgham smut

295 Hz - Ergot

295.8 Hz - Fat cells

300 Hz - Cold & Flu (Program 5); Lumbago; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2); Muscles; Muscles, tonic; Stiff muscles; Trauma, Cold 5, Lumbago, Multiple sclerosis 4, Muscle tonic, Stiff muscles, Trauma

302 Hz - Diabetes (program 2); Nigrospora spp, Diabetes 2, Nigrospora spp

303 Hz - Alzheimers 1, Tuberculosis aviare, Tuberculosis, avaire

304 Hz - Alternaria Tenius; Athletes Foot; Blood pressure, high; Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program 4); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, breast (program 3); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, pain; Cancer, prostate (program 1); Cold & Flu (Program 1); Facial Cramps; Fibromyalgia; Fibromyalgia, alternate; Headaches, general; Herpes, general; Herpes, zoster secondary; Infection, general; Influenza; Influenza, aches and respiritory; Insomnia; Lupus, SLE secondary; Muscles; Muscles, relax; Muscles, tonic; Nausea; Pain relief; Psoriasis; Sedation; Sinusitis (set #3); Stiff muscles; Trauma; Pyrogenium fish, Alternaria tenuis, Athletes foot, Bells Palsy, Blood pressure - lower, Cancer breast 2, Cancer carcinoma scan, Cancer general 1, Cancer general 2, Cancer general 3, Cancer prostate, Facial cramps, Fibromyalgia, Fibromyalgia 1, Headache, Headaches, Herpes general, Herpes zoster secondary, Hypertension, Infections general, Influenza, Influenza aches and respiratory, Insomnia, Lupus SLE secondary, Lymphs and detox, Multiple sclerosis 6, Muscle tonic, Muscles - stiff, Muscles to relax, Pain - relief of, Pain relief, Potassium, Psoriasis, Pyrogenium fish, Sedation, Sedation and pain relief, Sinusitis 3, Stiff muscles

304.6 Hz - Multiple sclerosis 1, Multiple sclerosis 2

305 Hz - Backache 1, Multiple sclerosis 3, Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1)

306 Hz - Lyme disease, tertiary, Lyme tertiary

308 Hz - Entamoeba histolytica, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Ruko tick, Entamoeba histolytica; Rocky Mountain spotted fever; Ruko tick

310 Hz - Amoeba, Cold 5, Mucor racemosis, Parkinsons v, Cold & Flu (Program 5); Mucor racemosis; Amoeba

311 Hz - Cerumen, Cunninghamella, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Cerumen; Cunninghamella; Ear, wax; Trichophyton mentagrophytes

312 Hz - Distemper, Rhesus gravidatum, Distemper; Rhesus gravidatum

314 Hz - H#2, Human T lymphocyte Virus2, Parkinsons v

315 .8 Hz - Brain

315 Hz - Chakra - diaphragm, Chakra - diaphragm chakra

315.77 Hz - Multiple sclerosis stiff legs, Multiple sclerosis, stiff legs

316 Hz - Cyclospora, Influenza V75 Victoria, Otitis medinum, Trypanosoma gambiense, Cyclospora; Influenza, grippe V-75 Victoria; Osteitis medinum; Otitis media; Trypanosoma gambiense; Otitis medinum

317 Hz - Cancer breast secondary, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis general, Hepatitis general v, Multiple sclerosis 1, Multiple sclerosis 5, Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Hepatitis, general; Hepatitis "C"; Hepatitis "C" alternative; Multiple sclerosis

317.83 Hz - Liver

318 Hz - Streptococcus hemolytic, Streptococcus hemolytic

319.88 Hz - Kidney

320 Hz - Calcium, Cerumen, Chakra - solar plexus, Chakra - solar plexus chakra, Fibromyalgia 2, Gardinerella, Muscular pain and injury, Oil - rose (pure), Rose oil (pure), Sinusitis, Sinusitis 4, Sinusitis frontalis, Stiff muscles, Tendomyopathy, Cerumen; Ear, wax; Gardinerella; Liver, support; Muscles, pain/injury; Sinusitis (set #4); Sinusitis, frontalis; Stiff muscles; Tendomyopathy

321 Hz - Fungus and mold v, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis general v, Mold and fungus general v, Penicillium notatum secondary, Struma nodosa, Fungus, mold, general; Hepatitis "A"; Mold and fungus, general; Penicillium notatum; Penicillium notatum, secondary; Struma nodosa

321.9 Hz - Blood

322 Hz - ALS 2, ALS 4, Asthma v, Enterovirus General, Herpes simplex I, Influenza 1989, Influenza virus A, Meningitis, Multiple sclerosis v, Rhesus gravidatum, Schunan B Cell, Stomatitis aphthous v, Herpes, simplex I (set #1); Influenza, 1989; Influenza virus, "A"; Meningitis; Parasites, strongyloides; Rhesus gravidatum; Schunan B-cell
323 Hz - Canine parvovirus, Canine parvovirus mutant strain, Canine parvovirus type B, Cunninghamella, FIV, Parvovirus canine, Parvovirus canine mutant strain, Parvovirus canine type B, Pasteurella combination, Canine parvovirus; Canine parvovirus, mutant strain; Canine parvovirus, type B; Cunninghamella; FIV; Parvovirus, canine; Parvovirus, canine mutant strain; Parvovirus, canine type B; Pasteurella combination

324 Hz - ALS 4, Disc - herneated, Hypertension, Influenza V2 grippe, Leukoencephalitis, Multiple sclerosis v, Muscles, Tularemia, Blood pressure, high; Influenza, grippe V-2; Leukoencephalitis; Tularemia, Influenza V2 grippe, Joint pain basic TR (also known as Pain.Bio, run 160, 500, 1600, 5000 with pulse 4 60, 1600 500 160 with pulse 2 60, 160 324 528 with pulse 2 60 converge 1 1), Tularemia (a serious infectious disease also called deerfly fever or rabbit fever)

325 Hz - Cataract complicated, Cataract, complicated

326 Hz - Back pain, Calcium - metabolism of, Fibromyalgia - pain reduction, Pain - in back

327 Hz - Cancer carcinoma, larynx, E coli, Osteosinusitis max, Rhizopus nigricans, Cancer, carcinoma, larynx; E-coli; Osteosinusitis max.; Rhizopus nigricans

328 Hz - Back pain, Fibromyalgia, Multiple sclerosis 4, Muscle tonic, Mycogone fungoides secondary, Pain - Fibromyalgia, Pain - in back, Stiff muscles, Fibromyalgia; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2); Muscles; Muscles, tonic; Mycogone fungoides, secondary; Stiff muscles
329 Hz - Breathing - improve, Emotional Acceptance, Gardinerella, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis general, Menieres disease, Nasal Passages, Parasites flukes blood, Parasites schistosoma mansoni, Seizure 1, Stomach, Taste - enhance, Gardinerella; Hepatitis, general; Hepatitis "C"; Meniere's disease; Parasites, flukes, blood; Parasites, schistosoma mansoni; Seizure
330 Hz - Allergies, Allergy, Cholera, E coli, Influenza 1 99 00, Influenza virus 1991 1992 secondary, Osteomyelosclerosis, Sun allergy, Allergy; Cholera; Influenza, general (winter 99-00, #1); Osteomyelosclerosis; Sun allergy, Influenza virus 1991 1992 secondary, Osteomyelosclerosis (marrow replacement by bone in response to low-grade infection)
331 Hz - Fungus flora 1, Ornithosis, Fungus flora; Mold, mix A&C; Ornithosis
332 Hz - Cancer leukemia feline, Fusarium oxysporum, Influencinum vesic NW, Influenza grippe 1987, Influenza virus 1991 1992 secondary, Influenza virus A, Influenza with Fever v, Ornithosis, Parasites filariose, Parasites roundworms general, Parasites strongyloides, Penicillium rubrum, Tuberculinum, Tuberculosis aviare, Feline (cat) leukemia; Fusarium oxysporum; Influencinum, vessica NW; Influenza, grippe 1987; Influenza virus, "A"; Influenza virus, "A" Port Chalmers; Ornithosis; Parasites, filariose; Parasites, roundworms, general; Parasites, strongyloides; Penicillium rubrum; Tuberculinum; Tuberculosis, avaire, Ornithosis (Psittacosis or Parrot Fever; an infectious pneumonia transmitted by certain birds), Penicillium rubrum

332.5 Hz - E coli 1

333 Hz - Adenovirus, Amoeba, Bacterium coli commune combination, Bronchitis, Bubonic plague, Campylobacter, Cancer general 1, Chest infection secondary, Cold 2, Cold in head chest, E coli, Head cold, Herpes zoster v, Rheumaticus, Sinus infection, Staph and Strep v, Strep and Staph v, Streptomyces griseus, Adenovirus; Bacterium coli commune; Bronchitis; Bubonic plague; Campylobacter; Chest infection, secondary; E-coli; Rheumaticus; Streptomyces grisseus; Amoeba
334 Hz - Cimicifuga, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis general v, Influenza VA2 grippe, Influenza virus 1991 1992 secondary, Irritable bowel syndrome, Parasites general comprehensive, Parasites giardia, Penicillium notatum, Smallpox secondary, Streptococcus hemolytic, Hepatitis "B"; Influenza, grippe VA-2; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, giardia; Penicillium notatum; Smallpox, secondary; Streptococcus hemolytic; Cimicifuga

335 Hz - Influenza virus, 1991-1992 secondary; Reproductive, Reproductive

336 Hz - Fungus flora 1, Influenza virus 1991 1992 secondary, Molybdenum, Respiratory syncitial virus, Fungus flora; Respiratory syncitial virus

337 Hz - Blood - circulation of, Fungus and mold v, Influenza 1994 secondary, Mold and fungus general v, Rhodococcus, Fungus, mold, general; Influenza, 1994 secondary; Mold and fungus, general; Rhodococcus

338 Hz - ALS 4, Influenza virus 1991 1992 secondary, Leukoencephalitis secondary, Lyme disease, Multiple sclerosis v, Leukoencephalitis, secondary; Lyme disease

339 Hz - Aspergellis terreus; Herpes, simplex I (set #3), Aspergillus terreus, Herpes simplex I 1, Stomatitis aphthous v

340 Hz - Diphtheria, Ear conditions various, Influenza virus 1991 1992 secondary, Pneumocystis carnii, Stemphylium, Diphtheria; Ear, general; Pneumocystis carnii; Stemphylium

341 Hz - Chakra - heart chakra, Influenza with Fever v, Pyrogenium suis, Pyrogenium suis

341.3 Hz - Chakra -heart

342 Hz - ALS 4, Bronchiectasis, Ears, Fluor Alb, Hearing, Lungs, Measles, Measles rubeola, Measles w vaccine, Multiple sclerosis v, Tuberculosis aviare, Bronchiectasis; Measles; Measles, rubeola; Tuberculosis, avaire; Flour alb

343 Hz - ALS 4, Coxsackie B6, Herpes simplex I 1, Influenza grippe general, Influenza grippe vapch, Influenza V75 Victoria, Multiple sclerosis v, Stomatitis aphthous v, Coxsackie B6; Herpes, simplex I (set #1); Herpes, simplex I (set #3); Influenza, grippe; Influenza, grippe V-

344 Hz - Aflatoxin, ALS 4, Amoeba hepar abcess, Colitis and Diarrhea, Fungus and mold v, Lyme disease, Mold and fungus general v, Multiple sclerosis v, Parasites general alternative v, Penicillium chyrosogenium, Aflatoxin; Amoeba hepar abcess; Fungus, mold, general; Lyme disease; Mold and fungus, general; Penicillium chyrosogenium

345 Hz - Epidermophyton floccinum, Herpes zoster v, Influenza virus 1991 1992, Lyme disease, Penicillium chyrosogenium secondary, Epidermophyton floccinum; Herpes, zoster; Influenza virus, 1991-1992; Lyme disease; Penicillium chyrosogenium, secondary; Varicella

346 Hz - Hepatitis A, Lymph plaque, Hepatitis "A"; Lymph plaque

347 Hz - Microsporum canis, Microsporum canis

348 Hz - Candida 1

350 Hz - Crohns and other bowel problems v, Eye disorders, Eyesight sharpen, Geotrichum candidum, Influenza Bach Poly, Influenza virus 1991 1992 secondary, Nigrospora spp, Vision poor, Eye, disorders; Eye, sharpen eyesight; Geotrichum candidum; Vision, poor; Influenzum, Bach poly; Nigrospora spp

352 Hz - Bladder, Chakra - thymus, Influenza V4 grippe, Influenza virus 1991 1992 secondary, Lupus general secondary, Tetanus, Influenza, grippe V-4; Lupus, general secondary; Lupus, vulgaris; Tetanus

353 Hz - Coxsackie B1, Coxsackie B4, Influenza grippe 1989, Coxsackie B1; Coxsackie B4; Influenza, grippe 1989

354 Hz - Influenza virus 1991 1992 secondary, Tooth decay

355 Hz - Geotrichum candidum, Geotrichum candidum; Influenza virus, 1991-1992 secondary

356 Hz - Febris wolhynia, Influenza virus 1991 1992 secondary, Pyrogenium suis, Pyrogenium suis

358 Hz - Bacterium coli, Bacterium coli, Influenza virus 1991 1992 secondary, Urinary Tract Infections

360 Hz - # Healing - sense of, Balance - emotional, Bladder TBC, Earth, Emotional balance, Eye disorders, Eyesight sharpen, Herpes type 2A secondary, Influenza virus 1991 1992 secondary, Joy - sense of, Smallpox secondary, Vision poor, Eye, disorders; Eye, sharpen eyesight; Smallpox, secondary; Vision, poor

361 Hz - Mucor plumbeus, Struma cystica, Mucor plumbeus, Struma cystica, Mucor plumbeus; Struma cystica

362 Hz - Herpes type 2A secondary

363 Hz - Tetanus, Tetanus

364 Hz - Bartonella henslae, Blue cohosh, Herpes type 2A secondary, Influencinum vesic NW, Cat virus; Influencinum, vessica NW; Blue cohosh

365 Hz - Blastocystis hominus, Blastocystis hominus; Herpes, type 2A secondary

366 Hz - Herpes type 2A secondary

367 Hz - Cryptococcus neoformans, Head cold, Mycogone fungoides secondary, Rhino pneumonitis, Sinus infection, Sinusitis 2, Cryptococcus neoformans; Mycogone fungoides, secondary; Rhino pneumonitis; Sinusitis (set #2)

368 Hz - Herpes type 2A secondary, Measles rubella, Streptococcus hemolytic, Measles, rubella; Streptococcus hemolytic

370 Hz - Herpes type 2A secondary

371 Hz - Cephalothecium, Lac deflorat, Mycogone spp (homeopathic allergenic preparation based on fungus), Cephalothecium, Lac deflorat, Mycogone spp, Cephalothecium; Lac Deflorat; Mycogone spp

372 Hz - FIV, FIV

373 Hz - Herpes type 2A secondary, Trichophytie nagel secondary, Herpes, type 2A secondary; Trichophytie, nagel secondary

374 Hz - Aspergellis niger; Fungus, mold, general; Mold and fungus, general, Aspergillus niger, Fungus and mold v, Mold and fungus general v

375 Hz - Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Wheat smut, Yeast general, Rocky Mountain spotted fever; Yeast, general; Wheat smut

376 Hz - Bites, black widow; Rheumaticus; Trichophytie, nagel secondary, Black widow spider, Rheumaticus, Trichophytie nagel secondary

377 Hz - Barley smut, Listeriose, Listeriose; Barley Smut

378 Hz - Campylobacter, Trichophytie nagel secondary, Campylobacter; Trichophytie, nagel secondary

379 Hz - Athletes foot, Bartonella henslae, Cat virus

380 Hz - Abdominal inflammation, ALS 2, Appendicitis, Bone trauma, Coxsackie General, Enterovirus General, Mucous membrane inflammation general, Parasites strongyloides secondary, Pharyngitis, Abdominal inflammation; Allergy; Appendicitis; Bone trauma (cuts, fractures); Coxsackie; Mucous membrane inflammation; Parasites, strongyloides secondary; Pharyngitis

381 Hz - Biliary cirrhosis, Candida, Candida 1, Cirrhosis biliary, Trichophytie nagel, Biliary cirrhosis; Candida; Cirrhosis, biliary; Trichophytie, nagel

383 Hz - Cancer tertiary, Herpes general, Herpes general v, Cancer, tertiary

384 Hz - Chakra - throat, Chromium, Coxsackie B1, Geotrichum candidum, Kieferosteitis, Coxsackie B1; Geotrichum candidum; Kieferosteitis

385 Hz - Trichophytie nagel secondary, Trichophytie, nagel secondary

386 Hz - Candida, Geotrichum candidum, Lupus general, Lupus SLE secondary, Geotrichum candidum; Lupus, general; Lupus, SLE secondary; Lupus, vulgaris

387 Hz - Clostridium difficile, Influenza virus 1991 1992, Trichophytie nagel secondary, Clostridium difficile; Influenza virus, 1991-1992; Trichophytie, nagel secondary

388 Hz - Warning: alleged damage to humans

391 Hz - L lysine, L-lysine, stimulates; Mold, mix C

392 Hz - Gulf War Syndrome v, Human T lymphocyte Virus3, H#3

393 Hz - Cancer carcinoma liver 1, Entamoeba histolytica, Eyes, Heart, Love - of others, Tetragenus, Visualization, Warmth - stimulation of, Cancer, carcinoma, liver; Entamoeba histolytica; Tetragenus

393.5 Hz - Bells Palsy

395 Hz - Herpes type C, Herpes, type C

396 Hz - Congestion - chest, Fear, Guilt, Musical note - G, Music, G below C

400 Hz - Cold & Flu (Program 1); Eye, disorders; General program, comprehensive; Sinusitis (set #1); Tetanus, Cold 1, Eye disorders, General prog Blaster5, Manganese, Sinusitis 1, Tetanus

402 Hz - Microsporum canis, Microsporum canis

403 Hz - Geotrichum candidum, Trypanosoma gambiense, Geotrichum candidum; Trypanosoma gambiense

404 Hz - FIV, Geotrichum candidum, Papilloma virus, FIV; Geotrichum candidum; Papilloma, virus

405 Hz - Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Violet - color

407 Hz - Geotrichum candidum, Influencinum vesica general, Irritable bowel syndrome, Parasites giardia, Geotrichum candidum; Influencinum, vessica general; Parasites, giardia

408 Hz - Prostate problems general, Prostate, general problems

409 Hz - Enterococcinum, Geotrichum candidum, Streptococcus enterococcinum, Geotrichum candidum; Streptococcus enterococcinum; Enterococcinum

410 Hz - Ear conditions various, Geotrichum candidum, Prostatitis, Pulmonary fibrosis, Ear, general; Fibrosis fo Jung (on chest); Geotrichum candidum; Prostatitus (set #1)

411 Hz - Asthma v, Herpes zoster v, Parasites general alternative v, Staph and Strep v, Strep and Staph v

412 Hz - Candida secondary, Geotrichum candidum, Lyme hatchlings eggs, Penicillium notatum secondary, Pneumonia general, Pneumoniae klebsiella, Candida, secondary; Geotrichum candidum; Lyme hatchlings/eggs; Penicillium notatum, secondary; Pneumonia; Pneumoniae, klebsiella; Pneumonia, mycoplasma

413 Hz - Bacterium coli commune combination, E coli, Influenza virus swine, Pneumoniae klebsiella, West Nile 1, West Nile virus exp, Bacterium coli commune; E-coli; Influenza virus, swine; Pneumoniae, klebsiella

414 Hz - Anthrax, Cancer general 3, Cancer leukemia feline, Candida, Fungus and mold v, Hepatitis A, Lyme hatchlings eggs, Mold and fungus general v, Sinusitis 3, Thrush, Tonsillar pfropfe, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Vaginosis, Yeast general, Anthrax; Cancer (general program 4); Candida; Fungus, mold, general; Hepatitis "A"; Lyme hatchlings/eggs; Mold and fungus, general; Sinusitis (set #3); Thrush; Tonsillar pfropfe; Trichophyton mentagrophytes; Vaginosis; Yeast, general, Thrush (use Candida and see Stomatitis freqs), Tonsillar nodules

415 Hz - Eczema 1, Geotrichum candidum, Eczema, skin (alternate #1); Geotrichum candidum

416 Hz - Chakra - psychic center, Chakra - psychic center chakra, Iron

417 Hz - Change - facilitating Change, Change - facilitation of, Facilitating Change, Lyme and Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever v, Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever and Lyme v, Situations - undoing of

418 Hz - Aids (program 3); Aids, Kaposi's sarcoma; Cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma; Geotrichum candidum; Kaposis Sarcoma, AIDS 2, Cancer Kaposis sarcoma, Geotrichum candidum

418.3 Hz - Bones

419 Hz - Parasites flukes blood, Parasites, flukes, blood

420 Hz - Fibromyalgia 2, Fluor Alb, Myoma, Salmonella typhi, Trichophytie nagel secondary, Myoma; Salmonella, typhi; Trichophytie, nagel secondary; Flour alb

420.82 Hz - Anima, Creativity, Femininity - inner (in male), Moon - of Earth, Self - inner

421 Hz - Cancer tertiary, Coxsackie B4, Eurytrema pancreaticum, Influenza triple nosode, Multiple sclerosis 1, Cancer, tertiary; Coxsackie B4; Influenza, triple nosode; Critter 2, Coxsackie B4, Influenza triple nosode
422 Hz - Bermuda smut, Cancer breast secondary, Cancer leukemia myeloid, Candida secondary, Constipation, Coxsackie General, Fever, Fungus general, Gastritis and flatus, General comprehensive, General demo, Infections general, Irritable bowel syndrome, Lyme and Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever v, Microsporum audouini, Parasites general 1, Parasites general alternative v, Parasites general comprehensive, Parasites roundworms general, Parasites roundworms general short set, Parasites strongyloides, Ringworm, Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever and Lyme v, Stomach disorders, Yeast general, Yeast general v, Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Cancer, leukemia, myeloid; Candida, secondary; Constipation; Coxsackie; Fever; Fungus, general; Gastritis and flatulence; General demo; Infection, general; Irritable bowel syndrome; Microsporum audouinii; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, general (set #2); Parasites, roundworms, general; Parasites, roundworms, general (short set); Parasites, strongyloides; Ringworm; Stomach disorders; Yeast, general; Bermuda Smut

423 Hz - ALS 2, Bacillinum, Enterovirus General, Fluor Alb, Hepatitis A, Herpes zoster v, Meningitis, Nephritis, Staph and Strep v, Stomatitis aphthous v, Strep and Staph v, Hepatitis "A"; Meningitis; Nephritis; Parasites, strongyloides; Bacillinum; Flour alb

424 Hz - Backache and spasms 1, Cancer leukemia feline, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Coxsackie General, Fatigue, Fatigue general, Herpes type C, Histoplasma, Influenza 1983, Iodine, Paradontose, Proteus, Staphylococci infection, Staphylococcus aureus, Stomatitis aphthous v, Backache with spasms; Cancer, leukemia, feline--cat; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Coxsackie; Fatigue; Herpes, type C; Histoplasma; Influenza, 1983; Paradontose; Proteus; Staphylococcus, aureus; Staphylococcus, infection (set #1); Flour alb, Herpes type C, Histoplasma, Influenza 1983, Paradontose, Proteus

425 Hz - Herpes zoster v, Influenza with Fever v, Schunan B Cell, Streptococcus viridans, Trichophytie nagel secondary, Schunan B-cell; Streptococcus viridans; Trichophytie, nagel secondary

426.7 Hz - Chakra - brow

427 Hz - Candida 2, Candida tertiary, General prophylaxis, Sinusitis 3, Tularemia, Candida; Candida, tertiary; General prophylaxis; General program; Sinusitis (set #3); Tularemia

428 Hz - Abdominal inflammation, Abscesses secondary, Acne secondary, Adenoids, Angina, Ankylosing spondylitis, Apoplexy stroke paralysis, Cancer maintenance secondary, Canine parvovirus, Cryptococcus neoformans, Fatigue general, General antiseptic, General comprehensive, Herpes simplex I 2, Infections general secondary, Influenza 1983, Leprosy secondary infection, Menieres disease, Meningitis tertiary, Mental disorders, Mumps tertiary, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Polio secondary complications, Psoriasis ankylosing spondylitis, Stroke follow up, Surgery preop postop prevent infections, Trichophytie nagel secondary, Trigeminal neuralgia, Abdominal inflammation; Abscesses, alternate; Acne, alternate; Adenoids; Angina; Ankylosing spondylitis; Antiseptic effect, general; Apoplexy; Cancer (general program, maintenance); Canine parvovirus; Cryptococcus neoformans; Epstein Barr Virus; Fatigue; Herpes, simplex I (set #4); Herpes, sores; Infection, general; Influenza, 1983; Leprosy, secondary infection; Meniere's disease; Meningitis, tertiary; Mental disorders; Mumps tertiary; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Polio, secondary complications; Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Schunan B-cell; Stroke, follow up; Surgery, pre-op and post-op; Surgery, prevention and control; Trichophytie, nagel secondary; Trigeminal neuralgia

429 Hz - Measles rubella vaccine, Pyrogenium 62, Measles, rubella vaccine; Pyrogenium
430 Hz - Alzheimers 1, Chlamydia general, Chlamydia trachomatis, Felis, Influencinum Berlin 55, Multiple sclerosis 1, Multiple sclerosis secondary, Chlamydia trachomatis; Felis; Influencinum, Berlin '55; Mulitple sclerosis, secondary

431 Hz - Acupuncture disturbance field; Measles, rubella, Measles rubella

432 Hz - Babesia, Bacillinum, Bacillus subtilis, Backache 2, Cholecystitis chronic, Conjunctivitis, Coughing, Diphtheria, Euglena, Immune system stimulation, Influenza virus swine, Kieferosteitis, Lyme disease, Lyme tertiary, Protozoa, Pullularia pullulans, Rhodococcus, Sinusitis 3, Yellow fever, Bacillus subtilis; Back pain; Cholecystitis, chronic; Conjunctivitis; Coughing; Diphtheria; Immune system stimulation; Influenza virus, swine; Kieferosteitis; Lyme disease; Lyme disease, tertiary; Rhodococcus; Sinusitis (set #3); Subtilis - B; Yellow fever ; Euglena; Protozoa; Bacillinum; Bacillus subtilis; Pullularia pullulans

433 Hz - Adenoma,cervical; Adnexitis; Cancer, adenoma (cervical); Canine parvovirus; Cervix adenoma; Hepatitis "B"; Influencinum, vessica SW; Streptococcus mutant strain, secondary; Streptococcus viridans; Tetragenus, ALS 4, Cancer adenoma, Canine parvovirus, Cervix adenoma, Colitis and Diarrhea, Hepatitis B, Influencinum vesic SW, Multiple sclerosis v, Streptococcus mutant strain secondary, Streptococcus viridans, Tetragenus

434 Hz - Asian grippe A, Asthma v, Influenza Asian grippe A, Proteus, Pyelitis proteus, Toxoplasmosis, Influenza, grippe Asian A; Proteus; Pyelitis, proteus; Toxoplasmosis
435 Hz - ALS 2, Coxsackie General, Curva spic, Enterovirus General, Feli, Gulf War Syndrome v, Parasites flukes general, Refractory an, Coxsackie; Curva spic; Feli; Parasites, flukes, general; Refractory an

436 Hz - Dental Infections v, Herpes zoster v, Rheuma, Staph and Strep v, Strep and Staph v, Rheuma

437 Hz - Pseudomonas pyocyanea, Pyocyaneus, Scarlet fever, Streptococcus mutant strain, Pseudomonas pyocyanea; Scarlet Fever; Streptococcus mutant strain; Pyocyaneus

438 Hz - Cladosporium fulvum, Indigo - color, Tuberculosis aviare, Cladosporium fulvum; Tuberculosis, avaire

439 Hz - Chakra - crown, Ozaena, Ozaena

440 Hz - Abdominal inflammation, Adnexitis, Appendicitis, Balance - emotional, Cancer experimental additional frequencies, Cold 1, Cold 3, Cold 5, Colitis and Diarrhea, Collarbones, Colon problems general, Coughing, Crohns disease, Diabetes 1, Ear conditions various, Edema, Fever sunstroke, Frontal Lobes, General prophylaxis, Herpes progenetalis, Ileocolitis colon inflammation, Infections general secondary, Influenza, Influenza 2 99 00, Influenza aches and respiratory, Intestinal problems colon, Kidney insufficiency, Kidney tonic general, Large intestine tonic, Larynx, Leprosy secondary infection, Lymph stasis secondary, Lymphs and detox, Motion sickness, Musical note - A, Nerve disorders and neuropathy, Numbness, Otitis medinum, Pancreas, Parasites general 2, Parasites hookworm, Pharyngitis, Pneumonia general v, Ringworm, Sinusitis 1, Stability - emotional, Sunstroke, Swelling, Tuberculosis aviare, Vitality - emotional, Vitiligo, Abdominal inflammation; Adenoids; Adnexitis; Appendicitis; Appendix; Cancer (general program additional); Cold & Flu (Program 1); Cold & Flu (Program 3, fall '99); Cold & Flu (Program 5); Colitis; Colon problems, general; Coughing; Diabetes (program 1); Ear, general; Edema; Fever, sunstroke; General prophylaxis; General program; Glands, adenoid; Herpes, progenetalis; Ileocolitis, colon inflammation; Infection, general; Influenza; Influenza, aches and respiritory; Influenza, general (winter 99-00, #2); Intestinal problems, colon; Intestines, large; Kidney insufficiency; Kidney tonic, general; Large intestine tonic; Larynx; Leprosy, secondary infection; Lymph glands; Lymph stasis, secondary; Motion sickness; Nerve disorders; Nose; Numbness; Otitis media; Ovaries; Pancreas; Pancreas, alternate; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, general (set #3); Parasites, hookworm; Pharyngitis; Ringworm; Sinusitis (set #1); Sunstroke; Swelling; Testes; Tonsils, general; Tuberculosis, avaire; Vitiligo; Music, A

441 Hz - Adnexitis, Equilibrium, Granuloma dent, Thermi bacteria, Adnexitis; Ganuloma dent; Thermi bacteria

442 Hz - ALS 4, Cancer general 3, Cancer prostate, Candida tertiary, Distemper, Influenza virus A 1974, Lupus general, Measles, Medorrhinum, Multiple sclerosis v, Parasites ascaris, Parasites general comprehensive, Parkinsons v, Prostate adenominum, Ringworm, Cancer (general program 4); Cancer, prostate (program 1); Candida, tertiary; Distemper; Influenza virus, "A" 1974; Lupus, general; Measles; Parasites, ascaris; Parasites, general (set #1); Ringworm; Medorrhinum; Prostate adenominum

443 Hz - Chemical Sensitivity, Measles, Measles w vaccine, Streptococcus hemolytic, Measles; Streptococcus hemolytic
444 Hz - Abdominal inflammation, Abscesses secondary, Acne secondary, Adenoids, Anal itching, Aneurysm, Angina pectoris, Appendicitis, Appetite lack of, Asthma, Ataxia, Cancer breast 1, Carbo animalis, Catarrh, Cold 3, Cold in head chest, Coughing, Cryptococcus neoformans, Diabetes 2, Dyspepsia, Edema, Fatigue general, Gallstones, General antiseptic, General comprehensive, Heartburn chronic, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis C 1, Human T lymphocyte Virus4, Infections general, Intercostal neuralgia, Itching, Jaundice, Kidney insufficiency, Kidney stones, Larynx, Leprosy secondary infection, Locomotor dysfunction incoordination, Lumbago, Lymph stasis secondary, Lymphs and detox, Meningitis tertiary, Motion sickness, Oral lesions, Ovarian disorders general, Pancreatic insufficiency, Paralysis nonspastic, Paralysis spastic, Parasites general 2, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Pleurisy, Polyp general, Prostatitis, Pyorrhea, Sunstroke, Surgery preop postop prevent infections, Swelling, Thrombosis infective herpes type, Urethrit,, is, Vitiligo, - Abdominal inflammation; Abscesses, alternate; Acne, alternate; Adenoids; Anal itch; Aneurism; Anosmia; Antiseptic effect, general; Appendicitis; Appetite, lack of; Asthma; Ataxia; Cancer, breast (program 2); Catarrh; Cold, head or chest; Cold & Flu (Program 3, fall '99); Coughing; Cryptococcus neoformans; Diabetes (program 2); Edema; Fatigue; Gallstones; H#4; Heartburn, chronic; Hepatitis "C"; Infection, general; Intercostal neuralgia; Itching, pruritis; Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Kidney stones; Larynx; Leprosy, secondary infection; Locomotor dysfunction, incoordination; Lumbago; Lung, infection; Lymph stasis, secondary; Meningitis, tertiary; Motion sickness; Oral lesions; Ovarian disorders, general; Pancreatic insufficiency; Paralysis, nonspastic; Paralysis, spastic; Parasites, general (set #3); Pelvic inflammatory disease; Pleurisy; Polyp, general; Prostatitus (set #1); Pyorrhea; Sunstroke; Surgery, pre-op and post-op; Surgery, prevention and control; Swelling; Thrombosis, infective I herpes family; Urethritis; Vitiligo; Carbo animalis

445 Hz - Streptococcus viridans, Streptococcus viridans

446 Hz - Herpes zoster v, Meningioma, Mycogone spp, Meningioma; Mycogone spp

447 Hz - Crohns and other bowel problems v, Hemorrhoids, Influenza VA2L grippe, Influenza virus 1993 1994 secondary, Hemorrhoids; Hepatitis, general; Influenza, grippe VA-2L; Influenza virus, 1993-1994 secondary

448 Hz - Chakra - third eye, Chakra - third eye chakra, Retrovirus variants, Retrovirus variants

450 Hz - Abdominal inflammation, Abscesses secondary, Acne secondary, Appendicitis, Cancer melanoma 1, Candida, Cholera secondary, General antiseptic, General comprehensive, Herpes general, Herpes general v, HIV, Infections general secondary, Leprosy secondary infection, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Pleurisy, Pneumonia general, Stomach disorders, Abdominal inflammation; Abscesses, alternate; Acne, alternate; Adrenal stimulant; Antiseptic effect, general; Appendicitis; Candida; Cholera, secondary; HIV; Infection, general; Infection, general secondary; Leprosy, secondary infection; Lung, infection; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Pleurisy; Pneumonia; Stomach disorders

452 Hz - Bronchitis, Chest infection secondary, Pneumonia bronchial, Tonsillitis, Werlhof, Bronchitis; Chest infection, secondary; Pneumoniae, bronchial; Tonsillitis; Werlhof

453 Hz - Cholesteatoma, Herpes zoster v, Myoma, Parasites tapeworms, Parasites tapeworms echinococcinum, Staph and Strep v, Staphylococci infection, Staphylococcus general, Strep and Staph v, Stye, Cholesteatoma; Echinococcinum; Myoma; Parasites, tapeworms; Staphylococcus, general; Staphylococcus, infection (set #1); Stye; Echinococcinum

454 Hz - Colitis and Diarrhea, Trichophyton tonsuraus, Trichophyton tonsuraus

454.5 Hz - Herpes type 6 exp

455 Hz - Malaria, Malaria

456 Hz - Head cold, Sinus infection, Sinusitis, Sinusitis 3, Pyorrhea; Sinusitis (set #3); Sinusitis, maxillars

457 Hz - Influenza virus 1993 1994 secondary, Penicillium rubrum, Streptococcus viridans, Influenza virus, 1993-1994 secondary; Penicillium rubrum; Streptococcus viridans

458 Hz - Hepatitis general secondary, Tetanus, Hepatitis, general secondary; Tetanus

459 Hz - Measles rubella, Measles rubella vaccine, Measles, rubella; Measles, rubella vaccine

460 Hz - Herpes type C, Penicillium rubrum, Stomatitis aphthous v, Herpes, type C; Penicillium rubrum
461 Hz - ALS 2, Echo Virus, Enterovirus General, Influenza with Fever v, Stemphylium, Echo Virus; Stemphylium

462 Hz - Cancer carcinoma bronchial, Coxsackie B5, Influenza grippe 1986 tri, Influenza spanish, Penicillium rubrum, Cancer, bronchial; Cancer, carcinoma, bronchial; Coxsackie B5; Influenza, grippe 1986 tri; Influenza virus, Spanish; Penicillium rubrum

463 Hz - Cancer glioblastoma tremor, Cancer, glioblastoma tremor; Tremers, due to brain tumor

464 Hz - Athletes foot, Bells Palsy, Bronchitis, Cancer, Cancer general 1, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma 1, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal, Candida, Candida 1, Candida 2, Copper, Fatigue general, Fibromyalgia, Fibromyalgia 1, Fungus and mold v, General antiseptic, General comprehensive, General demo, General prophylaxis, Head colds, Herpes general, Herpes zoster secondary, Influenza, Mold and fungus general v, Moles, Multiple sclerosis 1, Multiple sclerosis 6, Multiple sclerosis secondary, Pancreas, Sciatica 1, Sinus infections, Sinusitis 1, Swimmers ear, Vaginosis, Athletes Foot; Bronchitis; Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma; Candida; Fatigue; Fibromyalgia; Fibromyalgia, alternate; Fungus, mold, general; General demo; General prophylaxis; Herpes, general; Herpes, zoster secondary; Influenza; Influenza, general (winter 99-00, #2); Mold and fungus, general; Moles; Motion sickness; Mulitple sclerosis, secondary; Pancreas; Sinusitis (set #1); Swimmer's ear; Vaginosis
465 Hz - Abdominal inflammation, Abscesses secondary, Acne secondary, Actinomyces israelii, AIDS 1, Alopecia, Amenorrhea, Anal itching, Aneurysm, Angina, Angina pectoris, Appetite lack of, Backache 2, Backache and spasms 1, Bacterial infections, Bed wetting, Bedsores, Biliousness, Bladder and prostate complaints, Burns, Cancer general 2, Cancer maintenance secondary, Cancer melanoma 1, Candida, Candida carcinomas, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Cold 3, Cold and Flu, Colitis and Diarrhea, Cystitis chronic, Dental foci, Dental general, Dental infection 1, Diabetes 1, Diabetes 2, Diabetes secondary, Diarrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Dyspepsia, Edema, Epidermophyton floccinum, Epstein Barr virus secondary, Erysipelas, Eustachian tube inflammation, Fibroid, Fibroma, Flatulence, Fungus general, Furunkulosis, Gingivitis, Heart tonic, Heartburn chronic, Herpes simplex I 2, Impotence, Infections general, Infertility, Influenza 1997 1998, Influenza 2 99 00, Influenza autumn 1998, Irritable bowel syndrome, Larynx, Leprosy secondary i,, nfection, Leukoplakia, Lymph stasis secondary, Lymphs and detox, Menieres disease, Meningitis tertiary, Menstrual problems, Motion sickness, Nephritis, Oral lesions, Ovarian disorders general, Pancreatic insufficiency, Parasites general 2, Parasites general comprehensive, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Polyp general, Prostate problems general, Prostatitis, Pyorrhea, Retrovirus variants, Rhinitis, Sciatica 1, Serum schweinepest, Sexual dysfunction men, Sneezing, Spleen secondary, Stomatitis, Streptococcus pyrogenes, Streptococcus viridans, Streptothrix, Surgery preop postop prevent infections, Tetanus, Thrush, Tonsillitis, Toothache, Tuberculosis secondary complications, Urethritis, Urinary Tract Infections, West Nile 1, Yeast general, - Abdominal inflammation; Abscesses, alternate; Acne, alternate; Actinomyces Israelii; Actinomycosis; Adrenal stimulant; Aids (program 2); Alopecia; Amenorrhea; Anal itch; Aneurism; Angina; Anosmia; Antiseptic effect, general; Appetite, lack of; Athletes Foot; Backache with spasms; Back pain; Bacterial infection; Bed wetting; Bedsores; Biliousness; Bladder and prostate complaints; Burns; Cancer (general program, maintenance); Candida; Candida carcinomas; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Cold & Flu (Program 3, fall '99); Cold & Flu (Program 6, fall '98); Cystitis, chronic; Dental; Dental foci; Diabetes (program 1); Diabetes (program 2); Diabetes, secondary; Diarrhea; Dysmenorrhea (painful mestration); Edema; Epidermophyton floccinum; Epstein Barr Virus; Epstein Barr Virus, secondary; Erysipelas (skin inflammation); Eustachian tube, inflammation; Fibroma; Flatulence; Foot blisters; Fungus, general; Fungus, infection; Furunkulosis; Gingivitis; Heart, tonic; Heartburn, chronic; Herpes, simplex I (set #4); Herpes', sores; Impotence; Infection, general; Infertility; Influenza, autumn 1998; Influenza, 1997-1998; Irritable bowel syndrome; Larynx; Leprosy, secondary infection; Leukoplakia; Lymph glands, stimulate; Lymph glands, swollen in neck; Lymph stasis, secondary; Meniere's disease; Meningitis, tertiary; Menstrual problems; Motion sickness; Nephritis; Nephrosis; Oral lesions; Ovarian disorders, general; Pancreatic insufficiency; Parasites, general (set #3); Parasites, general clean up; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Pharyngitis; Polyp, general; Prostate, general problems; Prostatitus (set #1); Recovery; Retrovirus variants; Rhinitis; Serum schweinepest; Sexual dysfunction; Sneezing; Spleen, enlarged secondary; Stomatitis; Streptococcus pyrogenes; Streptococcus viridans; Streptothrix; Surgery, pre-op and post-op; Surgery, prevention and control; Tetanus; Thrush; Tonsillitis; Toothache; Tuberculosis, secondary complications; Urethritis; Yeast, generalHz, Epidermophyton floccinum (fungus that attacks skin & nails, including some athlete's foot and jock itch ringworms. Also use Microsporum freqs and Fungal general if necessary.), Sciatica 1 (also use ?Bone Builder with Boron? at double dose), Serum schweinepest (swine fever or hog cholera)

466 Hz - Cancer glioblastoma tremor, Condylomata, Papilloma virus, Wart condyloma, Warts general, Cancer, glioblastoma tremor; Condylomata; Papilloma, virus; Tremers, due to brain tumor; Warts, condyloma; Warts, general; Warts, papilloma

467 Hz - Measles, Measles rubeola, Measles w vaccine, Morbillinum, Measles; Measles, rubeola; Morbillinum

467.8 Hz - Herpes simplex I exp, Herpes, simplex I (set #1)

468 Hz - Crohns and other bowel problems v, Influenza virus B, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Influenza virus, "B"; Rocky Mountain spotted fever

469 Hz - Gliocladium, Gliocladium, Influenza with Fever v
470 Hz - ALS 1, Cancer glioblastoma tremor, Chlamydia general, Herpes simplex I 3, Multiple sclerosis 1, Multiple sclerosis 4, Multiple sclerosis secondary, Multiple sclerosis tremor or twitch, Parkinsons disease, Chlamydia pneumoniae, experimental secondary; Herpes, simplex I (set #5); Multiple sclerosis; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2); Mulitple sclerosis, secondary; Multiple sclerosis, termor or twitch; Tremers, due to MS

470.9 Hz - Chlamydia pneumoniae

471 Hz - Listeriose, Smallpox secondary, Listeriose; Smallpox, secondary

471.5 Hz - Chlamydia pneumoniae, experimental

471.66 Hz - Chlamydia pneumoniae

472 Hz - Influenza VA2 grippe, Sinusitis 2, Influenza, grippe VA-2; Sinusitis (set #2)

473 Hz - Blue - color, Mucor racemosis secondary, Ragweed, Mucor racemosis, secondary; Ragweed

474 Hz - Aflatoxin, Marsh elder, Mucor racemosis, Aflatoxin; Mucor racemosis; Marsh elder

475 Hz - Cancer plasmacytoma, Cancer, plasmacytoma; Plasmacytoma

476 Hz - Aflatoxin, Cryptococcus neoformans, Herpes simplex I, Smallpox, Vaccinium, Aflatoxin; Cryptococcus neoformans; Herpes, simplex I (set #1); Smallpox; Vaccininum

477 Hz - ALS 4, Cancer breast secondary, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis general, Hepatitis general secondary, Hepatitis general v, Multiple sclerosis v, Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Hepatitis, general; Hepatitis, general secondary; Hepatitis "B"

478 Hz - Cancer breast 2, Cancer leukemia lymphatic, Cryptococcus neoformans, Cystic fibrosis, Stomatitis aphthous, Cancer, breast (program 3); Cancer, leukemia, lymphatic; Cryptococcus neoformans; Cystic fibrosis; Stomatitis aphthous (set #1)

479 Hz - Cancer carcinoma liver 1, Cancer, carcinoma, liver

480 Hz - Chakra - crown, Chakra - crown chakra, FZinc, Herpes simplex I 1, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Pineal Gland, Stomatitis aphthous v, Herpes, simplex I (set #3); Magnesium

481 Hz - Aids, secondary; Cephaloshorium; Cholecystitis; Cholecystitis, acute; Gallstones; Lupus, SLE secondary, Cephaloshorium, Cholecystitis acute, Lupus SLE secondary

482 Hz - Cancer lymphosarcoma, Cryptosporidium, Folliculitis hot tub, Influenza with Fever v, Otitis externa, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Swimmers ear, Cancer, lymphosarcoma; Cryptosporidium; Folliculitis, hot tub; Otitis externa; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Swimmer's ear

483 Hz - Influenza haemophilus type B, Influenza haemophilus, type B

484 Hz - ALS 1, Diabetes 1, Lyme tertiary, Mycoplasma fermentans, Mycoplasma General, ALS; Diabetes (program 1); Lyme disease (alternative #1); Lyme disease, tertiary

485 Hz - Gardinerella, Gardinerella, Lyme 1

487 Hz - ALS 2, Asthma v, Coxsackie B3, Enterovirus General, Hepatitis A, Influenza Bach Poly, Rhino pneumonitis, Stomatitis aphthous, Coxsackie B3; Hepatitis "A"; Rhino pneumonitis; Stomatitis aphthous (set #1); Influenzum, Bach poly, Coxsackie B3, Hepatitis A (add Hepatitis general freqs if necessary), Rhino pneumonitis

488 Hz - Actinobacillus, Actinomyces israelii, Cancer leukemia hairy cell, Coxsackie B6, Crohns and other bowel problems v, Mucor mucedo, Mycogone fungoides, Parvovirus new strain, Streptococcus mutant strain secondary, Streptothrix, Actinomyces Israelii; Cancer, leukemia, hairy cell; Coxsackie B6; Mucor mucedo; Mycogone fungoids; Parvovirus, new strain; Streptococcus mutant strain, secondary; Streptothrix

489 Hz - Conjunctivitis, Papilloma virus, Conjunctivitis; Papilloma, virus

490 Hz - Lyme 1, Mycogone fungoides secondary, Mycogone fungoides, secondary

491 Hz - Malassezia furfur, Mycogone fungoides secondary, Malassezia furfur; Mycogone fungoides, secondary

492 Hz - Spleen

492.8 Hz - Adrenal glands, Parathyroid, Thyroid

495 Hz - Cancer melanoma 1, Lyme 1, Musical note - B, Mycogone fungoides secondary, Warts general, Warts verruca, Lyme disease (alternative #1); Mycogone fungoides, secondary; Warts, general; Warts, verruca; Music, B

496 Hz - Cataract complicated, Eye disorders, Influenza VA2 grippe, Mycogone fungoides secondary, Cataract, complicated; Eye, disorders; Influenza, grippe VA-2; Mycogone fungoides, secondary

497 Hz - Pyrogenium, Pyrogenium 62

498 Hz - Pyrogenium 62, Stomatitis aphthous, Stomatitis aphthous (set #1); Pyrogenium
500 Hz - Abscesses, Anthrax, Bubonic plague, Diabetes tertiary, Diverticulitis acute, General prog Blaster5, Infections general secondary, Influenza grippe general, Leprosy secondary infection, Low hearing range for humans, Lyme 1, Psychokinesis, Abscesses; Anthrax; Bubonic plague; Diabetes, tertiary; General program, comprehensive; Infection, general; Infection, general secondary; Influenza, grippe; Leprosy, secondary infection

501 Hz - Pseudomonas mallei, Pseudomonas mallei

502 Hz - Flour alb

503 Hz - Serum schweinepest, Serum schweinepest

505 Hz - Lyme 1, Measles rubella vaccine, Measles, rubella vaccine

506 Hz - Smallpox secondary, Smallpox, secondary

507 Hz - Meningitis secondary, Meningitis, secondary

510 Hz - Aflatoxin, Bronchiectasis, Cladosporium fulvum, Crohns and other bowel problems v, Measles rubella, Aflatoxin; Bronchiectasis; Cladosporium fulvum; Measles, rubella

511 Hz - Smallpox, Smallpox

512 Hz - Bacteria Lactis Nosode, Fungus and mold v, Influenza, Influenza aches and respiratory, Influenza grippe general, Mold and fungus general v, Polyarthritis, Influenza, aches and respiritory; Influenza, grippe; Mold, mix C; Polyarthritis; Bacterium lactis nosode

513 Hz - Influenza 1979, Influenza with Fever v, Influenza, 1979

514 Hz - Biliary cirrhosis, Canine parvovirus mutant strain, Cirrhosis biliary, Coughing, Echo Virus, Parvovirus canine mutant strain, Biliary cirrhosis; Canine parvovirus, mutant strain; Cirrhosis, biliary; Coughing; Echo Virus; Parvovirus, canine mutant strain

515 Hz - ALS 2, Asthma v, Enterovirus General

516 Hz - Asian grippe A, Influenza Asian grippe A, Kieferosteitis, Mumps secondary, Influenza, grippe Asian A; Kieferosteitis; Kineseology; Mumps; Mumps secondary

517 Hz - Measles rubella, Meningitis, Struma nodosa, Measles, rubella; Meningitis; Struma nodosa; Meningococcinum

518 Hz - Botulinum, Botulinum, Influenza V5 grippe

519 Hz - Gaetner, Influencinum vesic NW, Gaetner; Influencinum, vessica NW

520 Hz - ALS 4, Bacillus thuriniensis, Cancer carcinoma liver 1, Headache, Headaches, Measles, Measles rubeola, Morbillinum, Multiple sclerosis v, Pneumonia general v, Bacillus thuriniensis; Cancer, carcinoma, liver; Headaches, general; Measles; Measles, rubeola; Morbillinum

521 Hz - Asthma v, Measles, Measles w vaccine, Measles

521.2 Hz - Rickettsia

522 Hz - Adnexitis, Apoplexy stroke paralysis, Appendicitis, Asthma, Autointoxication, Cerebral palsy, Cold 2, Coughing, Cryptococcus neoformans, Edema, Hangover, Head cold, Head injury followup, Headaches due to toxicity, Hyperosmia, Influenza 1979, Influenza 1993, Lymph stasis secondary, Lymphs and detox, Mental disorders, Motion sickness, Muscular dystrophy, Oral lesions, Otitis medinum, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Pharyngitis, Pneumonia general v, Polyp general, Postsurgery detoxification, Prostatitis, Pyorrhea, Rhinitis, Sinus infection, Stroke follow up, Sunstroke, Surgery anaesthesia detox, Surgery preop postop prevent infections, Swelling, Toxin elimination, Tuberculinum, Urticaria, Yeast general, Adnexitis; Apoplexy; Appendicitis; Appetite, lack of; Asthma; Autointoxication; Cerebral Palsy; Cold & Flu (Program 2); Coughing; Cryptococcus neoformans; Edema; Hangover; Head injury followup; Headaches, due to toxicity; Hives (urticaria); Hyperosmia; Influenza, 1979; Influenza, 1993; Lymph stasis, secondary; Mental disorders; Motion sickness; Muscular dystrophy; Oral lesions; Otitis media; Parasites, tapeworms; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Pharyngitis; Polyp, general; Postsurgery detoxification of anaesthesia; Prostatitus (set #1); Pyorrhea; Rhinitis; Stroke, follow up; Sunstroke; Surgery, detoxification of anaesthesia; Surgery, pre-op and post-op; Surgery, prevention and control; Swelling; Torulopsosis; Toxins, elimination; Tuberculinum; Urticaria; Yeast, general, Postsurgery detoxification (also use saunas and electrolyte replacement), Surgery anaesthesia detox (see also Liver support), Toxin elimination, Tuberculinum

523 Hz - Adenovirus, Cancer general 3, Cystic fibrosis, Influenza with Fever v, Mold, Parasites tapeworms, Q Fever, Tuberculosis bovine, Adenovirus; Cancer (general program 4); Cystic fibrosis; Mold; Parasites, tapeworms; Q fever; Tuberculosis, bovine

524 Hz - Aspergellis glaucus; Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer, carcinoma, larynx; Coughing; Fungus, mold, general; Mold and fungus, general; Mulitple sclerosis, secondary; Parasites, flukes, general; Parasites, flukes, general short set; Parasites, general (set #1); Sinusitis (set #1), Aspergillus glaucus, Cancer, Cancer carcinoma, larynx, Cancer general 1, Coughing, Fungus and mold v, Mold and fungus general v, Multiple sclerosis 1, Multiple sclerosis secondary, Parasites flukes general, Parasites flukes general short set, Parasites flukes intestinal exp, Parasites general alternative v, Parasites general comprehensive, Parkinsons v, Sinusitis 1

525 Hz - Coughing, Influenza virus 1991 1992 secondary, Lyme secondary, Parasites leishmania donovan, Coughing; Influenza virus, 1991-1992 secondary; Lyme disease; Lyme disease, secondary; Parasites, leishmania donovan

525.3 Hz - Mycobacterium tuberculosis

526 Hz - Bacteria Lactis Nosode, Creativity, Head - top of, Liberation - sense of, Mouth, Pertussis, Pertussis; Bacterium lactis nosode

526.6 Hz - Herpes type 8 exp

527 Hz - Green - color

528 Hz - Backache and spasms 1, Cell walls - strengthen, DNA, DNA Repair, DNA repair, DNA Repair, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis general v, Herpes type 2A secondary, Hypertension, Immunity - boost, Musical note - C, Backache with spasms; Blood pressure, high; DNA repair (experimental); Hepatitis "C"; Herpes, type 2A secondary; Music, C (middle)

529.3 Hz - Mycobacterium avium

530 Hz - Coughing, Influenza virus B, Coughing; Influenza virus, "B"

531 Hz - Parkinsons v, Struma cystica, Struma cystica

532 Hz - ALS 4, Amoeba, Herpes type 2A, Hormodendrum, Influenza grippe 1986 tri, Influenza virus B, Multiple sclerosis v, Mycogone fungoides, Mycosis fungoides, Pneumonia general v, Struma nodosa, Tuberculosis aviare, Herpes, type 2A; Hormodendrum; Influenza, grippe 1986 tri; Influenza virus, "B"; Mycogone fungoids; Mycosis fungoides; Struma nodosa; Tuberculosis, avaire; Amoeba

533 Hz - Botulinum, Corallinus, Gulf War Syndrome v, Herpes type C, Botulinum; Corallinus; Herpes, type C; Lyme disease

534 Hz - Coxsackie B2, Dental Infections v, Hepatitis general secondary, Hepatitis general v, Influenza virus 1992 1993 secondary, Stomatitis aphthous v, Coxsackie B2; Hepatitis, general secondary; Influenza virus, 1992-1993 secondary; Lyme disease

535 Hz - Canine parvovirus type B, Ear conditions various, Influenza virus 1992 1993, Meningioma, Parasites heartworms, Parvovirus canine type B, Streptococcus hemolytic, Canine parvovirus, type B; Ear, general; Influenza virus, 1992-1993; Meningioma; Parasites, heartworms; Parvovirus, canine type B; Streptococcus hemolytic, Influenza virus 1992 1993, Meningioma (a benign, slow-growing tumor of the membranes that envelop the brain and spinal cord)

536 Hz - Influenza grippe 1988, Influenza grippe 1989, Influenza virus B, Reproductive, Rhesus gravidatum, Influenza, grippe 1988; Influenza, grippe 1989; Influenza virus, "B"; Reproductive; Rhesus gravidatum

537 Hz - Influenza virus B, Meningioma, Influenza virus, "B"; Meningioma

539 Hz - Bacterium coli, Bacterium coli, Urinary Tract Infections

540 Hz - Causticum, Coxsackie B4, Herpes type 2A secondary, Coxsackie B4; Herpes, type 2A secondary; Causticum

541 Hz - Influenza grippe 1990, Influenza grippe general, Parasites trichinosis, Influenza, grippe; Influenza, grippe 1990; Parasites, trichinosis; Trichinosis

542 Hz - Cold & Flu (Program 2); Ear, general; Echinococcinum; Influenza haemophilus; Nasal polyp; Parasites, tapeworms; Polyp, nasal; Smallpox; Streptococcus hemolytic; Vaginosis; Echinococcinum; Variolinum, Cold 2, Ear conditions various, Herpes zoster v, Influenza haemophilus, Nasal polyp, Parasites tapeworms, Parasites tapeworms echinococcinum, Pneumonia general v, Polyp nasal, Smallpox, Smallpox vaccine, Staph and Strep v, Strep and Staph v, Streptococcus hemolytic, Vaginosis, Variolinum, Influenza haemophilus, Nasal polyp (benign growth inside the nasal passage), Parasites tapeworms echinococcinum (tapeworms found in dogs, wolves, cats, & rodents that can infect man, 5522*), Polyp nasal

543 Hz - Brain tumor, gliomas; Cancer, astrocytoma; Cancer, glioblastoma; Cancer, gliomas; Candida, secondary; Cyclospora; Cyst, solitary; Geotrichum candidum; Parasites, heartworms; Parasites, roundworms, general; Tumors, brain; Tobocco mosaic, Cancer astrocytoma, Cancer glioblastoma, Cancer gliomas, Candida secondary, Crohns and other bowel problems v, Cyclospora, Cyst solitary, Geotrichum candidum, Parasites heartworms, Parasites roundworms general, Tobacco mosaic, Cancer gliomas (largest group of brain cancers), Cyst solitary, Tobacco mosaic

544 Hz - Cancer leukemia feline, Cephaloshorium, Geotrichum candidum, Cancer, leukemia, feline--cat; Cephaloshorium; Geotrichum candidum

546 Hz - Corn smut, Salmonella type B, Corn smut, Salmonella type B, Salmonella, type B; Corn smut
547 Hz - Febris wolhynia, Feloris Wolyhnica, Rabies, Wolhynia fever, Febris wolhynia; Feloris wolyhnica; Rabies; Wolhnia fever; Lyssinum

548 Hz - E coli, Sinus Bacteria, Sinusitis 1, E-coli; Sinus Bacteria; Sinusitis (set #1)

549 Hz - Q Fever, Rickettsia, Q fever; Rickettsia

550 Hz - Fistula dentalis (727*, 878*, 1122*), Influenza V3 grippe, Fistula dentalis, Influenza V3 grippe, Malaria, Mental disorders, Penicillium notatum secondary, Pneumonia bronchial, Staphylococci infection, Staphylococcus general, Fistula Dentalis; Influenza, grippe V-3; Malaria; Mental disorders; Penicillium notatum, secondary; Pneumoniae, bronchial; Staphylococcus, general; Staphylococcus, infection (set #1)

551 Hz - Coxsackie B6, Distemper, Mumps vaccine, Coxsackie B6; Distemper; Mumps vaccine

552 Hz - Adrenal stimulant; Cancer, Hodgkin's disease; Cold & Flu (Program 1); Enterohepatitis; Influenza haemophilus; Measles, Cancer Hodgkins disease, Cold 1, Enterohepatitis, Influenza haemophilus, Measles, Measles w vaccine

553 Hz - Influenza V3 grippe, Influenza, grippe V-3

554 Hz - Herpes type C, Herpes zoster v, Medorrhinum, Tetanus, Herpes, type C; Tetanus; Medorrhinum

555 Hz - Chlamydia general, Fungus and mold v, Fungus flora 1, Influenza virus B Hong Kong, Malaria 1, Mold and fungus general v, Penicillium notatum secondary, Fungus flora; Fungus, mold, general; Invluenza virus, "B" Hong Kong; Maleria (alternate #1); Mold and fungus, general; Penicillium notatum; Penicillium notatum, secondary

555.7 Hz - Chlamydia trachomatis

556 Hz - Cholera, E coli, E coli mutant strain, Herpes simplex II, Penicillium notatum secondary, Stomatitis aphthous v, Cholera; E-coli, mutant strain; Herpes, simplex II; Penicillium notatum, secondary

557 Hz - Cystic fibrosis, Cystic fibrosis

558 Hz - Hepatitis A, Hepatitis general v, Influenza virus British, Penicillium notatum secondary, Hepatitis "A"; Influenza virus, British; Penicillium notatum, secondary

560 Hz - Influenza grippe 1990, Penicillium notatum secondary, Influenza, grippe 1990; Penicillium notatum, secondary
561 Hz - Schunan B Cell, Schunan B-cell

562 Hz - Arsenic alb, Atmenic Alb, Canine parvovirus, Hepatitis general v, Parvovirus canine, Penicillium notatum secondary, Athletes Foot; Atmenic Aib.; Canine parvovirus; Herpes, simplex II; Parasites, tapeworms; Parvovirus, canine; Penicillium notatum, secondary; Arsenicum album

563 Hz - Green Dye, Hepatitis general v, Herpes zoster v, Staph and Strep v, Strep and Staph v, Strep virus, Green dye; Streptococcus virus, Green Dye, SARS 1, SARS 2, Strep virus

564 Hz - Acne, Acne; Acne vulgaris

565 Hz - Actinobacillus, Fungus and mold v, Influenza 1979, Mold, Mold and fungus general v, Influenza, 1979; Mold

565.5 Hz - Bells Palsy

566 Hz - Influenza virus 1992 1993 secondary, Penicillium notatum secondary, Ulcer ventric Influenza virus, 1992-1993 secondary; Penicillium notatum, secondary; Ulcers, ventric

567 Hz - Actinomyces israelii, Cold 5, FIV, Ovarian cyst, Streptothrix, Actinomyces Israelii; Cold & Flu (Program 5); FIV; Ovarian cyst; Streptothrix

568 Hz - Aflatoxin, Chronic Fatigue v, Influenza grippe 1988, Influenza virus B, Pneumonia general v, Stomatitis, Aflatoxin; Influenza, grippe 1988; Influenza virus, "B"; Stomatitis

569 Hz - Coxsackie B5, Parkinsons v, Smallpox, Smallpox vaccine, Variolinum, Coxsackie B5; Smallpox; Variolinum

570 Hz - Babesia, Babesiosis

572 Hz - Adnexitis, ALS 4, Herpes zoster v, Influenza Bach Poly, Leukoencephalitis, Multiple sclerosis v, Penicillium notatum secondary, Adnexitis; Leukoencephalitis; Penicillium notatum, secondary; Influenzum, Bach poly

573 Hz - Distemper, Distemper, Herpes zoster v

574 Hz - Cancer non Hodgkins 1, Cephalothecium, Hepatitis B, Herpes zoster secondary, Herpes zoster v, Influenza 1957 A Asian, Lymphangitis, Cephalothecium; Ganglionitis, acute posterior; Hepatitis "B"; Herpes, zoster secondary; Influenza, 1957 "A" Asian; Lymphangits

575 Hz - Cryptosporidium, Cryptosporidium

576 Hz - Herpes zoster v, Staph and Strep v, Strep and Staph v, Struma parenchyme, Trichophytie nagel secondary, Struma parenchyme; Trichophytie, nagel secondary

577 Hz - Gaetner, Gaetner, Lyme and Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever v, Parkinsons v, Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever and Lyme v

577.3 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga additional components

578 Hz - Gulf War Syndrome v, Hepatitis A, Lyme and Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever v, Mucor plumbeus, Pneumonia bronchial, Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever and Lyme v, Trichophytie nagel secondary, Hepatitis "A"; Mucor plumbeus; Pneumoniae, bronchial; Trichophytie, nagel secondary

579 Hz - Branhamella (Moraxella) catarhalis; Cryptococcus neoformans, Branhamella Moraxella catarrhalis, Cryptococcus neoformans, Lyme and Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever v, Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever and Lyme v

579.9 Hz - Herpes zoster, Herpes zoster exp

580 Hz - Candida 1, Influenza, Trichophytie nagel secondary, Yellow - color, Influenza, 1993 secondary; Trichophytie, nagel secondary

581 Hz - Branhamella (Moraxella) catarhalis; Influenza, grippe 1987; Trichophytie, nagel secondary, Branhamella Moraxella catarrhalis, Influenza grippe 1987, Trichophytie nagel secondary

582 Hz - Candida secondary, Fungus general, Tonsillitis, Yeast general, Yeast general v, Candida, secondary; Fungus, general; Tonsillitis; Yeast, general

583 Hz - Ornithosis, Trichophytie nagel secondary, Ornithosis; Trichophytie, nagel secondary

584 Hz - Methotrexate toxicity, Sporotrichum pruinosum, Trichophytie nagel secondary, Methotrexate; Sporotrichum pruinosum; Trichophytie, nagel secondary

585 Hz - Trichophytie nagel, Trichophytie, nagel

586 Hz - Circulation, Coelicia, Coelicia

587 Hz - Coxsackie B1, Fungus flora 1, Trichophytie nagel secondary, Coxsackie B1; Fungus flora; Trichophytie, nagel secondary

588 Hz - Cancer non Hodgkins 1, Conflict resolution, Emotions - balance, Influencinum vesic NW, Influencinum vesica general, Influenza grippe 1986 tri, Trichophytie nagel secondary, Upper lip, Influencinum, vessica general; Influencinum, vessica NW; Influenza, grippe 1986 tri; Trichophytie, nagel secondary

589 Hz - Herpes simplex I, Lyme hatchlings eggs, Herpes, simplex I (set #1); Lyme hatchlings/eggs

590 Hz - Diphtheria, Herpes progenetalis, Influencinum vesic NW, Mycobacterium avium, Diphtheria; Herpes, progenetalis; Influencinum, vessica NW

591 Hz - Cholera, Herpes simplex I 1, Parasites general alternative v, Sanguis menst, Stomatitis aphthous v, Cholera; Herpes, simplex I (set #3); Sanguis menst

592 Hz - Fungus and mold v, Mold, Mold and fungus general v, Trichophytie nagel secondary, Mold; Trichophytie, nagel secondary

593 Hz - Trichophytie nagel, Trichophytie, nagel

594 Hz - Cimicifuga, Coelicia, Cryptococcus neoformans, Fungus and mold v, Mold and fungus general v, Musical note - D, Pyelitis proteus, Pyrogenium 62, Coelicia; Cryptococcus neoformans; Mold, mix A; Pyelitis, proteus; Music, D; Cimicifuga; Pyrogenium

595 Hz - ALS 2, Blastocystis hominus, Coxsackie General, Enterovirus General, Rheuma, Trichophytie nagel secondary, Blastocystis hominus; Coxsackie; Rheuma; Trichophytie, nagel secondary

596 Hz - Lymph plaque, Lymph plaque

597 Hz - CMV; Cryptococcus neoformans; Cytomegalovirus; Herpes, type 5; Influenza virus, 1993-1994 secondary; Lung, sinus bacteria; Lyme disease, secondary; Trichophytie, nagel secondary, Cryptococcus neoformans, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes type 5, Influenza virus 1993 1994 secondary, Lung sinus bacteria, Lyme secondary, Orange - color, Trichophytie nagel secondary, Lung sinus bacteria, Lyme secondary (254*)

598 Hz - Rhodo torula, Sporotrichum pruinosum, Rhodo torula; Sporotrichum pruinosum

600 Hz - Adrenal stimulant; Ankylosing spondylitis; Apoplexy; Arthritis, muscles and tendons; Arthritis, rheumatoid; Ataxia; Bone disease, periodontal disease; Cancer (general program, maintenance); Dental foci; Epilepsy; Erysipelas (skin inflammation); General program, comprehensive; Gonorrhea; Headaches, due to unknown cause; Impotence; Infection, general; Infection, general secondary; Infertility; Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Leprosy; Leprosy, secondary infection; Locomotor dysfunction, convulsions, spasticity; Locomotor dysfunction, incoordination; Meningitis, tertiary; Moles; Moles (alternate); Motion sickness; Nerve disorders; Numbness; Orchitis; Ovarian disorders, general; Pancreas; Pancreatic insufficiency; Paralysis, nonspastic; Paralysis, spastic; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Periodontal disease; Polyp, general; Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Recovery; Schunan B-cell; Sexual dysfunction; Sinusitis (set #2); Stroke, follow up; Syphilis; Tetanus; Tonsillitis; Toothache; Treponema pallidum; Ure,, thritis; Vitiligo, - Ankylosing spondylitis, Apoplexy stroke paralysis, Arthritis general, Arthritis rheumatoid, Ataxia, Bells Palsy, Bone disease and periodontal disease, Cancer maintenance secondary, Cold in head chest, Dental foci, Dental infection 1, Epilepsy, Fibromyalgia 2, General prog Blaster5, Gonorrhea, Headaches unknown cause, Hepatitis C 1, Impotence, Infections general secondary, Infertility, Jaundice, Kidney insufficiency, Leprosy, Leprosy secondary infection, Locomotor dysfunction incoordination, Meningitis tertiary, Moles, Moles 1, Motion sickness, Nerve disorders and neuropathy, Numbness, Orchitis, Ovarian disorders general, Pancreas, Pancreatic insufficiency, Paralysis nonspastic, Paralysis spastic, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Periodontal disease, Polyp general, Psoriasis ankylosing spondylitis, Schunan B Cell, Sexual dysfunction men, Sinusitis 2, Stroke follow up, Syphilis, Tetanus, Tonsillitis, Toothache, Urethritis, Vitiligo

601 Hz - Influenza 1979, Influenza, 1979

602 Hz - Medorrhinum, Medorrhinum

603 Hz - Echo Virus, Hemobartinella felis, Hemophilia, Hemobartinella felis; Hemophilia

604 Hz - Crohns and other bowel problems v, Echo Virus, Parasites general alternative v, Serum schweinepest, Serum schweinepest

605 Hz - Amoeba hepar abcess, Echo Virus, Lyme disease, Parasites general alternative v, Amoeba hepar abcess; Lyme disease

606 Hz - Echo Virus, Lipoma, Lipoma

607 Hz - ALS 2, Echo Virus, Q Fever, Q fever

608 Hz - ALS 2, Echo Virus, Enterovirus General

608.4 Hz - Mycobacterium avium

609 Hz - ALS 2, Echo Virus

610 Hz - ALS 1, ALS 2, Echo Virus, Enterovirus General, Infections general tertiary, Influenza 1978, Lyme 1, Lyme tertiary, Mycoplasma fermentans, Mycoplasma General, Sinusitis 3, Trichomonas, ALS; Infection, general tertiary; Influenza, 19'78; Lyme disease (alternative #1); Lyme disease, tertiary; Sinusitis (set #3); Trichonomas, Influenza 1978, Trichomonas (a microorganism causing vaginal irritation with discharge and itching)

611 Hz - ALS 2, Echo Virus, Parkinsons v, Strep virus, Streptococcus virus

612 Hz - ALS 2, Coxsackie B3, Coxsackie General, Echo Virus, Enterovirus General, Influencinum vesica general, Leptospirosis, Leukose, Mucor mucedo, Influencinum, vessica general; Leptospirosis; Leukose; Mucor mucedo

613 Hz - ALS 2, Canine parvovirus, Canine parvovirus type B, Cryptococcus neoformans, Echo Virus, Influenza 2 99 00, Parvovirus canine, Parvovirus canine type B, Canine parvovirus; Canine parvovirus, type B; Cryptococcus neoformans; Influenza, general (winter 99-00, #2); Parvovirus, canine; Parvovirus, canine type B

614 Hz - Echo Virus, Sinusitis 3, Sinusitis (set #3)

615 Hz - Influenza 1993, Lyme 1, Lyme 2, Lyme disease, Sinusitis 2, Influenza, 1993; Lyme disease (alternative #2); Sinusitis (set #2)

615.7 Hz - Mycobacterium avium

616 Hz - Erysipelas (skin inflammation); Histoplasma; Malassezia furfur; Streptococcus pyrogenes, Erysipelas, Histoplasma, Malassezia furfur, Streptococcus pyrogenes

617.8 Hz - Mycobacterium avium

618 Hz - Cholesteatoma, Sinusitis 3, Cholesteatoma; Sinusitis (set #3)

619.7 Hz - Mycobacterium avium

620 Hz - ALS 2, Alzheimers 1, Chlamydia trachomatis, Cholesterinum, Echo Virus, Enterovirus General, Lyme 1, Multiple sclerosis 1, Multiple sclerosis secondary, Schunan B Cell, Chlamydia trachomatis; Cholesterinum; Echo Virus; Lyme disease; Lyme disease (alternative #1); Mulitple sclerosis, secondary; Schunan B-cell

621 Hz - Colitis and Diarrhea, Phoma Destructiva, Shigella, Shigella; Phoma destructiva

622 Hz - Cancer leukemia hairy cell, Canine parvovirus, Chlamydia general, General prog Blaster5, Influenza virus A Port Chalmers, Parvovirus canine, Pemniciosis, Perniosis, Pyrogenium 62, Reproductive, Cancer, leukemia, hairy cell; Canine parvovirus; General program, comprehensive; Influenza virus, "A" Port Chalmers; Parvovirus, canine; Pemniciosis; Perniosis; Reproductive; Pyrogenium, Influenza virus A Port Chalmers, Pyrogenium 62 (general homeopathic remedy for pus), Reproductive

623 Hz - Echinococcinum; Elephantiasis; Mold; Mold, mix B; Parasites, tapeworms; Schunan B-cell; Zygomycosis; Echinococcinum, Elephantiasis, Fungus and mold v, Mold, Mold and fungus general v, Parasites tapeworms, Parasites tapeworms echinococcinum, Schunan B Cell, Zygomycosis

624 Hz - Alzheimers 1, Chlamydia trachomatis, Cryptococcus neoformans, Diphtheria, Distemper, Motion sickness, Multiple sclerosis 1, Multiple sclerosis secondary, Pancreas, Parasites tapeworms secondary, Chlamydia trachomatis; Cryptococcus neoformans; Diphtheria; Distemper; Motion sickness; Mulitple sclerosis, secondary; Pancreas; Parasites, tapeworms secondary; Dipptherinum

625 Hz - ALS 2, Ankylosing spondylitis, Apoplexy stroke paralysis, Arthritis general, Arthritis rheumatoid, Ataxia, Bells Palsy, Bone disease and periodontal disease, Echo Virus, Enterovirus General, Fusarium general, Headaches unknown cause, Hepatitis C, Impotence, Infections general secondary, Infertility, Jaundice, Kidney - function of, Kidney insufficiency, Leprosy secondary infection, Locomotor dysfunction incoordination, Lyme 1, Lyme 2, Lyme disease, Lyme tertiary, Lymphs and detox, Meningitis tertiary, Moles, Moles 1, Nerve disorders and neuropathy, Numbness, Orchitis, Ovarian disorders general, Pancreatic insufficiency, Paralysis nonspastic, Paralysis spastic, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Pericarditis, Periodontal disease, Polyp general, Psoriasis ankylosing spondylitis, Sexual dysfunction men, Sinusitis 2, Streptococcus mutant strain, Stroke follow up, Syphilis, Tonsillitis, Tuberculosis bovine, Urethritis, Ankylosing spondylitis; Apoplexy; Arthritis, muscles and tendons; Arthritis, rheumatoid; Ataxia; Bone disease, periodontal disease; Echo Virus; Fusarium general; Headaches, due to unknown cause; Impotence; Infection, general; Infection, general secondary; Infertility; Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Leprosy, secondary infection; Locomotor dysfunction, convulsions, spasticity; Locomotor dysfunction, incoordination; Lyme disease (alternative #2); Lyme disease, tertiary; Meningitis, tertiary; Moles; Moles (alternate); Motion sickness; Nerve disorders; Numbness; Orchitis; Ovarian disorders, general; Pancreatic insufficiency; Paralysis, nonspastic; Paralysis, spastic; Parasites, leishmania donovan; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Pericarditis; Periodontal disease; Polyp, general; Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Sexual diseases; Sexual dysfunction; Sinusitis (set #2); Streptococcus mutant strain; Stroke, follow up; Syphilis; Tonsillitis; Treponema pallidum; Tuberculosis, bovine; Urethritis, Fusarium general, Lyme 4 (use 2016 and 625 for 10 min, others for 5 min), Moles 1 (use

761.7 for 15 min, others for 10 min), Sinusitis 2, Streptococcus mutant strain, Syphilis, Tuberculosis bovine

625.9 Hz - Mycobacterium avium

625.48 Hz - Streptococcus pyrogenes

626 Hz - Cancer (general program, maintenance); Listeriose; Moles; Penqueculum; Treponema pallidum, Cancer maintenance secondary, Dental Infections v, Listeriose, Moles, Penqueculum

627 Hz - Hormodendrum, Influenza 1989, Hormodendrum; Influenza, 1989

628 Hz - Listeriose, Mycogone fungoides secondary, Tetanus, Listeriose; Mycogone fungoides, secondary; Tetanus

629 Hz - CMV; Penicillium notatum; Pepto streptococcus; Streptococcus pepto, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes general, Herpes general v, Herpes type 5, Penicillium notatum, Pepto streptococcus, Streptococcus pepto, Cytomegalovirus (CMV, known as salivary gland virus or human herpes type 5, 2145*), Herpes general v, Herpes type 5 (cytomegalovirus. 2145*), Penicillium notatum, Pepto streptococcus (see also other Strep sets), Streptococcus pepto (can infect digestive tract)

630 Hz - Lyme 1

631 Hz - Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba histolytica

632 Hz - E coli mutant strain, Fungus flora 1, Influenza triple nosode, Influenza virus 1991 1992 secondary, Influenza virus 1992 1993 secondary, Lupus general, Q Fever, Rickettsia, E-coli, mutant strain; Fungus flora; Influenza, triple nosode; Influenza virus, 1991-1992 secondary; Influenza virus, 1992-1993 secondary; Q fever; Rickettsia

632.2 Hz - Mycobacterium avium

633 Hz - Anthracinum, Anthrax, Asthma v, Bacteroides fragilis, Epilepsy, Gliocladium, Gulf War Syndrome v, Hepatitis C, Human T lymphocyte Virus3, Leukose, Lupus general, Lupus general secondary, Parasites general alternative v, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Anthrax; Epilepsy; Gliocladium; H#3; Hepatitis "C"; Leukose; Lupus, general; Lupus, vulgaris; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Anthracinum

633.1 Hz - Influenza haemophilus

633.5 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga additional components

634 Hz - Bacteroides fragilis, Bartonella henslae, E coli, E coli mutant strain, Influenza Bach Poly, Kidney papilloma, Listeriose, Papilloma kidney, Sanguinera, Staphylococcus general, E-coli, mutant strain; Fungus, Kathy's foot; Kidney papilloma; Listeriose; Papilloma, kidney; Sanguinera; Staphylococcus, general; Influenzum, Bach poly

635 Hz - Bacteroides fragilis, Cholesterinum, Clostridium difficile, Colon - function of, Dental general, Dental infection 1, Lymphs and detox, Parasites flukes blood, Parasites schistosoma haematobium, Pituitary Function - function of, Tuberculosis bovine, Bacteroides fragilis; Cholesterinum; Clostridium difficile; Dental; Parasites, flukes, blood; Parasites, schistosoma haematobium; Tuberculosis, bovine

636 Hz - Bacteroides fragilis, Nephritis, Nephritis

637 Hz - Bacteroides fragilis, Parvovirus canine, RNA

638 Hz - Smegma, Smegma

639 Hz - Botulinum, Gulf War Syndrome v, People, Relationship - connection of, Relationships - with people, Staphylococci infection, Staphylococcus general, Botulinum; Staphylococcus, general; Staphylococcus, infection (set #1)

640 Hz - Dental general, Dental infection 1, Influenza virus 1992 1993 secondary, Lyme hatchlings eggs, Dental; Influenza virus, 1992-1993 secondary; Lyme hatchlings/eggs
641 Hz - Brain tumor, gliomas; Cancer, astrocytoma; Cancer, glioblastoma; Cancer, gliomas; Tumors, brain, Cancer astrocytoma, Cancer glioblastoma, Cancer gliomas

642 Hz - Bacterium coli ; Bladder TBC; E-coli; Mumps; Parasites, general (set #2); Vaginosis; Bacterium coli, Bacterium coli, Bladder TBC, E coli, Mumps, Urinary Tract Infections, Vaginosis

642.2 Hz - Mycobacterium avium

643 Hz - Brucella melitensis, Herpes zoster v, Salmonella, Salmonella paratyphi B, Staph and Strep v, Staph infection 1, Staphylococci infection, Staphylococcus coagulae positive, Strep and Staph v, Wheat stem rust 1, Brucella melitensis; Salmonella; Salmonella, paratyphi B; Staphylococcus, coagulae positive; Staphylococcus, infection (set #1); Staphylococcus, infection (set #2); Wheat stem rust

644 Hz - ALS 1, Athletes foot, Bermuda smut, Epidermophyton floccinum, General comprehensive, General demo, Leukose, Lyme secondary, Mycoplasma fermentans, Mycoplasma General, Parasites general 1, Parasites general comprehensive, Penicillium notatum secondary, Staphylococcus aureus, Warts general, Warts verruca, ALS; Athletes Foot; Epidermophyton floccinum; General demo; Leukose; Lyme disease; Lyme disease, secondary; Parasites, general (set #2); Penicillium notatum, secondary; Staphylococcus, aureus; Verruca; Warts, general; Warts, verruca; Bermuda Smut

645 Hz - Bartonella henslae, Ear conditions various, HGH - Production of, Human T lymphocyte Virus5, Influencinum vesic SW, Pituitary Function - function of, Streptococcus pneumoniae mixed flora, Cat virus; Ear, general; H#5; Influencinum, vessica SW; Streptococcus pneumoniae, mixed flora

646 Hz - Crinis humansis, Dental foci, Dental infection 1, Hair human, Human T lymphocyte Virus1, Toothache, Crinis humansis; Dental foci; H#1; Toothache; Hair, human

647 Hz - Cancer Kaposis sarcoma (also use Herpes type 8), Coxsackie B5, Cancer Kaposis sarcoma, Coxsackie B5, Herpes simplex I 3, Influenza with respiratory 1, Smallpox secondary, Staphylococcus aureus, Cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma; Coxsackie B5; Herpes, simplex I (set #5); Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00); Kaposis Sarcoma; Smallpox, secondary; Staphylococcus, aureus

648 Hz - Herpes simplex I 3, Motion sickness, Pancreas, Herpes, simplex I (set #5); Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00); Motion sickness; Pancreas

649 Hz - Bilirubin, Chronic Fatigue v, Influenza with respiratory 1, Bilirubin; Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00)

650 Hz - Ankylosing spondylitis, Apoplexy stroke paralysis, Appendicitis, Arthritis general, Arthritis rheumatoid, Ataxia, Bells Palsy, Bone disease and periodontal disease, Cancer general 3, Cancer maintenance secondary, Candida tertiary, Dental foci, Dental infection 1, Epilepsy, Headaches unknown cause, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis C 1, Herpes simplex I 3, Impotence, Infections general secondary, Infertility, Jaundice, Kidney insufficiency, Leprosy secondary infection, Locomotor dysfunction incoordination, Meningitis tertiary, Microsporum canis, Moles, Moles 1, Nerve disorders and neuropathy, Numbness, Orchitis, Ovarian disorders general, Pancreatic insufficiency, Paralysis nonspastic, Paralysis spastic, Parasites roundworms general, Parasites roundworms general short set, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Periodontal disease, Polyp general, Psoriasis ankylosing spondylitis, Sexual dysfunction men, Sinusitis 2, Stroke follow up, Syphilis, Tonsillitis, Toothache, Trigeminal neuralgia, Urethritis, Vitiligo, Ankylosing spondylitis; Apoplexy; Appendicitis; Arthritis, muscles and tendons; Arthritis, rheumatoid; Ataxia; Bone disease, periodontal disease; Cancer (general program 4); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Candida, tertiary; Dental foci; Epilepsy; Headaches, due to unknown cause; Hepatitis "C"; Impotence; Infection, general; Infection, general secondary; Infertility; Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00); Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Leprosy, secondary infection; Locomotor dysfunction, convulsions, spasticity; Locomotor dysfunction, incoordination; Meningitis, tertiary; Microsporum canis; Moles; Moles (alternate); Motion sickness; Nerve disorders; Numbness; Orchitis; Ovarian disorders, general; Pancreatic insufficiency; Paralysis, nonspastic; Paralysis, spastic; Parasites, roundworms, general; Parasites, roundworms, general (short set); Pelvic inflammatory disease; Periodontal disease; Polyp, general; Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Recovery; Sexual dysfunction; Sinusitis (set #2); Stroke, follow up; Syphilis; Tonsillitis; Toothache; Treponema pallidum; Trigeminal neuralgia; Urethritis; Vitiligo

651 Hz - Influenza with respiratory 1, Parasites flukes general, Parasites flukes general short set, Parasites flukes intestinal exp, Parasites general comprehensive, Parasites general short set, Struma nodosa, Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00); Parasites, flukes, general; Parasites, flukes, general short set; Parasites, flukes, intestinal; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, general (short set); Struma nodosa

652 Hz - Cold & Flu (Program 2); Ear, general; Influenza, respiratory (winter

99-00); Influenza, grippe V-2; Influenza haemophilus, type B; Vaginosis, Cold 2, Ear conditions various, Herpes simplex I 3, Influenza haemophilus type B, Influenza V2 grippe, Vaginosis

653 Hz - Coxsackie B3, Influenza V2 grippe, Influenza with respiratory 1, Leukose, Coxsackie B3; Influenza, grippe V-2; Leukose

653.3 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga components

654 Hz - ALS 2, Bartonella henslae, Coxsackie B3, Enterovirus General, Herpes simplex I 3, Mastitis, Pancreas - function of, Cat virus; Coxsackie B3; Mastitis

654.8 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga additional components

655 Hz - Herpes, simplex I (set #5)

656 Hz - African trypanosomuasis, Asian grippe A, Cancer breast 2, Cancer carcinoma colon, Coelicia, Herpes simplex I 3, Influenza Asian grippe A, Influenza grippe 1990, African trypanosomuasis; Cancer, breast (program 3); Cancer, carcinoma, colon; Cancer, colon; Coelicia; Influenza, grippe Asian A; Influenza, grippe 1990

660 Hz - Rhizopus nigricans, Treponema pallidum (use also Syphilis)

663 Hz - Hormodendrum (a genus of fungi that includes human pathogens), Leptospirosis (a spirochete bacterial disease that is spread to humans through animal urine that can cause meningitis, jaundice, anemia, miscarriage, and death), Pyoderma (or Pyoderma Gangrenosum; a rare skin disorder of unknown cause. Small pustules develop into large ulcers at various sites on the body. Also see Parasites general and General antiseptic)

665 Hz - Cancer harmonic series (may be based on original Rife/Hoyland cancer frequencies. Extend harmonic series with 66.5 as base, up to 10,000 Hz, in this manner: Base*1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc), Felon 2, Pemphigus (rare, autoimmune skin disorders characterized by blisters in the outer layer of skin and mucous membranes)

673 Hz - Clostridium difficile (can cause diarrhea following treatment with antibiotics), Pyrogenium suis

676 Hz - Meningitis secondary, Parasites flukes liver, Ulcer ventric

682 Hz - Influencinum vesica general (blisters), Sinusitis frontalis

686 Hz - Enterococcinum (homeopathic nosode for Strep family organisms found in the digestive and urinary tracts), Streptococcus enterococcinum (can cause infection in the digestive and urinary tracts)

688 Hz - Fluor Alb (homeopathic cell salt), Fungus flora 1, Mycoplasma pneumonia, Pneumonia mycoplasma (a contagious pneumonia of children and young adults. See also Mycoplasma General), Prostate adenominum

700 Hz - Diabetic loading, Sporobolomyces, Trypanosoma gambiense

705 Hz - Helicobacter pylori 2, Neurospora sitophila

709 Hz - Candida tropicalis, Lipoma (benign, soft tumor of fatty tissue. Also use Liver support.), Mycogone fungoides secondary

711 Hz - Mumps vaccine, Ovarian cyst

714 Hz - HIV (see also AIDS), Struma nodosa

723 Hz - Coxsackie B1, Household Insect Mix

741 Hz - Influenza 1993 secondary, Sinusitis (sinus and lung infections can be caused by a large number of pathogens including viruses like RSV, adenovirus, parainfluenza, influenza A, influenza B, rhino virus, et al. Common bacteria like strep pneum. are always suspect when condition is chronic, as are fungi.), Sinusitis maxillaris

742 Hz - Feli, Influenza virus B, Pneumocystis carnii (fungus which causes pneumonia usually developing in the immune suppressed or in infants)

747 Hz - Human T lymphocyte Virus6, Nocardia asteroides (the microorganism causing Nocardiosis, an infectious pulmonary disease characterized by abscesses in the lungs. Also see Streptothrix.)

764 Hz - Emotional ties to diseases, Nigrospora spp

765 Hz - Laryngeal polyp, Trichophyton tonsuraus

773 Hz - Deer tick 1, Salmonella typhi (can cause typhoid fever)

780 Hz - Cholesterinum, Fusarium oxysporum (a fungus causing inflammation of the cornea of the eye), Porphyria (several rare disorders of the nervous system and skin)

781 Hz - Influenza grippe 1988, Parasites leishmania donovani

782 Hz - L lysine (stimulates), Sciatica 2

793 Hz - Cholesteatoma (benign tumor usually found in middle ear & mastoid region), Helminthosporium (the reproductive element of some parasitic worms), Parasites helminthsporium (worm eggs)

812 Hz - Parasites giardia, Trichophyton general, Trichophyton nagel

822 Hz - Cancer leukemia T cell, Parasites trichinosis, Perniciosia (scilicet malaria, extremely severe form of malaria)

824 Hz - Elephantiasis (use with parasite, esp roundworm and nematode freqs), Fungus EW range

833 Hz - Cancer leukemia lymphatic, Influenza VA2 grippe

834 Hz - Felis, Parasites flukes sheep liver

867 Hz - Cervical polyp, Chaetomium globosum (867*), Coxsackie B2, Parasites flukes blood, Parasites schistosoma haematobium (blood flukes)

895 Hz - Cryptosporidium (parasitic protozoa sometimes causing diarrhea in humans), Influenza virus 1993 1994

953 Hz - Enterohepatitis (inflammation of bowel & liver), Seizure 1

962 Hz - Chronic Fatigue v, Cold and flu winter 01, Influenza and Cold 1 (winter 01 to 02), Measles vaccine

1000 Hz - Arthritis secondary, Cancer melanoma 1, Canine parvovirus, Cerebral neurons, Chronic Fatigue v, Cold 3, E coli, Furunkulosis herpes, Influenza 2 99 00, Influenza grippe general, Lyme hatchlings eggs, Mucor mucedo, Parvovirus canine, Ulcer ventric, Arthritis, secondary; Canine parvovirus; Cold & Flu (Program 3, fall '99); Furunkulosis herpes; Influenza, general (winter 99-00, #2); Influenza, grippe; Lyme hatchlings/eggs; Mucor mucedo; Parvovirus, canine; Prostate, general problems; Ulcers, ventric

1001.2 Hz - Mycobacterium avium

1002 Hz - Malaria Falciparum 1

1010 Hz - Staph and Strep v, Strep and Staph v, Streptococcus viridans, Streptococcus viridans

1011 Hz - Papilloma virus

1013 Hz - Causticum, Epstein Barr virus, Epstein Barr Virus; Causticum

1015 Hz - Penicillium rubrum, Penicillium rubrum

1016 Hz - Candida secondary, Fungus and mold v, Fungus general, Mold and fungus general v, Yeast general, Yeast general v, Candida, secondary; Fungus, general; Mold, mix B; Yeast, general

1018 Hz - Penicillium rubrum, Penicillium rubrum

1019 Hz - Malaria Falciparum 1

1019.8 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga components

1020 Hz - Influenza V75 Victoria, Influenza, grippe V-75 Victoria

1023 Hz - Schunan B Cell, Schunan B-cell

1027 Hz - Bacillinum, Bacillinum

1032 Hz - Arnica, Epstein Barr virus secondary, Malaria, Epstein Barr Virus; Epstein Barr Virus, secondary; Malaria; Arnica

1033 Hz - Critter 1

1034.3 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga components

1035 Hz - Cholera, Leukoencephalitis secondary, Cholera; Leukoencephalitis; Leukoencephalitis, secondary; Critter 2

1036 Hz - Dental, Dental general, Dental infection 1

1037.5 Hz - Mycobacterium avium

1041 Hz - Hepatitis general secondary, Hepatitis, general secondary

1042 Hz - Arnica, Bacillinum, Arnica; Bacillinum

1043 Hz - Coxsackie B5, Dental general, Dental infection 1, Herpes simplex I, Influenza Bach Poly, Stomatitis aphthous v, Coxsackie B5; Dental; Herpes, simplex I (set #1); Causticum; Influenzum, Bach poly

1044 Hz - ALS 2, Candida 1, Enterovirus General, Meningitis, Meningitis

1045 Hz - Chemtrail detox, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes type 5, Mycoplasma General, Chemtrail detox; CMV; Cytomegalovirus; Herpes, type 5

1050 Hz - Cancer (general program additional); Diabetic toe ulcer; Kineseology; Staphylococcus, aureus; Staphylococcus, infection (set #1), Cancer experimental additional frequencies, Cancer melanoma 1, Diabetic toe ulcer 1, Staph and Strep v, Staphylococci infection, Staphylococcus aureus, Strep and Staph v

1051 Hz - Papilloma virus

1052 Hz - Head - top of, Tobacco mosaic, Tobocco mosaic

1054 Hz - Parasites trichinosis, Parasites, trichinosis; Trichinosis

1055 Hz - Mycogone fungoides secondary, Mycogone fungoides, secondary

1058.6 Hz - Mycobacterium avium

1060 Hz - Staph and Strep v, Strep and Staph v, Streptococcus viridans, Streptococcus viridans

1062 Hz - Chemtrail detox, Mycoplasma General, Q Fever, Rickettsia, Chemtrail detox; Q fever; Rickettsia

1067 Hz - Chemtrail detox, Chemtrail detox, Mycoplasma General

1070 Hz - Acupuncture disturbance field; Penicillium chyrosogenium; Penicillium chyrosogenium, secondary, Penicillium chyrosogenium secondary

1072 Hz - Lyme hatchlings eggs, Lyme hatchlings/eggs

1074 Hz - Mycogone fungoides secondary, Mycogone fungoides, secondary

1077 Hz - Parasites heartworms, Parasites, heartworms

1078 Hz - Cancer non Hodgkins 1, Lymphangitis, Lymphangits

1079 Hz - Leukoencephalitis, Leukoencephalitis

1083 Hz - Coxsackie B5, Coxsackie B5

1085 Hz - Tuberculinum, Tuberculinum

1087 Hz - Lyme hatchlings eggs, Lyme hatchlings/eggs

1089 Hz - Staphylococci infection, Staphylococcus general, Staphylococcus, general; Staphylococcus, infection (set #1)

1094 Hz - Dental, Dental general, Dental infection 1

1097 Hz - Schunan B Cell, Schunan B-cell

1099 Hz - Tuberculinum, Tuberculinum

1100 Hz - Blood; Cold & Flu (Program 2); Schunan B-cell, Schunan B Cell

1102 Hz - Kidney papilloma, Papilloma kidney, Kidney papilloma; Papilloma, kidney

1103 Hz - FIV, FIV

1105 Hz - Lyme hatchlings eggs, Lyme hatchlings/eggs

1107.2 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga components

1109 Hz - Staph and Strep v, Staphylococci infection, Staphylococcus general, Strep and Staph v, Staphylococcus, general; Staphylococcus, infection (set #1)

1110 Hz - Cold 2

1111 Hz - Leukoencephalitis, Leukoencephalitis; Critter 2

1113 Hz - AIDS secondary, Chemtrail detox, Mycoplasma General, Parasites strongyloides secondary, Aids, secondary; Chemtrail detox; Parasites, strongyloides secondary

1114.8 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga additional components

1120 Hz - Cancer non Hodgkins 1, Lymphangitis, Lymphangits

1122 Hz - Fistula dentalis, Fistula Dentalis

1123 Hz - Mycogone spp, Mycogone spp

1124 Hz - Myositis, Myositis

1130 Hz - Fungus and mold v, General balancing, Menieres disease, Mold, Mold and fungus general v, General balancing; Meniere's disease; Mold

1131 Hz - Cancer breast 3, Facial cramps, General balancing, Parkinsons disease, Cancer, breast (program 4); Facial Cramps; General balancing; Parkinson's disease

1132 Hz - Botrytis cinereas, FIV, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Tuberculosis klebsiella, Botrytis cinereas; FIV; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Tuberculosis, klebsiella; Botrytis cinereas

1133 Hz - Cancer carcinoma, larynx, Cancer, carcinoma, larynx

1134 Hz - Candida secondary, Fungus general, Yeast general v, Candida, secondary; Fungus, general; Yeast, general

1140 Hz - Semperillium

1142 Hz - Tetanus, Tetanus

1146 Hz - Candida tertiary, Parasites ascaris, Candida, tertiary; Parasites, ascaris

1147 Hz - Chemtrail detox, Chemtrail detox, Mycoplasma General

1148.3 Hz - Mycobacterium avium

1149 Hz - Semperillium

1150 Hz - Paramecium caudatum, Sinusitis 2, Paramecium caudatum; Sinusitis (set #2)

1151 Hz - Candida, Candida

1153 Hz - Candida secondary, Fungus general, Candida, secondary; Fungus, general; Yeast, general

1154.6 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga additional components

1155 Hz - Fungus and mold v, Mold, Mold and fungus general v, Mold

1159.7 Hz - Herpes zoster, Herpes zoster exp

1160 Hz - Candida 1, Leukoencephalitis secondary, Leukoencephalitis; Leukoencephalitis, secondary

1169 Hz - Myositis, Myositis

1170 Hz - Mumps secondary, Mumps secondary

1175 Hz - Herpes progenetalis, Herpes, progenetalis

1180 Hz - Mycobacterium avium

1186 Hz - Influenza virus B

1187 Hz - Yellow fever, Yellow fever

1189 Hz - ALS 2, Coxsackie General, Enterovirus General, Coxsackie

1191 Hz - Influenza with respiratory 1, Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00)

1192 Hz - Influenza grippe general, Influenza, grippe

1200 Hz - Mucor racemosis secondary, Mucor racemosis, secondary

1201 Hz - Blastocystis hominus, Blastocystis hominus

1203 Hz - Streptococcus hemolytic, Streptococcus hemolytic

1210 Hz - Pyrogenium ex ovo, Pyrogenium ex ovo

1214 Hz - Foot & mouth syndrome; Hand & foot & mouth syndrome; Streptococcus viridans, Foot and mouth syndrome, Hand foot and mouth syndrome, Streptococcus viridans

1215 Hz - Influenza with respiratory 1, Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00)

1216 Hz - Pyrogenium ex ovo, Streptococcus viridans, Streptococcus viridans; Pyrogenium ex ovo

1217 Hz - Ornithosis, Ornithosis

1220 Hz - H#3, Human T lymphocyte Virus3

1222 Hz - Microsporum audouini, Microsporum audouinii

1223 Hz - Parasites tapeworms, Parasites, tapeworms

1230 Hz - H#2, Human T lymphocyte Virus2

1233 Hz - Asthma, Asthma, Asthma 1

1234 Hz - Asthma, alternate; Breathing, deep; Bronchitis; Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Cold & Flu (Program 5); Coughing; Emphysema; Influenza; Pertussis, secondary; Sinusitis (set #3), Asthma, Asthma 2, Breathing deep, Bronchitis, Cancer breast secondary, Cold 5, Coughing, Emphysema, Influenza, Pertussis secondary, Sinusitis 3

1235.7 Hz - Mycobacterium avium

1238 Hz - Pneumonia, Pneumonia general

1239 Hz - West Nile 1, West Nile virus exp

1242 Hz - E coli mutant strain, Influenza triple nosode, E-coli, mutant strain; Influenza, triple nosode

1243 Hz - Blastocystis hominus, Foot and mouth syndrome, Hand foot and mouth syndrome, Mumps secondary, Blastocystis hominus; Foot & mouth syndrome; Hand & foot & mouth syndrome; Mumps; Mumps secondary

1244 Hz - E coli, E coli mutant strain, Foot and mouth syndrome, Hand foot and mouth syndrome, Leukoencephalitis secondary, Pyrogenium ex ovo, Salmonella paratyphi B, E-coli, mutant strain; Foot & mouth syndrome; Hand & foot & mouth syndrome; Leukoencephalitis, secondary; Salmonella, paratyphi B; Pyrogenium ex ovo, Leukoencephalitis secondary, Pyrogenium ex ovo

1246 Hz - Bacillus subtilis, Conjunctivitis, Bacillus subtilis; Conjunctivitis; Subtilis - B; Bacillus subtilis

1250 Hz - Bells Palsy, Biliary cirrhosis, Biliary cirrhosis

1256 Hz - Trichophytie nagel secondary, Trichophytie, nagel secondary

1266 Hz - Streptococcus infection general, Streptococcus infection, general

1267.1 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga additional components

1269 Hz - Aids, secondary; Distemper, Distemper

1271 Hz - Foot & mouth syndrome; Hand & foot & mouth syndrome, Foot and mouth syndrome, Hand foot and mouth syndrome

1272 Hz - Influenza Bach Poly, Influenzum, Bach poly

1273 Hz - Mallei; Pseudomonas mallei, Pseudomonas mallei

1276 Hz - Candida 1, Cryptosporidium, Cryptosporidium

1283 Hz - Asthma, Asthma, Asthma 1

1306.6 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga components

1309.6 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga additional components

1311 Hz - Lung sinus bacteria, Lung, sinus bacteria

1320 Hz - Bacterium coli commune combination, E coli, Bacterium coli commune; E-coli

1331 Hz - Multiple sclerosis 1

1333 Hz - Chronic Fatigue v, Fungus and mold v, Leukoencephalitis, Lupus general secondary, Mold, Mold and fungus general v, Leukoencephalitis; Lupus, general secondary; Lupus, vulgaris; Mold

1334.9 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga components

1335 Hz - Adrenal Function - function of, Cataract 1, Cataract brunescent, Eye disorders, Cataract, alternate; Cataract, brunescens; Eye, disorders

1340 Hz - Cancer fibrous tumor secondary, Cancer non Hodgkins 1, Cancer, fibrous tumor (secondary)

1342 Hz - HGH - Production of, Pituitary Function - function of

1348 Hz - Malaria Falciparum 1

1351 Hz - Estrogen - Production of, Hepatitis general, Hypothalamus Function - function of, Hepatitis, general

1357 Hz - Q Fever, Q fever

1360 Hz - Parasites general short set

1363.7 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga components

1364 Hz - Pullularia pullulans, Pullularia pullulans

1365 Hz - Anthrax, Anthrax, Gulf War Syndrome v

1370 Hz - Anthrax, Anthrax, Gulf War Syndrome v

1371 Hz - Hepatitis C, Hepatitis "C"

1372 Hz - Botulinum, Parasites trichinosis, Botulinum; Parasites, trichinosis; Trichinosis

1375 Hz - Penqueculum, Penqueculum

1384 Hz - Breast fibroid cysts, Fibroadenoma mamanae, Fibroid, Breast, fibroid cysts; Fibroadenoma mamanae

1385 Hz - Cystopyelo nephritis, Cystopyelo nephritis

1386 Hz - Cholesterinum, Cholesterinum

1395 Hz - Candida 1, Sinusitis 4, Sinusitis (set #4)

1402 Hz - Herpes type 2A secondary, Herpes, type 2A secondary

1403 Hz - Candida tropicalis, Candida, Candida tropicalis

1404.7 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga additional components

1405 Hz - Bacillus thuriniensis, Bacillus thuriniensis

1413 Hz - Hypothalamus Function - function of

1415 Hz - Streptococcus hemolytic, Streptococcus hemolytic

1419 Hz - Mumps vaccine, Mumps vaccine

1422 Hz - ALS 2, Enterovirus General, Influenza triple nosode, Meningitis, Parkinsons v, Influenza, triple nosode; Meningitis

1423 Hz - Brucella abortus, Brucella abortus, Crohns and other bowel problems v

1433 Hz - Malaria, Malaria

1434 Hz - Blood Cells - function of white

1436 Hz - Mange, follicular; Nasal polyp; Polyp, nasal, Nasal polyp, Parasites scabies, Polyp nasal

1443 Hz - Progesterone

1444 Hz - Malaria, Mycogone fungoides, Mycosis fungoides, Testosterone - Production of (male), Mycogone fungoids; Mycosis fungoides

1445 Hz - Malaria, Testosterone - Production of (female)

1446 Hz - Progesterone

1447 Hz - Barley smut, Barley Smut

1455 Hz - Lyme and Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever v, Lyme disease, Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever and Lyme v, Lyme disease

1463 Hz - Mold, mix B

1464 Hz - Lupus general secondary, Lupus, general secondary; Lupus, vulgaris

1466 Hz - Lung sinus bacteria, Lung, sinus bacteria

1473 Hz - Malaria Falciparum 1

1474 Hz - Pneumonia bronchial, Pneumoniae, bronchial

1475 Hz - Herpes, simplex I (set #1)

1482 Hz - Collectotrichum, Collectotrichum

1484 Hz - Cold Sores; Herpes, simplex I (set #1)

1488 Hz - ALS 2, Enterovirus General, General antiseptic, General comprehensive, General prophylaxis, Herpes general, Multiple sclerosis 6, General prophylaxis; Herpes, general

1489 Hz - Cancer (general program, maintenance); Herpes, general; Herpes, sores; Measles; Measles, rubeola; Morbillinum; Pyodermia; Thrombosis, infective I herpes family, Cancer maintenance secondary, Chronic Fatigue v, Herpes general, Herpes simplex I, Measles, Measles rubeola, Measles w vaccine, Morbillinum, Pyoderma, Thrombosis infective herpes type

1498.7 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga additional components

1500 Hz - Acne, AIDS 1, AIDS 2, ALS 2, Angina pectoris, Arteriosclerosis, Arthritis secondary, Asthma, Ataxia, Cold 3, Coughing, Dental foci, Dental infection 1, Enterovirus General, Epididymitis, General comprehensive, General prog Blaster5, Head colds, Heartburn chronic, Hepatitis C 1, Herpes simplex I 2, Herpes zoster, Infantile paralysis, Infections general secondary, Influenza, Insomnia, Jaundice, Kidney insufficiency, Leprosy secondary infection, Orchitis, Osteoarthritis, Osteomyelitis, Ovarian disorders general, Pancreatic insufficiency, Phlebitis, Polio, Polio secondary complications, Rhinitis, Sinus infection, Sinusitis 1, Surgery preop postop prevent infections, Thrombophlebitis, Tonsillitis, Toothache, Tuberculosis, Urethritis, Warts general, Acne; Aids (program 2); Aids (program 3); Angina pectoris; Arteriosclerosis; Arthritis, secondary; Asthma; Ataxia; Brights syndrome; Chicken Pox, secondary; Cold & Flu (Program 3, fall '99); Coughing; Dental foci; Epididymitis; General program, comprehensive; Halitosis; Heartburn, chronic; Herpes, simplex I (set #4); Herpes, sores; Herpes, water blisters; Herpes, zoster; Infantile paralysis (polio); Infection, general; Infection, general secondary; Influenza; Insomnia; Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Leprosy, secondary infection; Orchitis; Osteoarthritis; Osteomyelitis; Ovarian disorders, general; Pancreatic insufficiency; Pelvic disorders; Phlebitis; Pleurisy; Polio; Polio, secondary complications; Recovery; Rhinitis; Sexual diseases; Sinusitis (set #1); Surgery, pre-op and post-op; Surgery, prevention and control; Thrombophlebitis; Tonsillitis; Toothache; Tuberculosis; Urethritis; Warts, general

1504.7 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga additional components

1513 Hz - Tuberculosis rod E coli infections, Tuberculosis rod form, Tuberculosis, rod form
1518 Hz - Bartonella henslae, Malaria Falciparum 1

1520 Hz - Lyme 2, Lyme disease, Sinusitis 2, Lyme disease (alternative #2); Sinusitis (set #2)

1522 Hz - Alopecia; Cancer, Hodgkin's disease; Cancer, leukemia, hairy cell; Psoriasis; Salmonella; Streptococcus hemolytic; Toxins, elimination; Amoeba, Amoeba, Cancer Hodgkins disease, Chronic Fatigue v, Parasites general alternative v, Salmonella, Streptococcus hemolytic

1523.9 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga components

1524 Hz - Blood Cells - function of red, Schunan B Cell, Schunan B-cell

1530 Hz - Tuberculosis, rod form

1534 Hz - Hypothalamus Function - function of

1537 Hz - Endocrine System

1544 Hz - Herpes zoster v

1545 Hz - Botrytis, Botrytis

1550 Hz - Abdominal inflammation, Abscesses secondary, Acne, Acute pain, Adenoids, Adhesions, AIDS 1, AIDS 2, Amenorrhea, Ankylosing spondylitis, Appendicitis, Arthritis 1, Arthritis general, Autointoxication, Backache 1, Backache and spasms 1, Bacterial infections, Bed wetting, Bedsores, Biliousness, Bladder and prostate complaints, Bone trauma, Breast fibroid cysts, Cancer breast, Cancer experimental additional frequencies, Cancer maintenance secondary, Candida secondary, Catarrh, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Cold 3, Cold in head chest, Colic, Colitis and Diarrhea, Conjunctivitis, Constipation, Coughing, Crohns disease, Cystitis chronic, Deafness, Dental foci, Dental infection 1, Diabetes 2, Diabetes secondary, Diarrhea, Dysmenorrhea, Dyspepsia, E coli, Eczema, Eczema 2, Endometriosis chronic, Eustachian tube inflammation, Fibroid, Fibroma, Flatulence, Fungus foot and general 1, Fungus general, Furunkulosis, Furunkulosis herpes, General antiseptic, General comprehensive, General demo, General prog Blaster5, G,, eneral program EMEM, General prophylaxis, Gingivitis, Halitosis, Head colds, Heartburn chronic, Hemorrage, Hemorrhoids, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis C 1, Hepatitis general, Herpes general, Herpes simplex I 2, Herpes zoster secondary, Infections general, Influenza, Insomnia, Intercostal neuralgia, Intestines inflammation, Irritable bowel syndrome, Jaundice, Kidney insufficiency, Knee joint pain, Larynx, Leprosy secondary infection, Menieres disease, Meningitis tertiary, Menstrual problems, Multiple sclerosis 1, Multiple sclerosis 3, Multiple sclerosis secondary, Nephritis, Nerve disorders and neuropathy, Numbness, Oral lesions, Orchitis, Osteomyelitis, Otitis medinum, Ovarian disorders general, Ovarian elimination stimulation, Pain acute, Pain of infection, Pancreatic insufficiency, Parasites general 1, Parasites general comprehensive, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Pericarditis, Pharyngitis, Pleurisy, Pneumonia general, Polio secondary complications, Prostatitis, Psoriasis ankylosing spondylitis, Pyorrhea, Rhinitis, Sciaticor schias, Shigella, Sinus infections, Sinusitis, Smallpox, Sore throat, Spleen secondary, Stiff muscles secondary, Surgery preop postop prevent infections, Thrombosis infective herpes type, Tonsillitis, Toothache, Trigeminal neuralgia, Tuberculosis rod E coli infections, Typhoid fever, Urethritis, Urinary Tract Infections, - Abdominal inflammation; Abscesses, alternate; Acne; Adenoids; Adhesions; Aids (program 2); Aids (program 3); Amenorrhea; Ankylosing spondylitis; Antiseptic effect, general; Appendicitis; Arthritis; Arthritis, muscles and tendons; Athletes Foot; Autointoxication; Backache; Backache with spasms; Bacterial infection; Bed wetting; Bedsores; Biliousness; Bladder and prostate complaints; Bone trauma (cuts, fractures); Breast, fibroid cysts; Bronchitis; Cancer; Cancer (general program additional); Cancer, breast (program 1); Candida, secondary; Catarrh; Cerebral Palsy; Chicken Pox; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Cold, head or chest; Cold & Flu (Program 3, fall '99); Colic; Colitis; Conjunctivitis; Constipation; Coughing; Cystitis, chronic; Deafness; Diabetes (program 2); Diabetes, secondary; Diarrhea; Dysmenorrhea (painful mestration); E-coli; Eczema, skin; Eczema, skin (alternate #2); Eczema, vascular and lung; Endometriosis, chronic; Eustachian tube, inflammation; Fibroma; Flatulence; Fungus, general; Fungus', infection; Furunkulosis; Furunkulosis herpes; Gallbladder, pain; General demo; General prophylaxis; General program, comprehensive; General program, EMEM main frequencies; Gingivitis; Halitosis; Heartburn, chronic; Hemorrage; Hemorrhoids; Hepatitis, general; Hepatitis "C"; Herpes, general; Herpes, simplex I (set #1); Herpes, simplex I (set #3); Herpes, simplex I (set #4); Herpes, sores; Herpes, zoster; Herpes, zoster secondary; Infection, general; Influenza; Insomnia; Intercostal neuralgia; Irritable bowel syndrome; Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Knee, joint pain; Larynx; Leprosy, secondary infection; Lung, infection; Lupus, vulgaris; MeniereHz's disease; Meningitis, tertiary; Menstrual problems; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1); Mulitple sclerosis, secondary; Nephritis; Nerve disorders; Numbness; Oral lesions; Orchitis; Osteomyelitis; Otitis media; Ovarian disorders, general; Pain relief, acute; Pain relief, infection; Pancreatic insufficiency; Parasites, general (set #2); Pelvic inflammatory disease; Pericarditis; Pharyngitis; Pleurisy; Pneumonia; Polio, secondary complications; Prostatitus (set #1); Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Pyorrhea; Recovery; Rhinitis; Sciaticor schias; Shigella; Skin trouble, general; Skin trouble, thrombosis; Smallpox; Sore throat; Spleen, enlarged secondary; Spondylitis; Stiff muscles, secondary; Surgery, pre-op and post-op; Surgery, prevention and control; Thrombosis, infective I herpes family; Tonsillitis; Toothache; Trigeminal neuralgia; Tuberculosis, rod form; Tuberculosis, viral; Typhoid fever; UrethritisHz, Endometriosis chronic (growth of uterine tissue outside the uterus that may cause pain, infertility, & abnormal uterine bleeding. Use with Parasites, flukes, general), Hemorrage, Schizophrenia paranoid 1 (also see Tuberculosis)

1551 Hz - Cholecystitis chronic, Cholecystitis, chronic

1552 Hz - Acne, Alopecia, Athletes foot, Bacillus Coli Virus, Bacillus infections, Cancer breast secondary, Cancer general 2, Cataract 1, Colon problems general, Dysentery, Eye disorders, Fever, Food poisoning, Fungus general, Gallstones, Kidney stones, Liver support, Lupus SLE secondary, Malabsorption syndrome, Pancreas, Paradontose, Psoriasis, Sinusitis 1, Stomach disorders, Toxin elimination, Tuberculosis, Tuberculosis virus, Acne; Athletes Foot; Bacillus Coli Virus; Bacillus infections; Breathing, deep; Cancer (general program 3); Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Cataract, alternate; Colon problems, general; Dysentery; Eye, disorders; Food poisoning; Gallstones; Herpes, simplex I (set #1); Herpes, zoster; Kidney stones; Liver, support; Lupus, SLE secondary; Malabsorption syndrome; Pancreas; Paradontose; Parasites, general (set #2); Pharyngitis; Psoriasis; Sinusitis (set #1); Stomach disorders; Tuberculosis; Tuberculosis, viral; Amoeba

1556 Hz - Gingivitis, Pyoderma, Gingivitis; Pyodermia

1557 Hz - Ganglionitis, acute posterior; Herpes, zoster, Herpes zoster secondary

1558.6 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga components

1560 Hz - Dental infection, General prog Blaster5, Throat tickle chronic, General program, comprehensive; Throat tickle, chronic

1564.1 Hz - L lysine, L-lysine, stimulates

1565 Hz - Spiritualness

1570 Hz - General prog Blaster5, General program, comprehensive; Thyphoid fever; Typhoid fever

1577 Hz - Herpes general, Herpes zoster v, Herpes, general; Herpes, simplex I (set #1)

1580 Hz - Cancer (general program, maintenance)

1582 Hz - Cancer breast 2, Cancer carcinoma bronchial, Cancer, breast (program 3); Cancer, bronchial; Cancer, carcinoma, bronchial

1583 Hz - Babesia, Babesiosis

1584 Hz - Babesia, Babesiosis

1590 Hz - Lyme and Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever v, Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever and Lyme v

1600 Hz - Abdominal inflammation, Acne, Angina pectoris, Arteriosclerosis, Asthma, Ataxia, Bone disease and periodontal disease, Cancer maintenance secondary, Cataract 1, Dental foci, Dental infection 1, Eye disorders, Eyes glaucoma, General prog Blaster5, Heartburn chronic, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis C 1, Herpes zoster, Infections general secondary, Jaundice, Kidney insufficiency, Leprosy secondary infection, Nerve disorders and neuropathy, Numbness, Oral lesions, Orchitis, Osteomyelitis, Ovarian disorders general, Pancreatic insufficiency, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Pericarditis, Periodontal disease, Pharyngitis, Polyp general, Pyorrhea, Sinusitis 1, Sore throat, Surgery preop postop prevent infections, Toothache, Trigeminal neuralgia, Tuberculosis, Ulcers general, Urethritis, Warts general, Abdominal inflammation; Acne; Angina pectoris; Arteriosclerosis; Asthma; Ataxia; Bone disease, periodontal disease; Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cataract, alternate; Chicken Pox, secondary; Dental foci; Eye, disorders; Eye, glaucoma; General program, comprehensive; Glaucoma (eye clouding); Heartburn, chronic; Hepatitis "C"; Herpes, simplex I (set #1); Herpes, zoster; Infection, general; Infection, general secondary; Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Kidney tonic, general; Leprosy, secondary infection; Nerve disorders; Numbness; Oral lesions; Orchitis; Osteomyelitis; Ovarian disorders, general; Pancreatic insufficiency; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Pericarditis; Periodontal disease; Pharyngitis; Polyp, general; Pyorrhea; Recovery; Sinusitis (set #1); Sore throat; Surgery, pre-op and post-op; Surgery, prevention and control; Toothache; Trigeminal neuralgia; Tuberculosis; Ulcers, general; Urethritis; Warts, general

1614 Hz - Herpes simplex I, Herpes simplex I 1, Herpes, simplex I (set #1); Herpes, simplex I (set #3)

1618 Hz - Erythema infectiosum

1625 Hz - Pyrogenium mayo, Pyrogenium mayo

1627 Hz - Mold, mix C

1630 Hz - Leukoencephalitis secondary, Leukoencephalitis; Leukoencephalitis, secondary

1633 Hz - Campylobacter, Campylobacter

1634 Hz - Salmonella type B, Salmonella, type B

1642 Hz - Corn smut, Corn smut

1644 Hz - Microsporum canis, Smallpox, Tuberculosis klebsiella, Microsporum canis; Smallpox; Tuberculosis, klebsiella

1645.8 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga components

1654 Hz - Cataract 1, Cataract, alternate

1656 Hz - Tonsillar nosode, Tonsillar nosode

1660 Hz - Mumps secondary, Mumps; Mumps secondary

1664 Hz - Arthritis, Arthritis 1, Arthritis general

1673.8 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga components

1675 Hz - H#3, Human T lymphocyte Virus3

1700 Hz - Medorrhinum, Tuberculinum, Tuberculinum; Medorrhinum

1703 Hz - E coli mutant strain, E-coli, mutant strain

1722 Hz - Bacterium coli commune combination, E coli, Bacterium coli commune; E-coli

1725 Hz - HGH - Production of, Pituitary Function - function of

1729 Hz - E coli 1

1730 Hz - E coli

1744 Hz - Cancer fibrosarcoma, Cancer non Hodgkins 1, Fibroid, Fibrosarcoma,

Cancer, fibrosarcoma; Fibrosarcoma

1755 Hz - Cancer sarcoma general

1778 Hz - Bantis syndrome, Banti's syndrome

1800 Hz - Abdominal inflammation, Acne, Angina pectoris, Apoplexy stroke paralysis, Arteriosclerosis, Asthma, Ataxia, Bone disease and periodontal disease, Dental foci, Dental infection 1, Diabetes secondary, General prog Blaster5, Heartburn chronic, Herpes simplex I 2, Herpes zoster secondary, Infections general tertiary, Nerve disorders and neuropathy, Numbness, Oral lesions, Orchitis, Osteomyelitis, Ovarian disorders general, Pancreatic insufficiency, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Periodontal disease, Polyp general, Pyorrhea, Sore throat, Spleen secondary, Stiff muscles, Stroke follow up, Surgery preop postop prevent infections, Thrombosis infective herpes type, Toothache, Trigeminal neuralgia, Typhoid fever, Ulcers general, Urethritis, Urticaria, Warts general, Abdominal inflammation; Acne; Angina pectoris; Apoplexy; Arteriosclerosis; Asthma; Ataxia; Bone disease, periodontal disease; Chicken Pox, secondary; Dental foci; Diabetes, secondary; General program, comprehensive; Heartburn, chronic; Herpes, simplex I (set #4); Herpes, sores; Herpes, zoster; Herpes, zoster secondary; Hives (urticaria); Infection, general tertiary; Nerve disorders; Numbness; Oral lesions; Orchitis; Osteomyelitis; Ovarian disorders, general; Pancreatic insufficiency; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Periodontal disease; Pharyngitis; Polyp, general; Pyorrhea; Recovery; Sore throat; Spleen, enlarged secondary; Stiff muscles; Stroke, follow up; Surgery, pre-op and post-op; Surgery, prevention and control; Thrombosis, infective I herpes family; Toothache; Trigeminal neuralgia; Typhoid fever; Ulcers, general; Urethritis; Urticaria; Warts, general

1818.1 Hz - Herpes type 6 exp

1820 Hz - Cancer carcinoma general, Herpes, type 6

1823 Hz - Aspergellis flavus; Fungus, mold, general; Mold and fungus, general, Aspergillus flavus, Fungus and mold v, Mold and fungus general v

1828 Hz - Macular degeneration and visual acuity

1829 Hz - Eye disorders

1830 Hz - Cancer breast secondary, Cataract, Cataract 1, Cataract brunescent, Cataract complicated, Conjunctivitis, Eye disorders, Eyes glaucoma, Eyesight sharpen, Macular degeneration and visual acuity, Vision poor, Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Cataract; Cataract, alternate; Cataract, brunescens; Cataract, complicated; Conjunctivitis; Eye, disorders; Eye, glaucoma; Eye, sharpen eyesight

1831 Hz - Eye disorders

1832 Hz - Macular degeneration and visual acuity

1833 Hz - Fungus and mold v, Mold, Mold and fungus general v, Mold

1834 Hz - Campylobacter, Campylobacter, Macular degeneration and visual acuity

1836 Hz - Macular degeneration and visual acuity

1838 Hz - Macular degeneration and visual acuity

1840 Hz - Cancer prostate Vega 1, Dental infection, General prog Blaster5, Macular degeneration and visual acuity, Parasites general 2, Throat tickle chronic, Tuberculosis, Cancer, prostate (Vega result); General program, comprehensive; Parasites, general (set #3); Throat tickle, chronic; Tuberculosis; Warning: possible deleterious effects

1842 Hz - Macular degeneration and visual acuity

1844 Hz - Macular degeneration and visual acuity

1846 Hz - Macular degeneration and visual acuity

1848 Hz - Macular degeneration and visual acuity

1850 Hz - ALS 2, Diabetes 1, Diabetes 2, Diabetes tertiary, Enterovirus General, Herpes simplex I 2, Infections general tertiary, Macular degeneration and visual acuity, Parasites flukes general, Parasites flukes pancreatic exp, Polio, Butterfly Lupus; Diabetes (program 1); Diabetes (program 2); Diabetes, tertiary; Herpes, simplex I (set #4); Herpes, sores; Infection, general tertiary; Parasites, flukes, pancreatic; Polio; Sexual diseases

1852 Hz - Macular degeneration and visual acuity

1854 Hz - Macular degeneration and visual acuity

1856 Hz - Macular degeneration and visual acuity

1858 Hz - Macular degeneration and visual acuity

1860 Hz - Macular degeneration and visual acuity, Typhoid fever

1862 Hz - Cancer (general program 3); Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); General demo; Immune system stimulation; Parasites, general (set #2); Pneumonia; Sinusitis (set #1); Ulcers, general, Cancer breast secondary, Cancer general 2, General comprehensive, General demo, Immune system stimulation, Parasites general 1, Pneumonia general, Sinusitis 1, Typhoid fever

1864 Hz - Herpes, zoster; Parasites, general (set #1); Parasites, general (set #2); Typhoid fever, Parasites general comprehensive, Typhoid fever

1865 Hz - Abdominal inflammation, Anal itching, Aneurysm, Angina pectoris, Apoplexy stroke paralysis, Appetite lack of, Ataxia, Cancer breast 1, Cancer general 3, Cancer maintenance secondary, Diabetes 2, Fatigue general, Heartburn chronic, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis C 1, Herpes zoster secondary, Infections general secondary, Intercostal neuralgia, Itching, Jaundice, Kidney insufficiency, Locomotor dysfunction incoordination, Lumbago, Meningitis tertiary, Motion sickness, Paralysis nonspastic, Paralysis spastic, Parasites general 2, Pleurisy, Sinusitis 2, Stroke follow up, Thrombosis infective herpes type, Urethritis, Abdominal inflammation; Anal itch; Aneurism; Angina pectoris; Apoplexy; Appetite, lack of; Ataxia; Cancer (general program 4); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, breast (program 2); Diabetes (program 2); Fatigue; Heartburn, chronic; Hepatitis "C"; Herpes, zoster secondary; Infection, general; Infection, general secondary; Intercostal neuralgia; Itching, pruritis; Jaundice; Kidney insufficiency; Kidney tonic, general; Locomotor dysfunction, incoordination; Lumbago; Lung, infection; Meningitis, tertiary; Motion sickness; Paralysis, nonspastic; Paralysis, spastic; Parasites, general (set #3); Pleurisy; Sinusitis (set #2); Stroke, follow up; Thrombosis, infective I herpes family; Typhoid fever; Urethritis

1866 Hz - Typhoid fever

1868 Hz - Typhoid fever

1871 Hz - Herpes simplex I exp, Herpes, simplex I (set #2)

1875 Hz - Cancer prostate, Multiple sclerosis 1, Prostate adenominum, Cancer, prostate (program 1); Prostate adenominum

1880 Hz - Medorrhinum, Medorrhinum

1880.1 Hz - Chlamydia pneumoniae, experimental secondary

1881.9 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga components

1883 Hz - Multiple sclerosis 1

1885.9 Hz - Chlamydia pneumoniae, experimental

1900 Hz - Herpes general, Herpes, general; Herpes, simplex II; Herpes, zoster

1901 Hz - Stomatitis aphthous (set #2), Stomatitis aphthous 1

1902 Hz - Chronic Fatigue v, Staph and Strep v, Stomatitis aphthous 1, Strep and Staph v, Streptococcus hemolytic, Stomatitis aphthous (set #2); Streptococcus hemolytic, Heavy metal toxicity TR, Nanobacter (Nanobacterium sanguineum, a nanobacteria which can be found in some calcium deposits in the arteries, kidneys, gallbladder, muscle and joints as well as in increased numbers in those with "autoimmune" diseases such as lupus, psoriasis, scleroderma, and similar disorders), Nanobacteria sanguineum TR, Stomatitis aphthous 1 (all freqs for 5 min)

1903 Hz - Stomatitis aphthous (set #2), Stomatitis aphthous 1

1904 Hz - Stomatitis aphthous (set #2), Stomatitis aphthous 1

1905 Hz - Stomatitis aphthous (set #2), Stomatitis aphthous 1

1906 Hz - Stomatitis aphthous (set #2), Stomatitis aphthous 1

1907 Hz - Stomatitis aphthous (set #2), Stomatitis aphthous 1

1909.8 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga strain

1910 Hz - Warning: possible deleterious effects

1920 Hz - Epstein Barr virus, Epstein Barr virus secondary, Epstein Barr Virus; Epstein Barr Virus, secondary

1922 Hz - Influenza triple nosode, Influenza, triple nosode

1932 Hz - Bacillinum, Bacillinum

1950 Hz - Distemper, Distemper

1972 Hz - Aspergellis flavus, Aspergillus flavus

1998 Hz - Cancer prostate, Dental infection, General comprehensive, General prog Blaster5, Parasites general 2, Throat tickle chronic, Cancer, prostate (program 1); General program, comprehensive; Parasites, general (set #3); Throat tickle, chronic

2000 Hz - Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma; Cancer, sarcoma; Diabetes (program 1); Erysipelas (skin inflammation); General program, comprehensive; Pancreas, alternate; Parasites, flukes, pancreatic; Prostate, general problems; Prostatitus (set #1); Sinusitis (set #2); Streptococcus infection, general, Cancer maintenance secondary, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma 1, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal, Diabetes 1, General prog Blaster5, Parasites flukes general, Parasites flukes pancreatic exp, Sinusitis 2, Streptococcus infection general

2003 Hz - Diabetes (program 1); Pancreas, alternate; Parasites, flukes, pancreatic, Diabetes 1, Parasites flukes general, Parasites flukes pancreatic exp

2004 Hz - Cancer non Hodgkins 2, Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal

2005 Hz - Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma 1, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal, Multiple sclerosis 4, Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2)

2006 Hz - Lupus general, Multiple sclerosis 4, Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2)

2007 Hz - Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2), Multiple sclerosis 4

2008 Hz - Adrenal stimulant; Blood cleanser, cancer; Cancer; Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program 4); Cancer, breast (program 1); Cancer, breast (program 2); Cancer, BY virus; Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, glioblastoma; Cancer, leukemia; Cancer, pain; Cancer, prostate (program 1); Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma; Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal; Cancer, sarcoma; Carpel tunnel, secondary; Diabetes (program 1); Eczema, skin; Fibroma; General program, comprehensive; Immune system stimulation; Impotence; Infection, general tertiary; Infertility; Influenza; Influenza, 1997-1998; Leukoplakia; Lupus, general; Lupus, SLE secondary; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2); Mumps tertiary; Oral lesions; Orchitis; Osteomyelitis; Ovarian disorders, general; Pain relief, cancer; Pancreas, alternate; Pancreatic insufficiency; Parasites, flukes, pancreatic; Parasites, hookworm; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Plantaria; Polyp, general; Prostate, general ,, problems; Prostate, malignant tumor; Prostatitus (set #1); Psoriasis; Pyorrhea; Sexual dysfunction; Sterility; Stomach disorders; Tuberculosis, secondary complications; Warts, general, - Cancer, Cancer breast, Cancer breast 1, Cancer BY virus, Cancer carcinoma scan, Cancer general 1, Cancer general 2, Cancer general 3, Cancer glioblastoma, Cancer leukemia, Cancer melanoma 1, Cancer non Hodgkins 2, Cancer pain, Cancer prostate, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma 1, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal, Cancer sarcoma general, Carpal tunnel secondary, Diabetes 1, Eczema, Fibroid, Fibroma, Fibromyalgia 2, General comprehensive, General prog Blaster5, Immune system stimulation, Impotence, Infections general tertiary, Infertility, Influenza, Influenza 1997 1998, Leukoplakia, Lupus general, Lupus SLE secondary, Multiple sclerosis 4, Multiple sclerosis 6, Mumps tertiary, Oral lesions, Orchitis, Osteomyelitis, Ovarian disorders general, Pain of cancer, Pancreatic insufficiency, Parasites flukes general, Parasites flukes intestinal exp, Parasites flukes pancreatic exp, Parasites hookworm, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Plantaris, Polyp general, Prostate problems general, Prostatitis, Psoriasis, Pyorrhea, Sexual dysfunction men, Stomach disorders, Tuberculosis secondary complications, Warts general

2009 Hz - Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2), Multiple sclerosis 4

2010 Hz - Cataract brunescent, Eye disorders, Lupus general, Multiple sclerosis 4, Cataract, brunescens; Eye, disorders; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2)

2011 Hz - Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2), Multiple sclerosis 4

2012 Hz - Cancer (general program, maintenance), Cancer maintenance secondary, Cancer non Hodgkins 2

2013 Hz - Branhamella (Moraxella) catarhalis; Diabetes (program 1); Pancreas, alternate; Parasites, flukes, pancreatic, Branhamella Moraxella catarrhalis, Diabetes 1, Parasites flukes general, Parasites flukes pancreatic exp

2016 Hz - Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma 1, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal, Lyme 2, Lyme disease, Lyme tertiary, Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma; Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal; Lyme disease (alternative #2); Lyme disease, tertiary

2018 Hz - Irritable bowel syndrome, Parasites giardia, Parasites, giardia

2020 Hz - Diabetes associated infection, Diabetes, associated infection

2025 Hz - Proton Precession, Water resonance

2032 Hz - Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal, Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal

2039.7 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga components

2040 Hz - Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal, Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal

2045 Hz - CMV

2048 Hz - Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 3); Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, Cancer, Cancer breast secondary, Cancer general 2, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma 1, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal

2049 Hz - Cancer (general program 4), Cancer general 3

2050 Hz - Bladder and prostate complaints, Cancer general 1, Cancer melanoma 1, Cancer prostate, Diabetes 1, Fibromyalgia 2, Incontinence 1, Influenza, Influenza aches and respiratory, Influenza grippe 1988, Lyme 2, Lyme disease, Parasites flukes pancreatic exp, Prostate enlarged, Prostatitis, Prostatitis 1, Urinary Tract Infections, Cancer; Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program, non response alternatives); Cancer, prostate (program 1); Diabetes (program 1); Incontinence; Influenza, aches and respiritory; Influenza, grippe 1988; Lyme disease (alternative #2); Pancreas, alternate; Parasites, flukes, pancreatic; Prostate, enlarged; Prostatitus (set #2), Parasites flukes pancreatic 1, Prostatitis 1 (use 2050 and 2250 for 15 min)

2060 Hz - Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal, Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal

2062 Hz - Herpes simplex I, Herpes, simplex I (set #1)

2063 Hz - Cancer breast 1, Cancer, breast (program 2)

2068.6 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga components

2075 Hz - Mycobacterium avium

2080 Hz - Diabetes (program 1); Pancreas, alternate; Parasites, flukes, pancreatic, Diabetes 1, Fibromyalgia 2, Parasites flukes pancreatic exp

2082 Hz - Parasites flukes general

2084 Hz - Cancer (general program 2); Cancer, adenocarcinoma, esophageal; Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma; Parasites, flukes, intestinal, Cancer, Cancer adenocarcinoma esophageal, Cancer general 1, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma 1, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal, Parasites flukes intestinal exp

2084.8 Hz - Rickettsia

2088.59 Hz - Multiple sclerosis 1, Multiple sclerosis 2

2089 Hz - Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1), Multiple sclerosis 3

2093 Hz - Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma 1, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal,

Cancer, BY virus; Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma
2100 Hz - Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, breast (program 1); Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, Cancer breast, Cancer maintenance secondary, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma 1, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal

2101.1 Hz - Mycobacterium tuberculosis

2103 Hz - Cancer breast 1, Cancer, breast (program 2)

2104 Hz - Cancer breast, Cancer carcinoma bronchial, Cancer carcinoma scan, Cancer, breast (program 1); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, carcinoma, bronchial

2106.5 Hz - Herpes type 8 exp

2110 Hz - Cataract 1, Cataract, alternate

2112 Hz - Backache and spasms 1, Cancer breast, Cancer breast secondary, Cancer carcinoma scan, Circulatory stasis, Diabetic toe ulcer 1, Fever, General comprehensive, General demo, Hypertension, Infections general secondary, Nerve disorders and neuropathy, Parasites general 1, Parasites general comprehensive, Perniosis, Sexual dysfunction men, Stroke follow up, Vitiligo, Backache with spasms; Cancer (general program 3); Cancer, breast (program 1); Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Circulatory stasis; Fever; General demo; Infection, general secondary;
Parasites, general (set #2); Perniosis; Vitiligo

2116 Hz - Cancer breast, Cancer carcinoma basal cell skin, Cancer non Hodgkins 2, Cancer, breast (program 1); Cancer, carcinoma, basal cell skin

2117.1 Hz - Mycobacterium avium

2120 Hz - Adrenal stimulant; Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, breast (program 1); Cancer, breast (program 3); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, carcinoma, viral; Cancer, prostate (program 1), Cancer breast, Cancer breast 2, Cancer carcinoma scan, Cancer prostate

2121 Hz - Cryptococcus neoformans, Lac deflorat, Cryptococcus neoformans; Lac Deflorat; Torulopsosis

2125 Hz - Cancer prostate 1, Lupus general, Cancer, carcinoma, viral; Cancer, prostate (program 2); Lupus, general

2127 Hz - Adrenal stimulant; Blood cleanser, cancer; Cancer; Cancer (general program 3); Cancer, adenocarcinoma, esophageal; Cancer, astrocytoma; Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, carcinoma, viral; Cancer, leukemia; Cancer, pain; Cancer, prostate (program 1); Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma; Cancer, sarcoma; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Diabetes (program 1); Fibroma; Heartburn, chronic; Impotence; Infertility; Leukoplakia; Mumps tertiary; Orchitis; Osteomyelitis; Ovarian disorders, general; Pain relief, cancer; Pancreatic insufficiency; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Polyp, general; Prostate, general problems; Prostate, malignant tumor; Prostatitus (set #1); Sexual dysfunction; Sterility; Stomach disorders; Tuberculosis, secondary complications; Ulcers, general; Urethritis; Warts, general, Cancer adenocarcinoma esophageal, Cancer astrocytoma, Cancer breast, Cancer general 2, Cancer leukemia, Cancer pain, Cancer prostate, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma 1, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Diabetes 1, Fibroid, Fibroma, Fibromyalgia 2, Heartburn chronic, Impotence, Infertility, Leukoplakia, Mumps tertiary, Orchitis, Osteomyelitis, Ovarian disorders general, Pain of cancer, Pancreatic insufficiency, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Polyp general, Prostatitis, Sexual dysfunction men, Stomach disorders, Tuberculosis secondary complications, Ulcers general, Urethritis, Warts general

2127.5 Hz - Cancer carcinoma original rife crane

2128 Hz - AIDS secondary, BX Virus, Cancer, Cancer breast, Cancer breast 1, Cancer breast 3, Cancer BX virus, Cancer carcinoma general, Cancer carcinoma scan, Cancer general 1, Cancer general 3, Cancer glioblastoma, Cancer melanoma 1, Cancer non Hodgkins 2, Cancer prostate, Cancer prostate 1, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma 1, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal, Candida carcinomas, Candida secondary, Diabetes 2, Eczema, Fibroadenoma mamanae, Fibroid, Fibromyalgia, General comprehensive, General demo, General prog Blaster5, Herpes zoster secondary, Immune system stimulation, Incontinence 1, Lupus SLE secondary, Parasites flukes general, Parasites flukes intestinal exp, Prostate enlarged, Prostate problems general, Psoriasis, Aids, secondary; Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program 4); Cancer, breast (program 2); Cancer, breast (program 4); Cancer, BX virus; Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, glioblastoma; Cancer, prostate (program 1); Cancer, prostate (program 2); Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma; Diabetes (program 2); Eczema, skin; Fibroma; Fibromyalgia; General demo; General program, comprehensive; Herpes, zoster secondary; Immune system stimulation; Incontinence; Lupus, SLE secondary; Parasites, flukes, intestinal; Polyp, general; Prostate, enlarged; Prostate, general problems; Psoriasis

2130 Hz - Cancer prostate, Cancer, carcinoma, viral; Cancer, prostate (program 1)

2131 Hz - Cancer prostate 1, Cancer, prostate (program 2)

2132 Hz - Smallpox, Smallpox

2133 Hz - Cancer breast 1, Cancer, breast (program 2)

2134 Hz - Cancer breast 2, Cancer, breast (program 3)

2136 Hz - Cancer (general program 2); Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan), Cancer breast secondary, Cancer carcinoma scan

2140 Hz - Cancer prostate 1, Cancer, prostate (program 2)

2144 Hz - Cancer (general program 2); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, carcinoma, bronchial; Cyclospora, Cancer carcinoma bronchial, Cancer carcinoma scan, Cyclospora

2145 Hz - ALS 4, Cancer breast secondary, Cancer prostate 1, Cancer prostate Vega 1, Circulatory stasis, Cytomegalovirus, General antiseptic, General comprehensive, Herpes type 5, Multiple sclerosis v, Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Cancer, prostate (program 2); Cancer, prostate (Vega result); Circulatory stasis; CMV; Cytomegalovirus; Herpes, type 5

2146 Hz - Cancer breast 1, Cancer, breast (program 2)

2150 Hz - Cancer, breast (program 1); Cancer, BX virus; Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, prostate (program 1); Parasites, flukes, intestinal, Parasites flukes general, Parasites flukes intestinal exp

2152 Hz - Cancer breast, Cancer carcinoma scan, Cancer, BX virus; Cancer, carcinoma (general scan)

2154 Hz - Actinomyces israelii, Streptothrix, Actinomyces Israelii; Streptothrix

2160 Hz - Cancer adenocarcinoma esophageal, Cancer breast secondary, Cancer carcinoma scan, Cancer, adenocarcinoma, esophageal; Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan)

2162 Hz - Cancer breast 1, Listeriose, Cancer, breast (program 2); Listeriose

2167 Hz - Candida carcinomas, Fruitfly, Heliobacter pylori, Heliobacter pylori 1, Sarcoidosis, Candida carcinomas; Heliobacterio pylori; Fruit Flies

2168 Hz - Cancer carcinoma scan, Cancer, carcinoma (general scan)

2170 Hz - Abdominal inflammation, Abscesses, Acne, Adenoids, Adhesions, Angina pectoris, Arteriosclerosis, Asthma, Ataxia, Cancer astrocytoma, Cancer maintenance secondary, Diabetes secondary, Heartburn chronic, Herpes zoster, Nerve disorders and neuropathy, Numbness, Orchitis, Osteomyelitis, Ovarian disorders general, Pancreatic insufficiency, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Pericarditis, Polyp general, Prostatitis, Psoriasis, Spleen secondary, Surgery preop postop prevent infections, Thrombosis infective herpes type, Trigeminal neuralgia, Ulcers general, Urethritis, Warts general, Abdominal inflammation; Abscesses; Acne; Adenoids; Adhesions; Angina pectoris; Arteriosclerosis; Asthma; Ataxia; Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, astrocytoma; Diabetes, secondary; Heartburn, chronic; Herpes, zoster; Nerve disorders; Numbness; Orchitis; Osteomyelitis; Ovarian disorders, general; Pancreatic insufficiency; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Pericarditis; Polyp, general; Prostate, general problems; Prostatitus (set #1); Psoriasis; Psoriasis, secondary complications; Spleen, enlarged secondary; Surgery, pre-op and post-op; Surgery, prevention and control; Thrombosis, infective I herpes family; Trigeminal neuralgia; Ulcers, general; Urethritis; Warts, general

2173 Hz - Cancer breast 1, Cancer, breast (program 2)

2176 Hz - Cancer (general program 1); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan), Cancer carcinoma scan

2180 Hz - Cancer (general program 4); Cancer (general program additional); Cancer (general program, non response alternatives); Cancer, breast (program 2); Cancer, glioblastoma; Eczema, skin; Fibromyalgia; Immune system stimulation; Lupus, SLE secondary; Psoriasis, Cancer breast 1, Cancer experimental additional frequencies, Cancer general 3, Cancer glioblastoma, Cancer not killed by 2008 2128, Eczema, Fibromyalgia, Immune system stimulation, Lupus SLE secondary, Psoriasis

2182 Hz - Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program, non response alternatives); Cancer, adenocarcinoma, esophageal; Cancer, BY virus; Cancer, glioblastoma; Candida carcinomas, Cancer adenocarcinoma esophageal, Cancer breast, Cancer general 2, Cancer glioblastoma, Cancer not killed by 2008 2128, Candida carcinomas

2184 Hz - Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program, non response alternatives); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, carcinoma, bronchial; Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, Cancer, Cancer breast, Cancer carcinoma bronchial, Cancer carcinoma scan, Cancer general 1, Cancer not killed by 2008 2128, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma 1, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal

2187 Hz - Cancer breast, Cataract 1, Cataract, alternate

2189 Hz - Cancer breast, Cancer breast 1, Cancer general 1, Fibroadenoma mamanae, Fibroid, Hepatitis C, Multiple sclerosis 1, Cancer, breast (program 2); Cancer, BY virus; Hepatitis, general; Hepatitis "C"; Hepatitis "C" alternative

2191 Hz - Cancer breast

2192 Hz - Cancer (general program 2); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan), Cancer carcinoma scan

2195 Hz - Cataract 1, Cataract, alternate

2200 Hz - Blood; Cancer (general program 2); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan), Cancer carcinoma scan

2208 Hz - Cancer breast 1, Cancer, breast (program 2)

2211 Hz - Cataract 1, Cataract, alternate

2213 Hz - Alzheimers 1, Chlamydia general, Chlamydia trachomatis, Multiple sclerosis 1, Multiple sclerosis secondary, Chlamydia trachomatis; Mulitple sclerosis, secondary

2214.3 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga components

2217 Hz - Cancer carcinoma scan, Cancer leukemia, Cancer melanoma 1, Cancer prostate, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma 1, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal, Cancer, BX virus; Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, prostate (program 1); Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma

2218 Hz - Chlamydia general

2219 Hz - Cancer adenocarcinoma esophageal, Cancer, adenocarcinoma, esophageal

2222 Hz - Campylobacter, Candida secondary, Fungus general, Medorrhinum, Yeast general, Yeast general v, Campylobacter; Candida, secondary; Fungus, general; Yeast, general; Flour alb; Medorrhinum

2222.8 Hz - Chlamydia trachomatis

2223 Hz - Chlamydia general

2229.6 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga additional components

2232 Hz - Felis, Felis

2245 Hz - H#6, Human T lymphocyte Virus6

2250 Hz - Adrenal stimulant, Cancer prostate, Epididymitis, Incontinence 1, Prostate enlarged, Prostatitis 1, Adrenal stimulant; Cancer, prostate (program 1); Epididymitis; Incontinence; Prostate, enlarged; Prostatitus (set #2)

2252.8 Hz - Multiple sclerosis 1, Multiple sclerosis 2

2253 Hz - Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1), Multiple sclerosis 3

2257 Hz - Parvovirus new strain, Parvovirus, new strain

2263 Hz - Cancer breast 1, Cancer, breast (program 2)

2271 Hz - Biliary cirrhosis, Cirrhosis biliary, Biliary cirrhosis; Cirrhosis, biliary

2280 Hz - Cancer carcinoma basal cell skin, Cancer, carcinoma, basal cell skin

2288 Hz - Cancer prostate Vega 1, Cancer, prostate (Vega result)

2289 Hz - Cancer breast 1, Cancer, breast (program 2)

2292 Hz - Cancer (general program 3)

2298 Hz - Paramecium caudatum, Paramecium caudatum

2309.2 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga additional components

2313 Hz - Tuberculosis klebsiella, Tuberculosis, klebsiella

2319.5 Hz - Herpes zoster, Herpes zoster exp

2322 Hz - Parasites heartworms, Parasites, heartworms

2323 Hz - H#4; H#5, Herpes zoster v, Human T lymphocyte Virus4, Human T lymphocyte Virus5, Human T lymphocyte Virus4, Human T lymphocyte Virus5

2333 Hz - Cancer breast 1, Green Dye, Cancer, breast (program 2); Green dye

2356 Hz - Pneumonia general v

2357 Hz - Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1), Multiple sclerosis 3

2358 Hz - Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1), Multiple sclerosis 3, Multiple sclerosis 6

2374 Hz - Flea, Flea

2398 Hz - Influenza with respiratory 1, Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00)

2411 Hz - Fungus and mold v, Mold and fungus general v, Penicillium chyrosogenium secondary, Fungus, mold, general; Mold and fungus, general; Penicillium chyrosogenium; Penicillium chyrosogenium, secondary

2413 Hz - Cold & Flu (Program 5), Cold 5

2422 Hz - Chronic Fatigue v, Trichophytie general, Trichophytie nagel secondary, Trichophytie, general; Trichophytie, nagel secondary

2431 Hz - Herpes zoster v, Staph and Strep v, Strep and Staph v

2432 Hz - H#1, Human T lymphocyte Virus1

2450 Hz - Herpes type C, Herpes, type C

2452 Hz - Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program, non response alternatives); Cancer, adenocarcinoma, esophageal, Cancer, Cancer adenocarcinoma esophageal, Hemoglobin - Production of

2466.9 Hz - Multiple sclerosis 1, Multiple sclerosis 2

2467 Hz - Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1), Multiple sclerosis 3, Multiple sclerosis 6

2471.3 Hz - Mycobacterium avium

2489 Hz - Abdominal inflammation, AIDS 1, AIDS 2, Cancer general 1, Cancer general 2, Cancer general 3, Candida 1, Circulatory stasis, Cold 4, Cold in head chest, Dental foci, Dental infection, Dental infection 1, Fibromyalgia 1, General prog Blaster5, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis C 1, Herpes simplex I 2, Infections general tertiary, Lupus general, Multiple sclerosis 6, Mumps tertiary, Nerve disorders and neuropathy, Numbness, Oral lesions, Orchitis, Osteomyelitis, Ovarian disorders general, Pancreatic insufficiency, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Polyp general, Prostatitis, Psoriasis, Pyorrhea, Retrovirus variants, Sore throat, Thrombosis infective herpes type, Toothache, Trigeminal neuralgia, Ulcers general, Warts general, Abdominal inflammation; Aids (program 1); Aids (program 2); Aids (program 3); Cancer; Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program 4); Circulatory stasis; Cold & Flu (Program 4); Dental foci; Fibromyalgia; Fibromyalgia, alternate; General program, comprehensive; Hepatitis "C"; Herpes, simplex I (set #4); Herpes, sores; Infection, general tertiary; Liver, enlargement; Lupus, vulgaris; Mumps tertiary; Nerve disorders; Numbness; Oral lesions; Orchitis; Osteomyelitis; Ovarian disorders, general; Pancreatic insufficiency; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Pharyngitis; Polyp, general; Prostatitus (set #1); Psoriasis; Psoriasis, secondary complications; Pyorrhea; Recovery; Retrovirus variants; Sore throat; Thrombosis, infective I herpes family; Toothache; Trigeminal neuralgia; Ulcers, general; Warts, general

2490 Hz - Cancer (general program, maintenance), Cancer maintenance secondary

2500 Hz - Cells of Leudig, Cells of Leudig

2501.9 Hz - Streptococcus pyrogenes

2532.4 Hz - Influenza haemophilus

2534.2 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga additional components

2544 Hz - Influenza with respiratory 1, Smallpox, Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00); Smallpox

2551 Hz - Bacillus thuriniensis, Bacillus thuriniensis

2558 Hz - Influenza V4 grippe, Influenza, grippe V-4

2565 Hz - Tuberculosis virus, Tuberculosis, viral

2581 Hz - Pneumonia general v

2586 Hz - Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal v, Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal; Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal (Vega result)

2600 Hz - Sinusitis (set #3); Staphylococcus, infection (set #1); Stye, Sinusitis 3, Staphylococci infection, Stye

2613.2 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga components

2619.2 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga additional components

2630 Hz - Mumps secondary, Mumps; Mumps secondary

2632 Hz - ALS 2, Enterovirus General, Polio, Polio

2642 Hz - Inocine - Production of

2644 Hz - Candida, Fungus, adams

2664 Hz - H#3, Human T lymphocyte Virus3

2669.8 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga components

2675 Hz - Aura, Crystal resonator - quartz

2688 Hz - Gulf War Syndrome v, Pneumonia general, Pneumonia general v, Pneumonia mycoplasma, Pneumonia; Pneumonia, mycoplasma

2700 Hz - ALS 4

2712 Hz - Tetragenus, Tetragenus

2720 Hz - # Healing and regeneration, Abdominal inflammation, Abscesses, Acne, Adenoids, Adhesions, Angina pectoris, Arteriosclerosis, Arthritis general, Arthritis secondary, Asthma, Ataxia, Bone regeneration, Bone trauma, Cancer, Cancer breast secondary, Cancer general 1, Cancer general 2, Cancer general 3, Cancer prostate, Circulatory stasis, Contusion, Dental foci, Dental infection 1, Diabetes secondary, Disc herniated, Eczema, Fibromyalgia, Heartburn chronic, Hernia, Herpes zoster secondary, Infections general tertiary, Influenza, Influenza aches and respiratory, Multiple sclerosis 1, Multiple sclerosis 4, Mumps tertiary, Muscular pain and injury, Nerve disorders and neuropathy, Numbness, Oral lesions, Orchitis, Osteomyelitis, Ovarian disorders general, Pancreatic insufficiency, Parasites general comprehensive, Parasites general short set, Parasites roundworms general, Pelvic inflammatory disease, Pericarditis, Polyp general, Prostate problems general, Prostatitis, Psoriasis, Pyorrhea, Regeneration and h,, ealing, Regeneration and healing 1, Sore throat, Spleen secondary, Stroke follow up, Surgical pain post op, Thrombosis infective herpes type, Tinnitus, Tooth extraction followup, Toothache, Trigeminal neuralgia, Urethritis, Warts general, Whiplash, Wound healing, - Abdominal inflammation; Abscesses; Acne; Adenoids; Adhesions; Angina pectoris; Arteriosclerosis; Arthritis, secondary; Asthma; Ataxia; Bone regeneration; Bone trauma (cuts, fractures); Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program 4); Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Circulatory stasis; Contusions; Dental foci; Diabetes, secondary; Disc, herniated; Eczema, skin; Fibromyalgia; Healing and regeneration; Heartburn, chronic; Hernia; Infection, general tertiary; Influenza, aches and respiritory; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2); Mumps tertiary; Muscles, pain/injury; Nerve disorders; Numbness; Oral lesions; Orchitis; Osteomyelitis; Ovarian disorders, general; Pancreatic insufficiency; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Pericarditis; Pharyngitis; Polyp, general; Prostate, general problems; Prostatitus (set #1); Psoriasis; Psoriasis, secondary complications; Pyorrhea; Recovery; Regeneration and healing; Sore throat; Spleen, enlarged secondary; Stroke, follow up; Surgery, pain relief during post op recovery; Thrombosis, infective I herpes family; Tinnitus; Toothache; Tooth extraction; Trigeminal neuralgia; Urethritis; Warts, general; Whiplash, Circulatory stasis (stimulates blood circulation. See also Circulation disturbances), Contusion (bruise), Healing and regeneration, Inflammation general (also see Infection general sets), Regeneration and healing, Regeneration and healing 1, Sore throat TR

2727.3 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga components

2730 Hz - Cancer (general program, maintenance), Cancer maintenance secondary

2750 Hz - ALS 4

2778.8 Hz - Heliobacter pylori exp

2779 Hz - Heliobacter pylori

2791 Hz - Aconite, Immune system stimulation, Interleukin, Immune system stimulation; Interleukin; Aconite

2809.5 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga additional components

2819 Hz - Heliobacter pylori

2819.4 Hz - Heliobacter pylori exp

2823.5 Hz - Campylobacter

2838.5 Hz - Pneumonia mycoplasma

2842 Hz - Chemtrail detox, Chemtrail detox, Mycoplasma General

2855 Hz - Immune system stimulation, Interleukin, Immune system stimulation; Interleukin

2867 Hz - Immune system stimulation, Interleukin, Immune system stimulation; Interleukin

2871 Hz - Mange, follicular, Parasites scabies

2872 Hz - Bacillus Coli Virus, Bacillus Coli Virus

2876 Hz - Cancer adenocarcinoma esophageal, Cancer BX virus, Cancer, adenocarcinoma, esophageal; Cancer, BX virus

2890 Hz - Nocardia asteroides, Streptothrix, Nocardia asteroides; Streptothrix

2900 Hz - ALS, ALS 1, ALS 3, ALS 4, Mycoplasma fermentans, Mycoplasma General

2929 Hz - Immune system stimulation, Interleukin, Immune system stimulation; Interleukin

2950 Hz - Heliobacter pylori, Heliobacter pylori 1, Herpes general, Herpes simplex I, Herpes simplex I 4, Mycoplasma General, Heliobacterio pylori; Herpes, general; Herpes, simplex I (set #1); Herpes, simplex I (set #6)

2959.4 Hz - Pseudomonas aeruginosa

2967 Hz - Sarcoidosis

2997.4 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga additional components

3000 Hz - Abdominal pain, Acute pain, Ankylosing spondylitis, Cancer pain, Dental foci, Dental infection 1, Gall bladder dystonia with osteitis, Gallstones, Gout, Gravel urine, Head injury followup, Headaches caused by vertebral misalignment, Headaches due to parasites, Headaches due to toxicity, Headaches unknown cause, Headaches urogenitally caused, Heart tonic, Intercostal neuralgia, Kidney stones, Kidney tonic general, Malabsorption syndrome, Nephritis, Pain acute, Pain General, Pain of cancer, Pain of infection, Pain relief, Psoriasis ankylosing spondylitis, Sunstroke, Surgical pain post op, Swelling, Tooth extraction followup, Toothache, Trauma, Abdominal pain; Adrenal stimulant; Ankylosing spondylitis; Cancer, pain; Dental foci; Gallbladder, dystonia with osteitis; Gallstones; Gout, swelling; Gravel deposits in urine; Head injury followup; Headaches, due to parasites; Headaches, due to toxicity; Headaches, due to unknown cause; Headaches, due to vertebral misalignment; Headaches, urogenitally caused; Heart, tonic; Intercostal neuralgia; Kidney stones; Kidney tonic, general; Malabsorption syndrome; Nephritis; Pain relief; Pain relief, abdominal; Pain relief, acute; Pain relief, cancer; Pain relief, infection; Psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis; Recovery; Sunstroke; Surgery, pain relief during post op recovery; Swelling; Toothache; Tooth extraction; Trauma

3009.3 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga additional components

3012 Hz - Influenza grippe general, Influenza, grippe

3032 Hz - Parasites tapeworms, Parasites, tapeworms

3040 Hz - Cancer (general program 3); Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); General demo; Infection, general tertiary; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #2); Pain relief, Cancer, Cancer breast secondary, Cancer general 2, General comprehensive, General demo, Infections general tertiary, Multiple sclerosis 4, Multiple sclerosis 6, Pain relief

3042 Hz - Cancer leukemia T cell, Cancer, leukemia, T-cell

3047.8 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga components

3056.9 Hz - Multiple sclerosis 1, Multiple sclerosis 2

3057 Hz - Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1), Multiple sclerosis 3, Multiple sclerosis 6

3072 Hz - Cancer breast, Cancer, BY virus

3100 Hz - Aids (program 3), AIDS 2

3113 Hz - Tuberculosis aviare, Tuberculosis, avaire

3117.1 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga components

3120 Hz - Blepharisma, Blepharisma

3122 Hz - Influenza triple nosode, Influenza, triple nosode

3124 Hz - Asthma v

3125 Hz - Asthma v

3128.2 Hz - L lysine, L-lysine, stimulates

3130 Hz - Cancer carcinoma liver 1, Cancer, carcinoma, liver

3142 Hz - Mumps secondary, Mumps; Mumps secondary

3175 Hz - Aids (program 3), AIDS 2, Lymphs and detox

3176 Hz - Athletes foot, Cancer, Cancer breast secondary, Cancer general 1, Cancer general 2, Cancer general 3, Candida, Candida 1, Cold 4, Cold in head chest, Detox assist, Fibromyalgia 1, General comprehensive, Hepatitis C, Hepatitis C 1, Itching, Lymph stasis, Lymph support, Lymphangitis, Lymphs and detox, Multiple sclerosis 6, Parasites general 2, Spleen enlarged, Athletes Foot; Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program 4); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Cold & Flu (Program 4); Detox assist; Fibromyalgia; Hepatitis "C"; Immune system stimulation; Itching, pruritis; Lymph glands, support; Lymph stasis; Lymphangits; Parasites, general (set #3); Spleen, enlarged

3177 Hz - Lymphs and detox

3205 Hz - Typhoid fever

3212 Hz - Parasites roundworms general, Parasites strongyloides, Parasites, roundworms, general; Parasites, strongyloides

3215 Hz - Euglena, Euglena

3220 Hz - Hepatitis A, Hepatitis C 1, Hepatitis "A"

3222 Hz - Smallpox, Variolinum, Smallpox; Variolinum

3225 Hz - Euglena, Euglena

3233 Hz - Felis, Felis

3236 Hz - Erythema infectiosum

3275 Hz - Aids (program 3)

3289 Hz - Sarcoidosis

3291.7 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga components

3303 Hz - West Nile 1, West Nile virus exp

3325 Hz - Euglena, Euglena

3343 Hz - Adnexitis, Herpes zoster, Herpes zoster v, Adnexitis; Chicken Pox; Herpes, zoster

3347 Hz - Aconite, Immune system stimulation, Immune system stimulation; Aconite

3347.7 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga components

3353 Hz - Tuberculosis bovine, Tuberculosis, bovine

3375 Hz - Aids (program 3)

3423 Hz - Influenza grippe general, Influenza, grippe

3432 Hz - H#5, Human T lymphocyte Virus5

3448 Hz - Immune system stimulation, Interleukin, Immune system stimulation; Interleukin

3475 Hz - Aids (program 3), AIDS 2

3524 Hz - Cancer BY virus, Cancer non Hodgkins 1, Cancer sarcoma general, Cancer, BY virus; Cancer, sarcoma

3554 Hz - Aids (program 1); Aids (program 3); HIV, HIV

3612 Hz - Lupus general, Lupus, general

3636 Hz - ALS 2, Enterovirus General

3636.2 Hz - Herpes type 6 exp

3640 Hz - Herpes, type 6

3641 Hz - Herpes, type 6

3672 Hz - Asthma, alternate; Breathing, deep; Bronchitis; Cancer (general program additional); Cancer, breast (program 2); Cancer, carcinoma, bronchial; Cancer, prostate (program 2); Emphysema; Influenza, Asthma, Asthma 2, Breathing deep, Bronchitis, Cancer breast 1, Cancer carcinoma bronchial, Cancer experimental additional frequencies, Cancer non Hodgkins 2, Cancer prostate 1, Emphysema, Influenza, Lung

3701 Hz - FIV, FIV

3702 Hz - Asthma, Breathing deep, Coughing, Breathing, deep; Coughing

3713 Hz - BX Virus, Cancer BX virus, Cancer non Hodgkins 1, Cancer, BX virus

3722 Hz - Leukose, Leukose

3734 Hz - Cancer leukemia T cell, Cancer, leukemia, T-cell

3742 Hz - Herpes simplex I exp, Herpes, simplex I (set #2)

3760.3 Hz - Chlamydia pneumoniae, experimental secondary

3763.8 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga components

3767 Hz - Multiple sclerosis 1

3767.3 Hz - Chlamydia pneumoniae

3768 Hz - Chlamydia general

3771.7 Hz - Chlamydia pneumoniae, experimental

3773 Hz - Chlamydia general

3773.3 Hz - Chlamydia pneumoniae

3790 Hz - Fibromyalgia 2

3792 Hz - Fibromyalgia 2

3794 Hz - Fibromyalgia 2

3796 Hz - Fibromyalgia 2

3798 Hz - Fibromyalgia 2

3800 Hz - Fibromyalgia 2

3802 Hz - Fibromyalgia 2

3804 Hz - Fibromyalgia 2

3806 Hz - Fibromyalgia 2, Human T lymphocyte Virus3, H#3

3808 Hz - Fibromyalgia 2

3810 Hz - Fibromyalgia 2

3819.6 Hz - Ebola Zaire Mayinga strain

3833 Hz - Adnexitis, Adnexitis

3965 Hz - Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas aeruginosa

3966 Hz - Cephaloshorium, Cephaloshorium

4000 Hz - Diabetes tertiary, Diabetes, tertiary

4014 Hz - Immune system stimulation, Interleukin, Immune system stimulation; Interleukin

4027 Hz - Canine parvovirus, Parvovirus canine, Canine parvovirus; Parvovirus, canine

4093 Hz - H#5, Human T lymphocyte Virus5

4122 Hz - Cryptosporidium, Cryptosporidium, Parasites general alternative v

4152 Hz - Anal itch; Parasites, enterobiasis; Parasites, roundworms, general, Anal itching, Parasites enterobiasis, Parasites roundworms general

4186 Hz - Piano - highest note

4200 Hz - Diabetes (program 2); General program, EMEM main frequencies; Lyme disease, Diabetes 2, General program EMEM, Lyme disease

4211 Hz - Pemniciosis, Perniosis, Pemniciosis; Perniosis

4213 Hz - Herpes type 8 exp

4334 Hz - Irritable bowel syndrome, Parasites giardia, Parkinsons v, Scleroderma v, Parasites, giardia

4384 Hz - Head colds, Sinus infections

4392 Hz - Sinusitis (set #2), Sinusitis 2

4400 Hz - Cold & Flu (Program 1); Sinusitis (set #2), Cold 1, Sinusitis 2

4412 Hz - Cancer breast secondary, Cold in head chest, General comprehensive, General demo, Parasites general 1, Parasites general comprehensive, Parasites roundworms general, Parasites strongyloides, Sinusitis 2, Cancer, breast (program 1, secondary); Cold, head or chest; General demo; Parasites, general (set #2); Parasites, strongyloides; Sinusitis (set #2)

4442 Hz - Fungus and mold v, Mold, Mold and fungus general v, Mold

4445 Hz - Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal v, Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal (Vega result)

4474 Hz - Hemorrhoids, Hemorrhoids

4500 Hz - Paramecium caudatum, Rotifer, Paramecium caudatum; Rotifier

4868 Hz - Influenza grippe 1987, Influenza, grippe 1987

4870 Hz - Lyme and Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever v, Penicillium notatum secondary, Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever and Lyme v, Penicillium notatum, secondary

4880 Hz - Lyme and Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever v, Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever and Lyme v
4888 Hz - Cold & Flu (Program 5), Cold 5

4992 Hz - Multiple sclerosis 1

5000 Hz - Anxiety, Brain cells, Brain cells - stimulation of, Cells - brain stimulation of, * Benefical, Allergy, ALS 2, ALS 4, Arthritis 1, Arthritis general, Athletes foot, Backache and spasms 1, Blood cells - red, Cancer, Cancer carcinoma scan, Cancer general 1, Cancer prostate, Candida 1, Cold 3, Colitis and Diarrhea, Diabetes 1, Diabetic toe ulcer 1, Eczema, Edema, Enterovirus General, Fatigue general, Fibromyalgia, Fibromyalgia 1, General antiseptic, General comprehensive, General malady, Healing - nerves, Heart general, Hepatitis C 1, Hernia, Herpes zoster secondary, Infantile paralysis, Infections general secondary, Influenza, Influenza 2 99 00, Influenza aches and respiratory, Jaundice, Kidney tonic general, Menieres disease, Meningitis, Motion sickness, Multiple sclerosis 1, Multiple sclerosis 2, Multiple sclerosis 3, Multiple sclerosis 4, Multiple sclerosis 5, Multiple sclerosis 6, Multiple sclerosis secondary, Muscle tonic, Nerves, Parasites general comprehensive, Parkinsons disease, Pneumonia general, Ringworm, Swelling, Abdominal pain; Acne; Actinomycosis; Aids (program 3); Allergy; Anemia; Aneurism; Antiseptic effect, general; Arteriosclerosis; Arthritis; Asthma; Athletes Foot; Aura, strengthen; Backache with spasms; Bad complexion; Bed wetting; Biliousness; Bites, insect; Blood; Blood cleanser, cancer; Blood cleanser, plasma; Blood poisoning; Blood pressure, high; Bubonic plague; Bunion pain; Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cancer, carcinoma (general scan); Cancer, prostate (program 1); Cataract; Chicken Pox; Cold, head or chest; Cold & Flu (Program 3, fall '99); Convulsions; Corns (in feet); Coryza; Costalgia; Cramps; Cuts; Cystitis, chronic; Dandruff, scales; Diabetes (program 1); Diabetic toe ulcer; Diarrhea; Digestion; Dysentery; Dyspepsia; Ear, ache; Eczema, skin; Edema; Eye, disorders; Eye, droop of lid; Eye, glaucoma; Fatigue; Fever; Fibromyalgia; Fibromyalgia, alternate; Gallbladder; General malady; General program; Hair loss; Hay fever; Heart, general; Hernia; Herpes, zoster secondary; Hives (urticaria); Infection, general secondary; Inflammation, breast; Influenza; Influenza, aches and respiritory; Influenza, general (winter 99-00, #2); Insufficient lactation; Itching, toes, feet, & anus; Jaundice; Kidney tonic, general; Lymph glands; Meniere's disease; Meningitis; Multiple sclerosis; Multiple sclerosis (alternate #1); Muscles; Muscles, repair; Muscles, tonic; Muscular dystrophy; Nausea; Nocturnal emission; Osteomyelitis; Pain relief, abdominal; Pain relief, elbow; Parkinson's disease; Pleurisy; Pneumonia; Polio, secondary complications; Psoriasis; Rickets; Ringworm; Scurvy; Skin hemorrhages; Spinal meningitis; Sterility; Stye; Swelling; Thalmus; Thrombosis; Tonsillitis; TraumaHz

5058 Hz - Cholesteatoma, Cholesteatoma

5122 Hz - Cancer leukemia hairy cell, Cancer, leukemia, hairy cell

5148 Hz - Alzheimers 1

5170 Hz - Dental foci, Dental infection 1, Toothache, Dental foci; Toothache

5227 Hz - Dental Infections v

5243 Hz - Parasites helminthsporium, Parasites, helminthsporium

5310 Hz - Herpes progenetalis, Herpes, progenetalis

5311 Hz - Folliculitis hot tub, Otitis externa, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Struma cystica, Swimmers ear, Folliculitis, hot tub; Otitis externa; Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Struma cystica; Swimmer's ear

5312 Hz - Adnexitis, Adnexitis

5346 Hz - Oospora, Oospora

5411 Hz - Foot & mouth syndrome; Hand & foot & mouth syndrome, Foot and mouth syndrome, Hand foot and mouth syndrome

5412 Hz - Bacteria Lactis Nosode, Bacterium lactis nosode

5419 Hz - Gulf War Syndrome v, Pneumonia general v

5420 Hz - Pneumonia general v

5421 Hz - Pneumonia general v

5423 Hz - Pneumonia general v

5429 Hz - Irritable bowel syndrome, Parasites giardia, Parasites, giardia

5476 Hz - Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal v, Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal (Vega result)

5500 Hz - Cold 1, Infections general, Sinusitis 3, Infection, general; Sinusitis (set #3)

5516 Hz - Parasites flukes blood, Parasites, flukes, blood

5522 Hz - Parasites tapeworms, Parasites tapeworms echinococcinum, Parasites, tapeworms

5532 Hz - H#5, Human T lymphocyte Virus5

5543.65 Hz - Nanobacteria 2, Simian virus 40 (SV40)

5550 Hz - Cold & Flu (Program 1)

5608 Hz - Influenza with respiratory 1, Influenza, respiratory (winter 99-00)

5611 Hz - Aconite, Immune system stimulation, Interleukin, Immune system stimulation; Interleukin; Aconite

5641 Hz - Herpes simplex I 3, Herpes, simplex I (set #5)

5657 Hz - Papilloma virus

5690 Hz - Cryptosporidium, Cryptosporidium

5742 Hz - Mange, follicular, Parasites scabies

5776 Hz - Babesia, Protozoa, Protozoa

5777 Hz - Blastocystis hominus, Blastocystis hominus

5868 Hz - Parasites hookworm, Parasites, hookworm

5880 Hz - Cryptococcus neoformans, Cryptococcus neoformans

5884 Hz - Cryptococcus neoformans, Cryptococcus neoformans

5897 Hz - Parasites roundworms general, Parasites, roundworms, general

6000 Hz - Calming, Facial cramps, Fibromyalgia 1, Gallstones, Insomnia, Kidney

stones, Multiple sclerosis 6, Muscles to relax, Muscular pain and injury, Pain

relief, Parkinson tremor temporary relief, Relaxation to produce, Sedation and

pain relief, Stammering, Stiff muscles, Calming; Cancer (general program,

maintenance); Central nervous system; Facial Cramps; Fibromyalgia;

Fibromyalgia, alternate; Gallstones; Insomnia; Kidney stones; Muscles,

pain/injury; Muscles, relax; Pain relief; Parkinson tremor, temporary relief;

Relaxation; Sedation; Stammering; Stiff muscles; Tremers, due to Parkinson's

6007 Hz - Gulf War Syndrome v, Pneumonia general v

6024 Hz - Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma 1, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal,

Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma; Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma, embryonal

6064 Hz - Cancer, Cancer (general program 1)

6117 Hz - Hemorrhoids, Hemorrhoids

6121 Hz - AIDS secondary, Aids, secondary

6130 Hz - Worry, relief

6230 Hz - H#3, Human T lymphocyte Virus3

6256.4 Hz - L lysine, L-lysine, stimulates

6273.17 Hz - Lycogala HC, Sterigmatocystin HC

6353 Hz - H#1, Human T lymphocyte Virus1

6384 Hz - Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma 1, Cancer rhabdomyosarcoma embryonal,

Cancer, rhabdomyosarcoma

6436 Hz - Parasites hookworm, Parasites, hookworm

6448 Hz - Euglena, Euglena

6515 Hz - Tuberculosis aviare, Tuberculosis, avaire

6516 Hz - Tuberculosis klebsiella, Tuberculosis, klebsiella

8911.25 Hz - Influenza 2003 2004 2, Pneumonia 1

10000 Hz - * Benefical, Abdominal pain, Acidosis, Actinomyces israelii, Acute pain, Alcoholism, Allergies, Allergy, Alopecia, ALS 4, Amenorrhea, Anal itching, Anaphiaxis, Anosmia, Anxiety 1, Appetite lack of, Arteriosclerosis, Arthritis 1, Arthritis general, Asthma 2, Autointoxication, Backache 1, Backache and spasms 1, Biliousness, Bone regeneration, Bone trauma, Bruises, Burns, Cancer, Cancer general 1, Cancer general 2, Cancer general 3, Cancer melanoma 1, Candida 1, Cataract, Cerebrospinal troubles, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Cold in head chest, Colitis and Diarrhea, Convulsions 1, Costalgia, Cramps, Crohns disease, Deafness, Detox assist, Diabetes secondary, Disc herniated, Dyspepsia, Ear conditions various, Eczema, Edema, Electrolyte levels, Enuresis, Epilepsy, Erysipelas, Eye disorders, Facial cramps, Facial paralysis, Fatigue general, Fissures, Fractures healing, Frigidity female, Frozen shoulder, Gallstones, General antiseptic, General comprehensive, General demo, General malady, General prophylaxis, Glandular fever, Glandular fever thyroid, Gout, Hallucinations, Hangover, Headaches, Healing - nerves, Hepatitis C 1, Hernia, Hiccups, Hot flashes, Hyperosmia, Hypertension, Hypochondrium upper abdomen, Hypothyroid, Hypoxia, Impotence, Infantile paralysis, Influenza 1 99 00, Influenza 2 99 00, Injection allergic reaction, Intelligence and clarity of thought, Joint inflammation, Kidney stones, Kidney tonic general, Leprosy, Locomotor dysfunction incoordination, Lumbago, Lymph stasis secondary, Lymphs and detox, Mental concentration, Mental disorders, Motion sickness, Multiple sclerosis 4, Multiple sclerosis 6, Mumps tertiary, Muscle tonic, Nephritis, Nerve disorders and neuropathy, Nerves, Neuralgia, Numbness, Orchitis secondary, Pain acute, Palsy general, Paralysis nonspastic, Paralysis spastic, Parasites general 2, Parasites general comprehensive, Parasites general short set, Plosis, Radiation burns, Retrovirus variants, Rheumatism, Spleen secondary, Stammering, Stiff shoulder, Streptococcus pyrogenes, Streptothrix, Stroke follow up, Stye, Sun allergy, Sunstroke, Swelling, Taste lack of, Ulcer duodenal, Whiplash, Yellow fever, - Abdominal pain; Acidosis; Actinomyces Israelii; Actinomycosis; Alcoholism; Allergy; Alopecia; Amenorrhea; Anal itch; Anaphiaxis; Anosmia; Antiseptic effect, general; Appetite, lack of; Arteriosclerosis; Arthritis; Arthritis, muscles and tendons; Arthritis, rheumatoid; Aura, strengthen; Autointoxication; Backache; Backache with spasms; Bed wetting; Biliousness; Blood pressure, high; Blood pressure, hypertension; Bone regeneration; Bone trauma (cuts, fractures); Bruises; Burns; Cancer (general program 1); Cancer (general program 2); Cancer (general program 3); Cancer (general program 4); Cancer (general program, maintenance); Cataract; Cataract, non-diabetic; Cerebral Palsy; Cerebrospinal trouble; Chronic fatigue syndrome; Cold, head or chest; Colitis; Contractions (arrests, discharges); Convulsions; Corns (in feet); Costalgia; Cramps; Deafness; Detox assist; Diabetes (program 1); Diabetes, secondary; Disc, herniated; Dizziness; Dropsy; Eczema, skin; Edema; Electrolyte (improve); Enuresis; Epilepsy; Erysipelas (skin inflammation); Eye, disorders; Eye, droop of lid; Facial Cramps; Facial paralysis; Falling hair; Fatigue; Fissures; Food poisoning; Foot blisters; Fractures, bones; Frigidity (female); Frozen shoulder; Gallstones; General malady; General prophylaxis; General program; Glands, enlarged; Glandular fever; Glandular fever, adrenals; Glandular fever, parathyroid; Glandular fever, pineal; Glandular fever, pituitary; Glandular fever, sex; Glandular fever, thymus; Glandular fever, thyroid; Gout, swelling; Hair loss; Hallucinations; Hangover; Headaches, general; Hemorrage; Hernia; Hiccoughs; Hot flashes (complications); Hydrocele; Hyperia; Hyperosmia; Hypertension; Hypochondrium, upper abdomen; Hypothyroid; Hypoxia; Impotence; Increasing height; Infantile paralysis (polio); Influenza, general (winter 99-00, #1); Influenza, general (winter99-00,

10050 Hz - Parasites flukes lymph, Parasites, flukes, lymph
10163 Hz - Wheat smut, Wheat smut
10223 Hz - Influenza grippe general, Influenza, grippe
11841 Hz - Blastocystis hominus, Blastocystis hominus; Parasites, giardia
14472 Hz - Achievement, Willpower
15244 Hz - Parasites, flukes, general
15832.29 Hz - Shigella sonnei HC (invades tumors), Streptococcus mitis HC (lung infection, tooth infection, abscesses, stiff knees)
15903 Hz - Silver, Silver
16000 Hz - Glandular fever thyroid, Hypothyroid, Glandular fever, thyroid; Goiter; Hypothyroid; Parkinson's disease; Thyroid stimulant
16970 Hz - Papilloma virus, Papilloma, virus
17425.47 Hz - Erwinia amylovora HC, Gaffkya tetragena HC (causes respiratory infections)
17973.13 Hz - Diplococcus diptheriae HC, Parasites loa loa HC

18122.49 Hz - Clostridium septicum HC, Coxsackie B1 HC

18570.58 Hz - Erwinia carotovora HC, Streptococcus pyogenes HC (infects teeth)

18968.87 Hz - Chlamydia trachomatis HC, Parasites trichomonas vaginalis HC, Staphylococcus aureus HC (tooth infection, abscesses, heart disease, invades tumors)

19180.5 Hz - Alzheimers 1

19566.32 Hz - E coli HC, Parasites ancylostoma caninum HC, Parasites haemonchus contortus HC

19914.83 Hz - Leucocytozoon HC, Parasites leishmania donovani HC, Parasites strongyloides HC (filariform larva)

20860.78 Hz - Pneumoniae klebsiella HC, Troglodytella abrassari HC


(fresh foods and herbs can be higher if grown organically and eaten freshly picked):

Fresh Foods 20-27 Hz

Fresh Herbs 20-27 Hz

Dried Foods 15-22 Hz

Dried Herbs 15-22 Hz

Processed/Canned Food 0 HZ...(the majority of food we eat)
According to Dr. Royal R. Rife, every disease has a frequency. He found that certain frequencies can prevent the development of disease and that others would destroy disease. Substances with higher frequency will destroy diseases of a lower frequency. The study of frequencies raises an important question, concerning the frequencies of substances we eat, breathe and absorb. Many pollutants lower healthy frequency. Processed/canned food has a frequency of zero. Fresh produce has up to 15 Hz, dried herbs from 12 to 22 Hz and fresh herbs from 20 to 27 Hz.

                                More Frequencies 

Essential oils start at 52 Hz and go as high as 320 Hz, which is the frequency of rose oil. Clinical research shows that therapeutic grade essential oils have the highest frequency of any natural substance known to man, creating an environment in which disease, bacteria, virus, fungus, etc., cannot live.


Adnamia, geriatric (fatigue of age) --- Place one electrode on solar plexus, one behind head --- 60, 27.5

Abdominal inflammation --- 380, 2720, 2489, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1550+802, 880, 832, 787, 776, 727, 465, 444, 1865, 146, 125, 95, 72, 20, 450, 440, 428, 660

Abdominal pain --- Place one electrode on solar plexus, one on belly --- 10K, 3,3K, 95

Abscesses --- 2720, 2170, 880, 787, 727, 190, 500

Acidosis (hyperacidity) --- 10K, 880, 802, 787, 776, 727, 20, 146

Acne --- 2720, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1500, 880, 787, 727

Actinomycosis --- 465, 10K, 787, 727, 20

Acupuncture disturbance field (scar focus) --- 5.9

Acute pain --- 3K, 95, 10K, 1550, 802, 880, 787, 727 + 690 + 666

Adenoids --- 1550 + 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 444, 20, 428, 660, 2720, 2170

Adhesions --- 2720, 2170, 1550 + 802, 880, 787, 776, 760, 727, 190

Adrenal stimulant --- 10, 20

AIDS (not for use in U.S.) ALWAYS USE 2489 and 465 WITH ANY OF THESE FREQUENCIES --- 3K, 95, 2720, 2170, 2127, 2008, 1800, 1600, 1550, 1500, 880, 832, 802, 787,776, 760, 727, 700, 690, 685, 666, 650, 625, 600, 444 + 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20, 522, 450, 440, 428, 660

Alcoholism --- 10k

Allergy --- 10K, 880, 787, 727, 3 + 330

Alopecia (loss of hair) --- 20, 10K, 880, 787, 727, 465, 146
Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) --- 10K, 880, 1550 + 802, 787, 760, 727,
465, 20

Anaphilaxis --- 10K

Anal itching --- 10K, 880, 787, 760, 727, 465, 125, 95, 72, 444 + 1865, 20

Aneurysm --- 880, 787, 760, 727, 465, 125, 95, 72, 444 + 1865, 20, 727

Angina pectoris --- 3 + 230, 2720, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1500, 880, 832, 787, 776,
727, 465, 444 + 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20, 660

Angina (quinsy in swat) --- 787, 776, 727, 465, 428, 660

Ankylosing spondylitis --- 3K, 95, 1550 + 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 650 + 625 +
600, 28, 1.2, 10, 35, 28, 7.69, 1.2, 110, 100, 60, 428, 680

Anosmia (loss of smell) --- 20, 10K

Antiseptic effect --- 1550 + 802, 880, 787, 760, 727, 465, 444, 450, 428, 66

Apoplexy, stroke paralysis --- 20, 40, 20, 1800, 880, 787, 727, 650 + 625 + 600,125, 95, 72, 20, 1865, 522, 428

Appendicitis ( IMPORTANT: if microperforation has occurred, infection must be
eliminated before drinking any water. Even a few drops of water may be fatal.) --- 1550 + 802, 880, 787, 727, 444, 380, 190, 10, 650, 444 + 522, 125, 95, 72, 20,522, 146, 440, 450

Appetite, lack of --- 465, 444 + 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20, 10K, 880, 787, 727

Arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries: regeneration takes time) --- 10K,
2720, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1500, 880, 787, 776, 727, 20

Arthritis (Many different organisms can cause arthritis, so there are many
different frequencies here) --- 10K, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 28, 20, 7.69, 3, 1.2

Arthritis, rheumatoid (muscles and tendons) --- 250, 1.2, 650 + 625 + 600, 787, 72

Arthritis, arthrosis, and parathyroid disturbances affecting calcium metabolism --- 9.6

Arthritis, arthralgia due to gout --- 9.39

Arthritis: focal origin gastrogenic, tonsiltogenic, and paresis --- 9.39

Asthma --- 2720, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1500, 880, 787, 727

Astrocytoma --- 9.19, 8.25, 7.69, 2170, 2127, 880, 690, 666
Ataxia (incoordination of muscles slow results in some cases) --- 2720, 2170 ,
1800, 1600, 1500, 880, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 444 + 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20

Spastic ataxia --- 9.19, 8.25, 7.69

Athlete's foot --- 465 first, then 1550, 880, 802, 727, 20

Autointoxication --- 522, 146,10K, 880, 787, 727, 20

Bacillus infections (P. ccli, P. ccli, rod) --- 787, 880, 802, 727

Backache --- 760, 1550 + 802, 880, 787, 727, l0K

Bacterial infections --- 465, 866, 690, 727, 787, 832, 880, 1550

Bad breath (halitosis) --- 1550 + 802, 880, 787, 727, 20

Bedsores --- 880, 1550 + 802, 787, 727, 465, 20; then 1.2 and 73

Bed wetting (enuresis) --- 880, 1550 + 802, 787, 727, 46

Biliary headache --- 8.5,3.5

Biliousness --- 1550 + 802, 10K, 880, 832, 787, 727, 465

Bites, insects --- 880, 727

Bladder and prostate complaints --- 880, 1550 + 802, 787, 727, 465, 20, 9.39

Blood diseases --- 880, 787, 727

Blood pressure, high --- 10K

Blood pressure, low --- 20

Boils 880, 1550 + 802, 787, 727, 465, 660

Bone disease, periodontal disease (see osteo) --- 47.5, 1800, 1600, 650 + 625 + 600, 880, 787, 776, 727

Bone regeneration --- 2720

Bone spurs --- 1.2 + 250

Bone trauma (outs, fractures) --- 380, 1550 + 802, 10K, 880, 787,727

Brachial neuralgia (Apply electrodes to elbow and head) --- 0.5

Breast: fibroid cysts --- 880, 1550 + 802, 787, 776, 727 + 690 + 666

Bright's syndrome (nephritis) --- 1500, 880, 787, 727

Bronchial asthma --- 0.5, 522, 146, 125, 95, 72, 444 + 522, 20

Bronchitis 880, 727, 9.39, 9.35

Bronchial pneumonia 1550 + 802, 880,787, 776, 727

Bruises 10K

Bubonic plague --- 500, plus secondary infections: 880, 787, 727, 20

Bunion pain --- 20

Burns --- 190, 10K, 880, 787, 727, 465, 200

Bursitis (Many be caused by any number of organisms and viruses; experiment with arthritis frequencies as well.) --- 880, 787, 727

Cancer: see carcinoma, leukemia, sarcoma Cancrum oris { Oral Chancre--- 20, 727, 787, 802, 880

Candida --- 465 --- Often accompanied by other organisms. Try: 880, 787, 727, 95, 125, 20

Candida carcinomas --- 2167, 2182, 465

Carbuncles --- 727, 787

Carcinoma --- 2127, 2008, 880, 787, 727 + 666 + 690

Cardiacedema --- 9.19

Cataract --- l0K, 880, 787, 727

Catarrh --- 1550 + 802, 880, 787, 727, 444, 20

Cerebral palsy --- 880, 787, 727, 522, 146

Cerebrospinal troubles --- 10K

Cervicitis, womb neck inflammations --- 20, 727, 787, 880

Chemical sensitivity --- 727

Chicken pox (varicella) --- 1550 + 802 --- (secondary) --- 1800, 1600, 1500, 880, 787, 727, 20

Chilblains --- 20

Cholera --- 880, 802, 450, 880, 787, 727

Chronic fatigue syndrome --- 10K, 660, 2127, 787, 465

Circulatory stasis --- 40

Circulation disturbances, problems --- 40, 9.39

Cold in head, chest (Mutates constantly; too many strains to include complete
list of frequencies) --- 10K, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 776, 727, 444, 20

Colic --- 1550, 832, 802, 787, 727, 20

Colitis (irritation of colon) --- 10K, 1550, 880, 832, 802, 440

Colon problems, general --- 20, 440, 880

Conjunctivitis (Report use was on left and right temples) --- 1550, 880, 802,
787, 727, 20, 80

Constipation --- 1550, 880, 802, 787, 776, 727, 20

Convulsions --- 10K, 880, 787, 727

Contusions --- 9.1, 110

Costalgia (rib pain) --- 10K, 880, 787, 727

Cramps --- 10K, 880, 787, 727, 26

Cramps, menstrual --- 26

Crohn's disease --- 727

Cystitis (of urinary bladder) --- 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 465, 20

Cuts --- 20

Deafness (partial to complete) --- 10K, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 20

Dental foci (Neglecting this can prevent recovery from ANY illness) --- 3K, 95, 190, 47.5, 2720, 2489, 1800, 1600, 1500 + 802, 1500, 880, 832, 787,776, 727, 666 + 650 + 600, 465

Depression, anxiety, trembling, weakness --- 3.5

Depression (due to outside circumstances) --- 35 + 787

Depression (due to drugs or toxins) Reported use on solar plexus and head --- 1.1 + 73

Diabetes --- 35, 787 --- (secondary) --- 10K, 2720, 2170, 1800, 1550, 880, 802, 727, 465, 20

Diabetic loading --- 35 + 700

Diarrhea, dysentery --- 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 465

Diphtheria --- 776

Disc, herniated --- 727, 787, 10K

Distorsion (twisting of muscles, spine) --- 9.1 + 110

Dizziness, vertigo --- 5.8

Down's syndrome --- 20

Dropsy --- 10K

Drug addiction --- 20

Duodenal ulcer --- 727, 880, 10K

Dupuytren's contracture (4th and 5th finger curling into hand, unable to
straighten) --- 1.2 + 250

Dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) --- pure water douche, plus 26, 4.9, 1550,
880, 802, 787, 727, 465

Dyspepsia (indigestion) --- 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727

E. coli --- 802

Ear conditions, various (discharges, tinnitus, hearing loss) --- 9.19, 10K, 880,787, 727, 20

Eczema --- 9.19, 1550, 802, 787, 727

Eczema in vascular and lung functional disturbances --- 9.39

Enuresis (bed wetting) --- 10K, 880, 787, 727

Edema --- 522, 146, 6.3 + 148, 444, 440, 880, 787, 727, 465

Epicondylitis --- 1.2 + 250

Electrolyte levels (water, sodium, potassium) to improve --- 8.1, 20, 10K

Epididymitis (inflammation of testicle area,ducts) --- 1500, 880, 787, 727, 20

Epilepsy --- 10K, 880, 802, 787, 727, 700, 650, 600, 125, 20

Epstein-Barr --- 428, 660, 776, 465, 880, 787, 727

Erysipelas (skin inflammation) caused by strep pyogenes, etc. --- 660,10K, 880, 787, 727, 465, 20

Erythema nosodum --- 9.39

Esophagus (constriction) --- 880, 787, 72

Eustachian tube inflammation --- 1550, 880, 802, 787, 776, 727, 465

Eye inflammation (Reported use was on left and right temples) --- 1.2 + 80

Eye disorders (blurred vision, cataracts, crossed eyes, diplopia, infections,
etc.) --- 1600, 10K, 880, 787, 727, 20

Eyes (glaucoma) --- 1600, 880, 787, 727

Facial cramps --- 10K

Facial paralysis --- 10K, 880, 787, 727

Facial toning --- 1.2

Fainting --- 20

Fascia (fibrous tissue under the skin) --- 20

Fatigue --- 428, 660, 465, 125, 95, 72, 20, 444 +1865

Fever, sunstroke --- 20, 440, 880

Fever (various causes) --- 880, 787, 727, 20

Fibroma --- 2127, 2008, 727, 690,666

F., secondary --- 1550, 802, 465

Fibrosis of Jung (on chest) --- 27.5 + 220 + 410

Fissures --- 787, 20, 10K

Fistula, ulcer --- 880, 832, 787, 727

Flatulence --- 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 465

Flu (influenza mutates to new strains which may require other than these
frequencies:) --- 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 20

Food poisoning --- 10K

Foot-blisters --- 10K, 880, 787, 727, 465

Fractures --- 220 + 230, 10K, 880,787, 727

Frigidity, female --- 10K, 20

Frostbite --- 880, 787, 727

Frozen shoulder --- 10K, 880, 802, 787, 727

Fungal infection --- 465, 1550, 880, 802, 727, 20

Furunkulosis herpes, skin diseases --- 200 + 1000, 1550, 802,

F., secondary --- 787,727

Gall bladder dystonia with osteitis --- 2.65, 3K, 880, 787, 727, 20

Gallstones --- 2.65, 3K, 880, 787, 727, 2

Gangrene --- 880, 787, 727, 20, 73

Gastritis and flatus --- 880, 832, 787, 727, 20

German measles --- 727, 787,880

Glanders, Pseudomonas Mallei --- 20, 727, 787, 880

Glandular fever, adrenals --- 10K, 20

Glandular fever, pineal --- 10K, 20

Glandular fever, pituitary --- 10K, 20

Glandular fever, sex --- 10K, 20

Glandular fever, thymus --- 10K, 20

Glandular fever, thyroid --- 10K, 20,16K

Goiter --- 20,16K

Gonads, inflammation of --- 727 787, 880,10K

Gonorrhea --- 660, 600

Gout --- 9.39, 3K, 10K, 880, 787, 727, 20

Gravel in urine --- 2.65, 3K, 880, 787, 727, 20

Grave's disease I goiter --- 20, 727, 787, 880

Gums (inflammation, gingivitis, pyorrhea) --- 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 465, 20

Hallucinations --- 10K, 880, 787, 727, 20

Hangover --- 10K, 522, 146

Hay fever (only some types) --- 880, 787, 727, 20

Headaches --- 1.2

H., due to toxicity --- 522, 146, 4.9, 3K, 880, 787, 727, 20

H., due to parasites --- 125, 95, 73, 20, 727, 3K

H., urogenitally caused --- 9.39, 3K

H., caused by vertebral misalignment (Not a substitute or adjustment) --- 9.6, 3K

H., unknown cause (try other numbers +) 10, 4, 5.8, 6.3, 3K, 650, 625, 600, 3K

Head injuries (Seek immediate medical attention!) --- 9.6, 3K, 880, 787, 727,
522, 72, 5.8, 4.9

Heart (lab animals only) --- 80, 160, 20, 73, 3.9, 3K, 880, 787, 727, 465, 125,
95, 20

Heartburn --- 832, 2720, 2170, 2127, 1800,1600,1550 + 802, 1500, 880, 787, 727, 685, 465, 444, 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20

Hemorrhage --- 1550, 802

Hemorrhoids --- 1550, 880, 802, 727
Hepatitis (generic-placement is over and behind liver) --- 1.2 + 28, 1550, 880, 802, 727

Hernia --- 10K, 787, 727

Herpes zoster --- 2720, 2170, 1800, 1600, 1500, 1550, 802, 1800, 1865, 880, 787, 727, 20

Hiccups --- 20, 10K

High blood pressure, hypertension --- 10K, 880, 787, 727, 9.1

Hip pain (as in coxarthritis) --- 880, 787, 727, 20

Hives (urticaria) --- 1800, 880, 787, 727, 522, 146,4.9

Hoarseness --- 880, 760, 727

Hormonal imbalances --- 5.

Hot flashes (complications) --- 10K, 880, 787

Hydrocele (fluid in testicle, etc.) --- 880, 787, 727

Hyperacidity of stomach --- 7.82 on solar plexus, 230 on stomach, 7.82, 230

Hypoacidity of stomach (too alkaline) --- 20 ( place on pancreas)

Hyperosmia (overacute smell and taste) --- 20, 10K, 522, 146

Hypertension --- 20, 95, 9.19, 6, 10K, 880, 787, 72

Hypertension (renin-induced, red high, diastolic high pressure) --- 9.19 + 6

Hypertension, spastic --- 95

Hyperthyroid --- 3 + 0.5

Hypothyroid (12 behind head and 35 on thyroid) --- 12, 35

Hypochondrium, upper abdomen --- 20, 10K

Hypophyseal (pituitary) disturbances --- 4.0

Hypotension (low blood pressure) --- 20, 727, 787, 880

Hypoxia (low oxygen) --- 727, 787, 880, 10K

Ileocolitis, colon inflammation --- 802

Impotence (many classes) --- 9.39, 2127, 2008, 465, 10K, 880, 802, 787, 727 +
690 + 666, 125, 95, 73, 72, 20, 650 + 625 + 600

Infantile paralysis (polio) --- 1500, 880, 787, 727, 776, 10K

Infections (many classes) --- 1600,1550,1500, 880, 832, 802, 787, 776, 760, 727, 700,690, 666, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444,125, 95, 72, 20,1865, 500, 450, 440, 428, 660

Inflammation --- 1.5, 3.6

Influenza (mutates to new strains which may require other than these frequencies:) --- 1550, 802, 1500, 880, 787, 727, 20

Insomna --- 3.59, 3, 10, 1550, 1500, 880 + 802

Infertility --- 2127, 2008, 465, 880, 802, 787, 727 + 690 + 666, 650 + 625 + 600, 9.39

Indigestion --- 10K, 880, 787, 727, 465, 444, 20, 125, 95, 72, 4.9

Injection, allergic reaction to --- 10K

Intelligence, clarity of thought --- 20, 10K

Intercostal neuralgia (pain in rib musculature) --- 3K, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 776, 727, 125, 20, 1865, 444

Intermittent claudicaticin (behind the head) --- 45 + 48

Intestinal problems, colon --- 10, 440, 880, 787, 727

Intestinal problems, general --- 802

Intestines, inflammation --- 727, 787, 880

Irritable bowel syndrome --- 20, 727, 787, 802, 880, 1550

Itching (prurtis) --- 880, 787, 727, 444, 125, 95, 72, 20, 444 + 1865

Jaundice --- 1600, 1550, 1500, 880, 802, 650, 625, 600, 444 + 1865, 146, 250,
125, 95, 72, 20

Joints inflammed --- 10K

Kidneys --- 8, 440, 880, 20, 10K, 800

Kidney insufficiency --- 10 + 40, 440, 1600, 1550, 1500, 880, 802, 650, 625, 600, 444 + 1865, 146, 250, 125, 95, 72, 20

Kidney stones --- 727, 787, 880, 10K

Knee, joint pain --- 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 28, 20, 7.69, 3,1.2, 250, 1.2, 9.6, 9.39

Large intestine --- 8, 440, 880

Larynx --- 10, 440, 465, 444, 1550, 880, 802, 787, 727, 28,7.69,3,1.2, 250, 1.2, 9.6, 9.39

Laxative, mild --- 802

Leprosy --- 600

Frequencies for secondary infection --- 1600, 1550, 1500, 880, 832, 802, 787,
776, 760, 727, 700, 690, 666, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444, 20, 500, 450, 440, 428,

Leukemia --- 2127, 2008, 880, 787, 727, 690, 666

Leukocytogenesis, stimulates --- 20,727

Leukodermia --- 880, 787, 727, 444, 20

Liver, enlargement --- 727, 787, 880

Locomotor dysfunction (sometimes slow results) incoordinafion --- 10K, 880, 787, 776, 727, 650, 625, 600, 444 + 1865, 125, 95, 72, 20

Convulsions, spasticity --- 9.19, 8.25,7.69

Low blood pressure, hypotension --- 880, 787, 727, 20

Lumbago --- 10K, 880, 787, 727, 125, 95, 72, 444 + 1865, 9.19, 8.25, 7.69

Lungs --- 1550, 802, 880, 787, 776, 727, 125, 95, 72, 20, 9, 444 + 1865, 450

Lupus erythematosis --- 880, 787, 727, 776, 1850

Luxation (dislocation of organs or joints) --- 9.1 + 110

Lyme disease --- 2016

Lymph glands --- 10, 440, 880

Lymph glands, to stimulate --- 10K, 2.5, 465

Lymph nodes in neck, swollen --- 465

Lymph stasis --- 6.3 + 148, 522, 146, 444, 440, 880, 787, 727

Malabsorption syndrome --- 727, 787, 880, 3K

Malaria --- 20

Measles --- 727, 787, 880

Meniere's disease --- 1550 + 802, 880, 787, 727, 465, 428

Meningitis --- 1550 + 802, 880, 832, 787, 727, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444 + 1865,
125, 95, 72, 20, 428, 660

Menstrual problems (douche with plain water first) --- 880, 1550 + 802, 787, 727, 465, 20

Mental concentration --- 10K, 7.82

Mental disorders (general aid; especially if toxins are the cause) --- 522, 146, 10K, 125, 95, 72, 20, 4.9, 428, 550, 802

Migraine --- 10

Motion sickness --- 10K, 650, 625, 600, 465, 444 + 1865, 522, 146, 125, 95, 72, 20

Mouth eruptions --- white patches (leukoplakia) --- 465, 2127, 2008, 727, 690,

Herpes sores --- 2489, 1800, 465, 1550, 1500, 880, 787, 727, 1850, 428

Mucous membrane inflammation --- 380

Multiple sclerosis (complications only) --- 1550 + 802, 880, 787, 727, 20

Muscles, tense (to relax) --- 20, 120, 240, 760 + 6.8

Muscular dystrophy (suggestions only; no reports for these) --- 522, 146, 880,
787, 727

                        More Frequencies p2 . !!!

My Work on Rife --- An Ongoing Research Project

by John Bedini :

Pathogen // Hoyland's Measured Frequencies, 1934 Rife Ray #4 Instrument (HMF) //
Hoyland's Given Audio Frequencies (HAF) // Audio Frequency Necessary to Bring
Harmonic in Range of Hoyland's Measured Frequency from the 1934 Rife Ray #4
Instrument // Necessary Audio Level for Modulation

Bacillus X // 1,604 kHz // 21275 // 21275 // 4.0 V // 3.9 MHz

B. Coli (rod) // 417 kHz // 8020 // 8021 // 4.2 V // 3.6 MHz

B. Coli (virus) // 770 kHz // 17220 // 17220 // 4.1 V // 3.9 MHz

Streptothrix // 192 kHz // 7870 // 7870 // 3.0 V // 3.7 MHz

Tuberculosis (rod) // 369 kHz // 8300 // 8448 // 5.0 V // 3.7 MHz

Tetanus // 234 kHz // 1200 // 1268 // 4.8 V // 3.6 MHz

Typhoid Fever (rod) // 760 kHz // 6900 // 6900 // 3.1 V // 3.9 MHz

Typhoid Fever (virus) // 1,445 MHz // 18620 // 18620 // 4.0 V // 3.8 MHz

Experiments conducted today show that there is indeed a major harmonic of the
fundamental frequency from Rife's 1934 machine very near the fundamental audio
frequency from Hoyland's machine. Were Hoyland's audio frequencies the true M.O.R.s?

Did Rife's machine produce a harmonic that was the M.O.R.?

Pathogen // HAF // HMFreq , 1934 Rife Ray #4 Instr. //

Slight Adjustment of HMF used to correlate major harmonic of HMF to HAF) // Percent Deviation

Bacillus X // 21,275 Hz // 1,604 kHz // 1,584 kHz // 2%

B. Coli (virus) // 17,220 Hz // 770 kHz // 763.7 kHz // 0.8%

B. Coli (rod) // 8,020 Hz // 417 kHz // 382.2 kHz // 8%

Tetanus // 1,200 Hz // 234 kHz // 243 kHz // 4%

Streptothrix // 7,870 Hz // 192 kHz // 192.7 kHz // 0.3%

Stronger Evidence...

Pathogen // HAF // HMF // Slight Adjustment of HMF used to correlate major
harmonic of HMF to HAF // Percent Deviation

Bacillus X // 21,275 Hz // 1,604 kHz // 1,584 kHz // 2%

B. Coli (virus) // 17,220 Hz // 770 kHz // 764.1 kHz // 0.8%

B. Coli (rod) // 8,020 Hz // 417 kHz // 398.5 kHz // 4.6%

Tetanus // 1,200 Hz // 234 kHz // 194 kHz // 17%

Streptothrix // 7,870 Hz // 192 kHz // 178.6 kHz // 7%

Tuberculosis (rod) // 8,300 Hz // 369 kHz // 382.3 kHz // 3.6%

Typhoid (virus) // 18,620 Hz // 1,445 kHz // 1,446.3 kHz // 0%

Typhoid (rod) // 6,900 Hz // 760 kHz // 774.45 kHz // 1.8%


Archetypal Frequencies
Sound Healing Frequencies
Sound Therapy Frequencies

200,000-500,000   Dolphins highest range

18,500                Highest frequency heard by average young woman

17,500                Highest frequency heard by average young man

15,700                High frequency that old televisions scream at

15,000                (Most people over 40 can't hear this high anymore)


5000-20,000         7th Chakra (Crown)

5000-8000           Treble control on a stereo

4096                   Highest note on a piano

4096                   Quartz crystal (786,432 hertz octavized down - 1/2, 1/2, 1/2, etc.)

4000                   The most irritating (or activating) frequency (chainsaw freq)

3000                   Frequency that telephones are centered around (voice harmonics)

1000                   Test Tone radio and tv put out when they go off the air

1000-5000            6th Chakra (Third Eye)

852  Solfeggio Frequency LA – Returning to Spiritual Order

741  Solfeggio Frequency SOL – Awakening Intuition

639  Solfeggio Frequency FA – Connecting/Relationships

600-1000              5th Chakra (Throat)

528                    Solfeggio Frequency MI – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair) and Frequency of the Heart
                          (Leonard Horowitz)


452.459              Venus (based on it’s rotation around the Sun)

432                    Frequency of average baby cry just out of the womb;

Relates to the diameter of the Sun; Many other auspicious relations to sacred sites and ancient tunings in Egypt.

417                    Solfeggio Frequency RE –Undoing Situations and

Facilitating Change

396                    Solfeggio Frequency UT – Liberating Guilt and Fear

350-600              4th Chakra (Heart)

297                    A frequency found in the Crop Circles

292                    Nogier cell rejuvenation

268.8                  Ali Akbar Khan’s favorite frequency to tune to

266                     Good for Nervous System

256                     Physical and Scientific mean - Philosopher’s middle C

250     Main resonant frequency of the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid

250                     Average Voice (Common to everyone across all cultures)

200-350               3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus)

194.18                 Based on the Earth day -- Spin of the Earth

144.72                 Rotation of Mars around the Sun

144                     Code within the golden spiral of all the atoms

117.1875              The Sarcophagus in the Kings Chamber in the Great

Pyramid in Egypt   136.102              

The "OM" Frequency - Based on a mathematical calculation of the rotation of the Earth around the Sun. Many tuning forks and gongs are tuned to this "earth" frequency.  111                    

Good frequency for Cell rejuvenation (Bob Beck); Many other auspicious relations to sacred sites.

85                       Beethoven’s Fire frequency

73                       Paul Nogier core healing frequency. Multiply by 2 to get the full array of frequencies.

64(C)                   Base of spine

60-200                 2nd Chakra

50                       Main harmonic of a kitty purr;  Hummingbird approximate wing speed


45                       Resonant frequency of bones (Proven to regenerate bones)

40                       Thunder’s key fundamental frequency; Gamma brainwave frequency

40-55                   Bass control on a stereo

32                       Lowest C note on a piano (good for the nervous system)

25                       Cat Purr (root frequency)

25                       Lowest frequency that most people can hear; Stimulates mitochondria growth

25                       (Many stereos and headphones don't reproduce this low of a frequency)

20-60                   Root Chakra

16                       Main low freq put out by Whales all the time across the (always right on pitch)

12                       Seemingly negative frequency from the Moon during full moon

12-20                   Beta Brainwaves

11                       Energy between pillars -- Portals in temples

10.666                 Average ultrawave healing frequency (when healers are in the zone, they’ve measured it as brainwaves).        Diameter of hydrogen molecule.

10.53                   Brainwave frequency used in Silva Mind Control uses to get you in the zone

8                         Lowest frequency put out by Whales

7.83                     Average Schumann Resonance of the earth’s atmosphere between the earth and                          ionosphere (electromagnetic, not sound)

7.8125                  Spherics controlling the weather

8-12                     Alpha Brainwaves (Relaxed Attention)

4-8                      Theta Brainwaves (Dream State, Creative Downloads, Subconscious Mind, Portal to Oneness)

3-4                      Lowest frequency put out by Elephants

1.45                     Frequency emitted by many sacred sites

1.2                      Average Heart Rate

1.042                   Very Healing Heart Rate

.5-4                     Delta Brainwaves (Deep Sleep)

.1                        Brainwaves when in Heart Coherence

Thanks to Randy Masters for collecting some of these frequencies


                   Frequencies and Music

Frequency Ranges in Music
(From a recording engineering perspective)

LOW BASS  -  < 40 Hertz
This range is sometimes called the “sub-bass.”  It is commonly found in Rap Booms and the low bass of Kick Drums and Bass Guitars.  It is difficult for many people to discern pitch very well at this range.  This range is often used in movies for earthquakes, rumble, and explosions.

BASS  -  40 - 100 Hertz
40 - 60 hertz is the approximate range that is boosted when you turn up the “bass” tone control on a stereo.

MUDD (OOOHZONE)  -  100 - 800 Hertz (particularly around 100-400)
This range is called the oohzone (pronounced “ooh” as in “boo”) because if you boost this range it makes you say “ewwwwh” with disgust.  This range is also referred to as the “oohzone” because if you put your hand on your chest and say “oooooooooohhhh”, you notice that this frequency resonates your chest cavity.  This means that your chest cavity is boosting the volume of this frequency range.  When frequencies are boosted too much in this range, they sound extremely muddy and unclear, and can even cause extreme fatigue when not evened out.

MIDRANGES  -  800 - 5000 Hertz
We are extremely hypersensitive to this frequency.  Boosting a frequency 1 decibel in this range is like boosting 3 decibel in any other frequency range.  This is where most of our language is centered -- particularly the consonants (vs. the vowels), so it is where we live most of the time.  The telephone is centered around 3000 hertz because we can still understand someone when only this range is present.  Since we are so overly sensitive to this range, it is critical to be careful when boosting or cutting any frequencies here.  This is doubly true on vocals because we are also hypersensitive to what vocals are supposed to sound like.

Other notable frequencies in this range include 1000 hertz, which is that tone you hear when you fall asleep at night with the TV on (and the station goes off the air leaving this test tone).  4000 hertz is the chain saw frequency.  It is the most irritating frequency there is, by far.  It is also the frequency of finger nails on a chalk board.

HIGHS  -  5000 - 8000 Hertz
This range is the range that is boosted when you turn up the “treble” tone control on a stereo.  It is commonly boosted in mastering to make things sound brighter and more present.

HI HIGHS  -  >8000 Hertz
This range is where you find cymbals and higher harmonics of sounds.  Boosting this range a little bit on certain instruments can make the recording sound like a higher quality recording.  Boosting this range too much can make it sound irritating.

Dr. Rife made incredible progress in this field that has unfortunately not been picked up on and continued with by our modern medical society. His research eventually documented 52 specific frequencies which could be used to treat many common health maladies, including tuberculosis and cancer. His laboratory work showed that he could safely destroy these bad cells and microbes by simply increasing the intensity of the frequency until they disintegrated from the pressure. He documented successful results in both the laboratory environment and in humans. The human body's cell structure and good bacteria were unaffected by these treatments. That's because those cells resonate at entirely different frequencies and are naturally insulated from potentially harmful radio waves.


                      More Healing Medicine!!!

John Garvey, N.D. -- Energy Medicine Clinic, 465 Crooked Creek Rd., Black
Mountain, NC --- 704-669-7762

H#1 --- 725, 2432, 243, 6353, 732, 844, 646

H#2 --- 725, 1230, 245, 314, 965

H#3 --- 633, 1220, 6230, 8225, 111, 392, 776, 837, 1675, 2664, 3806, 714

H#4 --- 444, 2323

H#5 --- 83, 235, 645, 2323, 3432, 4093, 5532

H#6 --- 702, 747, 2245, 183

Actinobacilia --- 773

Actinomyces Israeli --- 262, 2154

Adenexitis --- 522, 572, 3343, 3833, 5312, 440, 441

Adenovirus --- 333, 786

Aflatoxin --- 344

Alternaria Tenius --- 853

Amoeba Hepar Abscess --- 344

Anthracinunv --- 633

Arenas Tennus --- 667

Atmenic Aib. --- 562

Aspargillis Flavus --- 1823

Aspergillis Glaucus --- 524

Aspergillis Niger --- 374

Aspergillis Terreus --- 743

Asthma --- 1233, 1283

Astro Cytorma --- 857

BC G Vaccine --- 477.7 (possibly 277)

B. Subtilis --- 432, 722, 822, 1246

Bacillinum --- 132, 854, 921, 1042, 1932

Bacteria Lactis Nosode --- 512, 526, 5412

Bacterum coil commune combo --- 282, 333, 413, 957, 1320, 1722

Baker's Yeast --- 775

Banal --- 1778

Barley Smut --- 377

Beth Sutton's Bar Fungus --- 854

Biliary Cirrhosis --- 381, 514, 677, 2271

Bilirubin --- 717, 726, 731, 863

Bladder TBC --- 771

Blastocystis Hominus --- 848, 365, 844, 595

Blue Cohash --- 364

Borrelia --- 254, 644

Botrytis Cinereas --- 1132

Botulinum --- 518

Branhamella Catarhalis --- 2013

Bronchiekstasi --- 342

Broncho-Pneumonal Borinum --- 452, 1474

Bruceila Abort Bang --- 1423

Brucella Melitense --- 748

Candida Albicans --- 414

Candida Tropicalis --- 1403

Canine Parvo --- 323, 562, 622, 4027

Mutant Canine Parvo --- 323

Canine Parvo B --- 323, 535, 755

Carcinoma Bronchial --- 462, 852, 1582

Carcinoma Colon --- 656

Caccinoma Liver Ferment --- 214

Carcinoma Uter. Ferm --- 127

Carvularia Spiratera --- 879

Cataract Brunescens --- 1335

Celia Carroll --- 576, 973

Cephalisporiurn --- 481, 3966

Cerumen --- 320

Cervix Adenoma --- 433

Chaetomiumglobosum --- 221, 867

Chicken Pox --- 787,3343

Chlamydia --- 430, 620, 624, 840, 2213

Cholera --- 843, 844

Cholecystitis --- 481, 743, 865, 928

Cholesteatom --- 453, 618, 793

Cimifuga --- 594

Cladsporium Fulvum --- 438

Coelicia --- 594, 656

Corn Smut --- 546

Coxsackie --- 136, 232, 422, 424, 435, 921, 923

Coxsackie B1 --- 834

Coxsackie B2 --- 705, 534

Coxsackie B4 --- 421

Coxsackie B5 --- 462, 1043, 1083

Coxsackie B6 --- 736, 814

CMV --- 2145

Crinis Hunansis --- 646

Cryptosporidiun --- 482, 4122

Cysto Pyelo Nephritis --- 1385

Dan's Mold --- 222, 333, 42l, 822, 1233, 1351,1711,1832

Dematiun Nigrum --- 243

Diptherinun --- 624

Distemper --- 242, 254, 312, 551, 573, 671, 712,1269

Diverticulosis --- 154, 934

Droglioma --- 853

EBV --- 660, 663, 669

Echinoccoccinum --- 453, 164, 623, 542

Echo Virus (Endometriosis Tuberylosa) --- 620

Entameba Histolytica --- 148, 166, 308

Enteto Hepatitis --- 552, 932, 953

Enterobias --- 773, 827, 835

Eriterocoucinum --- 686

Epicoccum --- 734

Epidermophyton Flocconum --- 644, 766

Erysipelis --- 845, 616

Fasciola Heptica --- 275

Feli --- 435

Felis --- 430, 834, 2232, 3233

Fel Tauri --- 672

Feloris Wolyhnica --- 547

Fibrosarcoma --- 1744

Fibroadenona Mamanae --- 1384

Filariose --- 112, 120

Fischpyrogen --- 832

FIV --- 262, 323, 372, 567, 916

Flu '78 --- 844 (844 could be 849)

Flu '79 --- 123

Flu '83 --- 730, 734

Flu '89 --- 322

Flu Triple Nosode --- 421, 632, 1242, 1422, 1922, 3122

Flu Virus "A" --- 332

Flu Virus "B" --- 530, 532, 536, 537

Flu Virus "B" Hong Kong --- 555

Flu Virus British --- 932

Flukeworm --- 524, 854

Fluor Alb --- 420, 423, 424, 2222, 502

Follicular Mange --- 693, 253

Foot & Mouth --- 232, 237, 1214, 1244, 1271, 54ll

Fungus Flora --- 632

Fusarium Oxysporum --- 102

Gardinerella --- 782

Geotrichum Candida --- 412

German Measles - see Rubella --- 517

Gliocladium --- 855

Glioma --- 543, 641

Grippe '87 --- 332, 953

Grippe '86 --- 532

Grippe '89 --- 353

Grippe '90 --- 656

Grippe --- 343, 512, 862, 3012, 3423, 10223

Haemophilie --- 845

Haemophilus Inf --- 542

Haemophilus Inf Type B --- 652, 942

Harry Cell --- 122, 622, 932, 5122

Heartworm --- 543, 2322

Helminthosporium --- 969

Hemobartinella Felis --- 603, 957

Hemorrhoid --- 447

Hepatitis --- 224, 317

Hepatitis A --- 321, 3220

Hepatitis New Nos --- 922, 477

Hepatitis Non A Non B- --- 166

Herpes Simplex --- 322, 343, 476, 822, 843, 1043, 16l4, 2062

Herpes Simplex II --- 556, 832

Herpes Simplex IU.2 --- 808

Herpes Zoster --- 1557, 574

Hirudo Med. --- 128

HlV --- 683, 3554, 714

Horomodendrum --- 695

Household Insect Mix --- 723

Ikterus Haem --- 243

Influenza: Bach Poly --- 122, 823

lnfluenza Toxicum --- 854

Influencinun Berlin --- 430, 720, 733

Influencinum Vesic --- 203, 292, 975

Influencinum Vesic NW --- 364

Intestinal Inflammation --- 105, 791

Jim Adams' Fungus --- 943, 2644

Kaposis Sarcoma --- 418, 249

Katy Luce Finger Wart --- 495

Katy Luce Foot Fungus --- 634

Kidney Papilloma --- 110, 767

Klebs Pneumoniae --- 766, 412

Lac Deflorat --- 230, 371

Leaco-Eucephalitis --- 572

Legionella --- 723

Leptospirosis P.C. --- 612

Leuroencephalitis --- 572, 932, 1111

Leukose --- 612, 633, 653, 3722

Lipona Multiple bipomas --- 47

Listeriose --- 471, 774, 2162

Living Sinus Bacteria --- 548

Luesinum/Syphilnum --- 177

Lupus --- 243, 352, 386, 921, 942, 993, 1333, 1464

Lyme 605, 673, 1455, 797

Lymph. Leuk. 833

Lymphangitis 574

Lymphatic Leukemia 478

Lymphogranuloma 1522

Lyssinum --- 547, 793

Malaria --- 222, 550, 713, 930, 1032, 1433

Mallel --- 1273

Mamma Fibrometosis --- 267

Mannan --- 961

Mastitis --- 654

Measles --- 467, 520, 1489

Measles Vaccine --- 962

Medorrhinum --- 442, 843, 2222

Melanoma Metastasis --- 979

Meningcocis Virus --- 720

Meningeoma --- 535

Meningitis --- 322, 822, 1044, 1422

Meningococcinum --- 676, 677, 517

Microsporum Audouini --- 422, 831, 1222

Microsporum Canis --- 1644

Mold --- 222, 242, 523, 592, 745, 933, 1155, 1333, 1833, 4442

Mold A & C --- 331, 732, 923, 982

Mold Mix B --- 158, 512, 1463, 623, 774, 1016,

Mold Mix C --- 1627

Mold Vac II --- 257

Monilia --- 866

Montospora Languinosa --- 788

Morbillinum - see Measles

Morbus Parkinson --- 813

Morgan (Bact) --- 778

Mucor Mucedo --- 612

Mucor Flumbeus --- 361

Mucor Racemosus --- 474

Mumps --- 242, 516, 642, 922, 2630, 3142

Mumps Vac --- 711, 551, 1419

Muscular Dystrophy --- 153

Mycloid Leukemia --- 422, 822

Mycogone Spp --- 371, 446, 1123

Mycosis Fungoides --- 852

Myocard-Nekrose --- 706, 789

Myom --- 453, 832

Myositis --- 122, 1124, 1169

Mycoplasma Pneumonia --- 688

Nagel Mykose --- 462, 654

Nagel Trichophytie --- 133, 812, 2422

Nasal Polyp --- 1436

Nematodes --- 771

Nephritis --- 264

Neuralgia --- 833

Neurospora Sitophila --- 705

Nigrospora Spp --- 302

Nocarcila Asteroldes --- 237

Oligodena --- 853

Ornithosis --- 583

Ostitis --- 770

Ostitis Medinum --- 316

Ovarian Cyst --- 982

Ovum --- 752

Paradontose --- 1552

Pemphigus --- 893

Penicillium Chyrosogenium --- 344, 2411

Penicillium Not. --- 321, 555, 942

Penicillin Rubrum --- 332, 766

Penny Royal --- 772

Penqueculum --- 746, 755, 6965

Pepto Streptococcus --- 201

Pertussis --- 526, 765

Phoma Destructlva --- 163

Plasmocytoma --- 475

Pneumococcus Mixed flora --- 158, 645, 801

Pneumococcus --- 683

Pneumocystis --- 340, 742

Polio --- 742, 1580, 2632

Porphria --- 698

Protozoa --- 432, 753

Pseudomonis --- 5311, 482

Psitticosis --- 1217

Psorinum --- 786

Pullularia Pullulans --- 1364

Pyelitis/Proteus --- 594

Pyocyaneus --- 437

Pyodermia --- 123

Pyrogenuim --- 429

Pyrogenuls mayo --- 1625

Q-Fever --- 1357

Reproductive --- 622

Rhesus Oravldatum --- 684

Rheuma --- 952

Rheumaticus --- 376

Rhinopneumonltis --- 185, 367, 820

Rhizopus Nigricans --- 132

Rocky Flountain Spotted Fever --- 943

Rhodo Torula --- 833

Rhodococcus --- 124, 835

Rickettsia --- 129, 943

Round Worms --- 650

Rubella --- 431

Rubella Vac --- 459

Salmonella --- 1522

Salmonella B --- 546, 1634

Salmonella Paratyphi B --- 7l7, 643, 972, 707, 59, 92, 7771

Sanguis Menstruum --- 591

Schistosoma Haematobium --- 847

Schistosoma Mansoni --- 329

Schunan B-Cell --- 322, 425, 561, 600, 620, 623, 780, 781, 950, 952, 1023, 1524

Serum Schweinepest --- 503

Smegma --- 180

Solitary Cyst --- 75

Sorghum Smut --- 294

Spanish Flu --- 462

Sporobolomyces --- 753

Sporotrichum Pruinosum --- 755

Staph Coagulae positive --- 643

Staph Aureus --- 727, 943

Stemphylium --- 461

Strep, Haemolytic --- 535, 1522

Strep Virus --- 727

Streptomyces Griseolus --- 887

Strongyloids --- 332, 422, 721, 942, 3212

Struma Cystica --- 5311

Struma Nodosa --- 122, 321, 517, 532, 651

Struma Parenchyme --- 121

Sudor Pedis --- 148

Swine Flu --- 432, 839

T-cell Leuk. --- 222, 262, 822, 3042, 3734

TB Avaire --- 532

TB Bovine --- 523, 3353

TB Klebs --- 221, 1132, 1644, 2313, 6516

Taenia --- 187

Tape Worm --- 522, 562, 843, 1223, 3032, 5522

Tetanus --- 554

Tetanus Anti-Toxin --- 363, 458

Tetragenus --- 393, 2712

Thermi Bacteria --- 233, 441

Thread Worm --- 423, 732, 4412

Tobacco Mosaic --- 233, 274, 543, 782, 1052

Tonsillar Nos --- 1656

Tonsular Pfropfe [?]--- 246

Tonsillitis --- 452

Torulopsis --- 522, 2121

Toxoplasmosis --- 434, 852

Trichinosis --- 541, 1372

Trichodermia --- 711

Trichomonas --- 610, 692, 980

Trichophytie --- 132, 812, 2422, 9493

Trichophyton Mentagrophytes --- 311

Trichophyron Rubrum --- 752, 923

Trichophyton Tousuraus --- 765

Tuberculinurn --- 522

Tularamie --- 324, 427, 823

"Ultimate" Yeast --- 72, 422, 582, 787, 1016, 2222

Urea-Plasma --- 756

Uremie --- 911

Uterus Polyp --- 689

V-3 Grippe --- 550, 553

V-4 Grippe --- 232, 352

V-5 Grippe --- 945

V-75 Victoria --- 343

V Grippe --- 861

VA-2 Grippe --- 833

VA 2-L Grippe --- 447

Vaccinnum --- 476

Vapch Grippe --- 153, 343

Variola --- 511, 2132, 2544, 876

Varicillen --- 345, 668, 716

Variola --- 476, 511, 876, 1644, 2132, 2544

Variolinun --- 542, 832, 3222

Yellow Fever --- 432, 734

Yersenia --- 333

Zygomycosis --- 942


Methotrexate --- 584

Green Dye --- 563, 2333 ....

 Kinnaman Frequency list and possible effects:

Frequency Possible Effects from the Manual & other Sources

728 --- Start Tube, cancer cells in blood

400 --- Seems To Decongest

120 --- Tetanus, Fatigue, Worms

432 --- Lyme disease, Cancer

465 --- Candida, Fatigue, Pancreas?

660 --- Treponema

712 --- Gonorrhea

784 --- Streptothrix

800 --- Flu Virus

880 --- Arthritis, Pharyngitis, Lumbago, Blood Pressure

965 --- Relaxes muscles especially those of the neck

1552 --- Pancreas, Eye Disorders, Pharyngitis

1862 --- Typhoid Virus, Stimulates White Blood Cells

2008 --- Sarcoma ALL FORMS, Stimulates White Blood Cells

2128 --- Carcinoma ALL FORMS, Stimulates White Blood Cells

2180 --- Cancer , Stimulates White Blood Cells

5000 --- Allergies , short use only , long exposures destroy red blood cells

9999 --- General vitality and energy

304 --- Sedation , Pain , Stiff Muscles , Blood Pressure and Pain Relief

                       Format is Frequency 

Format is frequency, what it supposedly effects, device, source. If the 'device' field says 'theory' it means that someone said this might work, but no-one has actually said anywhere that they've used it. If the 'device' field says 'theory/440' then I took the frequency from Hulda Clark's book "The Cure For All Diseases" and divided by 440.

20 --- bacterial infections --- pad used --- Bare book

20 --- pineal gland --- pad used --- Bare

20 --- tinnitus --- pad used --- Bare

20 --- worms --- pad used --- Bare

64 --- psoriasis --- pad used --- Bare

72 --- worms pad used --- Bare

96 --- psoriasis --- pad used --- Bare

96 --- trauma --- pad used --- Bare

96 --- worms --- pad used --- Bare

104 --- psoriasis --- pad used --- Bare

112 --- psoriasis --- pad used --- Bare

120 --- fatigue --- pad used --- Bare

120 --- tetanus --- tube theory --- Bare

128 --- worms --- pad used --- Bare

144 --- headaches --- pad used --- Bare

192 --- trauma --- pad used --- Bare

248 --- kidneys --- pad used --- Bare

300 --- lumbago --- pad used --- Bare

300 --- stiff muscles --- pad used --- Bare

300 --- trauma --- pad used --- Bare

304 --- blood pressure --- pad used --- Bare

304 --- headaches --- pad used --- Bare

304 --- sedation and pain relief --- tube used --- Bare

328 --- stiff muscles --- pad used --- Bare

408 --- prostrate --- pad used --- Bare

421 --- cancer --- tube used --- Don Tunney

423 --- cancer --- tube used --- Don Tunney

424 --- fatigue --- pad used --- Bare

425 --- cancer --- tube used --- Don Tunney

427 --- cancer --- tube used --- Don Tunney

432 --- cancer --- tube used --- Don Tunney

432 --- lyme --- tube used --- Bare

434 --- cancer --- tube used --- Don Tunney

440 --- kidneys --- pad used --- Bare

440 --- motion sickness --- pad used --- Bare

440 --- pancreas --- pad used --- Bare

464 --- candida --- pad used --- Bare

464 --- fatigue --- pad used --- Bare

464 --- motion sickness --- pad used --- Bare

464 --- pancreas --- pad used --- Bare

464 --- thrush --- pad used --- Bare

500 --- anthrax --- tube used --- Bare

520 --- headaches --- pad used --- Bare

600 --- motion sickness --- pad used --- Bare

600 --- pancreas --- pad used --- Bare

624 --- motion sickness --- pad used --- Bare

624 --- pancreas --- pad used --- Bare

648 --- motion sickness --- pad used --- Bare

648 --- pancreas --- pad used --- Bare

660 --- treponema --- tube theory --- Bare

662-666 --- herpes simplex I --- range theory/440 --- Clark

664 --- bacterial infections --- pad used --- Bare

664 --- emotional ties to diseases --- tube used --- Bare

664 --- fatigue --- pad used --- Bare

664 --- herpes simplex I --- theory/440 --- Clark

664 --- prostrate --- pad used --- Bare

664 --- stomach --- pad used --- Bare

664 --- ulcers --- pad used --- Bare

676 --- heliobacterium pylori --- tube used --- Bare

712 --- gonorrhea --- tube theory --- Bare

728 --- "conidium head" cancer cells --- tube used --- Bare

728 --- arthritis --- pad used --- Bare

728 --- blood pressure --- pad used --- Bare

728 --- cataract --- pad used --- Bare

728 --- catarrh --- pad used --- Bare

728 --- eye disorders --- pad used --- Bare

728 --- gallstones --- pad used --- Bare

728 --- lumbago --- pad used --- Bare

728 --- pharyngitis --- pad used --- Bare

728 --- prostrate --- pad used --- Bare

728 --- staphlococci --- tube theory --- Bare

728 --- stiff muscles --- pad used --- Bare

728 --- stomach --- pad used --- Bare

728 --- tinnitus --- pad used --- Bare

760 --- trauma --- pad used --- Bare

764 --- emotional ties to diseases --- tube used --- Bare

776 --- pharyngitis --- pad used --- Bare

776 --- pneumococci --- tube theory Bare

776 --- ulcers --- pad used --- Bare

784 --- arthritis --- pad used --- Bare

784 --- cataract --- pad used --- Bare

784 --- pharyngitis --- pad used --- Bare

784 --- rubella --- pad used --- Bare

784 --- rubeola --- pad used --- Bare

784 --- stomach --- pad used --- Bare

784 --- streptothrix --- tube theory --- Bare

784 --- tinnitus --- pad used --- Bare

784 --- ulcers --- pad used --- Bare

785 --- herpes simplex I --- theory/440 --- Clark

785-786 --- herpes simplex I --- range theory/440 --- Clark

800 --- arthritis --- pad used --- Bare

800 --- bacillus coli rod form --- tube theory --- Bare

800 --- bacterial infections --- pad used --- Bare

800 --- catarrh --- pad used --- Bare

800 --- flu virus --- tube used --- Bare

800 --- lumbago --- pad used --- Bare

800 --- pharyngitis --- pad used --- Bare

800 --- shingles (herpes zoster) --- pad used --- Bare

800 --- ulcers --- pad used --- Bare

803 --- tuberculosis rod form --- tube theory --- Bare

804-825 --- herpes simplex II --- range theory/440 --- Clark

807 --- herpes simplex II --- theory/440 --- Clark

818 --- herpes simplex II --- theory/440 --- Clark

823-829 --- fungus EW --- range theory/440 --- Clark

829 --- hiv ??? --- theory/440 --- Clark

830 --- hiv ??? --- theory/440 --- Clark

832 --- bacterial infections --- pad used --- Bare

832 --- ulcers --- pad used --- Bare

861-868 --- lyme range --- theory/440 --- Clark

864 --- lyme --- theory/440 --- Clark

864 --- lyme --- tube used --- Bare

873-883 --- candida range --- theory/440 --- Clark

877 --- candida --- theory/440 --- Clark

880 --- arthritis --- pad used --- Bare

880 --- blood pressure --- pad used --- Bare

880 --- cataract --- pad used --- Bare

880 --- catarrh --- pad used --- Bare

880 --- carcinoma (all forms) --- tube theory --- Bare

2128 --- prostrate --- pad used --- Bare

2180 --- cancer not killed by 2008/2128 --- tube used --- Bare

2182 --- cancer not killed by 2008/2128 --- tube used --- Bare

2720 --- prostrate --- pad used --- Bare

3000 --- gallstones --- pad used --- Bare

3000 --- trauma --- pad used --- Bare

3120 --- blepharisma --- tube used --- Bare

4500 --- rotifer --- tube used --- Bare

          This is the concise list of frequencies . 

Many sets are exluded from this list,
the sets (like the Keelynet and Crane ones) which merely specify for almost
every ailment the general frequencies of 728, 784/787, 880, 5000, 10000, 800, 20.

The following is a listing of these known MORs as compiled by Dr. Robert P.
Stafford, M.D. a physician who worked with an original Rife machine from 1957 to 1963:

Microorganism --- Frequency in Hertz:

Tetanus --- 120

Treponema --- 660

Gonorrhea --- 712

Staphlococci --- 728

Pneumococci --- 776

Streptothrix (fungus) --- 784

Streptococci --- 880

Typhoid Bacteria --- 712

Typhoid Virus --- 1862

Bacillus Coli Rod Form --- 800

Bacillus Coli Virus --- 1552

Tuberculosis Rod Form --- 803

Tuberculosis Virus --- 1552 (same as B-Coli)

Sarcoma (all forms) --- 2008

Carcinoma (all forms) --- 2128

The treatment frequencies are all approximately 10 times the ones listed in the modern Crane derived frequency lists for various conditions .

This begs the question of how effective these frequencies are in practice.
During testing, a person with Candida was present during measurements. That
person told me that they felt a strong reaction at a particular setting (the
person did not know what frequencies I was using) - I noted that the setting in question was approximately 4640 Hz - which is exactly 10 times the common
frequency of 464 Hz which is used for Candida in modern machines. To test the
thing further I tried tuning the machine deliberately to 464 Hz (without the
person in question knowing the setting) and the subject reported that there was no reaction. So the machine only seems to work on 10 times settings. I
discovered exactly the same phenomenon in myself during subsequent testing.

I have recently concluded that "MOR's" are not necessarily fixed and universal
constants. I now believe that MOR's are specific to each machine and that the
machine needs to be tuned to operate in a specific range - see my paper "Rife's
Missing Link" for more details on this.

Updated Frequency List

This list is a compendium of frequencies that have been reported tby users of
the device to have actual physiologic effects. Some of these are well know
frequencies, used in a unique sequence, others are completely new heretofore
unknown frequencies. This list will be updated as results are reported to me,
all information should be considered as anecdotal, and not scientifically proven.

These frequencies should not be considered as anything but experimental. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK; NO CLAIMS ARE MADE FOR EFFECTIVENESS.

Sedation or pain relief --- 304 --- Also nice to use as the last frequency of a set of frequencies.

Fibromyalgia and Joint Pains --- 650, 625, 600, 240, 95, 522, 2900, 28 --- This set has many positive reports of symptomatic relief lasting from several days to almost a week:

Lyme Disease --- 432, 484, 610, 690, 790, and 864 --- Also reported: 2001 ---
all the above plus : 652, 1103, 1500, 4200, 450, 465. Please note the use of
these frequencies has produced what is known as a Herxheimer Reaction. As the
spirochetes die, they release a protein toxin that can produce joint pains,
weakness, and general malaise for a few days following exposure. It has been
suggested that one start slow with but a minute of exposure and then gradually
increase the exposure time. One should not repeat an exposure until all effects and symptoms of the previous exposure have cleared.
Helicobacter Pylori --- 676 --- linked as a causative agent in stomach ulcers.

Blood Cancer : 728 --- A type of Cancer cell found in blood of people with

Multiple Myeloma. Causes the cells to disintegrate according to one researcher.

Flu Virus : 728, 800, 88, 7760, 8000, 8250, 2050, 2180, 2452 --- Non responsive to Cancer at 2128 or 2008. It has been suggested that these Cancers are formed in response to some different stimulus than commonly occurs.

Cataracts : 1830, 1600, 9999, 1552, 2110, 1335, 1654, 2187, 2195, 2211

Emotion : 664, 764 --- Very beneficial for emotional ties to diseases. 664 has
apparently caused people to giggle especially in a group exposure setting.

Epstein -Barr Virus : 660, 728, 787 --- also has been used for Mononucleosis.

Asthma --- 1234, 3672, 7344 --- Opens bronchioles makes breathing easier seems
to be helpful for asthmatics. Also is quite sedating.7344 seems to work best of the three.

Sharpens Eyesight --- 350, 360

Herpes Zoster --- 1489, 1500, 1550, 2489 --- relieves acute outbreak, but does
not remove dormant form from body. Use of 2489 for about 30 minutes seems to
provide long term benefits.

Menie Cancerres Disease --- 9 Hz --- Removed all pain associated with.

Hand Tremors --- 470 --- Stopped involuntary tremors in left hand of a person
with multiple sclerosis.

Tremors --- 463 and 466 stopped involuntary tremors in a person with brain

Warts --- 915 and 918 --- Plantar wart --- use long exposure time --- 15 to 30
minutes on each frequency.

Prostatitis --- 2050 and 2250 --- 10 to 15 minutes on each frequency. Use for a short interval will aggravate prostatitis!

Anger --- 3.6 and 6.3 Hz reported as being able to keep a person from becoming

Nausea and abdominal cramps --- 72, 95, 190, 304

Chlamydia infections --- 866, 430, 2213, 620

Central Nervous System --- 6000 --- A master Central Nervous System Frequency.

Release of emotional problems, blocked seizures --- but does nothing once
seizure starts, stopped tremors in hands in person with Parkinson's disease.

Hepatitis C --- 728, 166, 224, 317, 727, 787, 880, 2189 --- used by a Dr. in

France to good effect. Exposures were of only 45 seconds on each frequency.
Longer exposures had no effect.

Multiple Sclerosis --- 5000 Hz for 30 minutes every other day, used the above
Hep C protocol on alternate days. So one day 5000, next day Hep C. One should
start the 5000 at about 10 minutes and work up in time slowly watching for detox reactions.

Psoriasis : --- 2180, 2128, 2008, 1552, 880, 784, 664, 304 --- From New Zealand comes this protocol.

Systemic Lupus Erythematosis (SLE) --- 633, 2125, 2008, 3612, 802, 2489, 702
Fruit Flies : 2167 Hz --- Reported by someone in the Netherlands.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome --- 2127 , 465, 660, 666, 727, 787, 880, 1550 --- Also used parasite frequencies.

Round Worms --- 104, 332, 422, 721, 942, 3212, 240, 688, 20, 120

Flukes --- 143, 275, 676, 763, 524, 854, 945, 651, 435, 524

Incessant worrying --- 6130 Hz

Gall Bladder --- 20, 727, 787, 880, 5000

Pleural Efffusion --- 787, 474, 612, 361

Basal Cell Skin Carcinoma --- 2116, 760, 2280 --- Direct exposure of the lesion to light from the tube helps as does pulsing the audio output. About 30 minutes exposures at 2116 seemed optimal, 760 and 2280 at 5 minutes each.

Chem Spray Related Illness --- 664, 7344, 2842, 1147, 686.6, 684.1, 113, 779.9, 829.3, 279.2, 865, 969.9, 1067, 783.6, 800.4, 1045, 1062, 673.9, 690.7

Muscular Dystrophy --- 2900 --- Reported by two people to help stamina and
muscular coordination.

Diabetic Foot Infection --- 1865, 802, 787, 465, 444, 125, 95, 72, 48, 304 ---
Scan from 2000 to 2200. Saved a persons diabetic toe from amputation

Rheumatoid Arthritis --- 15, 324, 528

Cervical Cancer --- 2288, 2944 to 2968 as a scan.

          Royal RIFE Beam Ray Frequencies

(Mortal Oscillation Rates, MOR ) ( 30 Jul 2001 )

Rife's Original Basic Frequencies

For those who have been studying RIFE for many years now, how many remember the original claim relating to pleomorphics and the need for only 5 or 6 basic
frequencies which RIFE said would kill any disease? It is quite similar to what Gaston Naessens claims but Rife preceded him though not using the same

Over the years RIFE technology has become ever more complex as more people added stories and claims, and big bucks became involved. I have long been puzzled as to why no one refers back to the basic claims of RIFE, not all these 'interpretations'...

It's much like an inventor discovering a basic phenomenon but knowing he cannot make money with that as anyone can do it... so he makes a godawful complex
machine (like Gray, two repulsive coils scaled up to the engine) which he can
then patent and sell.

Nothing wrong with trying to make money from a discovery or invention but stick with the basics of what works.

We recently acquired copyright for the RIFE Way III book which will include a
circuit diagram using ICs for the basic frequencies and a vacuum tube
transmitter which is claimed to have been found as the ideal impedance matcher
for the human body. I have a bit more to do with regard to getting the book
together for inclusion in the products list but I wanted to post the frequency
list and some description of the process.

It seems everything mutates and grows into ever more complex structures as it
ages. In virology and bacteriology this is called 'pleomorphism' which means

'The theory that the various genera of bacteria are phases or variations of
growth of a number of Protean species, each of which may exhibit, according to
undetermined conditions, all or some of the forms characteristic of the
different genera and species.'

At one time back in the early 1980s Ed Skilling and Bob Beck were promoting this set of frequencies, then Riley Crabb (of Borderlands) was selling an audiotape with the frequencies on it...the idea being to listen to it for the 5 minutes of so or each frequency and it should explode the disease structure...however, I never heard of any successes from it nor should there be without a more intense coupling to the body to allow maximum amplitude.

Same with the singing into a glass to cause it to can sing all day
at the exact resonant frequency, but if it is not of sufficient amplitude and
not in phase (resonant) it won't blow it up though it will dance about the table
a bit.

The claim was that the basic viruses were responsive to the following

666 hz

690 hz

740 hz

1840 hz

1998 hz

( plus or minus 10 hz)

Any of these can be easily projected using an off the shelf frequency generator
using square waves and adjusting the amplitude to whatever you can handle,
though I think it would need an amplifier to be effective, that is the beauty of the vacuum tube impedance matching circuit which will be in the book.

No matter what pleomorphic stage these viruses had achieved within the body,
they would still be subject to the basic frequencies and so would be exploded
when exposed to them.

The device used has an amplitude control as well as a fixed frequency 5 position switch for the 5 frequencies. A frequency generator could easily be used to allow other frequencies or these to be input to the vacuum tube amplifier section.

Anyway, the stories I've been told about this device in particular include one
that makes me particularly squeamish, 'that worms will crawl out your rectum'
when the device is applied.... also the appearance of zits, pimples, blackheads, diarrhea, tiredness, requiring more sleep, some possible allergic response or skin rash, excess urination....all temporary conditions and postivie indications that the body is indeed purging the toxins, poisons and diseases within it.

That worms business has two connections, one is trichinosis from pork, one guy
wrote in that they slit a pig, degutted it, poured wine into it and worms would crawl out....say ugh all you want, but I'd rather them crawl out and their eggs die than be living inside my body. ..

The other connection is with Hulda Clarks claim of flukeworms as the cause of
ALL DISEASE...where her ZAPPER is supposed to neutralize them..

I thought these basic ORIGINAL frequencies needed to be posted which were
supposed to have been used for some 18 years with amazing successes when the
vacuum tube amplifier was the coupling device.

Additional frequencies as have seeped out of wherever over the years can be
found at:

These frequencies are of all types; light, sound, electrical, etc. The two- or three-character source codes after each frequency are defined at the bottom.

0.16 - 10     Neuraligias     AT

0.18 - 10     Mod. therapy     AT

0.20 - 0.26     Dental Pain     AT

0.20 - 10     Post-traumatics     AT

0.28 - 2.15     Alcohol addiction     AT

0.28 - 10     Arthritis     AT

0.30 - 0.15     Depression     AT

0.30 - 10     Cervobrachial syndrom     AT

0.37 - 2.15     Drug addition     AT

0.40 - 10     Confusion     AT

0.45 - 10     Muscle pain     AT

0.5     very relaxing, against headache MG, for lower back pain     AS

0.95 - 10     Whiplash     AT

1-3 Delta     deep, dreamless sleep, trance state, non-REM sleep    

1.0     Feeling of well-being, pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone; overall view of inter-relationships; harmony and balance     MG

1.45     Tri-thalamic entrainment format. According to Ronald deStrulle, creates entrainment between hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal. May benefit dyslexics and people with Alzheimer's.     MP2

2.15 - 10     Tendovaginatis     AT

2.5     pain relief, relaxation

Production of endogenous opiates.


3.4     Sound sleep    

3.5     Feeling of unity with everything, accelerated language retention ×;
enhancement of receptivity     MG

4-6     attitude and behavior change     MH

4-7 Theta     recall, fantasy, imagery, creativity, planning, dreaming, switching thoughts, Zen meditation, drowsiness.    

4     Enkephalins; Extrasensory perception     MG

4.9       Theta brain wave    

5.0     unusal problem solving     x

5.5     Moves beyond knowledge to knowing, shows vision of growth needed    

6.0     long term memory stimulation     MG

7.0     Mental and astral projection, psychic surgery    

7.5     Inter-awareness of self and purpose, guided meditation, creativity, contact with spirit guides; entry into meditation     MG

7.83     Earth Resonance, grounding, "Schumann Resonance."     x

8-10     learning new information     MH

8-13  Alpha     relaxed, tranquil and non-drowsy, inward awareness, bodymind    

8-14     Qi Gong and infratonic Qi Gong machine     QG

8.0     Past life regression     x

8.3     Pick up visual images of mental objects    

9.0     Awareness of causes of body imbalance and means for balance     x

9.41     Pyramid frequency (outside)    

9.6     Mean dominant frequency associated with the earth's magnetic field    


10     enhanced release of serotonin and mood elevator, universally beneficial, use to try effects of other mixes

Acts as an analgesic, safest frequency, especially for hangover and jet lag.

Meg Patterson used for nicotine withdrawal.



10.2     Catecholamines    

10.5     Healing of body, mind/body unity, firewalking

potent stabilizer and stimulating for the immunity, valuable in convalescence.



10.6     Relaxed and alert    

12.0     Centering, doorway to all other frequencies     x

13-30     Normal wakefulness     x

14-16     "associated with sleep spindles on EEG during second stage of sleep"    


14.0     Awake and alert    

15     chronic pain     MG

16     bottom limit of normal hearing     MP2

18-22 Beta     outward awareness, sensory data    

20     fatigue, energize. Causes distress during labor     EQ

27.5     lowest note on a piano     MP2

30     Meg Patterson used for marijuana     MB3

30 - 190     Lumbago     AT

30-500 High Beta     a few people able to replicate at will    

32     Densitizer; enhanced vigor and alertness     MG

33     Christ consciousness, hypersensitivity, Pyramid frequency (inside)    

35 - 150     Fractures     AT

35 - 193     Arthralgy     AT

35     Awakening of mid-chakras, balance of chakras    

38     Endorphin release     WL

40     dominant when problem solving in fearful situations     EQ

40 - 60     anxiolytic effects and stimulates release of beta-endorphines    


43 - 193     Carcinomatosis     AT

50     dominant frequency of polyphasic muscle activity, mains electrical in

U.K.     EQ

50     Slower cerebral rhythms    

55     Tantra, kundalini     x

60     electric power lines    

63     Astral projection     x

70 - 9,000     Voice specturm     MP1

70     Mental and astral projection    

72     Emotional spectrum    

80     Awareness and control of right direction.

Appears to be involved in stimulating 5-hydroxytryptamine production, with 160 Hz.

Combine with 2.5 Hz.     EQ

83     Third eye opening for some people    

90     Good feelings, security, well-being, balancing    

105     Overall view of complete situation    

108     Total knowing    

111     Beta endorphins

Cell regeneration

120 - 500 PSI     transmutation, psychokinesis    

125     Graham potentializer; Stimulation     MH

126.22     Sun, 32nd octave of Earth year     HC

136.1     Sun: light, warmth, joy, animus     RV

140.25     Pluto: power, crisis & changes    

141.27     Mercury: intellectuality, mobility    

144.72     Mars: activity, energy, freedom, humor    

147.85     Saturn: separation, sorrow, death    

160     Appears to be involved in stimulating 5-hydroxytryptamine production,

with 80 Hz.     EQ

183.58     Jupiter: growth, success, justice, spirituality    

194.71     Earth: stability, grounding    

207.36     Uranus: spontaneity, independence, originality    

211.44     Neptune: the unconscious, secrets, imagination, spiritual love    

221.23     Venus: beauty, love, sexuality, sensuality, harmony    

250     Elevate and revitalize    

272     33rd octave of Earth year     HC

384     "Gurdjieff vibration associated with root chakra. Sixth harmonic of

six, center of the brainwave spectrum."     RP

396     G (musical note)     PL

405     Violet     PL

420.82     Moon: love, sensitivity, femininity, anima    

438     Indigo    

440     A (musical note)    

473     Blue    

495     B (musical note)    

527     Green    

528     C (musical note)    

580     Yellow    

594     D (musical note)    

597     Orange    

660     E (musical note)    

700     Red    

704     F (musical note)    

1000     Cerebral neurons    

4,186     highest note on a piano     MP2

16,000 - 20,000     Upper range for normal hearing     MP2
.     .     .
Slower physiological cycles CA

Heart: 76 beats/ min    

Respiratory: 22 cycles/ min    

Kidneys: 24 hour cycle    

Stomach: 3 contractions/ min    

Intestines: 1 contraction/ min    

Muscles: proteins broken down & built every 12 days    

Ovaries: 28 day menstrual cycle    

Red blood cells: 128 day life cycle    

Bone calcium: 200 day replacement


Hertz frequencies chart from Barbara Hero

Copyright © Barbara Hero 1996-98
E-Mail Barbara Hero


These frequencies are of all types; light, sound, electrical, etc. The two- or three-character source codes after each frequency are defined at the bottom.

0.16 - 10     Neuraligias     AT

0.18 - 10     Mod. therapy     AT

0.20 - 0.26     Dental Pain     AT

0.20 - 10     Post-traumatics     AT

0.28 - 2.15     Alcohol addiction     AT

0.28 - 10     Arthritis     AT

0.30 - 0.15     Depression     AT

0.30 - 10     Cervobrachial syndrom     AT

0.37 - 2.15     Drug addition     AT

0.40 - 10     Confusion     AT

0.45 - 10     Muscle pain     AT

0.5     very relaxing, against headache MG, for lower back pain     AS

0.95 - 10     Whiplash     AT

1-3 Delta     deep, dreamless sleep, trance state, non-REM sleep    

1.0     Feeling of well-being, pituitary stimulation to release growth hormone; overall view of inter-relationships; harmony and balance     MG

1.45     Tri-thalamic entrainment format. According to Ronald deStrulle, creates entrainment between hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal. May benefit dyslexics and people with Alzheimer's.     MP2

2.15 - 10     Tendovaginatis     AT

2.5     pain relief, relaxation

Production of endogenous opiates.


3.4     Sound sleep    

3.5     Feeling of unity with everything, accelerated language retention ×;
enhancement of receptivity     MG

4-6     attitude and behavior change     MH

4-7 Theta     recall, fantasy, imagery, creativity, planning, dreaming, switching thoughts, Zen meditation, drowsiness.    

4     Enkephalins; Extrasensory perception     MG

4.9       Theta brain wave    

5.0     unusal problem solving     x

5.5     Moves beyond knowledge to knowing, shows vision of growth needed    

6.0     long term memory stimulation     MG

7.0     Mental and astral projection, psychic surgery    

7.5     Inter-awareness of self and purpose, guided meditation, creativity, contact with spirit guides; entry into meditation     MG

7.83     Earth Resonance, grounding, "Schumann Resonance."     x

8-10     learning new information     MH

8-13  Alpha     relaxed, tranquil and non-drowsy, inward awareness, bodymind    

8-14     Qi Gong and infratonic Qi Gong machine     QG

8.0     Past life regression     x

8.3     Pick up visual images of mental objects    

9.0     Awareness of causes of body imbalance and means for balance     x

9.41     Pyramid frequency (outside)    

9.6     Mean dominant frequency associated with the earth's magnetic field    


10     enhanced release of serotonin and mood elevator, universally beneficial, use to try effects of other mixes

Acts as an analgesic, safest frequency, especially for hangover and jet lag.

Meg Patterson used for nicotine withdrawal.


10.2     Catecholamines    

10.5     Healing of body, mind/body unity, firewalking

potent stabilizer and stimulating for the immunity, valuable in convalescence.



10.6     Relaxed and alert    

12.0     Centering, doorway to all other frequencies     x

13-30     Normal wakefulness     x

14-16     "associated with sleep spindles on EEG during second stage of sleep"    


14.0     Awake and alert    

15     chronic pain     MG

16     bottom limit of normal hearing     MP2

18-22 Beta     outward awareness, sensory data    

20     fatigue, energize. Causes distress during labor     EQ

27.5     lowest note on a piano     MP2

30     Meg Patterson used for marijuana     MB3

30 - 190     Lumbago     AT

30-500 High Beta     a few people able to replicate at will    

32     Densitizer; enhanced vigor and alertness     MG

33     Christ consciousness, hypersensitivity, Pyramid frequency (inside)    

35 - 150     Fractures     AT

35 - 193     Arthralgy     AT

35     Awakening of mid-chakras, balance of chakras    

38     Endorphin release     WL

40     dominant when problem solving in fearful situations     EQ

40 - 60     anxiolytic effects and stimulates release of beta-endorphines    


43 - 193     Carcinomatosis     AT

50     dominant frequency of polyphasic muscle activity, mains electrical in

U.K.     EQ

50     Slower cerebral rhythms    

55     Tantra, kundalini     x

60     electric power lines    

63     Astral projection     x

70 - 9,000     Voice specturm     MP1

70     Mental and astral projection    

72     Emotional spectrum    

80     Awareness and control of right direction.

Appears to be involved in stimulating 5-hydroxytryptamine production, with 160 Hz.

Combine with 2.5 Hz.     EQ

83     Third eye opening for some people    

90     Good feelings, security, well-being, balancing    

105     Overall view of complete situation    

108     Total knowing    

111     Beta endorphins

Cell regeneration

120 - 500 PSI     transmutation, psychokinesis    

125     Graham potentializer; Stimulation     MH

126.22     Sun, 32nd octave of Earth year     HC

136.1     Sun: light, warmth, joy, animus     RV

140.25     Pluto: power, crisis & changes    

141.27     Mercury: intellectuality, mobility    

144.72     Mars: activity, energy, freedom, humor    

147.85     Saturn: separation, sorrow, death    

160     Appears to be involved in stimulating 5-hydroxytryptamine production,

with 80 Hz.     EQ

183.58     Jupiter: growth, success, justice, spirituality    

194.71     Earth: stability, grounding    

207.36     Uranus: spontaneity, independence, originality    

211.44     Neptune: the unconscious, secrets, imagination, spiritual love    

221.23     Venus: beauty, love, sexuality, sensuality, harmony    

250     Elevate and revitalize    

272     33rd octave of Earth year     HC

384     "Gurdjieff vibration associated with root chakra. Sixth harmonic of

six, center of the brainwave spectrum."     RP

396     G (musical note)     PL

405     Violet     PL

420.82     Moon: love, sensitivity, femininity, anima    

438     Indigo    

440     A (musical note)    

473     Blue    

495     B (musical note)    

527     Green    

528     C (musical note)    

580     Yellow    

594     D (musical note)    

597     Orange    

660     E (musical note)    

700     Red    

704     F (musical note)    

1000     Cerebral neurons    

4,186     highest note on a piano     MP2

16,000 - 20,000     Upper range for normal hearing     MP2
.     .     .
Slower physiological cycles CA

Heart: 76 beats/ min    

Respiratory: 22 cycles/ min    

Kidneys: 24 hour cycle    

Stomach: 3 contractions/ min    

Intestines: 1 contraction/ min    

Muscles: proteins broken down & built every 12 days    

Ovaries: 28 day menstrual cycle    

Red blood cells: 128 day life cycle    

Bone calcium: 200 day replacement




BLOOD     321.9 (E)

ADRENALS     492.8 (B)

KIDNEY     319.88 (Eb)

LIVER     317.83 (Eb)
BLADDER     352 (F)

INTESTINES     281. (C#)

LUNGS     220 (A)

COLON     176 (F)
GALL BLADDER     164.3 (E)

PANCREAS     117.3 (C#)

STOMACH     110 (A)

BRAIN     315.8 (Eb)
FAT CELLS     295.8 (C#)

MUSCLES     324 (E)

BONE     418,3 (Ab)



EARTH NOTE     272.2(C#)     378.5(F#)

SUN NOTE     332.8(E)     497.1(B)

MOON NOTE     421.3(Ab)     None

MARS NOTE     289.4(D)     389.4(G)

MERCURY NOTE     282.4(D)     421.3(A)

JUPITER NOTE     367.2(F#)     473.9(Bb)

VENUS NOTE     442(A)     409.1(G#)

SATURN NOTE     295.7(D#)     455.4(A#)

URANUS NOTE     414.7(G#)     430.8(Ab)

NEPTUNE NOTE     422.8(Ab)     310.7(Eb)

PLUTO NOTE     280.5(C#)     486.2(B)




CROWN     480(15:1)B

unknown     445(1:9)Bb (VENUS ORBIT 442)

THIRD EYE     448(14:1)A


unknown     410(1:10)Ab-(VENUS SPIN 409)

unknown     372(1:11)G#(EARTH SPIN 378)

THROAT     384(12:1)G

THYMUS     352(11:1)F#

HEART     341(1:12)F

SOLAR PLEXUS     320(10:1)Eb

DIAPHRAGM     315(1:13)D#

unknown     293(1:14)D+(SATURN ORBIT 296)

POLARITY     288(9:1)D (MARS ORBIT 289)

ROOT     256(1:1)C



Personality                                              C+                          264

Circulation,Sex                                       C#                          586

Adrenals,Thyroid & Parathyroid             B                        492.8 *

Kidneys                                                   Eb                        319.88 *

Liver                                                         Eb                       317.83 *

Bladder                                                     F#                          352 *

Small Intestine                                         C#                          281.6 *

Lungs                                                        A                              220 *

Colon                                                         F#                            176 *

Gall Bladder                                              E                              164.3 *

Pancreas                                                    C#                             117.3

Stomach                                                     A                               110 *

Spleen                                                         B                               492

Blood                                                          Eb                            321.9

Fat Cells                                                      C#                            295.8

Muscles                                                        E                               324

Bone                                                             Ab                            418.3



CHROMIUM     384 ( 3:2 ) G # ( THROAT )

MOLYBDENUM     336 ( 4:3 ) F

CALCIUM     320 ( 5:4 ) E - ( SOLAR PLEXUS )

MANGANESE     400 ( 4:5 ) G #

IRON     416 ( 13:8 ) Ab ( PSYCHIC CENTER/URANUS)

POTASSIUM     304 ( 6:5 ) D #

IODINE     424 ( 5:6 ) Ab

COPPER     464 ( 10:11 ) Bb

PHOSPHORUS     480 ( 16:15 ) B ( CROWN )

ZINC     480 ( 16:15 ) B

SELENIUM     272 ( 15:16 ) C # ( TRANSPERSONAL / EARTH )

RESEARCH WITH SINE SOUNDS ( 1982 - 1988 ) By :  Barbara Hero


Personality                                              C+                            264

Circulation , Sex                                        C#                            586

Adrenals , Thyroid & Parathyroid              B                              492

Kidney                                                      E                               330

Liver                                                         Ab                             198

Bladder                                                      F#                             352

Small Intestine                                           C#                             281.6

Lungs                                                          A                                220

Colon                                                           F#                              176

Gall Bladder                                                 E                                330

Pancreas                                                       C#                             117.3

Stomach                                                        A                                110

Spleen                                                            B                                492



ROOT                 C ( 126 cps )     9, 18, 36, 72, 144, 288     ( 252cps )

POLARITY        D ( 283 cps )     4, 8, 16, 32, 128, 256     ( 283 cps )

DIAPHRAGM    D # ( 75 cps      15, 30, 60, 120, 240, 480     ( 300 cps )

SOLARPLEXUS     E ( 161 cps )     7, 14, 28, 56, 112, 224     ( 322 cps )

HEART     F ( 87 cps )     13, 26, 52, 104, 208, 416     ( 348 cps )

THROAT     G (188 cps)     6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 192, 384     ( 376 cps )

VENUSIAN     G + ( 49 cps )     23, 46, 92, 184, 368, 736     ( 392 cps )

GAIA ( EARTH )     G # ( 54 cps )     21, 42, 84, 168, 336, 672     ( 432 cps )

PSYCHIC CENTER     Ab ( 103 cps )     11, 22, 44, 88, 176, 352     ( 412 cps )

THIRD EYE     Bb ( 113 cps )     10, 20, 40, 80, 160, 320     ( 452 cps )

CROWN     B ( 59 cps )     19, 38, 76, 152, 204, 408     ( 472 cps )

TRANSPERSONAL     C # ( 66 cps )     17, 34, 68, 136, 272, 554     ( 264 cps )

DIAPHRAGM2     D # ( 39 cps )     29, 58, 116, 232, 464, 928     ( 312 cps )

POLARITY2     D + ( 36 cps )     31, 62, 124, 248, 496, 992     ( 288 cps )

CROWN     B ( 30 cps )     37, 74, 148, 296, 592, 1184     ( 480 cps )

                Chakra and Brain Frequency list

0.9 euphoria

0.1-1 organ and muscle

0.1-1 Delta range - deep sleep ,lucid dreaming , increased immune system , high level of inspiration , decrease awareness of physical world .

0.5 Very relaxing against head ache ,lower back pain ,thyroid ,reproduction ,excretory stinulat ,whole brain toner

0.5 - 1.5 pain relief

0.5 - 4 low delta range ,deep dreamless sleep ,trance ,suspended animation ,anti aging ,reduce amount of cortisol ,a hormone associated with stress and aging ,increase levels of DHEA .

1.0 Feeling of well being ,pituitary stimulation to release growth hormones .

1.5 Abrihams Universal healing rate

1.8 Sinus Congestion seems to clear centering around .

2.0 Nerve regeneration

2.06 Associated with coccyx ( smaLL triangular bone at end of the spinal column )

2.30 Associated with genitals

2.57 Associated with bladder



    Dr Williams,herbal treatment is the best to shrink pineal cyst naturally.

    Four months ago, I was scheduled an operation to remove a fairly large pineal cyst (approx. 8 mm), which had caused me a great deal of headache and tightness around my head. . My doctor insisted that there was no other choice but to go under the knife and I had reluctantly agreed (after trying several medications to decrease the size of the pineal cyst to no avail). It was approx. 2 months prior to the surgery when my husband comes across dr williams herbal remedies which my husband found and ordered for me online. With the help of my loving husband, I followed the step and procedure on how i should be taking it. and one months later I was scheduled for an scan check: it was shocking. The pineal cyst had completely gone, I had consulted my doctor and cancelled the surgery and with his dedicated counseling guidance I managed to completely treat the pineal cyst from my pineal gland , along with the pain and anxiety that this condition had inflicted on me. Thank you so much for your kind help DOCTOR,for more information on how to get his medication you can visit his blog on

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  3. am shadrack from ohio, thanks to dr osaze who cured me of staphiococos and FUNGAI INFECTION.
    i was having these sickness for over four years, i took so many anthibiotis injections in the hospital, all to no and vail,the saph resisted all medical treatment, until i read about dr osaze's herbal home healing center, on how he has cured so many people of this same ilness, and i surmon courage to contact him, and he sent me the herbal mmedication, after taking the medication for three weeks i was cured.
    incase you wants to contact him for a similar ilness, you can reach him thriugh his phone number +2347089275769 or email:

  4. I was diagnosed of hepatitis b in 2012,I have tried all possible means to get cure but all my effort proved abortive, until a friend of mine introduced me to a herbal doctor from Africa,Dr Eveoko who prepare herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including hepatitis b virus (HBV), CANCER. ALS Hepatitis A,B/C, fertility spell, Herpes HIV and all types of STDs Infections, when i contacted this herbal doctor via his email: he sent me hepatitis b herbal medicine via courier service, when I received the herbal medicine through DHL Postal courier service, he gave me the step by step instructions on how to use it. when i make used of it as instructed by him,i was totally cured from the virus within 10 days of usage. i recomment this great Dr to anyone who is seeking for cure to his\her Ailment Indeed he is a very good man, Contact this great herbal doctor . whats-app him with: +2348022010422. you can also reach me at


  5. I am bold enough among many others to state that there is now a potent cure to this sickness but many are unaware of it. I discovered that I was infected with the virus 3 months ago, after a medical check-up. My doctor told me and I was shocked, confused and felt like my world has crumbled. I was dying slowly due to the announcement of my medical practitioner but he assured me that I could leave a normal life if I took my medications (as there was no medically known cure to Herpes). I went from churches to churches but soon found that my case needed urgent attention as I was growing lean due to fear of dying anytime soon. In a bid to look for a lasting solution to my predicament, I sought for solutions from the herbal world. I went online and searched for every powerful trado-medical practitioner that I could severe, cos I heard that the African Herbs had a cure to the Herpes syndrome. It was after a little time searching the web that I came across one Dr Itua(A powerful African Herbal Doctor), who offered to help me at a monetary fee. I had to comply as this was my final bus-stop to receiving a perfect healing. My last resolve was to take my life by myself, should this plan fail. At last it worked out well. He gave me some steps to follow and I meticulously carried out all his instructions. Last month, to be precise, I went back to the hospital to conduct another test and to my amazement, the results showed that negative,Dr Itua Can As Well Cure The Following Desease…Cancer,Hiv,Herpes, Hepatitis B,Liver Inflammatory,Diabetis,Fribroid,Bladder Cancer,Colorectal Cancer,Breast Cancer,Kidney Cancer,Leukemia,Lung Cancer,Non Hodgkin Lymphoma,Skin Cancer,Uterine Cancer,Prostate Cancer Dercum,fibromyalgia,Get Your Ex Back,Als,SYPHILLIS,Genetic disease,Epilepsy, Parkinson's disease..You can free yourself of this Herpes virus by consulting this great African Herbal Doctor via this e-mail: or call and whatsapp him on +2348149277967 He will help you and his herb medication is sure. he has the cure on all disease .You can talk to me on INSTAGRAM..tashamoore219....

  6. I really appreciate DR AKHIGBE,my name remain LAURIE HUGHES . I will never stop testifying DR AKHIGBE , Happiness is all i see now I never thought that I will be cured from HIV virus again. DR AKHIGBE did it for me I have been suffering from a deadly disease (HIV) for the past 2 years now, I had spent a lot of money going from one place to another, from churches to churches, hospitals have been my home every day residence. Constant checks up have been my hobby not until this faithful day, I saw a testimony on how DR AKHIGBE helped someone in curing his HIV disease in internet quickly I copied his email which is just to give him a test I spoke to him, he asked me to do some certain things which I did, he told me that he is going to provide the herbal cure to me, which he did, then he asked me to go for medical checkup after some days, after using the herbal cure and i did, behold I was free from the deadly disease,till now no HIV in me again he only asked me to post the testimony through the whole world, faithfully am doing it now,all the testimony of DR AKHIGBE is true please BROTHER and SISTER, MOTHER and FATHER he is great, I owe him in return. if you are having a similar problem just email him on or you can whatsApp his mobile number on +2348142454860 He can also cure these diseases like HIVand AIDS,DIABETICES,CANCER, HEPATITIS B ABC,FLU,CANCER,GONORRHEA,LASSA FEVER,GONORRHEA,MENOPAUSE DISEASE, DISEASE SKIN , LOW COUNT SPERM .ETC .piease email whatAPPhim ..+2348142454860 he is a real good and honest man.

  7. Am Hellen, thanks to Dr oniha who cured me of fallopian tube blockage and fibroid with his herbal tuber cleanser. My marriage was on the verge of collapsing, because I was unable to bear a child for my husband. Until I came across Dr ONIHA's recommendation onLine,of how he has helped numerous of childless couples to have children with the help of his wonderful herbal medication, and I contacted him. And he administered his herbs on me.within the space of two months, i became pregnant, I now have a child I can call my own. In case you want to contact him for a similar problem, or all other infertilty issues, you can reach him through his email:
    DRONIHASPELL@YAHOO.COM or call him on +2347089275769

  8. Irrespective of receiving daily oral or future injectable depot therapies, these require health care visits for medication and monitoring of safety and response. If patients are treated early enough, before a lot of immune system damage has occurred, life expectancy is close to normal, as long as they remain on successful treatment. However, when patients stop therapy, virus rebounds to high levels in most patients, sometimes associated with severe illness because i have gone through this and even an increased risk of death. The aim of “cure”is ongoing but i still do believe my government made millions of ARV drugs instead of finding a cure. for ongoing therapy and monitoring. ARV alone cannot cure HIV as among the cells that are infected are very long-living CD4 memory cells and possibly other cells that act as long-term reservoirs. HIV can hide in these cells without being detected by the body’s immune system. Therefore even when ART completely blocks subsequent rounds of infection of cells, reservoirs that have been infected before therapy initiation persist and from these reservoirs HIV rebounds if therapy is stopped. “Cure” could either mean an eradication cure, which means to completely rid the body of reservoir virus or a functional HIV cure, where HIV may remain in reservoir cells but rebound to high levels is prevented after therapy interruption.Dr Itua Herbal Medicine makes me believes there is a hope for people suffering from,Parkinson's disease,Schizophrenia,Lung Cancer,Breast Cancer,Colo-Rectal Cancer,Blood Cancer,Prostate Cancer,siva.Fatal Familial Insomnia Factor V Leiden Mutation ,Epilepsy Dupuytren's disease,Desmoplastic small-round-cell tumor Diabetes ,Coeliac disease,Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease,Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Ataxia,Arthritis,Amyotrophic Lateral Scoliosis,Fibromyalgia,Fluoroquinolone Toxicity
    Syndrome Fibrodysplasia Ossificans ProgresSclerosis,Alzheimer's disease,Adrenocortical carcinoma.Asthma,Allergic diseases.Hiv_ Aids,Herpe ,Copd,Glaucoma., Cataracts,Macular degeneration,Cardiovascular disease,Lung disease.Enlarged prostate,Osteoporosis.Alzheimer's disease,
    Dementia.(measles, tetanus, whooping cough, tuberculosis, polio and diphtheria)
    Hpv,All Cancer Types,Diabetes,Hepatitis,I read about him online how he cure Tasha and Tara so i contacted him on / even talked on whatsapps +2348149277967 believe me it was easy i drank his herbal medicine for two weeks and i was cured just like that isn't Dr Itua a wonder man? Yes he is! I thank him so much so i will advise if you are suffering from one of those diseases Pls do contact him he's a nice man.

  9. I was diagnosed of Herpes 2years ago and I have tried all possible means to get the cure but all to no avail, until i saw a post in a health forum about a Herbal Doctor(Dr imoloa who prepares herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including Herpes, at first i doubted, if it was real but decided to give him a trial, when i contacted Dr imoloa through his Email: he guided me and prepared a herbal medicine and sent it to me via courier Delivery service,when i received the package (herbal medicine) He gave me instructions on how to consume it, i started using it as instructed and i stop getting outbreaks and the sores started vanishing, could you believe i was cured of this deadly virus within two to three weeks and notices changes in my body. Days of using this REMEDY,couldn't believe the healing at first until i see it as my HERPES get cleared like magic Dr imoloa also use his herbal medicine to cure diseases like, HIV/aids, lupus disease, dry cough, fever, Lyme disease, acute myeloid leukaemia, alzheimer's disease, blood poisoning, measles, kidney cancer, kidney infections, diarrhoea, epilepsy, joint pain, mouth ulcer,bowel cancer, discoid eczema, eye cancer, food poisoning, fibroid, hairy cell leukaemia, mouth cancer, skin disease, lung cancer, liver disease, penile cancer, parkinson disease, arthritis, breast cancer, bone cancer hepatitis A.B.C, Diabetes, fatigue, muscle aches, anal cancer, asthma, Contact this great herbal Doctor today the father of herbalism. via Email: or whatssapp him +2347081986098. and get cured permanently He is real..

  10. My name is hoover, my 18 years old daughter, Tricia was diagnosed of herpes 3 years ago. ever since then,we have been going from one hospital to the other. We tried all sorts of pills but all efforts to get rid of the virus was futile. The blisters kept on reappearing after some months. My daughter was making use of Acyclovir tablets 200mg. 2 tablets every 6hours and fusitin cream 15grams. and H5 POT. Permanganate with water to be applied 2x a day but all still show no result. So I was on the internet some months back, to sought for any other means of saving my only child. just then, i came across a comment on dr imoloa herbal treatment and decided to give it a try. i contacted the him and he prepared some herbs and sent it to me together with guidelines on how to use the herbs through DHL courier service. my daughter used it as directed dr imoloa and in less than 14days, my daughter regained her health.. You should contact Dr imoloa today directly on his email address for any kind of health challenge; lupus disease, mouth ulcer, mouth cancer, fever, hepatitis A.B.C., syphilis, diarrhea, HIV/AIDS, Huntington's Disease, back acne, Chronic renal failure, addison disease, Chronic Pain, Crohn's Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, Fibromyalgia, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, fungal nail disease, Lyme Disease, Celia disease, Lymphoma, Major Depression, Malignant Melanoma, Mania, Melorheostosis, Meniere's Disease, Mucopolysaccharidosis , Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Alzheimer's Disease, parkison disease, vaginal cancer, epilepsy, Anxiety Disorders, Autoimmune Disease, Back Pain, Back Sprain, Bipolar Disorder, Brain Tumour, Malignant, Bruxism, Bulimia, Cervical Disk Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, Hypertension, Diabetes, asthma, Inflammatory autoimmune-mediated arthritis. chronic kidney disease, inflammatory joint disease, impotence, feta alcohol spectrum, Dysthymic Disorder, Eczema, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, constipation, inflammatory bowel disease. and many more; contact him on email- also on whatssap-+2347081986098.


    Hello everyone out there, i am here to give my testimony about a herbalist called dr zubby. i was infected with herpes simplex virus 2 in 2013, i went to many hospitals for cure but there was no solution, so i was thinking on how i can get a solution out so that my body can be okay. one day i was in the pool side browsing and thinking of where i can get a solution. i go through many website were i saw so many testimonies about @dr_zubby4 on instagram on how he cured them. i did not believe but i decided to give him a try, i contacted him and he prepared the herpes for me which i received through fedex courier service. i took it for two weeks after then he instructed me to go for check up, after the test i was confirmed herpes negative. am so free and happy. so, if you have problem or you are infected with any disease kindly contact him on email via or / whatssapp --+2348070673249
    This testimony serve as an expression of my gratitude. he also have

  12. My name is hoover, my 18 years old daughter, Tricia was diagnosed of herpes 3 years ago. ever since then,we have been going from one hospital to the other. We tried all sorts of pills but all efforts to get rid of the virus was futile. The blisters kept on reappearing after some months. My daughter was making use of Acyclovir tablets 200mg. 2 tablets every 6hours and fusitin cream 15grams. and H5 POT. Permanganate with water to be applied 2x a day but all still show no result. So I was on the internet some months back, to sought for any other means of saving my only child. just then, i came across a comment on dr imoloa herbal treatment and decided to give it a try. i contacted the him and he prepared some herbs and sent it to me together with guidelines on how to use the herbs through DHL courier service. my daughter used it as directed dr imoloa and in less than 14days, my daughter regained her health.. You should contact Dr imoloa today directly on his email address for any kind of health challenge; lupus disease,  mouth ulcer,  mouth cancer, body pain, fever, hepatitis A.B.C.,   syphilis,  diarrhea,  HIV/AIDS,  Huntington's Disease,   back acne,  Chronic renal failure,   addison disease,  Chronic Pain,   Crohn's Disease,   Cystic Fibrosis,  Fibromyalgia,   Inflammatory Bowel Disease,  fungal nail disease, Lyme Disease, Celia disease, Lymphoma, Major Depression,  Malignant Melanoma,   Mania,  Melorheostosis,   Meniere's Disease,  Mucopolysaccharidosis , Multiple Sclerosis,  Muscular Dystrophy,  Rheumatoid Arthritis, Alzheimer's Disease, parkison disease, vaginal cancer, epilepsy,  Anxiety Disorders, Autoimmune Disease,   Back Pain,  Back Sprain,   Bipolar Disorder,  Brain Tumour,  Malignant,   Bruxism, Bulimia,  Cervical Disk Disease, cardiovascular disease, Neoplasms, chronic respiratory disease,  mental and behavioural disorder,     Cystic Fibrosis,   Hypertension, Diabetes, asthma,  Inflammatory autoimmune-mediated arthritis.  chronic kidney disease, inflammatory joint disease,  impotence,  feta alcohol spectrum,  Dysthymic Disorder,   Eczema, tuberculosis,  Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, constipation, inflammatory bowel disease.  and many more; contact him on email- also on  whatssap-+2347081986098.

  13. FINALLY FREE FROM HERPES VIRUSI thought my life had nothing to offer anymore because lifebecame meaningless to me because I had Herpes virus, thesymptoms became very severe and bold and made my familyrun from and abandoned me so they won't get infected. I gaveup everything, my hope, dreams,vision and job because thedoctor told me there's no cure. I consumed so many drugs butthey never cured me but hid the symptoms inside me makingit worse. I was doing some research online someday when Icame across testimonies of some people of how DR Ebhotacured them from Herpes, I never believed at first and thoughtit was a joke but later decided to contact him on the detailsprovided and when I messaged him we talked and he sent mehis herbal medicine and told me to go for a test after twoweeks. Within 7 days of medication the symptomsdisappeared and when I went for a test Lo and behold I wasNEGATIVE by the Doctor Who tested me earlier. Thank you DREbhota because I forever owe you my life and I'll keep ontelling the world about you. If you are going through samesituation worry no more and contact DR Ebhota viadrebhotasolution@gmail. com or WhatsApp him via +2348089535482.he also special on cureing 1. HIV/AIDS2. HERPES 3. CANCER 4.ALS 5. HEPATITIS B 6.DIABETES 7. HUMAN PAPILOMA VIRUS DISEASE(HPV)8. ALZHEIMER 9. LUPUS (Lupus Vulgaris or LupusErythematosus

  14. Never give up in life they all say no cure to HSV 2 which is a big lie I have pass through many process also i never believe there is really cure to HERPES until I meet Dr.Emmanuel the doctor that have been helping many people for many years, I come across this doctor online when I was searching for cure online I found out about this man, and to my greatest surprise this man have the herbal medicine which I have been looking for years I explain my problem to him through the email I found on someone who testify about him also, Dr.Emmanuel write me a reply and explain how the process work so after ordering for the medicine I got it within 4 days and I took it according to the way Dr.Emmanuel instructed, I was so happy after two week I took the medicine there was very big change in my health when I was done with the process I go for test, I found out I am negative that was the day I have the tears of joy you can also get in contact with my doctor through his email now or you can also WhatsApp him +2348140073965. And He a lso have herbs medicine to cured the following diseases; eczema,urethra wart,chronic problems.Herpes, Cancer, Als,Hepatitis, Diabetes, HPV,Infections,ulcer  ETC 

  15. I am so Happy to be writing this article in here, i am here to explore blogs forum about the wonderful and most safe cure for HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS . I was positive to the deadly Virus called HERPES and i lost hope completely because i was rejected even by my closet friends. i searched online to know and inquire about cure for HERPES and i saw Dr ehiaguna testimony online on how he was cured so many persons from Herpes Disease. so i decided to contact the great herbalist because i know that nature has the power to heal everything. i contacted him to know how he can help me and he told me never to worry that he will help me with the natural herbs from God! after 2 days of contacting him, he told me that the cure has been ready and he sent it to me via FEDEX  and it got to me after 4 days! i used the medicine as he instructed me (MORNING and EVENING) and i was cured! its really like a dream but i'm so happy! that's the reason i decided to also add more comment of Him so that more people can be saved just like me! and if you need his help,contact his Email: ( you can contact him on whatsapp +2348073908953 . He also cure the below listed sickness; (1) HERPES, (2) DIABETES, (3) HIV&AIDS, (4) URINARY TRACT INFECTION, (5) HEPATITIS B, (6) IMPOTENCE, (7) BARENESS/INFERTILITY (8) DIARRHEA (9) ASTHMA...

  16. Can't still believe that I got cured from Genital Herpes through herbal treatment from Dr Vadi who I met through the internet, I actually couldn't believe it at first because it sounded impossible to me knowing how far I have gone just to get rid of it. Dr Vadi send me his medicine which I took as instructed and here I am living a happy life once again, a big thanks to Dr Vadi, I am sure there are many herbal doctors out there but Dr Vadi did it for me, contact him , also call or whatsApp him on +2348074133083.  

  17. I have been diagnosed with HIV/Aids 3 years ago and I've become denial at first for a year but later I accepted it and I'm living with depression i have used different type of antiviral drugs and injections and i still have the virus in side of me and wish for permanent cure so I struggled to keep healthy.and I've been very stressed lately I slept with a guy a month ago without a condom I always protected my self but this time he took the condom out without me noticing I became so scared knowing my status and I can't live with my self knowing that I infected one another person I told him that he should take p.e.p anti virus he said no he is clean there is no need unless I know I'm not clean I was so scared not ready to tell him following day took me to his doctor for me to come he is clean he tested in front of me n I fogged my result sent him someone else's result with my name I regret it and I'm scared don't know how to tell him I'm scared can't live with my self knowing that I did what I did after protecting all the guys I've been with for so long it;s about a day for me to tell him that I'm HIV positive I came across testimony of a lady cured of HIV from Dr James herbal mix, I picked up interest and contacted the same Dr James, told him my problems and he asked me some few questions and then said I should send him money to prepare the powerful herbal medicine for HIV and send to me I did,2 days later he courier the herbal mixed medicine to me through DHL and I received the medicine in 3 days. I drank the medicine morning and night as he prescribed for me for 3 weeks and I was cured, I couldn't believe it that HIV/Aids has a permanent cure and I would be cured of HIV/aids when many said there is no cure for the deadly virus. Dr James powerful herbal mix cured me and I recommended him to my friend Gomez who pulled off his condom and had unprotected sex with me, and he was cured too with the same remedy from Dr James herbal mix
    Thanks to Dr James herbal mix and his powerful herbal exploit. At least his treatment cured me of HIV/AIDS completely. Hopefully it will be helpful for you as it happened with me. Dr. James herbal medicine is made of natural herbs, with no side effects, and easy to drink. If you have the same HIV/AIDS or any type of human illness, including Backache, Back pain, Lower back pain, Herpes, Hepatitis, Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Pancreatic cancers, bladder cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer, Glaucoma., Cataracts, Muscular degeneration, Cardiovascular disease, Autism, Lung disease. Enlarged prostate, Osteoporosis. Alzheimer's disease, psoriasis, Lupus, Backache, dementia.kidney cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, skin cancer and skin cancer.testicular Cancer, LEUKEMIA, VIRUSES, HEPATITIS, INFERTILITY WOMEN / LOTTERY.CONTACT EMAIL : +2348152855846

  18. Thankes to Dr OSAZE, who cured me of fallopian tube blockage and fibroid. i married for over eight years wthout a child of my own. because of the problem with my fallopian tubbe and fibroid, until i came in conntact with Dr OSAZE's testimony and recommendations online, on how he has cured and healed so many people of the same illment, and i decided to contact him, and he administered his medicatons on me, and i became pregnant in two monnths. incasse you wannt to reach him for a similar problem, you can call or whatsap him on +2347089275769 or email: DROSAZEHERBAL@GMAIL.COM

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  20. There is a safe & effective Natural Herbal Medicine. For Total Cure Call    +2349010754824,  or email him       For an Appointment with (Dr.) AKHIGBE contact him. Treatment with Natural Herbal Cure. For:Dengue Fever, Malaria. Painful or Irregular Menstruation. HIV/Aids. Diabetics. Vaginal Infections. Vaginal Discharge. Itching Of the Private Part. Breast Infection. Discharge from Breast. Breast Pain & Itching. Lower Abdominal Pain. No Periods or Periods Suddenly Stop. Women Sexual Problems. High Blood Pressure Chronic Disease. Pain during Sex inside the Pelvis. Pain during Urination. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, (PID). Dripping Of Sperm from the Vagina As Well As for Low sperm count. Parkinson disease. Obesity, Lupus. Soreness/Injury  Cancer.  Tuberculosis.  Zero sperm count. Bacteria, Impotence Fertility,Protoplasmic, Diarrhea. Hepatitis A&B, Rabies. Asthma.  Quick Ejaculation. Gallstone, Cystic Fibrosis, Schizophrenia, Crubs, Cirrhosis,  Premature Ejaculation. Herpes. Joint Pain. Stroke. Cornelia Disease, Weak Erection. Ovarian problem,  HeartBurn, Erysipelas, Thyroid, Relapsing polychondritis,  Discharge from Penis. Bronchial Problem,  HPV.  Hepatitis A and B. STD. Smallpox, Staphylococcus + Gonorrhea + Syphilis. Heart Disease.  Pile-Hemorrhoid.rheumatism,  Impotence, thyroid, Autism, Depression,  Sepsis Bacteria,  Penis enlargement, Prostate Problem,  Waist & Back Pain.  Male Infertility and Female Infertility. Etc. Take Action Now. contact him & Order for your Natural Herbal Medicine:  +2349010754824  and email him    Note For an Appointment with (Dr.) AKHIGBE.I suffered in Cancer for a year and three months dying in pain and full of heartbreak. One day I was searching through the internet and I came across a testimony of herpes cure by doctor Akhigbe. So I contacted him to try my luck, we talked and he sent me the medicine through courier service and with instructions on how to be drinking it.To my greatest surprise drinking the herbal medicine within three weeks I got the changes and I was cured totally. I don't really know how it happens but there is power in Dr Akhigbe herbal medicine. He is a good herbalist doctor.

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  23. Dr Itua cures my HIV, I have been an ARV Consumption for 10 years. I have been in pain until I came across Dr Itua on a blog site. I emailed him about my details of my HIV and my location I explained everything to him and he told me that there is nothing to be scared of that he will cure me, he gave me guarantee, He asks me to pay for items fees so when I'm cured I will show gratitude I did and giving testimony of his healing herbs is what I'm going to do for the rest of you out there having HIV and other disease can see the good work of Dr Itua. I received his herbal medicine through EMS Courier service who delivered to my post office within 5 working days. Dr Itua is an honest man and I appreciate him for his good work. My GrandMa called him to appreciate him and the rest of my friends did too, Is a joy to me that I'm free of taking Pills and having that fat belle is a will understand what I'm talking about if you have the same problem I was having then not now though. I'm free and healthy Big Thanks To Dr Itua Herbal Center. I have his calendar too that he recently sent me, He Cures all kind disease Like, Cancer,Weak Erection, Wart Remover,Hpv, Herpes,Alzheimer’s disease,Bechet’s disease,Crohn’s disease,Cushing’s disease, Heart failure, Multiple Sclerosis, Hypertension,Fibromyalgia,Hiv, Hepatitis B, Liver/Kidney Inflammatory, Epilepsy,Blood Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Colo-Rectal Cancer, Brain Cancer, Lung Cancer, Infertility,Parkinson's disease, Lung Cancer, Breast Cancer, Colo-Rectal Cancer, Blood Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Epilepsy disease, small-round-cell tumor Diabetes,Celiac disease, Ataxia, Arthritis, measles, tetanus, whooping cough, tuberculosis, polio, Seizures,Alzheimer's disease,Adrenocortical carcinoma, Asthma, Allergic diseases.Hiv/Aids,Herpe ,Copd, Glaucoma, Cataracts,Macular degeneration,Cardiovascular disease,Lung disease, Enlarged prostate, Alzheimer disease,Dementia,Fibroid,Diabetes,Dercum,Copd,and also Bring back Ex Lover Back. Here his Contact. Or Whats_app Number +2348149277967


  24. It is no secret that I have a very deep and personal relationship with God. I have pushed and resisted that relationship this past year through all the bullshit I have had to go through living with Herpes but once again, God is bigger than my stubbornness and broke through that outbreak cold sore and all I had Genital Herpes. For me personally, hearing over and over how I am not good enough has really invaded my mind in the worst way possible. I completely shut down and I was just waking up like is this how life going to end this temporary herpes outbreak “fuck everybody with herpes if you know what I mean” but let's be honest here...
    It is a cowardly to say no to herbal medicine. It is fear based. And it is dishonest to what my heart wants. Don't build a wall around yourself because you are afraid of herbals made or taking a bold step especially when it's come to health issues and getting cure. So many young men/ women tell me over and over that Dr Itua is going to scam me but I give him a try to today I feel like no one will ever convince me about herbal medicine I accept Dr Itua herbal medicine because it's cure my herpes just two weeks of drinking it and i have been living for a year and months now I experience outbreak no more, You can contact him if you need his herbal medicine for any such diseases like, Herpes, Schizophrenia,Cancer,Scoliosis,Fibromyalgia,Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Syndrome Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva.Fatal Familial Insomnia Factor V Leiden Mutation ,Epilepsy Dupuytren's disease,Desmoplastic,Diabetes ,Coeliac disease,Creutzfeldt–Jakob,Dairies,Lyme Disease,Epilepsy, ,ALS,Hepatitis,Copd,Parkinson disease.Genetic disease,Fibrodysplasia disease,Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Men/Woman infertility, bowel disease ,Huntington's disease ,Diabetes,Fibroid. disease,Lupus,Lipoid Storage diseases( Gauchers disease),Polycystic Disease.,Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy, Ataxia,Cirrhosis of Liver,Arthritis,Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis,Alzheimer's disease,Adrenocortical carcinoma.Asthma,Allergic,HIV, Epilepsy, Infertility, Love Spell,. then what's app.+2348149277967.... My advice to any sick men/women out there is simple... Be Always an open book. Be gut wrenching honest about yourself, your situation, and what you are all about. Don't hold anything back. Holding back will get you nowhere...maybe a one way ticket to lonelyville and that is NOT somewhere you want to be. So my final truth...and I'm just starting to grasp this one..

  25. My name is Donald boykins , and I am here to appreciate Dr Akhigbe for using his herbal medicine to cure my Herpes virus. Is about 3 years and 6 months now I have been living with this virus and it has been a serious problem to me, I was so confused cause i have been taking several drugs to be cured but all of my effort was in vain,one morning I was browsing through the internet then I saw several testimonies about Dr. Akhigbe curing people from Herpes virus and immediately i contacted Dr. Akhigbe on his email:, i told him about my troubles and he told me that i must be cured, he gave me some instructions and which i rightly followed. so he prepared a herbal medicine and sent it to me which i used for 2 weeks and i was cured everything was like a dream to me and my Herpes virus was totally gone, dr .Akhigbe, God bless you and give you more power and ability for more cure.I don't know if there is anyone out there suffering for herpes virus or any of these diseases..DIABETES, CANCER,  HIV/AIDS, HERPES HEPATITiS A AND B. FEVER, EPILEPSY, MENINGITIS, DENGUE SCHIZOPHRENIA, PROSTATE, THYROID, BACTERIA, MALARIA, DICK AND BREAST ENLARGEMENT,MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, TUBERCULOSIS, DIARRHEA, POLIO, LOW BLOOD PRESSURE,  INSOMNIA,ARTHMA, LUPUS,  RABIES, JOINT PAIN, STOMACH PAIN, HYPEROPIA, ANTI VIRUS, MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, HEART DISEASE, CHRONIC DISEASE,EPILEPSY, LUPUS, STROKE, SPINAL CORD INJURY, ECZEMA, KIDNEY DISEASE, ACME,  KAWASAKI, BACK PAIN etc. why don't you contact dr.Akhigbe today and be free from your diseases because he is very good and honest Doctor and he is also called the godfather of herbal root contact him via email; or whatsApp him on                     +2348025012866
